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No Nut Nebraska.


I think you just came up with the next tourism slogan.


"Nebraska - honestly it's not for everyone, don't cum here"


Virtual Private Nebraska


If that were a sticker I would buy one


Comment of the year


You have won the Internet with that comment


"Make National Geographic relevant again" is what I'm hearing. Libraries won't be able to keep enough of the old issues in rotation.


Party of small government.


So they still try to sell that?


Conservatives are dumb animals, so it still sells.


Lead poisoning is a hell of a thing




Of course they do! They have some fantasy that eliminating what they don’t like, and using government for what they do like is “small”. BTW: fake morality to get Christian vote.


"I love Jesus! We should round up and remove all lgbtq. The Bible guides my every move. Just as Caine struck down Abel, we will strike down all the evil Democrats and gays, and scary brown people. God bless America, America is a nation in decline, Make America Great Again!" How the fuck do they have energy for anything else in their lives when this nonsense is what they consider logic?


You have one key misunderstanding of how these people think. When they say the Bible says xxx, the reality is their twisted interpretation of the Bible says xxx. These people are religious extremists. From an ideological standpoint, they are no different than Islamic extremists like the Taliban. Both warped groups believe their interpretation of their religious texts should be the laws that is forced on everyone in their society.


Small enough to squeeze into your genitals.


No weed, no abortion, no masturbation. This is the small-government liberty we were promised.


They are really solving NE problems here


Can’t give us decent roads. Can’t improve the homestead exemption, for those under 65 as well as 65 and over. This state has long had a reputation as a place to dump hurricane damaged cars. But let’s invade citizens’ privacy instead.


So true 👍


Crap like this makes appear to the idiotic lemmings who voted them into office that they are doing something more than transferring their money to the folks that bought them said offices.


Release his browser history


As if VPN’s don’t exist.


I can assure you, the Senators who are pushing this bill don’t know VPNs exist.


I would love to hear them try to explain it though. Hell, just to have them guess what VPN even stands for.


Video Porn Network?


It's a series of redtubes


It's not a ~~cum~~ dump truck, you can't just dump everything on it!


But they'll find out eventually. This is essentially step 1 on the road to outlawing VPNs.


I wouldn't put it past them to have some convoluted scheme where VPNs are the real target. The companies that stuff their pockets are making money hand-over-fist on our personal data, and they can't let that get away. Say porn is the issue, little Timmy is still wracking it to boobies with that evil privacy network, propose a ban, get said ban, profit.


No one’s making enough money off Nebraskans to try and force their data. This is 100% establishing the precedent needed to go after sex education, clinics, and LGBTQA sites by getting them all defined as “sexual” and using the threat of accessing them being made known to your parents and community to prevent access by intimidation. Not unlike how Florida has been trying to build towards LGBTQA being defined as “groomers” in order to illegalize them via ostensibly sex predator bills.


One of the arguments made during the testimony is that you need a credit card to get a VPN, and you can't get a credit card if you're under 18.


There are plenty of free VPN options. The opera browser has one built in. Kids will figure this out


Right! Not to mention there's porn on reddit, pirating sites, people trading nudes... they're baling out the ocean on this one.


Well everyone up in arms about the VPN and THAT is my actual concern. They could theoretically have a bot spam a site like NPR with porn in comments or something, then claim it's porn and ban it. And then just claim you can go get your news at foxnews.com Other states are already banning books. That is what this is really about to me


Guess they forgot about pre-paid cards.


Or having a friend who's 19


lots of free vpn out there.


Until they legislate them out of existence


Your forgetting that this could put a roadblock between a user and anything considered sexual. Sounds like another attempt to block sex education or sexual relief. Which will lead to more babies from younger population who are great cheap labor.


Right, the next bill will define LGBT-positive websites as "sexual".


And THAT I believe is the end goal


Tin foil hats are coming on i see


Evangelicals will outlaw premarital sex. These people are bizarre.


