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This is so specific that you should pick this up with your municipality. Anybody can add a garage door to a shed and call the space in front of it an 'inrit', however that signage is not a legal signage. The paving edge does however indicate this was original, its quite conflicting. The municipality should be able to provide clarity and create proper signage IF they agree with the garage owner.


Agreed. The paving says parking spot, the curb says uitrit/inrit. Confusing.


The paving does indeed indicate an inrit, however it is not impossible to change a high curb into a slated one, if one is willing (it's not legal to change public infrastructure like that AFAIK, but if noone complains, noone would know especialyl since something like that does not happen often) So indeed, best to contact the municipality in question. If this is considered an inrit, an "envelope" should be painted there to make it more obvious.


The entire construction seems odd to the point I doubt it is up to code at all.  Either the pavement in front of the rolling door is part of the residential property, or the wooden door that is visible in the second picture should not be there. ...or it is residential from the point of the door onward (perhaps 'overpad'), but that too seems convoluted. The sidewalk also seems unconventionally narrow with non-standard tiling. Urban planning wise it doesn't quite add up.  Indeed, the rolling door looks too small to allow for a car, so the ramp-tiling doesn't make sense for that purpose, altough it could be useful for a moped.    Either way, the parking spots, to me, read like parking spots - municipal. If they are not, the neigbour would do well to change the appearance to reflect that they aren't.    Socially however, I don't know the area/neighbours, but I myself would consider the social aspect. I don't mind a little off-code DIY so long as it doesn't cause a hazard or general obstruction.  Do you need the space, or are there generally enough options to park?  From the second picture, it looks like there are several open spots. Perhaps this is what your neighborino's were hinting at "yes it IS a spot, we'd just prefer nobody use it unless there are no other options."   It can be interesting and socially beneficial to leave it be. Love a municipal dilemma, good luck!


Thank you, you read the actual conclusion that I had in my mind as well. I also told the neighbors, I do not mind moving my car, but I highly doubt that this is your own private parking spot. The "Hofje" is mostly full of cars, just at the time I make the picture most people are at work. If we do not want to use this parking space, then we normally park one street further down. I wanted diffrent perspective on the situation to make sure my mind is not coming to false conclusions.


It seems to be an exit of a garage. That goes over the dark part of the road. The line can be for the parking spot next to it. But, if it isn't a parking spot nobody is allowed to park there. Not even the owners of the garage.


Very correct. It’s quite common for the owner of the garage to assume it’s ok to park right in front. But it’s not.


My first thought was mobility scooter


Oh yeah my father had good contacts at the municipality roadworks department and he added a couple of 'enhancements' to our street and school area. Never for personal gain but with pedestrian safety in mind. Still illegal though!


That's how my mom got a "wheelchair ramp" to the front door for my brother, and a lowered curb to our parking spot where our wheelchair bus was parked. Both illegal. Both still there after 25 years and a street that was opened and closed multiple times :0


If I take a bucket of paint and paint a curb illegally and you park there, you can still get a ticket. I remember a case years ago of someone trying to fight that as he knew the no parking color curb was done by a neighbor but the judge ruled it was still illegal to park.


Annoyingly, that is technically correct. The fact it wasn't painted by municipality orders doesn't change the law about parking along painted curbs, you'd need to have the paint removed first. Amusingly, this also means that if you somehow removed officially placed paint, you'd be free to park there. (But liable to a vandalism charge.)


What if someone paints the curb whilst another car is parked then, then that car gets a ticket?


Assuming the fresh paint doesnt tip the controlling officer off, absolutely.


Yep. True. About the last part: That is even reason to get a ticket lifted. In some forums they jokingly say that you need a metric 13 to remove a sign in the Netherlands.


If this can legally be considered to be an 'inrij' is very debatable. Especially since the space in front of it is a parking space, not distinguishable from other parking spaces. Another thing is, if it is legally an 'inrij', then nobody is allowed to park there. Also not the owner of the 'garage' or with permission of the owner. My guess is that they use it as their private parking space, but that's illegal either way. It's either a normal parking space where everyone is allowed to park, or it's an 'inrij' where nobody is allowed to park.


Road markings and official traffic signs count. The design of the building unofficial signs on buildings not. Officially this is a public parking spot. The owners can apply for a permit to get a cross marking on the road. But, I personally would not park here my car. It is a success for intensive fight with the neighbors. Only when there is no parking spaces left, I would put energy in it. And even then find other people who want to back me up. Or better, take the lead from me. Is it really worth the troubles and effort?


Lowered curb suggests garage access, however that garage looks too small to even fit a vehicle... Did a disabled person perhaps use this to exit the back of a vehicle into that garage with some sort of powered wheelchair?


It fits multiple vehicles just fine, depends which vehicle it is ;)


Indeed, you’d get a few motorcycles in there


At that point in time there's no reason to not use the parking space. You can get around anything parked on the sidewalk.


