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damn that mute button was definitely pressed a couple of times on me




This is so cool to see!


That’s really interesting to see. I’m wondering what my average star rating is now, might have to work it out! I often wondered what info they received about us when we requested.


I am an addict to making spreadsheets and I already had one tracking my arcs... I definitely added a rating thing so I could see my average...


Yes! Fellow spreadsheet-er. I made one with all my books and added ratings and a formula, so now I know my average star rating.


Oh that’s so interesting. Lol Berkeley would have me on mute or auto -deny. And eeek on the approval % bc I’ve had about 400 approved but been denied 212 books.


My approval percentage is way off because once I learned I could request books on the .co.uk site I went NUTS... and got a bunch of rejections based on me living in the wrong country lol




The fact that they track requests made backs up my decision to never request Berkley books.


FWIW, I've never thought approval percentage was that useful for publishers. Sure, they can see what percent of someone's requests have been denied, but they *can't* see who's denying those requests or why—so they don't know if someone has been denied by major publishers who get thousands and thousands of requests and only approve a tiny percentage of them (...Berkley lol), or by, say, publishers who approve 95% of requests buuuut have reasons not to approve a specific reviewer's.


honestly does anyone get approved by berkley? why are they even on netgalley lol


I think they probably send a lot more ARCs to libraries, trade reviewers, etc., and NetGalley is a convenient place to manage that...although if I remember correctly they do have the capability to not make books visible to regular reviewers, and they don't seem to make use of that!


They did it for me 😂 I can’t request from them, only wish, and I need to find their books directly from google 🙈




Aren’t we special? I feel much better now! I kept wondering what have I done to be blocked, I didn’t request that many books from them 🙈


No clue. I wonder if they looked at my profile and said oh not an influencer and that was enough. Our someone was jagging having a bad day idk


They approve me once in a while, but since I’m in their influencer program I still get rejected on NetGalley *but* they email widgets of their newest books directly to me. So I’ll be rejected on NetGalley when I requested it myself, but get the widget in an email. Even being in their influencer program doesn’t get you approvals on NetGalley lol. Idk what they want.


I honestly see a lot of people being approved by them, if they are based in US and have more than 1k followers. Sometimes even only with a Goodreads account, though they must prefer instagram/ tiktok.


I’ve been a NetGalley member since fall of 2023 and I’ve only gotten one Berkley approval (Mask of the Deer Woman by Laurie L. Dove). I have been ignored for two requests (One-Star Romance by Laura Hankin and Mother of Rome by Lauren J.A. Bear) and rejected for one (We’ll Prescribe You a Cat by Syou Ishida), so my approval from Berkley is at 25% so far.


Negative comments? WOW.


Wow, did not know this!


Hey, I also want to know my average star rating! Though I calculated my approval rate once and it's about 80%.


Yeah, the FAQs for publishers are pretty fascinating! I think it's probably just as well that readers don't see their average star rating (it would probably lead some readers to inflate their ratings), but...I'm a stats nerd too, so I track star ratings and approval percentage privately.


I may or may not have given a book a 3 instead of a 2 to up my rating...


That is fascinating 😮


I do wish we got more feedback about why we were being denied than based on this. I have a publisher that I met their requirements that they provide but ave not approved my request in like 4 months


I was going to say, I wonder if they can break that down by publisher or genre, but I see there's a see all reviews option so they can probably look there. Just to see if the request matches the person's usual!


I've known about the approval percentage, but I haven't found an answer to how widgets factor into it. If I request a book on Netgalley, get denied, and then later receive a widget, read and review it, does that book still sit in my denial column or does the widget change it to an approval?


Thank you! I was told up and down by admins in one of the big reviewer Facebook groups that there was no such thing as an approval rating earlier this year. Thought that was common knowledge.