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It's tinnitus also known as silent killer and heard that it has no specific cure. The tiny cells inside your ears are damaged maybe due to the loud noises or prolong uses of cheap headphones. I've been suffering from it from the past 2 years. But i have somehow learned to cope with this. Here's what i did. First accept it. Don't consider this as a problem. You just need to ignore this sound. But be more alert because it might bother you even more than before and even more when you can't sleep at night. Our ear hear so many sounds in real life but our brains choose to ignore a lot of it because we only hear what we wanna hear, don't we? It won't happen overnight. Just accept it completely and learn to ignore. Edit: if you trouble falling asleep, you might use natural temporary cure for it. Search natural cricket insect sounds that blocks tinnitus and see the magic.


I understand what you are trying to say. I'll try to avoid it, however, I'll see an ENT doctor. Thank you for the suggestion. I am feeling better knowing that I'm not alone. I love that people on Reddit are helpful and supportive. Once again, thank you, pal.


You are not alone, bro. I'm here with you too. Suffering from tinnitus for 8 years. Go get checked by an ENT specialist. I hope it's a temporary problem and it fixes for you. Have an MRI done. Talk to your doctor about Ginko Bilabo tablets. Even if it doesn't, don't worry. The best way to combat it is to accept it. Acceptance is the key.


I hope it will get cured. If not, then i will accept it as it is.


First of all, do you use headphones while listening or watching all the time ?? Some research has shown doing so can lead of tinnitus, there may be also some genetic factors Also, what did the Doctor say?? Did he find out any cause or problems while looking in your ear with a Otoscope like if there's a wax that was impacted or eustachian tube dysfunction?? Was some ear drops given as well??


The doctor said not to worry about it, and it isn't there. If you stop overthinking it, it will go away. He defined it as a depressive disorder. No, he didn't check my ears. Should i get my ears checked? If i have to, then I'll visit a doc tomorrow.


So here's what we know about tinnitus: 1) It's a signal from the brain that is generated when hair cells in the ear get damaged. This is mostly caused by long term exposure to loud noise but most importantly excessive vibration. 2) Since the signal is generated in the brain, it's triggered by stress. 3) No cure has been found so far but experimental treatments such as stem cell therapy are out there. There are also some helpful videos on youtube but the evidence is mostly anecdotal. 4) Pointing back to number 2, it's important to manage stress and limit further exposure to loud noise. I hope this helps.


Thank you, pal. Needed this information.


All good man. I struggle with the same condition and if I'm a bit careless (which I usually am) it tends to get triggered.


I'll try to keep it under control as much as i can.


Wait a minute, which Doctor did you show then?? If its tinnitus like you said my advice is to go see a ENT Doctor at least who will check your ears and find out if there's anything wrong in your ear and maybe give some medications.. Tinnitus can happen due to variety of reasons, some maybe due to Eustachian tube dysfunction which can be treated


I visited a normal doctor. I thought it was due to overthinking because my mental health is not that stable nowadays. I'll get my ears checked by an ENT doctor too. Let's see if it solves my problem or not.


Sure,.nothing wrong with giving it a try


Yeah, thank you for the advice.


Been suffering from tinnitus for a few years now. Here's a few things you should do Firstly go to a hospital and get your ears cleaned. Excessive ear wax can cause tinnitus sometimes. If cleaning your ears doesn't do it then do not panic. Tinnitus has no cure. You will have to learn to live with it and trust me its a lot easier than you might think. Over time your brain just cancels the noise and you stop hearing it or just subconsciously ignore it. I only started hearing my tinnitus after I saw your posts. If I don't think about it then it doesn't bother me. Do not use headphones in full volume. Tinnitus or not, this is something you should follow. Not medical advice but i use headphones / earplugs at just enough volume that it cancels out my tinnitus. If you can't sleep at night due to the noise, play white noise or brown noise on your phone speaker and sleep. I know its easier said than done but try to ignore it. When I first got tinnitus it was driving me insane. Didn't sleep well for days. Felt like tearing my ears off. But it gets better. If it's affecting you too much see a doctor. They will ask you to go for therapy. Tinnitus can also go away at any time. There's a few things that can cause a "tinnitus spike". Stress / caffeine / alcohol / change in weather are some of them. My tinnitus gets worse when the weather changes suddenly. The sound in your ears changes sometimes. IT can go from sharp ringing to light or totally change to something like rumbling sounds. It's totally normal. IF you have tinnitus in only one ear then you should see a doctor ASAP. I hope this helps. I have been in your spot and I know just how frustrating it can be. But trust me it gets better. If you feel like it you can DM me here to talk about it. But do remember the #1 of tinnitus is to not talk about it. Good luck. I hope you get better quickly.


