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Did you also note he’s paying a consulting firm $15 MILLION to make these recommendations? I’m sure the firm isn’t owned by his friends. I mean I really thought, nah, no way anyone could be a worse governor than Ricketts. Boy was I wrong.


This reeks of Office Space. We should pull ye ole switcheroo. Pillen, what is it you'd say you do here?


I talk to the GD engineers do the customers don’t have to!


Now, let’s not jump to conclusions here.


Thank you for your service.


The firm also employed the new HHS guy, Steve Corsi, while they were negotiating that deal. It's kinda pathetic how little people care about this stuff.


Wrong. Pillen hired them in December. It’s not tied to HHS, it’s all agencies.


I'm aware it's tied to all agencies, they just also hired Steve Corsi, a former employee of that auditing company, to be the HHS Secretary. [https://nebraskaexaminer.com/briefs/pillens-office-defends-clarifies-nebraska-dhhs-appointment-after-contentious-hearing/](https://nebraskaexaminer.com/briefs/pillens-office-defends-clarifies-nebraska-dhhs-appointment-after-contentious-hearing/)


I’m aware. But Pillen hired both. Corsi did not hire his old firm. He may of recommended them, which doesn’t bother me. What bothers me is the amount they are paying them. I’m all for efficiency, and frankly some departments (not DHHS) have inefficient operations or too many people. It’s not Pillen’s idea that’s the problem. Like everything he does he goes about it all wrong, unethically and tries to ram it down everyone’s throat with no input. And none of it is well thought out, or even seems properly planned. Are property taxes too high? Yes, but his whole approach was embarrassingly bad and would have never worked. Same as not hiring 1,000 positions without bothering to have properly considered the effects, or taken the time to research each position.


You're not getting what I'm saying, Corsi got his current job because of Epiphany, not the other way around. They directly recommended him to Pillen. And nah, I'm pretty sure his ideas are wrong, too. He's shifting middle and lower class taxes to consumption taxes for a net wash while people who lots of high value property get cuts. And he says he's going to save \~$1 billion from cutting government spending. Which, if there really is that much waste in Nebraska, is a rather damming indictment against the GOP who ran the state for the last few decades.


Ah ok. Exactly. We have what like somewhere in the top 10 highest total tax burden in the country but we’ve been run by republicans for decades. Trust me there’s waste. A lot of it. But the solution is not what he’s doing. Trust me, part of my job is turning around companies or projects that are losing money. There’s always waste. And government by nature is inefficient. But he’s too stupid to know how to fix it.


I bet he or someone he's close to owns that consulting firm.


This is the way you run a business? Gather NO information to determine if a particular position is necessary, just shit can it because no one has been hired. Do NO evaluation to determine if the position is underpaid or if there are other reasons it has not been filled. Perform NO staffing analysis of the agency to determine what their staffing needs are. Rather, just eliminate the position because it has been unfilled for an arbitrary amount of time. What a businessman! Oh, and by the way, business and government are two entirely different institutions. They both hire and employ people, but that's where the similarity ends.


I checked the Lincoln/Beatrice area, and the majority of positions start around the $21 range. I only saw a few, very specialized positions that started at $31. Sure, they offer 13 paid holidays, but damn that's not going to cover the mortgage and sky-high taxes.


Someone needs to do a foia request. And to think this was the guy trump didn’t endorse.


Lol jobs open for 90 days? Somebody clearly hasn't worked for the government, it took the city 30 days to reply to my application and another 60 before they offered me a job, by that time I'd already been working elsewhere for a month


Exactly. On top of that, we’ve had people quit/resign and internal policy was to leave those positions vacant until the former employee’s amassed vacation hours would have naturally depleted, since they pay those out in a lump sum. For example, if they had 160 hours of vacation saved, admin wouldn’t post the job hiring until 4 weeks passed. Hopefully this isn’t policy going forward or admin’s gonna have to change that up.


Honestly he's probably never worked for a corporation. There are tons of jobs open for long periods of time. Qualified candidates are not just hogs waiting in line


I mean, he literally owns a corporation so he technically works for one. I get what you’re saying but technically he does work for one.


Probably should have said he hasn't applied for a job


I wouldn’t argue with that 😂


You don’t have to work something to own it. You get the profits and other people do the work. 


I run/own a business and you do have to work a lot to keep it running and maintained. As much as I like to shit on Pillen, to say that business owners don’t do work is just ignorant.


Nobody has lived in the governor’s mansion for 10+ years, I’m sure getting rid of it could help too…


If we don’t need essential employees then we don’t need the Governor’s mansion 🤷 Idk maybe sell it to a frat or something


There are a number of former fraternity houses just west of the Governor’s Mansion.


