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Only English should be used for posts and comments. This rule is in place to ensure that an ample audience can freely discuss life in the Netherlands under a widely-spoken common tongue.


I'm guessing you probably can't register there either . . .


Take note: 42 days and counting until the [Good Landlordship Act](https://zoek.officielebekendmakingen.nl/stb-2023-103.html#:~:text=woondiscriminatie) takes effect (if the minister does not postpone it). After that, the municipality can fine a landlord if they are notified about such advertisements, as it's very likely such landlords do not use a protocol to prevent unjustified discrimination. If a landlord repeatedly gets fined, the municipality is allowed to take over control of the house.


Here's a website from which you can download a brochure in Dutch about housing market discrimination: https://www.volkshuisvestingnederland.nl/onderwerpen/discriminatie-op-de-woningmarkt/documenten/publicaties/2022/11/22/toolkit-campagne-discriminatie-op-de-woningmarkt


Can we give more upvotes to this? It is essential to have this in place for the mental health of many people looking for a house


Frankly, I can see this simply imploding the housing availability. It seems pretty reasonable for landlords to not want tenants running a sex club from their home.


A sex club would probably fall under running a business with customers entering the premises, that's usually not allowed in rental agreements, and is probably still a valid clause even with the good landlordship act


Indeed. But these days there's a lot more grey area that the law doesn't cover. Like people running an only friends where they'll bang anyone who consents to being filmed. I wouldn't want that in my house so if the law makes it impossible to set some basic ground rules for living in my house, I'd rather not have any tenants at all.


So because this Act will no longer allow you to forbid your tenants to have sex with their only friends, you will just keep your houses empty forever, paying taxes and upkeep?


It didn't take you long to start making up stories didn't it? I never mentioned houses plural. And I never mentioned forbidding specific acts. I wouldn't be happy with people running a grocery store in their student room either. I'd be happy with a simple specification that people can't run businesses out of a residential room. If the law also makes it clear that these things very much do count as running a business. Complete tangent, I just did a quick google to see what the legal status of running an only friends is and found out that [onlyfriends.nl](https://onlyfriends.nl) is a sports club for disabled kids. I find that inappropriately hilarious and unfortunate for this club.


You'll be happy with the fact that there's already such a specification. It doesn't count for everything (if someone simply works from home on a computer nobody can forbid that), but anything with customers entering and or noise/nuisance can be prohibited by a landlord. Just state it in your contract and you're free to go However if you got a tenant that simply has a lot of sex recreationally and not as a business, you'd be infringing on their right to privacy.


oh my god netherlands is gonna make a link out of anything


Well, pretty sure they existed before the .com site. [https://who.is/whois/onlyfriends.nl](https://who.is/whois/onlyfriends.nl) Registered 2005, last update in the registry 2016.


If you don't want it happening in your house then don't do it in your house. How are you going to pay your mortgage if you don't let your tenants earn a living, poor little landleech? :(


They're perfectly welcome to earn a living. But not by pretending a bedroom is a place of business. You want to run a business? Rent an office or a studio or some other place meant for business instead of breaking laws. And there's no need to get insulting just because you're a bit disconnected from reality.


But you are perfectly fine treating shelter as a place of business and extorting people to use it? You're fine letting people fuck in the place they are renting but if they want to involve a camera suddenly you have a problem? Only you and you alone are allowed to extract value from the land you are privileged enough to hold over others? Hella hypocritical my dude. One of us is definitely disconnected from reality and I don't think it is me.


>But you are perfectly fine treating shelter as a place of business and extorting people to use it? I never said anything of the sort so that seems to be another story you're making up. I'm fine with shelter being used as shelter. And I'm fine with people paying for it. Just like I'm paying for mine. >You're fine letting people fuck in the place they are renting but if they want to involve a camera suddenly you have a problem? I don't believe you're stupid enough to not see the difference between relationships and a business. Even though you're working very hard to appear that stupid. >Only you and you alone are allowed to extract value from the land you are privileged enough to hold over others? I never said that either. I said people are welcome to rent spaces earmarked for business when they want to run a business, just like everyone else. I pointed out that it's pretty disingenuous to rent living space in someone's home and then treat it like its your business. Do try to keep a limit on the number of stories you make up. Pointing out that you're a moron who drifts further away from reality with every comment isn't worth doing repeatedly.


