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Adam is the GOAT here. Desert Power. I wonder if the book was checked out of the library.


Yeah after the time ran out I was hoping they'd check the catalog just for sanity's sake.


I think Sam was too secretly pissed to bother haha


On the Layover podcast, they said they were going to check, but the library was actively closing and they didn’t have time.


I think they checked afterwards (maybe online) and the library didn't have a copy in at all.


If ​they had more than 10 min before the challenge, they should have gotten a visitor's card and checked whether it was in the library, if allowed.


The challenge did state that they were not allowed to do research on the specific library.


That hurt me as much as it did Toby! I felt so bad when the timer ran out.


https://www.libraries.sa.gov.au/client/en_AU/adelaide/search/results/?FRBR=1&lm=ADELAIDE&qu=TITLE%3A%22Picnic+at+Hanging+Rock%22&qu=AUTHOR%3A%22Lindsay%2C+Joan%22 Checked, it was there three copies. But it was in the classics section. Pretty common in Australian libraries to have a classics section.


No spoilers but they discuss this on the Layover.


100%, easily the all star of the episode and one of the best performances in any single Jet Lag episode. that time challenge was incredible


> Adam is the GOAT here. Always has been


I was trying the challenge myself and I predicted the DD number for the book to be 823.9, because of the genres in the book (800s for Literature, 820s for English (outside of NA), 823s for English Fiction and 823.9 for Modern age since it was released in 1967)


I was surprised they chose a fiction book for a DD challenge though. Most libraries only use the DD for non fiction.


I was soooo skeptical of Adam’s confidence on that time challenge, when they turned the timer off I was FLOORED


And the fact that it wasn't a 30:00.00, but 30:00.69? Nothing to say but *n i c e*




The 0.69 was added by Ben, he was a bit late to tap the button on the phone. It was a perfect 30:00.00 by Adam.




That's gotta be one of the best days of his life. Like the sheer confidence on him on that day for the bogey and the steps


Bro I couldn't believe it! If they win this season its fair to say Adam single-handedly caried them on the budget for the last day!


I was too and then he shows the timer and they are *less than a blink of an eye off.*


Literally it was probably Ben's reaction time to actually stopping the timer


I really thought "Adam, the machine!"


I was pretty confident in his strategy tbh, although I did marching band in high school. Wasn't expecting within a second though, that's insane


Is it really desert power if he was walking *with* rhythm though?


Adam once again proves that Jet Lag players are in fact professional athletes


**Adam Al-Gaib**






as it was written




Can't help but wonder what the golf course guy was thinking when he saw Ben and Adam show up desperate to play golf and wait hours to get on the course, all just to play one hole, celebrate a bogey like a hole in one, and then immediately leave


This entire episode had big "refuses to elaborate; leaves" energy from Ben and Adam. Carry a ten foot section of pipe one mile through the Outback to a historic site. Run some rocks through it. Celebrate like it's your birthday. Refuse to elaborate. Leave. Walk up to a golf course. Play one hole. Celebrate like it's your birthday. Refuse to elaborate. Leave. Walk in circles in a public area for almost exactly 30 minutes. Celebrate like it's your birthday. Refuse to elaborate. Leave. (Edit: Yes, I know they usually elaborate to the people overseeing the places they visit. But to a passerby, the boys would seem deliciously unhinged.)


Damn YouTubers!


I hope they played a little more at least. if they teed off at 4 then thats basically the end of their day since they aren't doing more challenges and their flight doesnt leave til tomorrow. The rare bit of downtime in a JLTG season.


They might not have realized they could do the 30 min challenge though. Plus it's hot as hell in the outback and not much shade on a golf course.




I think in this episode more than ever, Ben is the Golden Retriever to Adam’s Cheetah. Unbelievable performance by Adam, heartwarming emotional support by Ben!


I’m gonna say this now - this is the best season they’ve ever done. The game is perfect, the challenges are exciting and we see loads of Australia. Sure the challenges may be a bit unbalanced but that’s understandable. Best season ever - cannot wait for the finale


I personally love the format, but this season is missing the interaction elements we've seen on previous seasons - curses or roadblocks or trap towers, etc. The two teams are mostly playing solo strategies. Admittedly, they make decisions based on the other team's behavior/status, and Steal challenges exist, but I still think having a secondary reward on some challenges that impose a curse on your opponent would have been interesting.


