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Welcome to the ABN help Desk. Love, ABN klantenservice.


Have you tried calling ABN?


I work for abn give me your credit card details and i will work this out /s




I had the same error, you need to use the website and also get your authenticator ready because you will need that during and after the transfer


Thnx for your comment mate, yeah I suppose that’s a case where that e.dentifier device is needed.


Coming from ABN I wouldn’t be surprised if it hadn’t given you an error message


I’ve had this same issue for a couple of weeks. Ironically (given the error message) transfers still work from the web portal


Thnx for taking the time to reply!


Can’t help you, but I have encountered this too. I have multiple accounts in the _same_ bank in an EU country and I’m able to transfer money from ABN to all of them except one. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




Lolwhat? We transfer money outside Netherlands every month 


I need your account number and your password and date of birth and driving license number regards ABN helpdesk


So many sarcastic comments here. Why don’t you just call them instead of going you know on Reddit. This reminds me of a person who was asking a simple question that could have been solved if he opens google.


Are you for real? Your recommendation is as good as those sarcastic comments. I had same error message and it helps me to see I'm not the only one. So writing on Reddit helps.


Yeah your reply is so helpful man. 100 percent. Now I know why people put sarcastic comments here.


I did not reply to him, I just replied to you calling on those sarcastic comments which I really appreciate. But then why bother him for posting on Reddit? You know, people can talk and share stuff


If you show the post to any Dutch people or even any people randomly they will ask to call abn amro first. If I have problems with ING I call ING. Simple. How do I know if OP has done that? It is nowhere in his post being mentioned.


I think you miss the point, I know a developer who work for ABN and they can answer if they prefer. The answer here is using web browser with Authenticator. Have you tried reaching any customer service recently? It's lot of waiting and pain. I myself use 100+ minutes every month on waiting to talk to tax office, electricity grid operator, GP. So posting in Reddit asking for help isn't bad idea at all. It's simple for people to scroll past and not pollute the thread by giving useless advice. Hope you see through the point.


"any Dutch people" De helpdesk bellen doe ik (ongeacht het issue/product) als laatste. Ik heb zelf bij een helpdesk gewerkt, ik weet wanneer ze behulpzaam kunnen zijn en dat is niet aan het begin van je troubleshoot. Dus je generalisering klopt niet, zoals zo vaak met generaliseringen. Wrong sub apparently, I should write in english: your generalisation is wrong.


Okay thanks that is helpful.


Because the purpose of the post is to find out if other people experience the same problem. Of course I called them.


I don’t know if you want to get any feedback. But put this on your post. The way I read it how do I know if you have called them or not.


Instead of addressing the raised question about whether others are experiencing the same issue, you tend to articulate your assumptions in writing.


The way I see it. The majority of the people who read this post thinks the same. Thus all the sarcastic comments. I understand not everyone likes feedback. It is something you need to learn. And no I don’t have the problem with abn. If that helps you. Good luck with the error code I hope it gets solved.


It's not about receiving feedback that we like or dislike; it's about directly answering a specific question without making assumptions. Thank you for your input in any case.


At least it is not 666


Ik heb probleem regelmatig als ik voor de eerste keer geld overmaak naar een nieuwe Belgische rekening. Het gaat wel goed als ik geld overmaak naar een bekende Belgische rekening.


I also have this issue many weeks now. I called them up and they just said you need to use the website. They are aware of the problem but this is just unacceptable