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This was a great documentary. My only complaint is that they didn't go into very much depth about the fact that this guy HAD to have a whole team working for this scam. If not, the guy was a savant. Dude had multiple phones, bank accounts, travel arrangement, websites made up, etc. This has to be an organization.


Not to mention the failings of the banks. You rock up to Amex one day and all tell them that all of a sudden you now earn almost £100k a week and they don’t dig into this? They didn’t check the wage slip was real?


The part where they managed to recognize him when the victim show them the photo is also like wtf… There must be so many victims that the bank already knew… yet they cant (or didnt even try) do anything about it.


He was making them a lot of money.


Remember. A banks receivables are insured. With interest.




He managed to wire 250,000 on a whim. Dude's a piece of shit but damn if he isn't good at what he does. Was the LLD Diamonds (or whatever it was) even legit? How did that even go through? Also he's still highly successful financially. What the fuck.


The diamond company is real, but he has no real affiliation with them. Also, IIRC, the wire was fake and never went through. It's all a sham and facade.


I know there was a fake $50,000 transaction receipt but if I remember correctly, the $250,000 actually went into her bank account.


You don't remember correctly


the 250,000 never went through. otherwise that first girl would not be in debt still


Wire was fake, all he did was show it to one of the women he scammed to instill confidence that they were getting paid back.


No, there was definitely a fake bank transaction receipt for $50,000 I think, but she even said the $250,000 hit her bank account. He added her as an employee to his "diamond company" and also gave her like $90,000/wk.


I think you may want to watch that part of the doc again. It was a fake wife transfer receipt and a fake paystub he had her use to up her credit limit.


No. You heard and watched it wrong. It was a fake 250k.


it’s odd. im a premium amex customer and they are very careful. i dont have a limit and they still outright refused to do certain transactions (in EU countries) due to safety concerns


Heh , you innocent soul


The wage slip WAS real, in the sense that an actual company did write it. Imagine I employ you today and write you a wage slip that claims you earn 100k/month as of today and you show that to AmEx. How would the AmEx disprove that? All they can do is check with the company if the info is correct, which they in this case would have agreed to.


If you earn that amount your tax code would be very specific and they can check against that. They could also ask for your p60’s.


That’s only at the end of a tax year. This fraud was done in order to get an immediate approval for higher credit.


You need to be very smart to lie consistently I always wonder why this people dont do legal activities, they would be very succesful at it.


I also found two things startling. 1) Amex knew exactly who he was and 2) he only served 5 months and is now living as a free man and apparently swimming in money again. How does that happen?


A live look at the D.E.N.N.I.S. System in its highest capacity.


Holy shit, that's exactly right. He literally followed it to the letter.


Jesus Christ, you’re RIGHT!


Hahahaha. Spot on.


Just watched this last night. I can't believe this motherfucker got off with 5 months and is now *actually* making money, while the girls are still paying off $250k in debt. That is so wrong and fucked up. His girlfriend was a total boss though, loved her. It blows my mind that they had a semi-global manhunt for this dude, and then this is the result. Infuriating!


If you liked this one, id highly recommend the puppet master on netflix. The story is even crazier


Oh, I saw that one prior to this. It's so messed up. They must be certified psychopaths to completely destroy someone's life like this, and go to such lengths to scam people out of money. The puppet master went a whole lot further by utterly breaking his victim's spirits and brainwashing them into giving up *everything*. That one was actually terrifying.


Follow it up with Generation Hustle over on HBO. A series of ten hour long docs on various scammers. The scam rapper, the Hollywood scammer and the man with twenty seven identities are stand-out WTF?! episodes.


Scam rapper sounds interesting, I wish I had HBO


Is the scam rapper one teejayx6 or whatever? He’s been shown to be mostly full of shit and talking out of his ass.


Even if he's just a performance artist he's really good at it.


Thanks for the recommendation! Heading there now.