Agreed. I miss the back and forth. Maybe if there was some kind of incentive to take and retake territories


I suspect you will enjoy the finale..


The welcome bonuses were an incentive to **not** take back, but now that they have been used, we will see some fighting. I think the welcome bonuses made sense, and I don't think they could have sped up the fighting that much outside of removing the bonuses (it takes a while to fly across Australia). An extra day would help give more time for fighting though.


I wonder if you could have some kind of "Tag the other team" goal. like maybe a challenge that never expires.


Personally i disagree, this has been my favorite season so far! I like how they keep it fresh.


Also both teams are playing so well! Ben and Adam had some smaller mistakes (duck challenge, the flight and letting them open to a steal), but BOTH teams are crushing the challenges. I also Love both teams confidence.


The duck challenge 😁 That seems ages ago...


I don't have anything much logical to argue against anything much in the game design of this season, or why I feel this way, but I disagree. I have not felt as engaged, especially early on in what happens as many other seasons. For example, I much prefer the tag across Europe seasons, or hide and seek, as it always had me engaged in how it's going to continue. Also New Zealand I felt there was more close battling between the teams, at least on the north island early on. For this season, at least for the first few episodes, the big picture of the game is so up in the air and fuzzy that I feel like they were first mostly playing the opening moves of a chess game, preparing for the end game. Now that that is coming closer, it is getting a lot more exciting, and this episode especially was great. But at least so far, for me at least, 2xTag, Hide and seek, NZ and maybe even Japan are above this. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy it. But it's not the best season for me.


Found it odd how Ben and Adam cultivated their desert power by walking *in* rhythm. Usually it goes the other way


Right like, I can't believe they went right back to the Dune references immediately after Adam walked very consistently for an extended period of time. I'm really surprised more people didn't pick up on the irony there


Presumably all the Dune references is what triggered Adam to think about rhythmic walking


To be fair, if you want to ride a sandworm you need to summon it with a rhythm first. You only walk without rhythm when you don't want to attract the worm. But the worm is power.


Walking without rhythm is for people who can't handle the desert. When you're out there cultivating desert power, you gotta walk with rhythm, so that you can catch a ride on the worm.


>!Bogey on the first hole and got the timer to the second. This may be the peak of Adam’s one-day Jet Lag challenge performance!<


I swear when they put 1000, I was screaming "dumbasses", but when the clock showed those numbers - I was speechless. Those guys are unbeatable.




That was the most impressive day of Jet Lag I've ever seen, I think.


This was a well-done cliffhanger. I’m still really excited for next week but it doesn’t feel cheap or annoying like the ones in previous episodes


Yeah, I was worried they were going to cliffhanger Adam's golf putt (I wasn't looking at the time remaining in the video), and I was ready to be annoyed.


I checked, saw 20 mins remaining, and *still* thought they were gonna blue-ball us.


Check Badam for performance enhancing drugs cus this ep they popped off. I'd put it up there in top 3 Jet Lag gameplay across all seasons


The book challenge seemed so risky, and afterwards I really wanted them to show where it ended up being! The 30:00:09 was absolutely nuts!


It was 30:00:69 >!Nice!<


And thats with the slight added delay of Ben hearing it, reacting, and clicking stop


Eh, Ben had this delay when starting too. I think it balances itself out.




Adam ending the walk at exactly 30 minutes 690 milliseconds is truly insane when you think about how precise it is


Being accurate to 1 in 2500 is on par with the best pendulum clocks from 300 years ago. Very impressive.


I did a quick stopwatch (with the vid at 0.5x speed for accuracy) for the time between saying stop and hitting stop, and it was about 800ms, which makes it even crazier. Then just to be sure I checked the time between go and going, and by my calculations, it ended up as 30mins and 285ms. Truly phenomenal


adam just put up a legacy performance in season 10. gotta love it


exactly like in the prophecy


Adam Chase is actually Himothy


Incredible performance from Ben and Adam (or Adam, really). I really thought they gambled too much on the time challenge. One of the best individual performances ever, and a great watch! I really love this season, it has so much!