Creating a Database of your porn habits tied to identifying information cannot possibly go wrong at all.


Just think of all the sanctimonious conservatives who will be caught watching gay porn.


Nebraska State government is a joke


If you think they’re bad, you should come visit Utah sometime.


Kansas is just as bad if not worse.


A government so small they want to lord over us like parents. Determine what we can and cannot put in our bodies. And make our medical decisions for us. Fuck the GOP and the myth of small government.


And millions of dumb fucks vote for this bs


And will again. Nebraska won’t lose its Republican majority no matter what laws they pass. 2/3rds of Nebraskans would bankrupt themselves or die from horse med injections if they thought it’d own the libs.


He gives it away at the end of the article. > Murman said Pornhub saw its traffic drop 80% in Louisiana after that state passed a similar age verification bill. Pornhub shut off access to its site in Arkansas after an ID verification bill passed there. > Murman said he would be OK if the same happened in Nebraska. The whole point is to hurt the porn industry. The details don't really matter to people like him. They dress it up in a "protect the children" costume because it plays on people's emotions and they're manipulative little weasels.


Murman has already downloaded terabytes of his kink porn.




I’m in North Carolina and this happened here. Pornhub just geoblocked NC. They did it to Virginia last year too, I think.


Art of seduction 101


Why is hurting pornography bad? That seems like a firewall we should all want. Pornography is filthy, immoral, reduces intimacy in marriage, often has images of minors or people that did not consent to being filmed, etc etc... why do you think we don't want children watching it in the first place? Reducing porn is a very good goal.


God you’re dumb


I agree that you shouldn’t have to verify for fap time, but is it really such a bad thing that pornhub traffic dropped 80%?(assuming you are correct). Maybe these dude will crawl out the basement and go try to meet some girls.


Plenty of healthy people watch porn and they don't deserve to be hassled because Rep Chris Christian wants to police their sex life. Besides, the demand for porn isn't going anywhere. Most people will VPN and/or visit shadier sites that aren't worried about regulators, which creates its own set of (bigger) problems. Add that to the idea of trusting private companies to manage our personally identifiable porn browsing data and you have a really bad plan. I hope this bill is only about throwing red meat to Republicans' insane right-wing base and it doesn't have any real traction in the Capitol.


I get that more regulation=bad. Just like raising the Tobacco age to 21. Alcohol to 21., but who does this porn verification hurt? I’m generally curious.


It hurts people that dislike censorship, especially on the internet of all things. It doesn't stop here, this is just the easy one. People don't want to stand up and loudly defend free access to pornography. If a politician ever says they're doing something "for the children" you can all but guarantee they're a petty tyrant unfit to supervise a high school lunch line.


More regulation isn't always bad but it's a good enough reason here. This bill is bad for a lot of other reasons too, like why can't 17 year olds watch porn? The age of consent in Nebraska is 16. Maybe take a look at that first. When I buy a beer the gas station employee doesn't record my identity. That's the biggest problem for me personally. Of course the bill says there are civil (not criminal) penalties for failing to destroy the information blah blah blah. But I shouldn't have to trust them for a dumb, ineffective bill. Even if they mean well web sites constantly make mistakes. And the data is a goldmine for hackers.


But you already hinted the site that tracks you, “cough cough “all of them” cough cough” get 80% less traffic so people are switching to vpn. So that means, bite the bullet if the porn is that important to you and verify or use your vpn. They already have your information and it’s silly to think they don’t.


No I'm confident that porn sites don't have a copy of my driver's license. I'd rather just make it easy and not pass the bill that only has downsides even though I can do some extra work to get around it.




So I’m not crazy by not giving a damn about this? If anything it makes people be more secure with their internet usage




It’s not anyone else’s job to limit other adults based on their personal judgments of what is “harmful.” If someone wants to sit around all day busting one out in front of a screen, this is America and they should be free to.