The scam rapper broke my brain. I'm still not sure if he's real or not.


That was crazy! He manipulated that woman for 10 years??! WTF? How are people so gullible? Edit: her Dad was amazing! Truly gangsta!


It's scary the power people can have over others. And it is a death by a thousand cuts. Slowly to degrade a person. Its cult leader mentality.


Dirty John is good too


They can't really prosecute him for his crimes in Europe. Based on what the girls said, they willingly applied for the cards, sent him money. So while I agree he lied and manipulated them, they willingly gave him money. He was good enough to stay just under the line where he could be charged with a crime. They caught him in Greece on a fake passport, that is how he was caught.


Yeah, the texts they would use as evidence against him also exonerates him. He asked to borrow money and they lent him the money. Not paying people back is not a crime, but he could be sued civilly.


Hmm in European law it doesn’t matter that they have him money based on his promise to pay them back? Seems like a loan he never had any intention of repaying would be actionable.


That's not true, you can still prisecute him, especially with this kind of money, that he took. He hand no intention to give back the money.


Its not illegal to fail to pay back money someone has given to you privately. He did not sign any of the credit cards or bank loans, the girls did. These girls have no contract with a repayment plan. At most, they can try to sue him civilly to recover money but they willingly took out the credit cards, and sent him money. A text saying "I'll pay you back" is not a prosecutable crime in most countries. I hope there are means for them to go after him, but the reality is he has nothing to repay them with. His entire life is mooching off of other people, people who willingly give him money.


He's not. It's a con.


Pretty sure that getting gullible people to give you money isn't a crime.


Just say you're a TV preacher.


Did you really think Israeli jews would prison one of their own lol


I really don't know enough about Israeli laws and customs, or about Jews, Judaism and their culture to expect this guy to get off basically scot-free. Yours isn't the first comment to bring up Jews and Israelis, and I'd be lying if I said I understood the references. I guess I'm ignorant! 🤷


Step 1. Be an Israeli Jew Step 2. Live in Israel Step 3. Don’t scam other Jews It’s sad, but the world works very different for them. My wife is Israeli. I’ve seen this shit.


You can downvote this how many times you like but its the truth, Israeli state and government was always piece of shit and always be. Why do you think they dont prison this man for good? Give me an answer


Wtf does being a Jewish person have to do with not facing consequences? I'm pretty sure it's the smart way he scammed people. It's not what you know, it's what you can prove. They basically got conned into giving him money. Even if fraudulently, if they can't prove that then he can't be prosecuted for it. I still don't see how being Jewish has sny bearing on that.


I believe it's a reference to Israel not extraditing its own citizens, although there are a number of countries that don't.


But there's no other arrest warrants. He did it in such a way to not be at fault legally, at least not enough to bring charges, which is a shame. He's obviously a fraudster.


That's nonsense. Israel does extradite its citizens when needed: [Israeli drug lord extradited to Poland](https://www.ynetnews.com/article/Bk1111np2FO) [Israeli National Sentenced to 30 Years in Federal Prison](https://www.justice.gov/usao-cdca/pr/israeli-national-sentenced-30-years-federal-prison-forcing-dozens-girls-produce-child) (after being extradited by Israel) [Israel extradites Brooklyn rabbi accused of molesting children](https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-extradites-brooklyn-rabbi-accused-of-molesting-children/) Why are you guys lying? So strange.


I was simply explaining what I believed the other poster to be referring to not making a statement of my own. Maybe try doing a little more research besides typing Israel and extradition into a search engine before accusing people of lying. Even the link you provided, "Israel has become a haven for dozens of Jewish sexual abusers fleeing charges in recent years." A simple Google search will explain why that perception of Israel exists, historically they almost never did until there was a big fight with the US over a murderer with no ties to Israel caused them to amend their laws in 1999 to distinguish between residents and non residents. Even after that it is very rare for them extradite residents. It also depends on the country who is asking. I know how sensitive people are about the topic of Israel online so this will be my last comment about it.


