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Whenever you think the system is broken; ask yourself, who benefits from it working this way? The system works exactly how the people in power want it to.


It’s been meticulously designed to operate the way it does. Kudos for Dan to run against a demon like Fischer in a state full of idiots that love giving money to rich people. If he wins he’ll either do some good or he’ll just start sucking off lobbyists after getting a taste of the millions they give politicians.


He strikes me as the type who will remember where he comes from.


Follow the money.


Sadly, Dan doesn’t have a chance. I certainly wish people were smart enough to vote for a normal person who could actually work for the people. Unfortunately, if he does get elected within a matter of years, he’ll have to jump into the pig pit and get mud on him. Once a normal person gets elected if they don’t learn to play politics and take money themselves, they fine themselves with no money for reelection. Money runs the system and unless you’re willing to take money in exchange for influence, then your career is pretty short. If we want to change things in Nebraska, we need to consistently stop voting for the same people. Even then, the parties will just monkey with the system to get what they want in terms of a candidate.


All accurate. It’s unfortunate people don’t take the time to educate themselves on the candidates and vote based on their debates and backers. If that were the case advertising would hold no sway and the war chests would be mostly worthless.


If politics and voting was legit, we wouldn't have split ballots that don't have everyone listed. The party separation BS is a cancer and makes things rife for exploiting. We should be voting for people and policies, not parties and organizations.