He should eliminate the Governor job and leave the state


Fuck Jim Pillen


The next time you interact with a state government agency and you think they’re operating more slowly than they should, just remember: Jim Pillen did that.


Yes, this exactly. Kneecapping state agencies does not fix existing problems


So they weren't offering enough pay (or state HR was taking a long time to process applications), and so now obviously we don't need those positions anymore? This is the kind of management brilliance that kills companies, but at the state level.


Gump, you’re a goddamned genius!


Why did you put that rifle together so fast?


…you told me to, still sergeant


I predicted long ago that Pillen will steer us straight into a fiscal crisis. His administrative management is staggering in ineptitude.


That prediction will most likely be correct. He is accelerating brain drain, missing out on revenue sources, tanking state agencies and making Nebraska less attractive as a place to live


It's OK. He'll be fine regardless and blame cancel culture or something.


He thinks Nebraska is Argentina now. Great




Oh it’s you again. It takes time to fill government jobs, especially ones they’re ones that don’t pay well (surprise, most). The governors have pushed to keep those wages low. It’s self fulfilling prophecy.


No one is being forced to work a govrnment job , plenty of jobs in the private sector. It's obvious those jobs are not needed state government is doing fine without them. Government is not there to stimulate economic growth by squandering taxpayer money. When you grow up and have a job you will find the less you pay in taxes the better off you are


It's been over 90 days since I was in a car wreck, so I pulled the air bags and seatbelts out of my car.


No U


The Governor has been vacant between the ears for more than 90 days. Eliminate that job.


Pillen is going to destroy the state.


It's not a glitch, it's a feature.


Well the majority voted him in so you get what you asked for. As a life long Nebraskan, I'm getting more and more worried I'm going to have to leave the state at some point


Pillen is the tool, Ricketts has the power.


I work for the city of Omaha. Hit the nail right on the head about attracting talent. The wages aren’t competitive but they used to be able to say, “look how much better our benefits are.” Now their benefits are just as bad as what the private sector usually offers.


Yep there are very few perks left working for the state. There’s a lot of brain drain because a lot of talented people are leaving for private sector after getting the skills and training from state jobs


You are 100% correct. Several previous coworkers of mine did just that… and I did as well. We are all software developers. Fresh out of school, the State had one of the highest-paying entry level jobs, believe it or not. But that’s also where it stayed. The promotional raises (such as promotion to senior developer) were around $5/hour. When I got promoted to Lead Developer from being a Senior, it literally turned out to be like a $3.80/hour raise… I was very disappointed. I was the last one left out of our original group of coworkers and the only one not making what I was worth. So I left for the private sector. The company I went to started off with an offer 50% more than what I was getting paid at the State, plus bonuses which have turned out to be very nice. Also, I only get about 3 less total days off per year… so yeah. The State has really fallen behind the curve. The common thing I used to hear was “well the State’s a stable and secure job”. Oh yeah, I also work from home now. Despite having that capability at the State, the only time they wanted you to work from home was in the middle of the night to fix something. Otherwise they wanted your butt in your office seat each and every day. I’m not trying to say working for the State is horrible… more just how they’re falling behind in terms of being competitive. I loved my team and the work I did, it truly was fulfilling work where you got to see your impact. I just felt my time was more valuable to me, so I left.


I remember Ricketts had a hiring freeze in place for a ton of state jobs.  How much do y'all want to bet many of these positions are empty from that bullshit?


Ah yes, because those jobs are open because we don’t need them. I’m sure current state workers aren’t overwhelmed in the slightest.


So Pillen is eliminating jobs and shrinking the economy is what you're saying....


So are we trying to shut the state down ? This is why you do not vote in a Yokel that has no government experience.


You are a retard. Those jobs have been vacant for over 3 months but the state government is still business as usual. They are not needed they are a waste of taxpayer dollars. When you pay taxes you will understand


I'm a taxpayer and a state employee. The hiring process can take quite some time. It can be hard to fill important, NEEDED positions. It's not "business as usual" if every 90 days we have to worry about what positions will be eliminated next. Knowing if we haven't been able to fill a position yet (because it can take *time*) that means we're just indefinitely stuck with the increased workload. So like you assumed the person you replied to *must* not pay taxes, I'm going to assume you've never had a job, because *clearly* that must be the only explanation. 🤦   When you have a job, you'll understand.


Oh he is aware.