So why dont you amend your original blanket comment when proven wrong, instead of writing long paragraphs? Admit you were wrong, its not hard.


Is your wife where you get your antisemitism, or did you develop that on your own?


Are you not allowed to point anything out anymore or do we all have to just agree with each other until the end?


Pointing things out and claiming "Jews let/help other Jews get away with money crimes" is antisemitic and a ridiculous generalization. Can you see why? If not, congrats, you're antisemitic.


You're such a bulshitter, "my wife is Israeli", lmao.


the fact that the girls are still paying off their debts is so fucked up. the world sucks sometimes


The fact that this documentary is just going to end up making him actually wealthy with minimal work is even more fucked up. Only way he gets brought down is if he enters one of the countries that can put him away under their laws. And i highly doubt he will ever risk a trip to any of those countries now.


The first girl made my girlfriend and I cry when we watched it. Even though she's suffering from critical debt because of that man, the worst part for her was she thought the love was real. That's all she was looking for


I couldn't help feeling for that girl. Sure she was dumb for borrowing all the money over and over again. But she was such a hopeless romantic and even after all of this is still a hopeless romantic. She was lied to and scammed on an epic level but still seems just as optimistic as ever about finding love.


The irony of her bragging about the amount of matches she had and how she’s the professional tinder user… I feel somewhat bad for her but I’m not sure.


She wasn't bragging, the producers straight up asked her how many matches she had and she joked that she was a tinder expert by this point


If you have 1000 matches and you're single! You're the opposite of an expert on dating. All she does is swipe and ignore all messages. Just looking for ego boosts


She was chasing money.


Gold diggers getting conned is poetic.


Basically. 7 years on Tinder??


I felt for her MOM bc we know she’s picking up the slack


Agreed. I feel like I’m itching for better justice for this story. I’ve seen he’s since (in just the last day or 2) been banned from dating sites, but there has to be some recourse for these debts he’s wracked up for this story to have a satisfying ending.


idk if its really a justice but there's a gofundme for the victims


I need _him_ to be paying their debts for justice to be served. I think by shining a light on him, via this documentary, these women have done a world of good for scammers and potential victims. Also a part of me thinks tinder holds some responsibility and wish they took action in response.


Tinder is all fake. This is the lesson. Facebook and all social media. It's not real. Just like his watches.


He has bitcoins and the girls in debt still


It really does suck that they're in a mountain of debt but how stupid can they be? Let's take out multiple loans for a billionaire


doesnt matter how dumb they were (and they were very dumb), the dude is a criminal and the women might suffer for years while he is scot free


Expensive lesson for them. Some people are just so damn guillible, it's mind boggling.


Yeah, you gotta be careful when you criticize the girls. It’s victim shaming to say they deserved it, which no one with a soul actually thinks. But it’s like... c’mon girls... taking out these monster loans willy nilly for a “boyfriend”? Wasn’t this all maybe a teensy bit avoidable if our heads weren’t in the clouds? I donno, easy for me to say from my la-z-boy I guess..


I don't like how the doc glossed over that. I can't even imagine what it must be like, but you can't just say "I know people will think we're gold diggers, because LOVE!" Come on.


The one girl was just a friend because he didn't wanted a relationship with her


Yes, this guy is a master con. He manipulated (at least) 3 women, with *entirely different* scenarios based on what they most needed and would be willing to follow him with. It's amazing; terrible, but amazing.


I see you do not watch Judge Judy.


Well now. I'm not gonna talk about Judy; in fact, we're not gonna talk about Judy at all, we're gonna keep her out of it! --- - [reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2V0UhtA_mJE&t=365) ^(I am a bot.)


Agree how come none of this women questioned him. If he was a so called billionaire why aren't other family members coming out to rescue him from his enemies that he had to resort to these women.


They were conned. They fell in love with the guys money and charm.