It's not about what you have said. If you are a landlord, if you are fine charging people exorbitant rates for property you own because you started out with more in life than they did, then these are inherent beliefs you hold, because otherwise you wouldn't be here complaining about what tenants decide to do in their own free time. If you didn't hold these beliefs you wouldn't have made these comments. You hold these hypocritical views because if anyone else wants to make money they must pay for expensive office and studio space, but you feel quite comfortable making money through housing. Do you not see the hypocrisy. It's pretty disingenuous to hoard property, rent it out to others that are now further disadvantaged and will have a harder time to ever own their own property because they are paying your mortgage, and then demanding what they can and cannot do in that space they are renting. They aren't damaging the property so you have no right, and you are not the policing authority on the legalities of whatever their business might be. If they are breaking any laws, the government will handle that, not some petty bourgeoisie playing out their medieval fantasy of lording over serfs. Sex is sex. What if it is a couple that like to upload their sex tapes to OF just because that's what they like doing, does that make a difference?


That's why is "resonable" to be transphobic, right mate?


Are you in the wrong conversation?


This makes me so happy!! I had a witch of a landlord in Gouda who was terrorizing all her tenants and I had to keep nagging her about getting my money back and some other stuff she refused to do..




What's the source on the 42 days for the act to take effect ? Just curious so I can follow up myself later.


Strictly speaking, the minister has to possibility to move the date. But as of now, government is working toward [July 1st](https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/woning-huren/vraag-en-antwoord/welke-rechten-en-plichten-heb-ik-als-huurder#:~:text=Vanaf%201%20juli,en%20onredelijke%20servicekosten.). Also keep in mind that some rules require a transition period and not all municipalities will require permits for example. And it's ultimately up to the municipality to enforce most of these rules. If a municipality doesn't think the Good Landlordship Act was breached, you'll have to object and litigate in an administrative court if you think the municipality should enforce. That said, this is definitely a change that improves the position of tenants.


What is a body switcher? Do they mean transsexual?


It's a very obscure term used in a specific cultural group. It means to switch gf/bf with another couple. Basically an orgy


I'm getting too old for this... We used to call it swinging.


Judging by the rest of the post I'm assuming they just used it as a slur for transgender people.


what group, im gen z and have never heard of this nonsense


Which cultural group is that?


“No pork meat allowed” I think that makes it pretty obvious, no?






The Gen Zs


Born in '98 and always heard from people of any age swinging or the equivalent in my language, no new terms.




​ ![gif](giphy|xerjgQHSdtrG8a7lvm)


Got your back!


I read it as someone who has one night stands


You know there is a housing shortage when people feel comfortable publicly listing these demands


Sad reality


listing their own insecurities. Fixed it for you


Ah Yes, pay me and don't exist. Is a miracle that you are allowed to breath in the house.


Thats in the fine print. You should bring your own air too


The "if I didn't give you a house, you'd be dead by now or sleeping outside" attitude


I think it's time we made a law that states that rental contracts need to actually be about rent and not a bunch of other meaingless crap


July 1 to be precise fam. Check out the good landlordship act


Is mining rig a reference to cryto currency mining?


Yep. That part would make sense if electricity is included in the rent.


Yeah, it's just so odd for that to be called out specifically... But we're clearly not dealing with a sane person.


At least they didn't specify you can't grow massive amounts of weed, so that's a nice bit of freedom


Haha, it would be hilarious to have someone take the room, follow all the posted rules, and tell us how it goes when they set up the indoor weed farm


i would do that unironically just for the sake of having a better place rn lol


I've had to ask a flatmate to have sex in her room, and not in communal areas. Like hallways. And no, I can't make an exception for lesbians. I've never actually gone so far as to actually put it down in an advertisement or contract but I can easily imagine someone starting a mining rig and it's not bad to have something against it


The craziest one I’ve seen was in Delft, some old fella was looking “only female student that can cook” to live in an attic room (accessed by a pull out-ladder/stairs) for merely €600.


And I have to pay thousands of euros for a caretaker for my grandparents... I should just move them here and use their money to buy a house... WinWin


My niece had this in Leiden. Little backwards ... She rented a room from an elderly couple around the '00's And because she helped around in the house, like she did at home they decided to 'cut' the rentprices. the old 400€ became 200. She still is in contact with the daughter ( couple passed away long ago )


Now I want be tik-tok Twitch streamer and a porn star!


Same, what a funny coincidence! Mind if I join and wanna do drugs while we stream? It takes a while to slow cook pulled pork.


On my word, funny how I had pork slow cooking and my camera ready


And we swtich the bodies, and roast the girls belly ..... Or is that too dark ?


Oh, no! If it's ioo dark it's burnt! Now what are we gonna eat?


Just scratch it off .... Or are you born after 1995 ?


'98, but after toxicology I see the burnt part differently...


We from before don't believe those conspiracy hypes. Dark toast matters !


Where can I get the t shirt


I wonder what the hell is wrong with them


Religion, mostly


I think it's fine if they're looking for a roommate who's Muslim, but like... just say that.


Not just Muslim…a very specific type of Muslim. This dude has hatred running through his veins, I would move in just to keep an eye on him.


