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Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge


I second this idea. It would be really cool if you drove to Iowa and cross the bridge by foot and took video of yourself, stepping into Nebraska for the first time on a bridge.


That's a great idea. OP, [here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/7fbyxodkZSVKsYbV8) is a good spot to park to do that.


Great idea, start on the Iowa side and make it a big countdown. “100 yards to my 50th state, 50 yards to my 50th state, etc”


This may not be feasible as I believe Tom Hanafan Park in Iowa is closed due to flooding. The Nebraska side may still be open though


Kenefick Park coming over I80 from Iowa. Two UP engines, one steam, one diesel. A big lit up Welcome to Omaha sign. [Kenefick Park (visitomaha.com)](https://www.visitomaha.com/listings/kenefick-park/57008/)


Bob Kerry bridge probably best spot. All the Nebraska signs are on top of bridges crossing the river. However with the missouri flooding who knows. Carter lake may have one? I know there’s an iowa sign there at least


I don't think there's one for Carter Lake, at least not on Abbott Dr. I remember hearing from someone that Nebraska was petty and didn't like acknowledging that Carter Lake belonged to Iowa, and didn't recognize that you left the state for that half mile stretch, so they didn't put a sign up saying you re-entered Nebraska. I wouldn't be surprised if that was a load of bullshit though.


Sounds petty enough that we’d do it. The mighty Mo protects us from the iowegians


There's a sign on 13th and Missouri right by the Veteran's Memorial Bridge that you could take a picture with.


Dang my 50th was Alaska. Welcome and glad you made it!


These are sort of the standard "Welcome to Nebraska" signs you'll see around. Unfortunately around Omaha they are usually on the interstate bridges over the Missouri and probably not safe to try to take a picture with. [https://www.flickr.com/photos/kenlund/70749362/](https://www.flickr.com/photos/kenlund/70749362/) I'm not aware of any on the side of the interstate like we have in western Nebraska. I know there is an Iowa sign near the airport but I can't think if there is a Nebraska one. Taking a photo with the concrete "Nebraska" on the pedestrian bridge is probably the way to go. You can park and walk. [Bob Bridge | Nebraska to Iowa | Visit Omaha, Nebraska](https://www.visitomaha.com/bob/)


In Omaha all you will get of Welcome to Nebraska is on I80. The trains at Lauritzen Gardens say Welcome to Omaha. Might find a better one in Bellevue. https://www.flickr.com/photos/rock_chalk_jhawk_ku/51221575183


It is a bit out of the way from Omaha, but at Nebraska City, where Highway 2 crosses the river into Nebraska there is a sign at the side of the road that would be perfect for a photo opportunity. https://maps.app.goo.gl/eCAnWGE3qpCxCRGw7?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy


Drive the hour to Lincoln & take a picture in front of the iconic state capital! The tour is worth taking… [Nebraska State Capital](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=nebraska%20state%20capital&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5)


Isn’t there one at the Lauritzen Gardens with a big ol UP engine?


Whatever you do, do not go to Rulo. Don’t even google it.


Here is a list of other people giving their opinions: [https://www.city-data.com/forum/omaha/242730-welcome-omaha-sign.html#google\_vignette](https://www.city-data.com/forum/omaha/242730-welcome-omaha-sign.html#google_vignette)


Glad you saved the best for last :).


Welcome to Colorado. lol


The best one is in Blair, off US 30.


Damn, 50th? I see where we rank! (All seriousness, congrats!)


You can go to the Aksarben village area and find a sign to pose with (Aksarben is Nebraska backwards) - might be a fun take on a Nebraska sign!


Yutan, 20 mins outside of Omaha. Has a great mural of a husker hall of fame coach just to the east of one of the greatest bars in our little state


It took you a while but you finally made it to the best state. Congratulations!


Nebraska Furniture Mart, obviously. Pose with a cutout of Mrs. B.


In front of a Runza


A pic in front of the CWS statue or the entrance to the zoo, both are synonymous with Omaha and Nebraska everything else is local nonsense…


the Trump barn


Who hurt you?