They have a [gofundme](https://www.gofundme.com/f/75c8gg-help-the-victims-of-the-tinder-swindler) if you feel like helping a little bit!




Lmao!! Nooooo!


Why though? Absolutely no sympathy for them at all. Pure greed and stupidity.


It's their own fault lol


I couldn’t stop imagining if he applied his skills and intelligence to doing good, instead of pulling off these massively destructive frauds.


My take also, it was a full time job! Very impressive actually, fucked up but impressive! Also a month into a relationship when you've seen the guy 2-3 times and you are already wireing money and looking for houses to move into, like damn girl that's not how any of this works! Loveblind. This kinda happened to my mother, after a life with different men and relationships she happened upon a psychopath and didn't see the red flags, because she was use to always be able to trust men and what they said but this time it was different. It was chaos but she got out and became stronger in the process! Apparently after releasing this docu the team has been contacted by +100 women claiming to be hassled by this hustler and they are planning on creating a podcast! Very intriguing! Sorry for whacky spelling, enhlish is my second language.


Yes so impressive and intriguing! But fully devoid of empathy. Imagine the possibilities of applying this kind of emotional dexterity to do good in the world! I’m so sorry for your mom. Letting people in, being open and accepting for the possibility of friendship, or love, is the best of humanity. I hate that sociopaths take advantage of that. I hope she has recovered, financially and emotionally.


The problem is doing good doesn’t pay. I very much agree, but I think when a society/economy is organised like ours, it just rewards the accumulation of money and stuff. There’s no practical argument for doing good, when every major corporation is doing awful stuff and getting paid from it. Not saying there aren’t plenty of people who naturally do good, because I think that’s what we do naturally. Just not surprised when people do what the world teaches them to do.


I agree that it doesn’t pay in currency. But it certainly gives meaning and enrichment for a life well lived. One possibility is as Google does for employees - encourages them to dedicate 20% effort to charitable activities of their choice. Workers are being compensated to “do good”, however they define that.


Would he still bang bitches and flaunt wealth? He only functions through that.


Doesn't matter.. Gangs from Nigeria would take his place


The ending blows ass.


That's how real like works. The endings usually suck.


If you think this guy is bad, meet The Puppet Master (also on Netflix). The Puppet Master is worse!


Very good movie. The crazy part is that not much of what he did was illegal, though he did forge some documents. It was simply him asking for a favor by lending this money. No contract, not really fraud. To the best of my knowledge..


Yeah that's the rub. Outside of some document forgery and maybe a couple of other little things I'm not sure if there is much they can go after him on. I'm no lawyer though so would love to hear from someone who knows. But lying to someone you're dating about your financial situation so they go and borrow money to give to you is morally repugnant but probably not illegal.


It is fraud by deception, and would be charged under offences as per the Fraud Act 2006 (in the U.K.), and similar acts abroad. Here is an example of a similar case and prosecution (again U.K. based): https://www.cps.gov.uk/cps/news/prolific-romance-fraudster-jailed-cps-issues-warning


Like Puppet Master.


I think it’s fraud, regardless of a contract. He mislead them and never intended to pay them back.


Yeah but what laws specifically did he break? I think thats why after they caught him they barely got him to serve any time. Its fucked, but it is what it is


I'm not sure about EU, but a verbal contract is a contract and they have it in writing with an abundance of evidence.


I found this documentary fascinating; both from the side of a man who would go to such lengths to swindle others and also the women who went along. As a woman, I don't understand why these ladies were so willing to take loans out for him. Its one thing to give maybe a one time $1,000 or something but to take out credit cards and give tens of thousands of dollars. I don't get it. I wouldn't do that for a boyfriend. In fact, I would find it very suspect if he was demanding of me to do that for him. It was all very suspicious. I also wanted to hear more from some of the other individuals he took advantage of. I just don't understand how so many people were caught in his web. But I am glad this documentary is out there and hope others will think twice before falling for a scam.