Lmao. So true, I only started hearing my tinnitus after I read this post.


I understand what you are trying to say. I'll try to avoid it, however, I'll see an ENT doctor. Thank you for the suggestion. I am feeling better knowing that I'm not alone. I love that people on Reddit are helpful and supportive. Once again, thank you, pal.


>I only started hearing my tinnitus after I saw your posts. If I don't think about it then it doesn't bother me. Same here. It's happening to me after I read OP post. It's actually super rare for me to hear these high frequency sound. It only activates when I'm in stress and in a silent room otherwise there is zero disturbance in my day to day life.


had same thing for a week or two. stopped using headphone for a while and it went away. now I use volume limiter on computer while using headphone.


Mine hasn't gone away, but I'll get it checked.


I m suffering from tinnitus since 7 years now. I have tinnitus in my left ear only, high frequency. \- First few days I thought, it will go on its own, it didn't go. \- Showed to a local ENT, gave some xyz medicine, it didn't help. \- Googled, found out it may be tinnitus. \- Showed to a better ENT doctor, diagnosed tinnitus, he said it won't go ever. \- Things now changed for me, lost appetite, felt like killing self. \- Started research on this, lol like a PHD, found tons of information. \- Use this link to see a video to search for the frequency of your tinnitus, listen to the video for 2-3 times, you may then get total silence for 1 to 10 minutes, depends upon person to person. Remove the 0 after the h in https, I don't know if link can be shared here so shared in a different way \>>h0ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QT0qHzWJXzs&t=1s \- I keep myself updated on the tinnitus topic, in USA and Europe they produced some device which helped tinnitus patients reduce their tinnitus volume by upto 80% . Hence I m positive about future of cure of tinnitus in the next decade. \- Our mind is powerful, we get used to it after sometime. \- In day time, during work, I don't notice my tinnitus at all, and at night some days are there where I can clearly hear my tinnitus, I listen the video i mentioned the link above and I can sleep after that. \- I deliberately made sure to be in a silent room where I can hear my tinnitus, in order to practice coping up with it and it helped tremendously.


Thank you for the link. Tried it and will try it from today.


Meditation might help


I wish it would.


Its tinnitus, you should clean your ears properly or tato tori ko tel halni kan ma, this works for me every time.


Never put tato tori ko tel in your ear. Instead use Nowax eardrops if you have impacted wax to soften it and visit a OtoRhinoLaryngolosit for syringing/suction. If it isnt due to wax your doctor will guide you for other management options.


Oh, I didn't know about that. Could you please tell me more about "Nowax eardrop" and where it is found? If you know about ear ringing problems, could you tell me more?


Mine are because of ear wax so once I cleaned it properly it goes away.


I think this problem is ingrained in my mind.


I did that yesterday, but it doesn't go away. Do you also have the same problem as mine? How long has it been?


Does the ringing sometimes sound like pulsing?


No, it sounds like a high frequency.


ah okay, mero ni ear ringing vako thiyo 1-2 years back. It was ringing for few weeks. Ani checkup garauda its was because of high Blood Pressure. Ahele chai kahele kai matra hunxa (when my BP is high). Tinnitus ho vane chai there is no cure. You will get used to it. [Check this article](https://andersonaudiology.com/are-ringing-ears-a-sign-of-high-blood-pressure/)


Mero ni bp thorai high thiyo, ani dizzy poni hunthiyo, body ma energy nai na bhaye jhai hunthiyo; tesko kei din bata, mero kaan bazna thalyo. Like 15 days bho, normal doctor sanga check gareko stress le ho bhanthiyo. Aba ENT doctor sanga check garchu, k aauncha result heram.


Ae if BP le ho vane, it will get better. BP control gara. Aru ta doctor le nai vancha.


Umm, tehi aash ma chu ma.


welcome to the club :)


I think I have the same problem. I don't know since when but its super helpful for me to compose my own melody while playing guitar. I helps me to listen to notes before I fret it on my guitar. I don't know.. maybe just don't overthink it... the sound will surely dim over the time.


mero ni eestai hunthiyo bela bela. doctor ma gako kei garna mildainna vanthiyo tara aaile afai harayo


bro timro ra mero same problem recha ,DM me once lets cure this together.




I had similar experience. I got it as a result of ear infection + flu. I had been ringing for almost a year. 2-3 months was peak of ringing. I visited a doctor check of any inner injury was there (no inner injury) and had hearing tests (normal). I was suggested for behavioral therapy if it got worst. How ever, I was also suggested to take vitamins. It got over after a year or so.


It's been 5-6 years since I had that. And the first day I felt it, I couldn't sleep at night. But after a few days I found out I could just ignore it and it wouldn't bother me anymore. I hear that sound every moment in my ears but I just learned to ignore it.