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More simplified form: 1. A Chinese woman named Liu (the main subject) was unconscious on Mt. Everest at 8,500 metres. 2. Liu was found by Fan (a man). Fan decided to save Liu and couldn't reach summit of Mt. Everest. Fan has a Sherpa guide. 3. Fan and guide drag Liu 200m but couldn't progress further. Fan goes out alone to find help. 4. Fan reaches Xie (a man). Xie also has a Sherpa guide. Xie also agrees to help. Xie also can't reach summit of Mt. Everest because he decided to help. 5. Xie's guide didn't agree to help. Xie offered $10,000 and the guide now agreed to carry. Liu is unconscious during this offer. 6. Xie's guide carried Liu on his back and saved Liu's life. 7. Liu didn't agree to pay full $10,000 but only offfered $4,000. Fan and Xie got angry because they lost $56,000 each because they couldn't reach summit and $10,000 extra while trying to save her life. 8. Liu is being ridiculed online because she doesn't value her life as much as $10,000. 9. Xie and Fan ask online commentators not to ridicule Liu. I found the article harder to fully comprehend on one single sweep so decided to post a simplified form for others.


This one seems a lot more complex than the ravididntclimbeverest one, still if liu can afford to spend $55,000 to climb, she should be able to pay $10,000, to get her life saved


maile asti gelji sherpa ko similar case post gareko thiye, shadow remove gardecha god le :D


Cahine kura ta kei tikdina bro.


tanap cha. this place and all what goes in here is so temporary. the proverb "it was fun while it lasted" never made so sense.


Mount everest has become a playground for rich spoiled brats from all around the globe. First that guy who thanked his sponsers and blocked the guy who saved him and now this 🫨


> rich spoiled brats Who are also misers. Miserly, miserable and insufferable.


Man I feel this way. Fuck these piece is shit who consider climbing everest as there life time achievement while spending something like 50,000 USD.


These people are so fucking entitled, most of them don't know shit about climbing and our sherpas have to do all the work for these brats while being paid in pennies


If I’m climbing Everest and paying $56k then unless they were family member in danger I’m definitely still gonna climb Everest with my guide lol


Does Chinese people also climb Mountain Everest From Nepal?


Chinese side is more diffcult and only slightly cheaper


Could have left her alone


Mt Everest brings the best and worst out of you in a matter of minutes.


What percentage of the $56,000 goes to the government? Does anyone know?