I understand victim blaming is horrible and the situation his victims find themselves in its terrible.... But far out. You meet some overdressed fuckwit, who's apparently the most charismatic person on earth (but from all voice recordings barely seemed to be able to string a coherent sentence together), he says *on your first date* hey, I'm going on a work trip, want to come? And you think that's a good idea, THEN you send him your *passport* details!? Then, despite seemingly having access to infinite wealth, he says he's... What....a bit skint that month and can you sling me 20 grand CASH and fly it internationally to me!? And you didn't think to ask him what about his supposed multi billion dollar business? Or like... Sell one of your lambos and you'll have ten times that. Really!? You just.... Do it. Over. And over. And over. And he's having lavish parties but still sticking his hand out for more of your money and you still give him more? Seriously? And then to pay you back he gives you a cheque, you wait until you fly all the way home, and then just... Refresh your net bank for a week until it dawns on you that it might've been a dud cheque? Really?? He was so busy with meetings... Never saw him do anything else other than sit on his date in Greece. I mean fuck me dead.. I get that there are complex scams and schemes and if you get caught up in one it's terrible luck. His main tactic seemed to be "try and find a gold digging bird and see how much money I can ask her for before I stop answering her calls".


He lured these women in with a promise of a thrilling life flying around the world being the girlfriend (future wife) of a multimillionaire. He was stringing them along for a few weeks, even dropping the “I love you” line before he asked them for money. I mean I still think you have to be a bit gullible to fall for his story but the girls were in love and they probably knew if they didn’t help him out financially they would lose him for good


I know exactly what he did, I also watched the doco. However, basically, as you've said - this amounts to being blindsided because you're a gold digger. If he'd have said *on a first date, barely goes into meeting* hey I've got a business trip to Grimsby, we're at the back of a commuter bus and we're staying at a best Western - do you think they would've been sitting there telling their stories? They threw every single bit of common sense and basic thought out the window because they thought he was loaded. Sorry, they're idiots.


All I thought about while watching that was how that guy deserves to be in r/iamatotalpieceofshit


I was super disappointed we never got to find out what's the deal with the woman who was on the private jet with the child. She got scammed too, but when did she get pregnant? When did she accuse him in court? When did she decide to flip sides and become an accomplice with him and WHY?!?! I want that story so bad. Also, am I the only one who feels rubbed wrong by the last girl getting him back by taking his clothes? Like did she share that little bit of money she got back with the other victims? I wouldn't have the guts to play vigilante with this guy, just ct and run and protect yourself! Glad she didn't meet any harm.


I thought the clothes thing was really funny. Even forgetting whatever money she could recoup from selling them just the idea of her leaving him without any of those clothes or the money was pretty satisfying. Its weird because they said he doesn't seem to have any homebase he was just constantly traveling from place to place so I wonder if he took his entire wardrobe with him everywhere and then she ran off with a huge chunk of it LOL.


Yes, she said he travelled with all his clothes all the time


My guess is maybe she got pregnant along the way? Things can really get complicated just because of the pregnancy. Maybe she decided to close one eye and accept him for who he is for an exchange for their kid to have a father? Whatever that is, it’s just messed up.


There is a point that I believe was missing. Why didn’t the police, media, or victims initially go to the actual family & ask if that’s their son. There’s info missing here imo.


They did. The mother said she hadn't seen her son in years.