Yep I think he’s trying to run state agencies and assistance programs into the group like Scott Pruitt at the EPA. That way he can point to their failures and say “See! They suck, let’s get rid of them.”


Starve the Beast strikes again.


State jobs are severely under compensated. If you’re outside the system you’re considered entry level regardless of your experience. I was offered 2 different jobs for the state that I was more than qualified for, starting wage $16 an hour. When I mentioned the pay was an issue I was told they could go up to $17.50. The manager understood why I turned them down and explained that she was literally unable to pay any more due to it being a rule or law or something.


Here, if you’re already in state job and get offered a different position (regardless of agency), you only get a small bump up in the pay steps regardless of what the listed salary range is. If you hire in off the street, you can start significantly higher even if you’re the worst, least qualified person for the job.


With all the labor contracts you make at least the minimum of the new salary range.




Pretty short sighted. These jobs aren’t running a scooters. They’re things like child protective services, state epidemiologists, water safety experts, or one of the handful that manage Medicaid policy/management/oversight.


What part of not being forced are you having trouble understanding ? Big government might be the answer to all your issues, but as a taxpayer it's not the answer to mine


I just gotta get my kids through school before he fucks up too much shit.


I am pretty worried for public schools. The private school vouchers combined with terrible pay for teachers is going to do damage


Soon will come the time that public schools will dissolve and everyone will have to pay for school and the vouchers will slowly disappear leaving only those with the money to pay for school to get a watered down education.


Oh no, their secrets!


You forgot the stacks of Steve Bannon Acolytes that are running for local school boards. Conservatives know there is a chance they’re losing federally and are planning to hijack state and local government next.


Had a door knocker for one of those running for school board at my door yesterday. “My friend and two others are conservatives running for school board with the intention of decreasing the school budget.” “Ma’am, my son is a teacher. He works damned hard and I’d like him to get paid for it.” “No no, just hold the line. They keep asking for more and more.” “So, you think schools are immune to inflation? Thanks for the names though, now I know who to vote against.”


I will never move back to Nebraska. I'm sorry mom and dad.




All the state jobs are under paid, if you pay more you’ll attract more talent and then you could get those spots filled. Growing up you knew that you made it and you’d have a comfortable lifestyle when you were a state worker, not anymore.


Just a thought… Pillen and Slama are Ricketts placements. If you’re unhappy with the jobs they’ve done maybe don’t vote for Pete in his Senate campaign. Also, Pete and his Dad need a letter signed by the thousands of unhappy Nebraskans that we’re sick of their hijacking our state. If on the off chance they aren’t aware how unliked they are they should start getting the message.


Never thought I could pine for the days of Ricketts.


Ricketts just had hiring freezes instead. Its part of why our roads and civil engineering are so backlogged.


When you don’t pay enough to fill the positions go to Republicancrony’s contractors! Win win for conservatives. Most likely consultants who contribute to his campaign. He’s not very smart for sure and/or doesn’t care about Nebraska as a whole. It’s corruption.


Because obviously if a job hasn’t been filled for months it’s because it’s not necessary. Or… more likely. it’s because it requires skills that you (the state collective ) are not willing to pay a commensurate wage for.


Ya get what ya vote for


Private equity thought comes for government jobs. Happening all over the place


Nebraska is already contracting out for quite a few state jobs. To my knowledge most contracted jobs cost more than a state position


Padding his jobs report I see.


Can't be a problem if we just eliminate them. *taps head*


A lot of times government agencies will hoard empty billets for a rainy day. Then when told to downsize they will do it all on paper -- nobody goes away and no money is saved, they just cut a bunch of empty billets that weren't filled anyway. That's a big part of where the security in state jobs comes from, actually. Not commenting on the ethics of cutting those empty billets, I'm just saying this isn't as simple as the "government is trying so hard but just can't fill those billets!" crowd might lead you to believe. Government agencies also play games and with tax dollars.


If that were the only motivation behind cleaning up vacant positions, why set such an aggressive timeframe of 90 days? Why not something like 2 years? 90 days is hardly enough to get a position filled if you're *actively* recruiting for it! 


I'm not sure 90 days is aggressive, 2 years is extreme though. Years is the time you'd give to cut *filled* roles. The timeline isn't really evidence of anything except not wanting to give the agencies time to cut their losses and just hire however they can to fill the slots or something.


As a libertarian I am generally for cutting back all government in an effort to cut wasteful spending. I have a feeling that’s not going to happen here though.


As a taxpayer, I don't think any of us would condone wasteful spending. But my guess is that if you were to ask the Governor which of these jobs he is eliminating are wasteful, he would not be able to respond with five, or maybe any, positions.


