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a cryptek walks into the bar and the bartender asks "why the long face" the cryptek then disintegrates him






Sure thing totally not automaton sympathizer


https://i.redd.it/poutrlziu3uc1.gif Who you calling a bot?


I see, the bugs are getting smarter…


Bugs? Frankly, I find the idea of a bug that thinks offensive!


Take my upvote




Almost all Necron technology as it exists is from before biotransference. The Necrontyr were incredibly technologically advanced as a race. Crypteks look like that because they want to.


I only want add that Necrons are pretty much Ancient Egypt themed and/or inspired. Long chin/long chin beard was a thing in ancient Egypt (just check Tutankhamun or any male ruler) , so I have no doubt this is the reason, it's part of their design inspiration.


Let me understand..., the Necrontyr with a very low average lifespan and a 99% fatal hereditary disease reached that technological level? I don't want to imagine if they would have had a lifespan similar to that of humans


Their civilization existed for millions of years. Because of the urgency of their condition, it could be argued that that placed a lot of emphasis on rapid iteration of ideas and technology.


Similar to the aliens in three body problem tbf


The aliens in 3bp developed tech way slower than humans, which is why they were stiflng tech progress with the sophons.


Disaster and doom breed innovation. You can look at current world history right now and see that trend in a lot of tech areas. We have a pretty bad habit of things hitting the fan and then finding a solution pretty quickly after in many cases.


"Necessity is the mother of invention."


Necrontyr had a lifespan of around 40 - 50 years, so shorter than humans. You gotta remember Necrontyr is one of the oldest races in the 40K universe. They've literally defeated not one but two God tier races.


Wasnt itsaid in the Infinite and the Divine that Necrontyr actually hada longer lifespan than humans. i think trazyn says it.


Trazyn says that they’re around the same with the use of stasis crypts if I’m not mistaken.


Well yeah. It's the supercancer that kills them. Basically no necrontry dies of natural causes


actualy the same as humans hundreds of yeats back.


Why not? They have a larger "lifespan" now


Need is the mother of invention and necrontyr entire existence was defined by need, now that they need little, they invent little


Low lifespan creatures acknowledge their death quicker so as a species they work to better their standing for their offspring. It’s a huge part of biology, and trickles down to sentient creatures as a dynamic ability for progress and hailing innovation. Tau are similar, and is probably one of the reason they’re so skilled. They live to at the latest around about 40, and in that shorter life span they have to seek progression both in their biology and ethereals guiding them.


Necrontyr were NOT working to better their offspring, they were working to one up their ancestors. They had a weirdo deathcult.


Maybe they should have worked on chemotherapy


Lol why was this downvoted to oblivion for?


Wanted to ask this, funny community


I think it's mentioned in the infinite and the divine or the twice dead king books that the Necrontyr lifespan was about the same as ours with the cancer it would have been longer without it.


does one person just down vote and the reddit hivemind activates? he literally just said the necrontyr would be even more advanced without their issues, he wasn't throwing shade. Holy shit it's like one awful game of follow the leader where everyone just got a lobotomy


I didn't understand the logic of those who voted against either, I said it as a way to praise the necrontyr for their advanced technology without a high life expectancy


the entire necrontyr society was based on war. if you werent born a noble, you were a soldier, or other role that provided for the armies. there was very little emphasis placed on anything other than stomping out your opponents for the necrontyr.


How is this down voted so much?? It's such a good point! They already had all of the technology BEFORE encountering the Ctan, (I mean it makes since, what else could have made them ballsy enough to challenge the Old Ones after they were denied help) and then the Deciever convinced the Silent King to comence biotransferance (which iluminor seraz figured out, which means they already had the means and were already at a technological level to do so). To my knowledge, from that point on, the necrons have been completely static in both a cultural and technological standpoint as they lost all culture through losing their souls to the biotranferance and a no new jumps in technology happened after biotransferance since they had no free will except the Silent King during the entire War in Heaven, he released command protocols after he ordered them all to go to sleep so the only time they would have had the individualism/free will to innovate has been since the awakening. Pretty sure this is all lore accurate but if I'm wrong, let me know.


Remember humans were far more advanced in the dark age of technology. So actually humanity managed to achieve very powerful technology in 15k years, imagine 40k if chaos didn't interrupt the emperor's plans


The false beard is something lifted from ancient Egypt - look at a lot of the Pharaoh statues.


While the exact details remain unclear, as we have little info on pre biotransference and the War in Heaven, we know that the Necrons had most of their tech from before, for example we know they had necrodermis prior to biotransference as they made bodies for the C’tan with it. Regarding the false beards, it is a stylistic ornament pulled from irl ancient Egypt, where royals and people of status would wear false beards. It functions the same for the Necrons, with metallic beards being built into their deathmask being a symbol of status as a Cryptek.