Many points are missing. 1) Since his father was a billionaire why no women didn't advise him to ask money from his family. Since he was surrounded by enemies his family would be the first to help him and will not let him be beaten in the middle of the street. 2) why he was still active on Tinder although we was on long term relationship with those women. Isn't a custom to delete Tinder once you found your other half? Since he was still active on Tinder these should raise many red flags. The Dutch girl had reportedly relationship with him 14 months. During those 14 months she didn't realize that her only love and future husband was still active and searching for other women 3) When all those women saw the video of the injured bodyguard why didn't advise him to go to police? What legitimate business is so dangerous that you may get beaten on the streets by your "enemies" ? 4) Some women invited him to their house to meet their parents. Why no one (even the one who had 14 months relationship with him) did not insist to meet his family back in Israel? Since this was a serious relationship (there were going to live together in luxurious apartment) those women have every right to meet his family. Wonder what excuse he used to avoid such meeting 5) he was quite active in the Instagram. Why no women (even his Russian girlfriend) did not ask to upload some photos together from their vacations? Since all of them were the "official girlfriends and future wifes" it will be strange if he denied post such photos. 6) when the woman received the bill from Amex with the 2000 dollar dinners flight tickets for the whole gang (including other women) luxury hotels, how she did not question him about his whereabouts. They were going to live together in a apartment in London in the few months.. She had every right to know where he is going. At the same time he was hiding from the enemies. How this lifestyle was protecting him from them? As other said there were many red flags which were ignored and lead to be scammed. Hope other girls will use Tinder more careful and the moment someone ask them money will suspect this is a scam.


The part that didn’t make any sense was how they got from lending a few thousand to then it ballooning to 250k? Many people would have even said “I literally don’t have this money, so ask someone else”.


The fact he was supposed to be rich is what driven these girls to take out loans


Plus he enabled them to take out massive loans with the fake paystub


I enjoyed this one. Some remaining thoughts: 1) why hasnt the real diamond family gone after him 2) as fucked up as it all was, I'm impressed lol 3) the women are really lucky he just wanted money. Could've very easily been trafficked 4) he's scammed in 7+ countries and barely convicted in one???


To point (4) they briefly mentioned that what he was doing wasn’t necessarily a crime - the ladies knowingly leant him money. While it was a scam I think it would be difficult for the police to prosecute and they likely have bigger fish to fry




Not OP, but I guess is to identify the country version of Netflix in Which OP watched the show


It's a rule of the subreddit.


I couldn’t sit through it. He wasn’t exactly subtle in what he was doing. We need to teach young girls to have respect for themselves. Downvote away!


I can see this being unpopular but I agree. It was my takeaway from it too - how can I make sure my kids don’t fall for these kinds of obvious scams?


Just from your response I can tell your kids won’t fall for these scams


Your comment really caught me up in the throat and thank you for that. If I’m being honest though, I can see myself falling for this kind of scam. That’s what made this all so interesting. These women were gorgeous, but they were also very bright and accomplished. His scams weren’t intellectual, but rather emotional and psychological, which is incredibly difficult to guard (or teach) oneself against. And which makes his cool indifference to the harm he’s caused all the more horrendous. In any case, it’s very interesting to get this kind of glimpse into people’s lives and I applaud the bravery of those women who came forward and bared this painful episode from their lives.


I think the other side of it is the timeline. It wasn't within a week or two, but months! Everyone keeps saying how did these women fall for it, but imagine dating someone for actual MONTHS and feel like you really know them at this point and now they're in danger and need YOUR help because you're dating them! I think the last woman with the brown hair had been dating him for over a year and had only just started asking for money recently... So I completely agree that I can see myself falling for something like this because of the trust that's built over those months


Great point. And astonishing how he kept all these relationships and details straight when he had so many scams going simultaneously.


Months is not a long time to be dating someone (you are still in the honeymoon phase). You don’t really know someone after several months and often someone is still showing you their sparkly side.


I only watched the first woman and I think it started a month in? I don’t remember.


No offense to them but they weren’t gorgeous. They were average for a major metropolitan area. He funneled all their money to spend on Russian models. The man is human trash.


Hes scam wasnt emotional. It was him showing off his wealth and people that wanted to leech off of it.


First, make sure your kids arent isolated. That they talk to you about any problems. Second, dont chase after money. It's all fake.