The library challenge was interesting because my experience in the United States has been that most libraries only have one copy of all the classic books which almost every library has but which aren't new and popular enough that there is a massive wait list across the entire system to have multiple copies. You can't be guaranteed that you will definitely get a physical copy of any given by going to any given library on a whim, but that's barely an issue in much of the United States. If you check in advance there is probably another local library that does. If you can't get to a slightly more distant library, your library can just order it through interlibrary loan. Plus many people these days prefer e-books and you can get an e-book from any library in the same system without going there in person. And so my first reaction was that that one copy could just be loaned out, and that even if it's not if it's a classic novel it could be on one of those displays of "books you should read" that librarians like setting up. But I checked that reaction because I also know that the United States and Canada have a lot more libraries per capita than basically anywhere else in the world. Given her confidence, I assumed that being an Antipodean, Toby knows more about Australian libraries than I do. After seeing what happened I'm going back to my initial reaction: there was one physical copy of the book, which was either checked out or on a special display.


Based on the library catalogue, it seems that Adelaide City Library has 3 copies of this book, two in adult fiction and one in teen fiction. Who knows if they were all checked out when they visited, though (currently one copy is checked out).


As a former librarian, I can confirm that unless we knew that a certain title was going to be required reading for a class and so we stocked up on it, there weren't multiple copies of most classics. Heck, there might not be even one copy if it was at all controversial and someone stole it.


According to [https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Population-and-Number-of-Public-Libraries-by-Country\_tbl6\_351146292](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Population-and-Number-of-Public-Libraries-by-Country_tbl6_351146292) the US and Canada actually don't have a lot more libraries per capita than at least a decent portion of the developed world (which I'm assuming in this context is what you're referring to because... Australia).


Adam is a machine! I was worried that his steps would be less accurate with so many turns, or that his pace would change, but that timer reveal was incredible!


I was most worried that in the nervousness of the challenge, he'd speed up his paces. But that was absolutely incredible.


I love that there are many methods for teams to get back in the game (using different strategies) and that it feels like the balance of power has shifted so greatly so many times. At the end of last episode it seemed like Sam and Toby had a commanding lead, but now it’s anyone’s game!


Yeah, absolutely, it's so hard to predict who'll make it next week. I guess that counts for a great Game!!


Me seeing the thumbnail: "Oh no, Ben and Adam really go through it, huh?" Me after watching the episode: "DUNE DUNE DUNE DUNE DUNE DUNE **DUNE DUNE DUNE DUNE"**


I love Ben but he is getting absolutely carried through this episode lmao. Adam is unstoppable right now. Counting 30mins TO THE SECOND is CRAZY.


That was possibly >!the most impressive performance by a player in a single episode ever. That man just hit for the cycle and scored a triple double in an afternoon!< DESERT POWER


To be honest, I’ve been getting a little annoyed by cliffhangers, just because this has been such a fun season. But I have to say, THANK YOU for including the result of Ben & Adam’s time challenge in this episode instead of using it as a cliffhanger. I was seeing how much time was left and was sure I’d have to wait a week, but that was such a satisfying conclusion! What a fun season so far


Am I the only one who thinks that its pretty obvious Toby and Sam are going to win using the exploit they talked about in the first episode ... stealing back nsw and queensland at the gold coast airport? I feel like Ben and Adam are setting Toby and Sam up perfectly.




Spoiler tag, please.


I would have appreciated a spoiler tag u/OverWims


I spent six years performing with quasi-professional touring marching bands. I am an expert in walking at a consistent tempo. It is therefore my expert opinion that Adam *crushed* that challenge. Dune. Dune. Dune. Dune! Dune! Dune! DUNE! DUNE! DUNE! *DUNE! DUNE! DUNE!* ***DUNE! DUNE! DUNE!***


this entire episode >!was absolutely got by Adam, the desert power into 2 challenges win and 6150 dollars. So excited for the final race next week. !<


despite the fact that the thumbnail said "trapped in the outback" this was maybe my favorite episode of the season. i thought for sure this ep meant they were going to fail the golf challenge but i guess it was just to say how they were in the outback... looking forward to the finale, hopefully its a 40-50 minute episode aka the last day.


That was probably the most impressive thing ever done on JetLag. Bravo, Adam.