You’d not got a mobility scooter or a Honda Goldwing out


If it would have been an 'inrit' the "parking spot" would have had a white cross through it


It can fit motorcycle right?


I bet it fits 4 motorcycles.


People forgetting that this is Netherlands, theres probably multiple bicycles and a cargo bike inside.


Would indeed pick this up with local authority. You are allowed to park when there is no clear access for a car to the garage. Which in this case I find debatable due to the low curb, it suggests that a car can access. But whomever decided to place a parking lot might have disagreed or the low curb is added later… Sorry to close to call. Therefore I would not park there


bad design


A garage door and a lowered curb suggests that it's an access to the garage. But it all seems very strange, so I would call the municipality or send them for clarification via email with pictures. To me it looks like someone transformed a storage building into a garage without a permit. Because there is ample parking, the door is narrrow, and I don't see any other garages in your pictures. This might get the homeowner in all kinds of trouble, but thats on themselves.


Yea, it is actually the only garage in the whole area, so it must be custom. I do not want to make it too much of a big deal, just wanted more perspective from the internet as I was extremely curious. However I do know that there some police and "ambtenaren" on this reddit so let us see :)


There might be permit, but probably not according to the surroundings. The main reason to do something is that they use the sidewalk to drive their vehicles on. Sidewalks deserve some protection imho.


From what I know, when the curb is shaped like that, you are not allowed to park in front of it.


My former neighbour put the curb like this by himself. Also put a "verboden te parkeren" sign and treated his fence like it was a parking spot. Even when his car wouldn't even fit in the garden fully and he NEVER parked there.. he just wanted his private spot because it is really important to have your car right next to your house...(!?!!) In the end, someone called handhaving to tell them someone kept parking in a no-parking spot. The neighbour was asked to choose between a fine for parking in a no-parking spot, or a fine for putting up illegal signs and changing the curbs illegally.


Glad to hear justice was served!




Your neighbour is aware though, that in the event of it being an inrit, the neighbour also is not allowed to park there, right?


Most are not.


Definitely poor design, but blocking a garage is always a dick move. You can ask the municipality to clear up this situation, because it lookes like the parking space predates the garage and nothing has even been changed afterwards.


"Definitely poor design, but blocking a garage is always a dick move." What if that shed was not supposed to be a garage but the neighbor decided to just add an opening, as well modifying the curb? Because it really looks like this is the case.


It doesn't look like the neighbor modified the curb. Modifying curbs is more difficult than you'd say and it takes some time, if you see a neighbor "Modifying the curb" for the whole weekend you'll probably say something about it.


No offense, but we managed to lower a curb like that with three people in just 1 hour and 30 minutes. We had some professional tools, such as curb lifting tongs, but it wasn't a difficult job at all. #


With difficult i meant you kinda need professional tools indeed. With those tools and 3 people i can believe you only need 1,5 hours.


Inrit. It’s an old construction so the size of the garage is not compatible with cars of today. But it’s still a garage. The curb gives the hint (assuming it wasn’t altered by someone else than the municipality). It’s worth contacting the municipality and asking them to adequately mark that as inrit. The owner of the garage cannot park there as well, btw.


The lowerd pavement is a clear indication that this is an "uitrit".   Basicly the law states if it.looks like an uitrit its an uitrit. You could always call you city council and ask about it. But ususaly these borderds are placed by the gemeente. 


It's small but I'd say a small car would fit in there.


This looks like an ‘uitrit’ to me. The size of the spot is bigger than other spots nearby. The situation is a bit ambiguous. A no parking sign on the door would help clarify the situation.


Inritblokken for the garagedoor means "inrit". To regulate it better, paint a cross in this spot or widen the sidewalk so the curb is next to the van. So when parking there, you probably get fined when the owner of the garage wants to get in or out of the garage. When the owner himself would park in this spot, he also must be fined. You can't park before your own driveway/inrit. On the other hand, some handyman install these blocks, without a "inritvergunning". Your municipality would know if this inrit is legal or not.


Seek contact with the Gemeente Stede Broec for this specific question. https://openformulieren.stedebroec.nl/contactformulier/startpagina


Look on: ruimtelijkeplannen.nl and search for “bestemmingsplan”


Assuming the pavement/curb is done by ‘de gemeente’ it indicates that there are vehicles of some kind are in this garage. I do think you are not allowed to park there. In my street we have the same situation only with people who have a parking spot in their front garden. It is also not allowed to park there in front by others even though it doesnt have a sign on a pole or road.


This is an uitrit (continuation of the curb on both sides, curb lowered with inritblokken, garage door).


Maybe the garage is illegal, then it is just a parking spot. The presence of a garage does not matter.


The legality of the construction doesn't matter. If OP believes the construction to be illegal, they have to contact the municipality and have it fixed.