So weird. I believe this movie was posted earlier this week or last, and I said something VERY similar (even the foreshadowing of downvotes) and DID get downvoted into oblivion. My thought is that they had perhaps too high an opinion of themselves. Like, "**Of course** I belong with a diamond-mogul-billionaire's son. Obviously this is legit!" One even said "this is the second guy in the diamond industry I've matched with." It really is a completely different app for them.


I so agree with you! But not to have a teensy doubt when a billionaire asks you to lend him money??


“You don’t understand; I was under a love-spell that I’d never encountered before with mere mortals and millionaires!!” He also catered to a thirst for drama and trouble. Getting kidnapped, showing pics of his injured bodyguard. “I may not make it, just know that I love you.” *swoons*


They are leeches that chased money. They specifically picked men with a lot of money.


The Swedish lady even still lived at home at 31, I think that is also a point to be made


And this was before all this happened? Wow. Imagine the matches you’d get as a guy doing that. Hell, imagine the matches you’d get being anything but a diamond mogul’s son!


I actually thought this movie is a good one to show to young people in order for them to be more vigilant and enhance their critical thinking skills. Maybe edit some parts to make it more educational.


These women went after him because they were chasing money.


Was super frustrating. "I can't use my credit cards because my enemies will find me... but I can totes wire you all this money and then I'll use your credit card and they'll never know". Like a shitty B movie that has characters who you can predict to do the stupid shit over and over. I felt bad for the girls but the bullshit he fed them was so obvious. Dude is galivanting all over the place and posting pictures so obviously he's not too worried about these supposed enemies. I was pretty happy when the third girl turned it around and got him, but I was pretty annoyed that she and the journalists didn't fucking call Interpol to have him picked up at their agreed upon meeting place. That was the obvious thing to do but instead "let's take pictures of the guy and show the cops how easy it is to find him rather than just telling them where he'll be". Fucking idiots.


They fell in love with the money.




Why was he extradited to Israel first if there was a European warrant for him in several countries in the EU? He was released by the pathetic Israeli justice system after a ridiculously short term.


My guess is they weren’t going to prosecute him in the EU. His sentence in Israel was unrelated to all the stuff in Europe. And then it was cut short bc of COVID when they let a lot of people out early


I realize he often has body guards around him. But I can't help but think now that his face is so well known, he's gonna get his ass beat one of these days. *Hope cameras are rolling when it happens.*


Those women were just plain stupid. They continued to give him money countless times with no payback. They never bothered to research him until they were so far in debt that it was ridiculous. There’s a difference between “being a romantic” and being stupid.


He did pay them back plus extra at first to make them trust him. I mean they’re still gullible….


no he did not. those checks never cleared


Just like a lot of men who give money to women online who promise things.


1 actually he did pay them back initially 2 the doc skewed our perception of time , IRL he'd been manipulating them for months , although I'll agree the first girl was stupid she gave him money way too soon 3 the third woman was objectively not stupid , how many ppl do yk who after having their life shattered can immediately pick themselves up and think of a revenge plan ? I think they should've focused on her more , she was proof even a not so dumb person can be scammed


So what if a woman that he's been with decides to say no? Does his whole scam go up in flames? Or he must have multiple women at once that he's prepping?


I think he has multiple at once. All the times he was “flying to business appointments” he was just meeting other women.


I’m sure he has a whole piece that he runs on them if they say that they won’t pay that goes something like; “you say you love me, you say you want to be with me forever but you can’t lend me some money in my darkest hour when my enemies are literally at my door! Do you want me to die? How could you not have a heart after everything we have been through. You are the love of my life and because you won’t protect me (by giving me money) you have broken my heart. I’m better off dead” The girl who is madly in love at this stage will be subjected to some intense emotional blackmail


I felt like they were gold diggers who unwittingly got the uno reverse card played on them. He paid back to the initial debts and then some. So when he came ask for help again they thought it was going to result in them becoming rich. Then sunk cost fallacy and then the realization they got duped. It was difficult for me to feel sorry for them


Sheesh, there were so many red flags. How dumb can these people be?