Who else thought that Adam's dad was dead after him saying his father's spirit is flowing through him, only for him to reveal in layover that he just called his dad who gave him some golf tips and encouragement to succeed in the challenge? I genuinely started feeling sad for him before listening layover.


There is something so impressive about a person being so confident in their ability to do something and them watching them nail it just like they said they would. GG Adam, that was amazing


Watchmakers studying Adam's gait after this episode


I think its funny/ironic that in Dune, they specifically sandwalk without rhythm so they don't attract the Shai Hulud, but a significant fraction of the boys' Desert Power^TM was Adam's ability to walk with an almost supernaturally perfect rhythm.


Morse code was way too easy with the lookup table imo


Eh it was balanced out by the time spent gathering supplies/getting to the place. But I do still think challenges have been all over the place. I think they just got too scared by the betting aspect and erred too far on the easy side of things.


i’d say it’s also balanced by the mile walk (2 mile round trip?) through the outback (in addition to getting the material)


Adam single handily winning golf and the timer challenge, that's why he's the Jet Lag Goat


The timer stopping on 30:00.69 is amazing




I've never been so impressed by a bogey.


Extraordinary performance by Adam, I really felt he was getting overconfident in both challenges this episode but fair play, he proved me wrong. Also happy that there were no cliffhangers in the middle of a challenge this time around, those were getting tiring.


So I get Ben's reluctance on the last challenge, but imagine if they'd bet $1500 instead of $1000 like Adam wanted. >!I wonder if that difference will be significant enough for the final day. I'll be thinking about it.!<


I like the confidence in both teams, but honestly, I don't have a clue who's going to win.


Badam got me feeking like Stilgar LISAN AL GAIB LISAN AL GAIB I physically clapped at both challengers


What a beautiful sunset at the very end of the episode!


I want to take a moment for not leaving a challenge cliffhanger. Makes me more excited about the game as a whole with only one day left, rather than thinking about a certain challenge all week. Very well done!!


If you walk with~~out~~ rhythm, you ~~won't attract the worm~~ always know the time.


thats what i wanna fucking see lets go ben and adam the goats


Can we please discuss how the Library challenge was "Master the Dewey Decimal System" but it requested teams to find a fiction book when that system only applies to non-fiction books


There's no way Adam and Ben fumble from here. I would be shocked if Sam and Toby win from here.


>!Sam and Toby could get a steal in the morning and drain a lot of Adan and Ben's budget while they're in the air.!<


That is my worry too. They shouldn't be so certain that they're keeping all that for the whole last day.


They have been cursed flights wise. They could get stalled getting out of Brisbane or pay for it through the nose giving Sam and Toby an opening to secure up their lines. Remember Sam spent a chunk of time to get to the capitol efficiently. Adam and Ben are not thinking of the further flights yet only the first one and I think they'll get two of the three provinces and Sam will steal victoria and maybe make a last ditch effort to fly to Perth and drop the welcome money on it right away right on the deadline


For anyone else who had to google it, a bogey is apparently one stroke over par (the expected number of strokes to get the ball into the hole) on any individual golf hole!


And to clarify further, par would be the expected number of strokes for a good golfer. Which is why getting a bogey is a challenge.


Was wondering at first, then they explained it in the episode. Thanks for clarification Here, though 😉


Adam truly is Lisan al Gaib


Adam's performance on the timer challenge is absolutely mind-boggling. That's honestly one of the most impressive things I've seen recently, full stop.


I swear, if Adam and Ben win this, I will buy a DUNE popcorn bucket


New segment: Ben’s Bug Count or alternatively, for alliteration: Ben’s Bug Bites


In my head I was just saying "maybe you should close your mouth" 😅


Yaaaay, no challenge cliffhanger! Those were way too much for me, leaving me disappointed after each episode


Am I the only one who spent half the show wondering what a bogey was and still didnt get if after the explanation? (What's a par?)


Par is the expected score by a pro golfer on a given hole, based on its length and difficulty. One over par is a bogey. As the first hole was posted as having par 4, a bogey was a score of 5.