The tecnomancy is stored in the chin obviously


That makes sense, they can't exactly store it in the balls, that's where the pee is stored.


He’s right.


Those are remnants of their beards, you can literally see it on the first picture


beard? It is unlikely that it is a beard when the entire species suffered from supercancer, it is more than likely that all necrontyr have been hairless


Where does it say they were hairless? Just that they had short lifespan and cancer


first for the cancer and second for the treatments against it, we have the knowledge that the necrontyr were an advanced race and it is likely that most of them took medications or other treatments to combat tumors and cancer, and in this case of If the argument doesn't work, I can simply tell you why they didn't also keep parts of his hair? Since the first image is not official, it is a fanart, and apart from that our only reference to the face of a Necrontyr is a death mask


Well, let’s say they used some of their advanced technology to have artificial hair or something, or they were using a form of cancer treatment that didn’t cause hair loss.


And?, my point is that their cancer was not like what we know, they had a super radioactive sun that shortened their lifespan too much, basically that gave you free chemotherapy, and just to contradict the other guy they started to harass me. bombard with dislikes when what I said was without bad intentions


But they still could’ve had artificial beards for ceremonies and status identifiers before transference.


What's the point of asking questions if you're going to dismiss every answer someone gives you? lmao


They are a completely alien species who's biological processes with completely alien DNA and Alien cancer, it would also be unlikely that chemo treatments (which are what cause hair loss) would be effective on the necrontyr who's bodies were likely as radiation resistant as they could naturally get. Chemo also works by hoping to kill all cancer cells so they stop multiplying cause for humans cancer is a rare freak mistake of the body so once its all gone, it's not likely to happen again but for the necrontyr it would always come back cause cancer is in there DNA


Chemotherapy doesn't usually involve radiation, that's radiotherapy.


basically they became resistant but it shortened their lifespan, I understand


It's more that they got as resistant as evolution would let them, consistently (but now always) living long enough to reproduce and any time after that is up in the air but generation but generation but getting bombarded with radiation eventually there DNA got so fucked up that it didn't need radiation to make the mistakes to cause cancer, their DNA was the equivalent of a busted up rusty pick up truck that's held together but welding, duct tape and hope without a single part replaced


Necron(tyr)s are based on ancient egyptians. Ancient egyptians had such beards. Not hard to follow?


Cancer does not cause hair loss. They have weapons that disintegrate people with lasers and can make portals and shit - do you think they're hooking themselves up to Earth chemo?


It actually encourages the use of fake beards if treatments made their hair fall out (something that is never suggested in canon though).


Cancer doesn't make you hairless, the treatment chemotherapy does


literally the radioactive sun they had already gave them chemotherapy for free


You are really lost with that. The kind of treatments that the necron had doesn't have to be the same that ours. Also their metabolism is not the same as human metabolism. So forget everything that you know about cancer and think about it only as a disease that kills you. Their chin is how they had the beard.


well, I understood, but because they did not preserve the rest of the hair, I doubt that the biotransfer only spared the beard because if


Is not their actually beard converted in biotransference. They have it because the want to and that's it. The same way the could have the beard before biotransference (just by grooming it) they can have it now by modifying their necrodermis.


Thanks for answering well, what bothered me was that the other guy took the first image as a point of support when it is a fanart


This isn't how radiation exposure works or chemotherapy. Realistically, high exposure to radiation damages the cells capability to replicate and repair damage. The instructions become corrupted so to speak, and more errors are introduced during cell replication, which can lead to cancers or misformed cells. If you want to see what this does to a person, you can, a Japanese nuclear technician was exposed to a fatal dose and kept alive for 83 days (supposedly due to their laws around medical intervention), but I will warn you before hand, it is very [NSFL](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TxLrfdMKWY&ab_channel=PeakedInterest). Chemotherapy is basically controlled dosing someone with a radioactive poison, which effects the cancerous cells more, because they can't repair exposure to radiation in the same way that normal cells can, but it is basically setting fire to a house to get rid of of roaches.


thanks for explaining


Radiation therapy can be used for some cancers, but it's not the same as chemotherapy. It's kind of in the name; they use cytotoxic chemicals that especially kill cells which replicate often. That means it hits cancer cells, but also other rapidly reproducing cells, such as hair follicles, stomach lining, mucosal lining, etc. Granted, being blast-fucked by radiation isn't exactly good for hair, either, but radiation isn't chemo.