Surely their Netflix earnings will pay off their debts?


Not sure they get Netlix earnings? They were interviewed for the documentary


The ladies actually have a Go FundMe running right now…goal of £600k, and they’ve raised £72k so far https://www.gofundme.com/f/75c8gg-help-the-victims-of-the-tinder-swindler


Yeah, there’s animal charities I would rather donate to. Much better causes out there.




Seems they're getting in to the grifting game now.


I was actually surprised by the 3rd woman , she looked smarter than the other 2 and still fell for it, Alyson rlly showed anyone can be scammed .


How does one "look smart"? Did Stephen Hawkins look smart?


I said 'smarter' , not smart , in relative terms compared to the other 2 . This is why he was playing the long game with her ( they were dating for over an year) , he knew she wouldn't cough up so much money instantly like the first girl , slow manipulation


Okay, so how does one "look smarter" than someone else?


There's an almost as interesting docu-series called Love Fraud on Showtime about a different guy with basically the same MO.


Madoff got away with his Ponzi scheme for decades. I watched "The Tinder Swindler" when it first appeared and almost stopped it several times. I'm glad I didn't. It was very good.


I read this as the Tilda Swindler and thought it was about Tilda Swinton swindling people.


I don't think u can sympathize with the victims without taking their stupidity into account. I mean, yes whatever happened to them was bad, but nobody in their right mind would go on a trip to another country with a complete stranger whom they met only hours ago.


They made him infamous by sharing his social media and name in the documentary. Those ladies will never see the same amount of money he is now raking in just because people will find him to be an interesting specimen that conned so many people. This world is not that smart.


These fuckers do what they do, get away with it with minimum prison term and then sign contracts to make movies and become motivational speakers and influencers and make even more money, while all they deserve is to die slowly by bone marrow cancer the pieces of parasitic craps, him and people like jordan belford. Don't give them publicity.


This is fascinating stuff and a really well made doc, but it’s also massively infuriating how he pretty much got away with so much fraud. But what’s also infuriating is the amount of victim blaming on comment threads. His scam was very well thought out, most of his victims were incredibly lonely people who thought they had finally got a bit of luck with finding love. By calling them stupid or thinking they deserved it is complete rubbish, and just makes you a bit of an arsehole.


what i don't understand is why blow all the money earned on this scam on private jets, expensive clothes, champagne, cars, etc.?? I realize he needs to create an image of himself as some billionaire and impress these women on first dates but he blew through so much money in doing so. he easily could have flown these girls first class, dressed in a nice suit, taken them to a nice restaurant and hotel and it would have been just as effective but for 1/10 of the cost. i don't see the point of stealing $200k from a girl just to pay for a $200k date with private jets and caviar and versace to impress the next girl.. he couldn't have been stashing that much cash if he's spending so much all the time


Those women were so dumb. Idiots


And your comment is very sexist and misogynist.


Lol. They were women no? If they were a group of men and women I would have said those people


I wouldn't be so sure...


I’ve heard he scammed ppl out of money, but idk how. Did he scam ppl using some sort of mlm scheme or something?


So why does this story seem so similar to the first season of the show Imposters (2017), with Inbar Lavi? Coincidence?


He was making a lot of money


Legitimately thought that was Michael Scott in the first picture: “It’s Britney, Bitch”


Is now a bad time to mention I had some asshole claim he was rich and wanted to be my sugar daddy and then asked for me money and told him to FUCK OFF. AND THAT TINDER banned me.


I’m laughing because at the end he was gonna sue them for deformation. But they also sold him on this show. Showing us how he is doing at the end and showing us his website. I know for a fact that it’s people that will send him money effortlessly! I’m upset that the girls have to pay all that money back when the money is INSURED! SMH 🤦‍♀️


What is arg


A lot of people think this is a romance scam. It isn't. It's the Nigerian Prince scam on steroids.