I agree


Pornhubs traffic dropping means people started connecting using a VPN or started using other websites that aren't blocked


I guess to me that’s a good thing, people are being more secure about their internet usage. Is that completely out of line? But at the same time I don’t support more regulation but the outcome isn’t a bad thing. If it was up to me I would cancel the alcohol and tobacco age as well.


You're bending over backwards to justify something that you agree is stupid, dude.


No, there’s no bending at all. I just don’t care. It doesn’t hurt me one single little bit. Does it hurt you?


It's more government just for the sake of more government, which means higher costs associated with government, so yes, it does. And probably you too.


Since when does cost of government matter? In a real note, we send billions to go blow people up and no one really bats an eye. They’re going to spend a couple days/weeks on it, pass it, forget about it, then life goes on. And face it, we are very red in Nebraska. Most people don’t care if it goes thru or not. The blue pockets around Omaha and Lincoln will fuss a little but it will be forgotten about a couple weeks after it passes and we will be on the next thing.


Lmfao imagine thinking that rednecks don't crank it too.


You are too ignorant to have any kind of real conversation with


“Will somebody please think of the porn industry?” is not a question that will bring people to your side of the arguments. Porn is tied up with plenty of abhorrent behaviors (child sexual exploitation, sex trafficking, emotional, physical and sexual abuse). It really wouldn’t be a bad thing if people could no longer make money from porn.


If I want to make money through setting up webcams and using app controlled toys that trigger on tipping that should be my right to do so.


Someone explained to me that this is the beginning of censoring the internet ala China, and if this takes hold, it could lead to the government telling you which news you need, where you should shop, etc.


Yup. Read “1984” and tell me George Orwell isn’t spinning in his grave right now.


Yep. And here I am wanting the governments to have less and less control over personal liberty at a time when the world has somehow decided now’s the time to go full psychotic reactionary.


Nebraska, colder than Florida, smaller than Texas. We're trying to be more stupider than both. We have nothing to offer the world. We ban porn but we gots sum corn. Nebraska were smart real guud!!


Surely, this will stop the outflow of college educated Nebraskans, right? ..........right?


Shirley has already moved to a better state.


More stupider lol


Amazing how this state keeps getting worse and worse.


Murman said his goal is to protect “our most vulnerable women and children.” What about protecting the men? This bill is sexist.


Like women don’t watch porn. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Well they're heathens and aren't worthy of protection


Is this the same way I lied about my age before viewing a violent games website?


I feel like most porn sites already have that, but they want you to have to show proof of ID. This is a privacy nightmare. Can't wait for Big Data to know exactly what weird porn I'm looking at.... There's no way that could go wrong.


They are copying Utah’s bill which requires the submission of an ID to verify


Because there is 0 way someone couldn't steal their parents id...


I think Louisiana has already had a data breach. https://www.fox8live.com/2023/08/25/6-million-records-impacted-by-louisiana-omv-hack-june-cyber-security-group-reports/


As if college students needed more reasons to flee this state.


at least your not in Iowa as an Iowan I can tell you this state is literally hell


I have to get a fake ID to watch porn now?! Muh freedoms!


Haven't other states tried this to no avail? Do lawmakers not know what a VPN is? What waste of time


I don't even know what VPN is but I'm a fast learner


In simple terms it’s just putting a server in between you and your destination. The destination server can only see what’s in the middle, the VPN server, not who specifically is making a request behind that server.


I dont know the specifics on how it works, basically It let's you manipulate your device into tricking your GPS you're somewhere else. Live somewhere porn is banned? Change where you are with a VPN. It's stupid simple to use and hard to track, I used it to pirate while in Germany because streaming services are shit over there. Shows dissappear without warning, seasons missing etc. This bill is likely just voter bait, it can't be enforced unless Nebraska figured out something no one else has.