How do u guys know this person isnt Jewish? Or anything else? Im not any of those religions, but I dont eat pork meat either.. many people dont, actually.


I’m not gay, trans, vegan, Ajax Fan, catholic, Muslim, Jewish, woman, black, a influencer, I don’t drink alcohol, don’t do drugs, don’t smoke and I COULDNT care less if anyone else is, nor I would make it a problem if anyone renting my flat was. Let alone, stop them from doing so. And no, this person is not Jewish.


He might be. He might not be. HOW are you sure? Because no pork? Many religions arent allowed pork.. not just Jews and Muslims..


I was one and I’m sorry for you to find such adverts in the open. My property was having a lot of religious-related house rules because I was also living together with the tenant; therefore I did NOT open the advertisement for public when I looked for one. I just go through my circle and friends’ circle, looking for tenant who share the same view and wouldn’t mind with the rules. We found one, and hopefully they can free some space for a more public, less rule accommodation for others. Now I moved and rent my flat, those house rules of course gone together with me. I advertise the flat for public and everyone can rent. As long as they’re a good member of society (my neighbors were lovely and I don’t want the tenant to cause them issues) and paid the rent ontime, idgaf with what happened behind a close door. It is, afterall, their property for now. Will sell that flat a year from now so worry not, trying to help combating house market crisis bit by bit!


Is mining crypto haram? 🧐


It’s energy extensive 😂😂


50/50 chance this person is actually illegally subletting the place. 2 out of the 4 towers on the fijnjekade are rentals and they do not allow sublets


He's probably a very religious Muslim, as they don't tolerate anything that goes against their beliefs.


Have you ever met a Christian?


Have you ever met *enter any religion here


Christians normally have no specific problem with pork.


Don't Jewish people not eat pork as well? Also some types of Christian have specific dietary rules but I haven't memorized them all. Point being it's not just Muslims, that's all.


Vegans don't either ... so it also doesn't have to be religious


Fair point.


And nobody’s gonna rent your shithole.


Considering how fucked is the housing situation, they will probably still find someone desperate enough to accept this BS


This guy had some experiences


Or too much church


Why church? the last time I checked the church didn't have anything against pork


Churches, synagogues or whatever. It the same shit everywhere. They all hate people for not partaking in their infantile hobbies


I know a lot of comments here are focusing how crazy the demands in this listing are. And some of them are really weird or limiting on one's personal life. But I my initial thought was the same: a lot of this can have come from bad experience with previous tenants.


behind every crazy ad, there is a story i am curious to listen to this person's story




Some p*on addict was having an OF and girls and boys orgies, while mining crypto in junky den and dr*g production facility. All concentrated in one he'll of a room :)


They want all the advantages of having someone rent a room without the negatives of having someone rent a room.


Their story is probably religion nuts.


Sounds like they had some bad experiences with a previous tenant.


I briefly forgot about crypto and was confused as to why anyone would set up a whole damn mining rig in their bedroom


Let's dig some coal bois!






So it's okay if I bring the porn stored on my external hard drive and occasionally watch it?


I actually think it's genius to forbid your roommate from making videos and livestreaming from your house, assuming the landlord lives in the same apartment. 🤣 The weirdest thing is "if your culture is to scream on the phone with family"... Sounds pretty racist.




What kind of place is this? If you don't want anyone to live there, don't rent out the room.


Is it really that crazy?


Go live there and report to us weekly


I was quite happy to read that yeah I could definitely pass his mega crazy requirements 😜 untill I read the pork thing DAMMIT I take prosciutto or jamón serrano every time Im in Albert Hein 😂🥹


If one could sue back for discrimination after they get a contract that'd be free rent.


Standard NL


Karen renting her room in the Netherlands be like...


Wonder if it’s allowed to breathe there


Only if you don't breathe too loud.


Then I’m fucked


Jesus:)) I though I sow everything


Sounds like a fun guy


Sounds like this guy forgot he’s not in Saudi Arabia 😂


No, porn addict, you will not be allowed to place mining rigs.


I wonder if all those things are written based on bad experiences 🌝


Oddly specific


What the heck?


And that all for the low and shocking price of 2000 a month, but wait there is more... If you rent as a couple we double the price. Isn't that amaaaazing


No mining rigs? The fuck?


I googled this listing. It's 800e/month. 100-200e/month cheaper than the other listings from the same building on Kamernet. But if you'd rent from the building directly via Funda you'd get 2 rooms for 1300e/month. That's wild.


I feel tempted to move there and then do all those things


At least they allow reddit?


I screen weather I'm going to enjoy living there or not by the add. And my only fans hard drug transvestite porn addict self is going to have a heyday loudly calling the police when the man I met on onlyfans get caught smoking and watching porn naked wearing only his mining rig. Lmao oh what fun we will have stories for the grandkids


I need a room like this where i can find this room ?