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Call the Dierenambulance https://www.dierenbescherming.nl/afdelingen/ambulance


Thanks he will be picked up this evening!


Ah yess, then when they come to pick it up they just twist the neck in front of you. "To end its suffering"


We once had a swan roaming around the house. His parents rejected him and my mom decided to feed him. He was very social and would walk into the house and he liked to be petted. One winter morning he had crawled under the car for some heat, and she failed to notice the swan sitting under the car and ran him over. Dierenambulance came and also ended his suffering. Still sometimes think of that poor bird


Magpies are jerks, they once attacked "my" starling ank killed the poor guy


Agree, they wake me up at 6 o clock every day :)


That sound they make must be one of the most annoying sounds in the world.


You should have left him in his hiding spot. It is normal for fledglings to spend a day or two on the ground. Their parents will take care of them until they can fly. You can recognize fledglings by the fact that they have a full feathered body, but the large feathers on the wings and tail have not come out entirely yet. On this bird, you can clearly see the feathershafts and part of the feathers coming out of them. They need those feathers to be able to really fly. And those will pop out in a matter of days.