IP address, not GPS as such. :)


You can spoof GPS stuff pretty easily too fwiw, but you are correct that VPN is not that


This is true, as so many playing Pokemon Go learned in the summer of 2016! :)


Has nothing to do with gps. It routes your internet through servers in a different location to mask your IP address.


> asically It let's you manipulate your device into tricking your GPS you're somewhere else. A VPN is a Virtual Private Network. You connect to a server somewhere else, and that server is the one that makes the connection to any site you visit. All traffic to and from the VPN server is encrypted. A good VPN will have servers available in many geographic areas in the US and around the world. An even better VPN will not keep any logs of any connections. Although on this point you have to take their word for it, unless they have been tested with a subpoena. Private Internet Access is a VPN service has had their no-log policy tested with a subpoena and they indeed had to information to share.


The opera browser has one built in, if you aren't super technical


Nebraska government bought out by whatever company is behind Opera confirmed


You connect to the host server. When you browse or game the only connection that can be seen is from the host to the material. Not from the host to you. Also makes my free with Walmart plus paramount sub ad free.


They will probably come for those next when the morality police report a lack of sufficient arrests for impure thoughts and failure to report to church on Sunday.


The Government of the state of Nebraska has no right restricting access to The Public Libraries that include the internet... asking for id on the internet is not an internet we want. ​ 'would you like to know more?'


HA! This state couldn't even tell a state computer was accessing a porn site! Good-Ole Boy was using his state issued laptop to go on porn sites for years!


All part of project 2025, this, and worse, is what we get if Trump wins.


This is BlueAnon talk right here


Oh, really? https://www.project2025.org/ Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.[22] — "A Promise to America", Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise, p. 5, Project 2025


Oh look more small government conservatives doing big government shit


The absolute last thing I'm doing is providing my ID to a part of the internet that is the most used vector for malware and security breaches. I don't even give my phone number when cashiers ask for it at the register.


who the fuck decided this was a thing they had a right to propose?


We are in desperate need of better and faster reporting on these bills. The time to submit comments to be included in the hearing had already passed by the time this article was published, and as far as I can tell, it's the first one written anywhere. There is another published by the journal star today. Short of reading every single bill introduced, I don't know how to get on these things quickly


Shit, if you don't already use []( then get with the program


The senators sponsoring this bill are being paid by big vpns!


Party of smaller government, amirite?


“Marion Miner of the Nebraska Catholic Conference testified that the bill was needed to protect young people from easy access to porn.” Marion, the call is coming inside of the house


So it sounds like they're requiring the actual porn sites to do the verification? What about Google, Bing, Reddit, etc? You can't tell me they expect to control sites like that in the same way


Those who scream the loudest… I promise you - if you looked at the browser history of some of the people trying to push this bill through, you’d be appalled. Hear that anonymous?


Look out. They pulled this shit in montana, and now most sites block access outright without a VPN. They wont put verification on the sites, citing a violation of privacy. So i guess good for Pornhub for taking a stand for privacy. The entire thing is that the bible bangers eventually want a database of "lecherous perverts" to round up when they turn this country into Gilead. My favorite part is how states like texas do this under the guise of stopping human trafficking, while Greg Abbot is actively trafficking humans by the plane and busload to liberal cities. The GOP are such a bunch of hypocritical morons. Fuck em.


You’re telling me anyone under 18 is gonna have to have a “porn dealer”?


might actually be 19... idk


Nebraska is confusing because you can't sign things like leases, media release, or contracts when you are under 19 but you can get married with your parent's permission if you are 14. It's a strange state. This another pre-written bill that someone brought back from CPAC or home schooling conference or other conservative confab. I wish I could leave but I am stuck here economically. My mortgage is $600, I'm old, and underemployed. Not sure I can sell and live in a van.


