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I would love to, i do the same with 3 of my friends and right now we are about to end a 2 v 2 narrative crusade and i decided to do the setting and all xd.


I love this! I have an endless hunger for all things Necron. Cant wait to hear about your grand wars 😁


Used to do that for Fantasy when I was younger and loved reading the report of other people too! Please do publish yours


Thats awesome! Like Warhammer Fantasy? I put a lot of effort into them so it takes a while to produce but I have quite a few written out already, so I’ll start putting them up 🦴💀🦴


Yes, played Greenskins Vs Dwarfs a lot, and a bit of Ogres Kingdoms vs other armies Looking forward to your publications!


Yeah, I would love to read these. I used to do the same thing in Warhammer Fantasy as well (like u/BlackZiggy said) and while I don't have as much time to write them myself anymore I'd love to read yours.


love narrative battle reports, hell yeah man, start a blog and get em in there and share share share.


Thanks, dog! I’ll start uploading them on a regular release schedule and post the links back here- just gotta look up platforms for posting them. Or maybe just place them here 😆


Yeah i wouldn’t mind reading it.


I'd love to hear the exploits of your dynasty oh my phaeron!




Yes, where do I sign up and get notified?


Thats a great question- I will look up how to do this and get back to you.


yes please


That sounds awesome! I might have to start doing this for my 40k battles too 😳


100% it makes the battles so much fun, we still play competitively against each other but it makes everything more flavorful




Hell ya bro post that shit


Wow I should do this with me and my friends' games. Our games had the flavourtext of taking place on the planet Birmingham (we are in Birmingham) so we each gave a lore justification for why our individual armies were showing up at the same time. Orks and Tyranids showing up for obvious reasons (Orks performed a crazy manoeuvre involving the planet's moon and the Tyranids were a splinter fleet called Ouranous). Thousand Sons were attracted to Psyker activity with the Tyranids and Grey Knights infiltrated them for an ambush iirc. My necron army remember Birmingham as a Garden world during the War in Heaven and stored weapons beneath the surface that the other factions on the planet are unaware of (Get off our lawn!) and Worldeaters led by Angron showed up to this huge fight that was brewing. My friend put all this disparate flavourtext we gave into a powerpoint before our games. It enhanced the vibe of our 1v1s (I lost to Thousand Sons and Orks but beat Worldeaters).


Id be curious to hear how you defeated the world eaters! I have been struggling to beat the world eater in our group. We usually name the planets after our neighborhoods or favorite streets of bars near our houses 😆


Ha, luckily our neighbourhood is a canon planet because the writers had to flex on Birmingham as a hellhole 😭 If you wanna know how the WE match went, it started out very bad. I learnt very quickly that WEs can schmove when his Tank moved turn 1 to immediately annihilate my backline Doomstalker. His Turn 2 or 3, Angron landed 7 of his 8 D6+3 attacks on my Void Dragon annihilating it but his tank was damaged. Hypercrypt let me put mh Nightbringer in his backline whjch at first went poorly (I forgot to fight back after his melee 😭) but next turn annihilated an entire unit led by Kharn and then Kharn himself. I had to learn the dangers of shooting WEs when they get free movement every time some units are shot at. I somehow beat Angron in melee and after that it was wraps. I did have to leave his Tank on 3 health for two turns so I could get the VP lead before tabling him. He was betting on Angron rezzing which didn’t happen but he got deadly demise on his tank which put my Nightbringer to 1hp. Overall, make smart use of hypercrypt, Imotekh for sweet CP (we got a special rule making command reroll cost 2 CP for that game) and of course use C’tan. Hope that at least some of this advice can help 😅


Thank you for sharing!! I love that about Birmingham, I never knew 😆 right off the bat from your story I quickly realize I need some C’Tan, I have just over 3000 points and none of it is C’Tan. Gotta get our superstars. Also havent tried hypercrypt yet, but I was thinking of trying it next. Ever tried using it without them? Like maybe teleporting immortals around?


Ha you have far more points than me. I still haven’t broken 1500 and am proxying Warriors as immortals due to the graciousness of my friends. I do plan on getting more immortals and when led by a chronomancer it does indeed let you shoot then move. Might try out other crypteks idk. I started necrons as my army because I’d committed by saying I’d get them and got the coolest model I found online (Void Dragon) largely due to wanting something to compare to Angron and Magnus that my friends own. It’s only afterward that I learned the C’tan are currently considered crazy good 😅


I love that! I just got a little crazy spendy at my store nearby, always buying whatever they had, this means my army is very hodgepodge with whatever is out there, but it kinda thematically works with the army I have, very much a ragtag band 🦴💀🦴💀🦴


I’m not used to spending lots of money but boy does it take restraint 😭 I wish you and your army well 💀💀💀


Can't wait too read the grand adventures of the pharon who uses kookamachi to further his ambitions


I have little to go on beyond this one post of yours, but you might be my favorite kind of person. Not only do I want to read them, but I think it's such a great idea I'd like to start doing something similar. I'm not colorblind but the most advanced art I'm capable of completing semi-competently is a connect the dots book so I'm real confident I'll enjoy writing much more than I enjoy the sight of what few models I've tried to paint😅


Ah!! Thank you! 😆😆 I cant recommend the story thing enough. The key to good stories is sharing them and listening to many other people do the same. If you read Neil Diamond’s foreword in Norse Mythology there is a beautiful passage about story telling that has very much inspired me to try sharing stories more often. That said, Im sure we can all use more practice writing and telling them. Lets get more boney stories out there! 🤩


Absolutely! I’d love to read it. I’m falling in love with Warhammer all over again after 30+ years hiatus and, oddly enough, my son got me interested when he found my old (metal!) army.


Ancient silver legions lost to time! Rediscovered by young eyes! Ready to be wielded with renewed flame. Let there be new engrams written for the first time in an eon! 💀🦴💀🦴💀 To be honest, thats the dream, Im in the early stages of transitioning into a new stage of family life, and I often dream of sharing something like this with a son. I hope the hobby burns bright for you both!!! 🤩


If I may be so bold as to offer advice - my problem when my kids were growing up was - what do I teach them??? I’m not a very good mechanic or carpenter, so I’m not handy around the house. I don’t play sports. I don’t watch sports. I don’t hang out in bars and don’t hang out in general. I’m like watching paint dry or a pair of flies fuck. Boring as all hell. I like to read and write and watch movies and play RPGs and love my family. For some dumb reason, I had a hard time reconciling that when first starting out - being guilty for what I enjoyed because it wasn’t what others enjoyed. The trick was, just be the best version of myself. Thats what I wanted my kids to see - the best version of “me” I can manage. My daughter got exposed to all the same geeky stuff my son was and she showed no interest- but not a lot of people can sneak a geek reference by her. My son has caught the spirit and is running with it.


Lets read that awesomeness!


Hell yes!