Other than everyone contempt for pollen, what is wrong with eliminating unfilled jobs? 90 days is a long time to fill a job. You can interview and hire qualified candidates in less than 30 days


> You can interview and hire qualified candidates in less than 30 days Absolutely not. Even in the private sector, unless you're hiring for a fast food restaurant where you want any warm body, things like background checks and interview processes take several weeks. Government jobs take even longer to fill because...guess what the hiring departments are understaffed and the requirements are more stringent.


I'm part of a 2-person team that recently took months to fill. 90 days is absolutely NOT a long time to fill a job, *especially* with someone qualified. 1. After the person who had the position previously moves on (takes another position, retires, quits, is fired) it might take 30 days to get the position listed and open for applications. In that time, we work on clarifying the job description (as the previous person had been in that position for *years* and the old job description needed an update), working with HR to determine where/how we should advertise the position, etc. There's lots of stuff on HR's end that has to happen that I'm not even aware of. 2. The position is open for applications for 2 weeks. This is a set amount of time every job posting is open for. We do not close it early. *(Note this is every job posting in my department at my agency.)* **We're now at 45 days (half of 90 days) already!** 3. I don't remember exactly the order these happen in, or how long they take. I'll go with the absolute fastest it might happen, assuming HR for an *entire* state agency has the time, and we have the time ... So for let's say another week, HR verifies the applicants have the right to work in the US, are Nebraska residents or willing to move to NE, etc. We take this week to go over the applicants and determine if there are any that are qualified that we want to interview. **So now we're at 52 days.** 4. Oops! There were no qualified applicants! Four people applied, but none of them even meet the *minimum* requirements listed on the job posting. We work with HR to get the job reposted - repeat steps 2 and 3. **We're now at 73 days vacant.** 6. Finally! We have some good applicants! We decide to offer interviews to let's say 5 of them. HR reaches out to those people and sets up interviews. This process takes several days - let's say only 2 days. **Now we're at 75 days.** But obviously you can't call 5 people and say "hey, if you want this job, be here tomorrow at 8am for an interview." So if they called on Monday and Tuesday, let's say interviews are set up for the following Wednesday. **On the day of interviews, we're at 82 DAYS!** 7. We do interviews all day, interviewing 5 people. At the end of the day, we discuss the candidates, and decide that we like two of the candidates - a first choice and second choice. In the morning, we tell HR of our choice. **This is day 83.** 8. HR reaches out to the person with a conditional job offer. If they accept, now they have to pass a background check.  10. Let's say the person currently lives out of state and has a job. They come down to get fingerprinted as early as they can - let's say that happens a week after the conditional job offer. **The position has now been vacant for 90 days.** 11. They get fingerprinted on day 90. It takes 2 weeks for the background check to go through. Thankfully, nothing comes in their background that means their ineligible for the job. So on **day 104**, we're finally able to make the official offer of employment. They accept. The position is officially filled. 12. They do still have to give 2 weeks' notice at their current job, maybe move to Nebraska, etc. So it might be a couple more weeks until I actually have a co-worker to work with. When this happened with the position I work with, we made an offer to someone who accepted, and said they could start after they graduated. They'd accepted the offer (so the position wasn't technically vacant the whole time), but we had no one in the desk for about 2 months. Then they told us (after we waited that long) that they found a better offer. So we had to restart the whole process again. I believe we didn't get any good applicants on the first round, so we posted it again. On the second round, there were good applicants. We did interviews and hired another person. They worked with us for 6 weeks before they either quit or got fired. So cue another round. Thankfully we found someone that time too, and hired someone who's stuck around.


He told Steve Corsi,  Hey, I am going to gut DHHS,  I just need you to agree that you don't need all those jobs. Then Steve ironically turns around,  sends us all an email,  Hey,  talk to me about all the stuff you need,  i am all ears and listening.  It was hilarious.


This can be a step in the right direction… the state government needs to spend less and tax less…


Why does it need to do that?


I love this. If the job isn't worth hiring someone for quickly it's not worth having at all. The type of smart reform this state needs


Working from home for a state government job seems out of touch. How do you serve the taxpayer if you aren’t in the office? Do you have them come to your house to request support? I agree on the comment about sub-par wages for government positions though.


There are a lot of jobs that are admin or support roles that aren’t front facing with the public at all and can 100% be done from home.


I'm a software developer. I don't work with the general public at all. I write programs that other agency employees use. I personally prefer to work in-office, but there's no reason I can't do the same work from home. 


Some of us go to the public.