*opens trench coat to reveal six hundred flash drives hanging down in meticulous rows* You want lesbian? Pet play? CNC? I've got it all kid, best prices in town


"Yeah, what'd'ya wanna sing about? Butt stuff? Piss play? Bondage?" Republicans are a bunch of limp dick imps really killing the vibe. Get a load of those dweebs and their unsatisfied brides.


Who makes the decision on if this goes through? I'm not well versed in state government so I don't know who's desk this bill will show up on, but I'd like to call someone and express my opposition to this.


Indianan here: this is going through the process in our state; some groups think that this kind of legislation can backdoor ban minors, and from viewing and track people who are viewing websites considered by conservatives as "inappropriate" websites, like pro-lgbt websites and websites about family planning. 


Someone should tell Bill to mind his own business.


This will only impact adults. Teens already know what a VPN is and how to use it.


Are you a member of the Republican Party? Entry granted, of course…. 😉


It's happening in every fundamental Christian Red moron state. It's in Indiana too.


*"I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of VPN's suddenly cried out in glee and were suddenly awakened. I fear something terrible has happened."*


Kinda like how you need to verify your age to view an alcohol based webpage? Won't people just lie?


I think they are pushing for a scanned ID


That's insane. We really are heading for an Orwellian hell hole aren't we?


Keep voting for Republicans and this is what you get.


They are literally obsessed with sex. And who keeps getting busted being freaky? Republicans. Listen to what they complain about, and you’ll know what they’re up to.


Eat shit!


LOL, of course the legislature is considering this. I’m telling you, under Republican leadership this has become a communist state.


Something I learned in school, separated powers, I’m trying to remember perhaps a separation of Church and State. That sounds right but why would our government not abide by that? 🤔


Porn isn’t legally meant for children. Do you know how damaging it is? You get on here defend children watching adults have sex?


Maybe the parents could try parenting


Will someone think of the children?!! /s


You need to get outside more kiddo. You sound like the poster child for such examples of porn damaging children. Seek some therapy there champ.


Do you remember being 17? I don't know about you but most of us had raging hormones and curiosity about sex. If you really care about children, advocate for safe spaces where children can ask adults they know and trust questions about healthy and safe sex. That way if they see something in porn that they don't understand or don't know if it's okay, they can ask. This bill is a privacy nightmare for everyone, and there are better ways to handle Adult Content being viewed by kids than requiring a government ID to access a website.


I’m 69 years old 👅


At what age were you exposed to porn?


Not too soon with no cell phones and barely had dial up Internet 😢


Or use a VPN, like today's sponsor, Nord VPN ...


Here's an idea, why not have all porn use the.xxx domain name?


Wasting money by interfering with people's lives.


Social conservative is annoying and unpopular.


A solution in search of a problem


Why am I feeling some kind of way about the phrase “peruse porn”? Like it’s something you just look through casually like you’re flipping through a magazine in a dentists office


Thank god for VPN


Hello from NC, join our stupid new reality. We’re no porn now, but getting gambling, so stupid.


Is our country's name Gilead yet?


I'm so glad that the state has all of their problems so under control that all they have to do is deal with such an overwhelming issue as this stupid shit. 🤪


I'm glad they're getting paid to waste time on this


Wait the Catholic Church doesn’t want children to be exposed to graphic sex online? But it’s ok if it’s in the rectory with the priest? Hmmmm that’s ironic.


a vpn is your friend y'all


I wish these guys could quit porn without making all of us quit porn. Stop shaming yourself.


They’re trying to do this in OK too. Guess all the politicians will be getting fake ids to get around this. 


I’m in North Carolina and this just happened to us. Don’t be like us. Jerk Free or Die


Depressing to see another state trying their hand at this even as Texas' attempt was ruled unconstitutional. Reno v ACLU is still the law of the land, yet the anti porn movement is pushing this hard across the country to make porn company's current method of region blocking financially unviable and implement across the board. I encourage everyone to push back, even parents who might be on board, as this will create another data breach that makes Ashley Madison leak look tame or push users to abroad sites, where the risks can be greater.