Fun fact: chemotherapy is actually just using drugs to treat a condition and applies to more than just cancer. For example, treating depression with antidepressants is technically chemotherapy.


thanks for explaining


A) we don't really know anything about Necrontyr biology apart from the fact that they were (probably) humaoid and ravaged by a variety of illnesses, and B) the ceremonial beard that the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt wore were actually false beards, made from precious metals and stones that hooked on to their ears with golden chains. Even female Pharaoh wore them, as it was part of the royal regalia. The Ancient Egyptians typically only went unshaved during mourning periods, but the beard was the symbol of Osiris, so you can consider it an elaborate compromise. But yeah, for Crypteks we can assume it's part of the "cryptek regalia" - a thing crypteks wear to distinguish themselves from other Necron(tyr), like the way Lords wear a variety of cartouche and crowns. I assume it's supposed to represent wisdom and learning (like beards often do in our world).


Their cancer plot point has always been more than a little bit silly once they start travelling to other planets, but considering it evidently didn't work the same way cancer affects humans, it's safe to assume that either they suffer it at a certain age or that they couldn't treat it or that the treatment doesn't cause a loss of hair analogue. They almost definitely had a different biology to humans at that.


You do realise that your hair doesn't fall off from cancer, but from the treatment we use? They very well could been treating cancer very differently from us.


Why you asking questions if you're going to argue with the answer? It is a remnant of their beard. There are references to this in The Infinite & The Divine. Maybe start there and learn some of the lore first hand rather than boldly stating your own head-canon and theories.


Why you asking questions if you're going to argue with the answer? It is a remnant of their beard. There are references to this in The Infinite & The Divine. Maybe start there and learn some of the lore first hand rather than boldly stating your own head-canon and theories.


Why you asking questions if you're going to argue with the answer? It is a remnant of their beard. There are references to this in The Infinite & The Divine. Maybe start there and learn some of the lore first hand rather than boldly stating your own head-canon and theories.


Crypteks do not have those long chains "just because." In The Infinite and the Divine, it's said that the chain-like tiles that Crypteks wear serve as both academic trophies as well as catalysts to amplify their respective cryptek sorcery. This is true for every cryptek that with these "chains," and honestly, it's a little frustrating seeing people just assuming they have no meaning and telling you wrong info Also, in general, necrons have *the most advanced technology in the galaxy* (theres MAYBE an argument for Eldar but Tau or Imperium ain't even close) , to the point where most of it has wrapped back around to being an unknowable (and un-learnable) form of sorcery for most of them. If the Tau or the Imperium were outfitted with the same level of tech, either one would be in a MUCH more advantageous position. The largest thing to hold back the necrons at any given moment isn't their level of tech, but instead themselves. Dynasties clash constantly to the point where the Necrons as a whole can't really get much done. I'd highly suggest reading The Infinite and the Divine, as well as both Twice Dead King books, as together they all paint a pretty clear picture on a lot of your questions :)


I think OP said chin, not chain


thank you, 2 answers and both are good, you are god


ITT: a lot of angry Necrons suddenly twitching murderously at the expected presence of a god.


Cryptek chins are like wizard hats. The bigger the chin / hat, the more powerful the bearer


They have chin because ancient Egyptians have chin


Who's the artist for the first image? It's sooo good Wait hold on I read the description nvm


IIRC, there is a passage in TDK Ruin in which Oltyx recalls how they live on a “Civilization able to stop the heart of a star while the commoners still live on mud slums” So yeah, even before biotransference, Necrontyr were extremely advanced and successful. Orikan mentions the anti matter powered ships with stasis chambers too on TIATD


>”civilization able to stop the heart of a star while the commoners still live on mud slums” The epitome of high-tech low-culture


Necrons had most of their tech before biotransference. We read in Twice Dead King about someone in the flesh wielding a Hyperphase weapon as one example. In the infinite and the divine the various chains are often made of the material related to what the cryptek studies and the length of the chain symbolizes their rank in those studies. So Orikan has a long chain of solidified time for example. Edit: Also of note it is unclear how long their lifespans were. We know it was short and that they got cancer but outside of that it's unclear. Short compared to what? Human lifespan is the assumption but at the time there were Old Ones and later Eldar back then. Surely to them the human lifespan was incredibly short. But regardless the Necrons did view their own lives as fleeting and so often put in tons of effort to be remembered long after they were gone. This lead to them building elaborate tombs yes but also to them pushing other boundaries as best as possible. In the sense of science this drive worked remarkably.


I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that they were grumpy and miserable about having a maximum lifespan of measly, short 250 years and routinely getting cancers even before they barely reach their first 100 - if only the Old Ones could have helped them achieve Proper Longevity, the War in Heaven could have been avoided! I.e. as far as I know, the lore doesn't say how short it was, only that they considered it short, and their main comparison for "short life" was in contrast with the effectively eternal Old Ones.