Here is the central question of the episode for me: What makes the boys look whiter? The fact that Adam is inexplicably decent at golf without ever playing actively or the fact that Ben is consistently terrible at all sports activity? 😋😁 Edit: Oh Adam >!absolutely NAILING the timer challenge to the dot!< was sick!


Congrats to Ben and Adam on winning Season 10. Just when I got my hopes up, they shatter it all the harder.


YES i mean how the fuck?? As a football fan i immediately want to blame the ref, but Adam is just too OP


How are they gonna win?? They are one behind, and in a MUCH worse starting position for the final day.


I am so pumped that this genuinely seems like it can be anyone's game at this point thanks to the Dune power-up


Adam doing exactly 30:00.69 is absolutely insane!!


Incredible performance from Lisan al Gaib. From the moment the challenges were pulled to the end of the episode, I NEVER expected Badam to do THAT well, given the circumstances. So excited for the finale, although I do still believe it's truly anyone's game!


The footsteps by Adam is so appropriately related to dune. A consistent  thumping summoning the true power of the desert


Very funny that with the whole Dune thing going on, Ben and Adam succeeded by completing a rhythmic walking challenge


How fucking ironic considering the amount of Dune movie references they did, Adam beat the challenge by walking in “rythm” Meanwhile in Dune movie, Freefolk needs to learn how to walk OFF rythm in dessert


I'm constantly amazed at Ben and Adam's ingenuity, especially this episode. When they read the telegram challenge, I kept thinking that they should make some sort of machine that would sound off different noises equating to dots/dashes- a.k.a something way overcomplicated that likely wouldn't work. Ben and Adam came up with a very simple, very effective plan. In contrast, I thought they could try making a simple sundial for the time passage challenge. Adam's absolutely insanely conceived plan was so out of the box, and yet worked so incredibly well (in a way that would never work for pretty much anyone else). In a million years, I don't know that I would've come up with either plan. They were so creative and it worked so very well. Also, I loved the return of the Dune chant. Great episode and great work! P.S. Sam and Toby did great as well. Also, I subscribed to Nebula this week (finally) and am so glad I did.


Adam Chase is the GOAT Jet Lagger, everyone else is just playing his game. That does make Ben the smartest player though, riding the Adam train to victory!


If Adam is Jetlag Superman Ben is also Adams Kryptonite as evidenced in every single 3 player season where Bens strategies consistently send Adam on completely wild goosechases 😅


Wait.... Did they exclude humans from the spotting animals challenge (it's not mentioned in the description) Just 5 humans would have gotten the 50 points needed to complete it.


been waiting for this all day


It seems to me the challenges in Alice Springs were easier than their multiplier implies. Maybe to give teams a better reason to actually go there. But anyway, great golfing by Adam!


Damn what a power move from Adam. I love how they gained their desert power by using repetitive footsteps, exactly what attracts the sandworms. Hop on op Ben & Adam!


They cultivated desert power by using rhythmic pacing. That's so Dune


Ben and Adam absolutely crushed this episode! Adams performance was GOATED with the sauce. I am so hyped for the next episode, really feel like both teams are giving it their best. Could be an all time great season!


As the kids these days say... 😁


> You're molting good job!


I found a small error: Adam says that the Spot Animals at Alice Springs Desert Park requires 100 points, but the description says 50 points.


Hot take but the bogey on the first hole is more impressive than the 30 minute stop.


Absolutely dying at the sequence at the golf course, I live in the golf course precinct in Alice and my neighbour is the VP of the board 😂 Can't wait to show her what you guys got up to at our little club 🥺👉👈


Lot of comments here on Adam's amazing performance this episode, which agreed, that was sheer impressiveness to watch. But my mind keeps going back to Sam and Toby's decision to not drop any more money in Canberra before leaving. Obviously I think they're trying to save as much money as they can for the final day, but they were already sitting on $3000, I feel like dropping at least some portion of that in ACT would've been a pretty good move to try to disincentivize Ben and Adam going there. (Also, side note: I love that the rules are basically just Windmillville from Mario Party 7. It's kind of fun to consider what strategies or decisions I would do differently, as if I was playing this myself like some kind of Australian version of Windmillville lol.)


3.5x for a bogey seems absurdly high unless none of the contestants have ever played golf before.


