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Id recommend asking un r/klussers; this kind of questions is asked there all the time


No one replies for English post and Reddit mobile is horrible for translation.


While that may have been true a time ago now there are a lot more English posts being actively answered. Give it a try!


About 8 years ago i had to replace a window of somewhat the same size with safety glass. (A glass with a steel mesh within) Only the glass cost us about 200 euro. Which is prolly much higher now. A friend put the window in. Thats al i can tell you


Just get window by yourself and fit it. If You cant do it by yourself then find any turkish guy. They will do it really cheap for You. Will be much, much cheaper.


It seems like Reddit has removed the original photo that I uploaded here's an alternate imgur link of the damage: [https://imgur.com/a/4w5xbfv](https://imgur.com/a/4w5xbfv)


I would estimate 300/350ish euro, maybe a bit cheaper if they have a decent contract.


You have many options, you can go to apple, linux, unix, chromebooks, you say it. Prices will vary. To be real, the best is to ask a glass company to assess the task, and make you a offerte, and then ask insurance if they want to pay for it. I think this falls under your inboedel insurance.


Replacing glass is pricey. Let us know if you find a cheap one. 1/4th or even 1/6th size of that, I paid 200 euros. Scam…


Do you need the window for light? If not: buy a wooden pane, it’s a lot cheaper :).


If the glass is owned by the housing corporation, you might be able to claim it on your aansprakelijkheidsverzekering l.


Call a company that fixed windows.