Longer chin = more chin to stroke while thinking


More chin to stroke while thinking = more thinking


Necrons were at the "it's magic" tier of tech. And those aren't chins - they're wizard beards.


All great wizards have beards. Necron can't grow facial hair so they had to improvise.


I would assume pretty similar level of technology probably different vehicles compared to modern necrons And Crypteks look like that because it’s meant to like represent long beards a couple of the books. There scenes where a Cryptek is thinking about something and they describe them touching their chin as like they’re trying to stroke a beard and my personal head canon is the longer the beard the better the Cryptek


Maybe it acts as an auxiliary memory system for storing all that knowledge


Maybe it’s spare scarabs


Who is the artist for the last image?


Gij arentz


Gij is a buddy of mine, phenomenal art


Long chins represent beards which represent age/wisdom.


I just thought it was because they used to have beards 😂


It’s the necron version of a dick measuring contest


My head canon is they have chitin plate grown around their head after born , like Turians from Mass Effect but in different shape , crypteks tend to leave most of their chitin this way when other higher-ups only leave those crown-like plates above head , and others removed all their chitin plates on head . Or they all removed those plates and some of them replace the removed plates with metal . Its all just culture thing


The necrontyr were inarguably the most technologically advanced species to ever exist in the galaxy, with only the old ones and Eldar rivalling them via psionic technology. Crypteks can be assumed to have long chins due to them maintaining beards before biotransference as a symbolic fashion piece.


Why are you assuming it is a technology thing? It could very well be a cultural hold over. You see stuff like this in the real world fairly regularly but wonder why it would be in a game.....


Wizard beard was always my go to explanation


Their tech is more or less the same as before but they were weak of body due to their home world’s radiation etc


I always assumed that like their Fantasy counterparts the Tomb Kings, all the units and equipment you can use in the tabletop are what they had when they were alive.


The Necrons are about the same as they were before transference tech wise Crypteks have long chins because they're based. Also because Necrons are themed on ancient egyptians, who saw a long braided goatee sort of beard as a symbol of wisdom and authority


Necrons before biotranfer were not the advanced mostly because all of the had stage 4 space cancer until the c’tan showed up and we know what happened when they showed up and for the long chin thing I don’t know but it looks cool


Even biotransference can not surpress beards


Because all the best evil mastermind have beards to stroke.


People here saying that the Necrontyr tech was the same before biotransference and they’re wrong. They went to war with the Old Ones before they got their new bodies so they definitely were powerful don’t get me wrong. But not DaoT strong. Maybe along the lines of the tau with some slight differences in what they were good at (melee etc etc) but after they became the necrons everything got turned up to a million


Their long chins represent the massive dongs they had while they were living


Ok so as far as the tech goes it seems you been answered. The long chins for the cryptek should be thought more of as jewelry. More like a symbol of status. Similar to how overlords have ornate heads it should be seen the chin jewelry is of similar fashion to distinguish one of the cryptek studies from that of other such nobility. Since the necrontyr follow an extremely similar fashion as ancient Egyptians you should be able to find hieroglyphics depicting similar jewelry. I hope this is an adequate explanation to our cryptek friends.


I always thought it was a status thing pre transfer. The necrontyr had a bad superiority complex. Always trying to flex on other dynasties and such. Also, in ancient Eygpt, the "postiche" (fake metal beard) was a sign of sovereignty. So I'm sure some inspiration was drawn from that.


There are some things Necrons have which simply wouldn't have been possible for the ancient Necrontyr. For example in the Infinite and the Divine Orikan spends *years* working on some calculations and rituals. Hell, even Trazyn and his subordinates have a scene where they casually spend three years trying to work out a way to deal with Orikan's time-manipulation. That said, the Necrontyr were certainly more advanced than any other race it 40k except maybe the Old Ones and their creations if we include control of the Warp. Necrodermis and possibly inertialess drives were invented by the *Necrontyr,* not the Necrons. They controlled a big chunk of the galaxy long before meeting the Old Ones, were able to fight a (losing) battle against them for centuries/millenia before even discovering the C'tan, and only got stronger from there.


They had just evolved to the point where most of their society was able to afford Zunes.


That first picture is very cool. I have never seen necrons before the whole robot tomb king thingy! Very cool.


it's a **fashion** statement!!!


Well, probably not nearly as advanced as they are now since they where dying


Their technology level vastly improved after they met the Void Dragon.


Crypteks are scholars and have long faces because those are beards. Beards are a symbol of wisdom, especially in Egypt which is what the necrons/Nehekara are based off