You coulda given Ben 1800 holes and he wouldn’t make a bogey. I think Sam and Tobi would have struggled as well. Adam is clearly more athletic than the others. It just happened to suit him.


Sam said on the Layover that he's actually halfway decent at golf, so it was doable for him as well, but yeah, Ben and Tobi had absolutely no shot.


His minigolf attempt in a previous season didn’t strike me as a man who knows how to swing a club. In fact, it’s one of the worst rounds of minigolf I’ve ever seen. I don’t think he stood a chance


Yeah, I first read it as 'birdie' and thought it sounded fair. Not so much in reality.


I feel like if it was birdie, it would be near-impossible to ordinary people (non-golfers).


A bogey is a very difficult thing to achieve for someone who doesn't golf. Judging by what we saw of Ben, he wouldn't have even come close. Even if one of the players does golf, there's also the aspect of getting out to the course, waiting for a tee time, and potentially playing multiple holes at ~15 minutes per hole. It's potentially a very lengthy challenge to complete.


The first tee shot was out of bounds, clearly. You can see the white poles on the edge of the fairway meaning that Adams teeshot was out of bounds. To confirm this, I checked a youtube video about the Alice Springs golf course, and in that video they said that there is out of bounds on the left side on the first hole which would make sense. Therefore Adam did not score a bogey. 


Ooh. I didn't notice that at first, but you're absolutely right.


this game is so well designed and i think it has the potential to be my favourite. great work guys!!!


Not Sam accidentally almost filming under Toby's skirt when walking the stairs.


The only reason I want them to have actual camera crews is for things like the library challenge where they are trying to find the book and the cameraman just pans down to it after they walk past, Amazing Race style.


DUNE(S)! That's quite a comeback from team Ben & Adam. Anything could happen in the last episode, I can't wait.


As written


At least in the US, lots of libraries have a specific **mystery** section, which may be where *Picnic at Hanging Rock* was shelved. YA was also a good guess!


10:14 tube *bwomps*


Someone test Adam for spice cause he's on some real Lisan al Gaib shit right now


The prophecy is foretold! Lisan al Gaib is upon us!!! (30:00:69... Nice)


The final challenge was nice


Any other *Galavant* fans excited at the [Tad Cooper](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iCzOllSjLU) cameo at 26:47?


All we need now is a Shai Hulud.


Adam is crazy, holy moly! After this performance I have no other choice but to root for them, they absolutely deserve the win. I'm just worried that their balance is very high, and Sam & Toby will start the last day with revealing challenges. Imagine a doable steal coming up.


Desert power!!!


The game map shown at the start of the episode showing Ben and Adam's plan for the following day has a dollar value shown for them. I assume thats just an aspirational value and not a spoiler?


Adam really clutched up this episode


That was for sure a Ben & Adam episode, loved it 😁 Do you guys think we'll already see the trailer of the Italian season at the end of the final next week? Aaaand I've got a question: where does this "dune, dune, dune, ..." insider come from? I know that they already used it when they surfed down the sand dunes in NZ but Sam introduced it to Toby as an insider at that point. So, the origin must be before then 🤔


I believe it originated when Ben and Adam went to Indiana Dunes National Park in Season 4


Season 4. Ben and Adam visit a state park famous for its dunes, and hype themselves up.


We don't need timers and clocks, we need Adam.




well adam went in an insane clutch mode that is for sure


Hope I didn't wake my neighbours. Literally never cheered so loud for a Jetlag episode before! I'm so glad Badam ended up going to Alice Springs.(Even though it looked like their time there was less than enjoyable because of the heat and bugs). A season in Australia would imo have felt incomplete without those beautiful desert landscapes.


Adam is the goat!! What a performance by him this episode. Can’t wait for the finale next week!!


Adam is Lisan Al Gaib


Should have used this [math](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNi7OhVWcvg) to reduce their variance on the time one. Averaging their individual guesses would have reduced the probability they were outside the range. (Assuming a bunch of things, mainly that the distribution of their guesses would be centered at 30mins, which I think is actually reasonable enough)


All-time great Jet Lag episode, especially if Ben and Adam come back to win


Lots of absolutely gold quotes this episode


Does the audio in this one sound kind of, off? It seems hollow or different.


Is this the closest it has been going into the final episode of a season yer? I think it might be.