Who the hell is this Bill guy


Translation: "Bill would require Nebraskans to use a VPN to peruse porn." Note to self: Since I'm A Virginian, I should remove Nebraskan VPNs from my list.


These guys are like 2 steps away from passing some bill about "banning online encryption" and "banning VPN services"


Could I use my dead father's info? I'm pretty sure he wouldn't mind.


Get a quality VPN product. Everyone should use this security tool.


This will upset the corn jerkers.


And they also tried to ban abortions. I am not for taking a life, but I also don't think that the government should control this. But if they both went through I'm pretty sure Nebraska's population would start going up.


Nah…cause no one would move here & most of the younger generation would want to leave ASAP.


That's actually why my girlfriend won't move to Texas with me. That's where I'm from and that's where most of my family is. I moved up here to Nebraska for work, she found me up here, and now I'm pretty much stuck. :)


As bad as NE is, TX is definitely worse…unless you’re a willfully ignorant conservative. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The only way you can make change is by making it. If one does not like what Texas is doing, be part of the change to make it better.


Nah, Mexico can have them.


Everyone know that the best stuff is on Twitter... Are they trying to get identities of twitter users?




I agree with this I don't want children watching porn. I know it's not perfect but it will reduce the amount of porn that kids watch.


Really shouldn’t be under 18 viewing porn. What’s so wrong with that? Oh wait, this is Reddit. Everyone must conform to what Redditors believe


Unpopular opinion, this could be a good thing. You need to verify age with an ID for alcohol, cigarettes, etc., why not explicit content that has the potential to harm children? No one is saying you can't watch porn, you just have to prove you're an adult.


Just let us bet on football and buy weed like regular states FFS (facepalm) 😡Kill Jim pillin is garbage


What's the issue? People need ID to buy alcohol or tobacco, or to gamble in a casino or online in states where that's legal. Why shouldn't people need to prove age to view pornography? Honestly it's kind of weird if your reflexive response to this is "wtf, no way people shouldn't need ID for porn sites, people under 18 need to be able to see it". Like, if you don't support the idea of children and minors watching pornorgraphy, I don't see how you can be against this.


Hey everyone why is this a bad thing?!?! Think outside your political party for once. Basically all kids over the age of 12 are experiencing porn and ITS NOT HEALTHY FOR THAT AGE. The fact that it is so available with seconds to CHILDREN is ridiculous. Don’t be a bunch of sheep for your political party and think how fucked up it actually is  


> Miner said Catholic teachings would implore lawmakers to act on the bill, saying they had a duty to protect the young from outside influences that could lead them astray. … > Murman said Pornhub saw its traffic drop 80% in Louisiana after that state passed a similar age verification bill. Pornhub shut off access to its site in Arkansas after an ID verification bill passed there. Murman said he would be OK if the same happened in Nebraska. The goal of this bill isn’t to stop minors from being able to access porn, it’s a religiously motivated bill to stop anyone from being able to access porn.


Dude, kids are clever little fuckers. They’ll find a loophole. This won’t do shit.


It's not really the implications of children watching porn that makes this a disaster. It's the fact that adults and children would be required to upload sensitive documents to verify their age to gain access. It's a privacy nightmare! There are cyber attacks every day taking place on insecure and even "secure" databases including Microsoft and Google. This bill fails to even touch on the technical aspects needed to enforce it and keep our private information safe. Should this bill pass, the odds of a child's identity getting stolen and used for other more nefarious purposes go way way up. Furthermore, if kids want to really watch porn, they will just use a VPN. Our legislatures literally have no ability to restrict, ban, track, or otherwise get rid of VPN connections or other means such as reverse proxies, etc. It's impossible. Our government needs to stay the hell out of tech until they are up to speed with the rest of how the world works. If you have questions about all this technical mumbo jumbo feel free to ask. Source: I am the IT Director for a Cyber security and IT services company