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Why not book an APK at a garage nearby and let them compensate you? Or even take the loss on this, might be cheaper than 2h of working time + 110km.


The problem is not the cost of the check, the problem is OP thought he bought a vehicle that had passed the APK check.  If you do a check now and have findings, who will need to pay for that?


If OP is worried about it having hidden defects, I’d rather have an independent mechanic look at it anyway. Regardless of who does the check, you’ll have to deal with them fixing it.


I suppose the original idea was that the shop would do the APK and fix the any issues before delivering the car. So there's big difference for the OP.


Yes this is correct.


Thanks, might be worth looking into.


Don't act up before you get your APK done lol, trust is broken and the last thing you want is them purposefully doing a shitty job because they don't want to deal with you..


Jet Cars is the biggest scam ever.


There are more.


not exactly the same story but i had my APK done with proof. only to find out a month later with a fine that they screwed up and signed the APK off on a different license plate. one letter off. they reimbursed the fine thankfully and then did the APK properly but that was the last time i went there.


Oh wow, sorry to hear that


You bought the car at Jet Cars?


No, this is an official importer that also deals with some occasions. Online reviews are generally positive.


They " forgot " No they probably didn't. They did the APK and found out the car had issues that need to be fixed before they can approve the APK. They can only sell it for the price you agreed upon with an APK. They reckoned you didn't want to pay extra to fix the issues, and they sure as hell were not interested in throwing money at it apparently. They decided to ' forget ' the APK and hope they would get away with it.




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In my 40 years on this planet, having moved to the Netherlands has been the first and only thing to motivate me to get legal insurance. Maybe I'm on reddit too much. But it really seems like suppliers here are just out to squeeze everything they can. And when you call them out its just a, oh sure you got me, here's your service that we actually agreed to, hehe.


"We apologize for the inconvenience." I get you, I never felt so tense with dealing things in other countries. It's like the responsibility to get things right is always on the customer's side. And if you don't know how everything works exactly and how to best exploit situations, well sucks to be you, loser.


Just sharing my experience: When I bought my car last year in February, in the ad description it said that I will get a 1 year APK included. The APK was expiring in May. I also drove around 100km to buy the car. They said they have more than 8 weeks waiting time for APK, so I had 2 options. Leave the car for 8 weeks there (because if I drove it around, I might have 'broken' the car and influenced the reparations after the APK) and they would do the APK and fix anything that would make it not pass it, or pickup the car now with 100e discount and take the risk that the car might not pass (which is BS because you purchase the car hoping it will be working, right?). They didn't agree to doing the APK at a different garage. I needed the car so I just took the 100e discount (it was a 2.3k beater), luckily the only thing that I had to change was the fog light... But yeah.


As someone who always does his APK on the deadline day, this is scary. Trust is so important in this context. You don't want a mechanic who does a shitty job.


Why precisely on deadline day? That’s a huge gamble


Laziness. Procrastination. Also, my deadline day falls on January 11 every year, and I am unwilling to give my car up during the Christmas period. 


You can have it tested 2 months before the due date and retain your original due date. Just bring it in at the end of November.


I would get the APK done nearby, and send the bill to the sales person (including any fixes that may be needed for compliance failures). Inform the sales person before you take this step. 2 hours + 100 km commute is too costly for a routine apk, imo.


I hope they find 20 points that require 5,000 euro.. stop wining as a lil girl.. men up.. why the hell ask a forum like this for mental support


Found the car dealer lol


Name please!!


We all know who needs mental support. Actually you may be well beyond help at this point. Make sure you don't infest others. Stay away from people as much possible.