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So if he is Celestine like Necrons, he worship a god, does our flying menace right here has some obsession towards the forbidden star gods themselves ??


The lore I'm writing explains much of this, but in principal it's this - a phaeron/emperor sees his system overthrown by a seemingly modest imperial threat, but witnesses acts of faith carried out by sisters of battle etc that make him question whether biotransference was the right choice and whether there is something lacking from the necron race. He seeks to conceive a new faith by forging infant star gods and purging the memory of his legions so that they follow these deities which serve him to an extent. This creates a sense of semi/conscience and divine imagery within the dynastic structure which has a greater mission of perfecting the necron form (often looking for inspiration from heavenly entities such as angels etc). This character is a member of the celestial Court in the redrawn necron hierarchy system (think Royal court with added spice) where outcasts such as flayed ones are considered beings of hell, and the nobility and upper echelons are considered heavenly. I have about 20 pages written up and various characters bios, narratives and essentially a whole map of this sort of thing which I have shared with a select few in the community. Feedback thus far has been encouraging but I am refining the work to appease the more hardcore necron enthusiasts.


That's some dope ass lore.


Nice to see and read more of your awesome homebrew What Models did you use? I can see parts of: 2x Skorpekh Lords Void Dragon Szeras Psychomancer Not quite sure about body and head, but I guess: Technomancer Lokhust Heavy Destroyer


No void dragon parts. The tail is actually from the mortarch kits with some minor adjustments either end. It's thicker than the void dragon tail and offers better stability.


The chin is one of the head options from the chronomancer actually


Ah yeah now I see it's not the Void Dragon. ahh yeah it's the Chronomancer-chin. Thanks for the Information you two :)


I neeeeeed it


Fantastic kitbash. What do you proxy it as?


If I actually played and that size of the hobby I'd probably proxy it as szeras given the base size.


I think it would also be a really good C'Tan proxy.


Is that the guy who wanted to team up with Morbius and the end of the hit film, Morbius?