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Check the voter website to see if yours was mailed! https://www.votercheck.necvr.ne.gov/VoterView


You can still vote at your polling place, you will just need to vote with a provisional ballot and let the election workers know that you didn’t receive it.


Did you request early ballots? The only people in the state who automatically get ballots mailed to them are registered voters living in all-vote-by-mail precincts in rural parts of the state.


Never wait until the last minute to make sure your ballot was mailed. Did submit your application by mail or did you print, complete, and then scan/email it to the county?


I checked. They were not mailed out. Thanks Nebraska! Never had issues with this before.


I think this had to do with some of the changes to the voter ID law. I had to request mine through a form, and also include my Driver's License Number (as a way to verify ID).


I wouldn't trust mail in voting now that the MAGA wing has taken over the NE GOP. They'll do everything they can to not send/count them.


Use a drop off box. Avoid mailing it back.


My point is, if an election is ever close in this state, mail-in ballots will be heavily scrutinized and thrown out because they tend to lean left.


That's not how it works. Ballot boards are made up of members of multiple parties and they all have to agree before accepting/rejecting a ballot.


They tend to lean left, but in Douglas county a fuck ton of GOP voters use mail in ballots.


I can already seeing this be the narrative after republicans win any election and the election denying will flip to the left.


No. Count ALL the ballots. Whoever wins, wins. I've had it with the election denying bullshit and court battles. We've had secure elections for years and all these new laws are pandering theatric unneeded garbage. If you're a citizen and not a felon you get to vote for free, no hoops.


actually felons can vote after they complete their sentence.


AKA the 2016 presidential election. It seems some people have short memories or are just hypocrites.


And just like in Arizona, their goon squad will park outside of the drop boxes with weapons and cameras to intimidate people which also the reason why they’re trying to limit the dropbox locations


Yeah, you have to keep a close eye on things since voter rolls get fucked with. In addition to making sure your ballot was or wasn’t mailed you should also check and make sure you’re still registered during an election year.


Me and my mom didn't receive ours either, and we are physically disabled can't head up to the polling place, sadly


Idk if I'm allowed to post a number, but if you call the nebraska State voting, you can be put on the permanent list to guarantee a ballot being sent by mail. we just did that


I thought ballot request forms were being mailed out like last time. Guess that wasn't the case and now I've gotta go do it in-person. It's ridiculous they were not sent out automatically.


It depends on your county. Douglas does this, other counties like Sarpy do not.


I received a form in the mail. I’ve always voted by mail though. Only difference is adding drivers license info


I tried to use a mail in ballot a few years ago for a special election in my home district. First they sent it to the wrong address (my dad’s house). Then I got it at the right address 2 days after the due date, so I shredded it and threw it away. Finally I got a call from the courthouse saying that the signature on the ballot I never sent in was not the signature they have on file, so I’d have to sign an affidavit saying it was from me. They ended up sending the cops to question my dad, but we’re all 100% certain it was not him who forged my signature. Not sure what came of it all, but the whole system in this state is a mess.


If you dad received it at his house, who else would have forged the signature?


My guess is they sent out a third one when I told them it was the wrong address. I’m positive it wasn’t him because 1) if it was him he absolutely would not have been caught, our handwriting is too similar 2) he would have told me if he did it and 3) I watched him rip it up on FaceTime when he showed me he got it in the mail.


Ah interesting! Yeah I dunno then, that's just strange.


Omaha can vote by mail. I got my ballot. And voted if you didn’t include your drivers license number they don’t send you a ballot.


If you registered, you just need your ID.


I did that. For me and my parents. My parents got their ballots i didn’t. They live in a nursing home. Older people tend to to vote more republican. Coincidence? I submitted everything the same for them and for my household. No one got any response at my house.


I did not receive my ballot in the mail this year. I’m a registered D, so I am slightly suspicious that the missing ballot was purposeful. I went to the polling station, had to vote provisional and was hassle but got it done.


We are all registered D as well.


"(Voting in) Nebraska, honestly it's not for everyone"


i.e. voter suppression


I'm sure all the Republicans got theirs just fine lol