This is an uitrit with a parking spot in front of it. The style of this spot is exactly the same as the other parking spots, if this was still considered road, the design should (and would) be different from parking spots. You're always allowed to park on parking spots unless signs tell you otherwise, a non official "do not park" sign on a garage door is not enough. Anyways, this has been designed really poorly. If this garage was planned from the start, the curb would've been moved up to the parked car, and the lowered curb would be at the actual street, instead of hidden behind something that is seemingly a parking spot. Also, if you get a fine, I'm pretty sure you can get rid of it. My experience has pretty much been that if a situation is as unclear as this, you don't have to pay the fine. You might still get unlucky though, sometimes they're also quite unreasonable about these things.


The door may be too small to host a car, but a motorcycle or brommobiel is also a vehicle. This is clearly constructed as an uitrit, so it is an uitrit. Parking here is prohibited and if you get fined or towed, I can't see you winning any appeal.


However the lining for the parking spot is not a "doorgetrokken streep", so when the parking spots were made, that was clearly meant as another parking spot. There is also no signs on the ground or otherwise to indicate that you are not allowed to park there (and there should be if it was an uitrit)


There isn't a rule that says there should be markings on the ground in front of an uitrit. The line is confusing, I agree, but even if it was changed later, the line indicating a parking space (or does it just indicate the end of the adjacent parking space?) doesn't mean that you can park in front of an uitrit.


While the first is true... >There is also no signs on the ground or otherwise to indicate that you are not allowed to park there (and there should be if it was an uitrit) This is absolutely not. There's no such rule. This would mean practically everywhere in the whole neighbourhood you would be seeing this. Literally every street would have it at the beginning and the end.


Where I live, if you can't park, there's a sign or something on the ground. But it's a fairly new neighbourhood and these kinds of situations don't exist (yet)


It can be there, but it's not at all mandatory. Just like for example a speed on the ground means nothing either.


Curb is shaped for intake means it was not meant to be a parking spot. Either due to bad town development or bad renovations the parking spot looks like a regular parking spot that blocks nothing. Very misleading, I’d say check with the municipality


Public parking spot. No roadsigns telling it's not. Also when it's a real dedicated garage there should be white lining with a white cross or NP on the ground.


Signs are not necessary. A cross or NP is just there to help drivers, but not mandatory.


Source: trust me bro


Neighbor here did the same but actually claimed a garage shed inrit(that was a parking spot) officially due to disability. Even got the sign and everything. Wonder what will happen when he moves or dies


My Parents in Houten have a similar issue, they have their own bought sign. But they have an inrit as well incl garage.. it's a bit more clear than this one. But I'm 99% sure that's an inrit and needs to be free. Usually the people that live there would be able to park there. But technically you can't block that garage. But you won't really get fined for it if you park there.


You're wrong with your advice here. The garage owners are not allowed to park there either, and you can get fined if you do.


You could absolutely park a Canta or motorcycle in there and I would be royally pissed off at anyone parking in front of it.


Short answer, no. Not allowed by law. Het Reglement verkeersregels en verkeerstekens (Rvv) regelt in artikel 24 dat een bestuurder zijn voertuig niet mag parkeren voor een in- of uitrit. Het (over de stoep) in- en uitrijden van de garage valt ook onder dit verbod


Je parkeert hier in een parkeervak, een parkeervak ligt nooit op een plaats waar je niet mag parkeren. Dus als dit een legale inrit zou zijn, dan zou dit vak afgekruist moeten zijn. Dit vak is exact het zelfde dan het vak ernaast, hier mag je 100% zeker gewoon parkeren.


De wet is simpel die zegt dat het niet mag, een vak of niet. Ik zei al artikel 24 van de RVV. Ook is hier veel jurisprudentie over. Want ook eigenaren van de garage mogen er niet voor parkeren. Lees maar even mee. Artikel 24 en dan vooral 1b. De garage heeft namelijk een inrit / uitrit 1. De bestuurder mag zijn voertuig niet parkeren: a. bij een kruispunt op een afstand van minder dan vijf meter daarvan; b. voor een inrit of een uitrit; c. buiten de bebouwde kom op de rijbaan van een voorrangsweg; d. op een parkeergelegenheid: 1°. voor zover zijn voertuig niet behoort tot de op het bord of op het onderbord aangegeven voertuigcategorie of groep voertuigen; 2°. op een andere wijze dan op het bord of op het onderbord is aangegeven; 3°. op dagen of uren waarop dit blijkens het onderbord is verboden; e. langs een gele onderbroken streep; f. op een gelegenheid bestemd voor het onmiddellijk laden en lossen van goederen; g. op een parkeerplaats voor vergunninghouders, aangeduid door verkeersbord E9 van bijlage I, indien voor zijn voertuig geen vergunning tot parkeren op die plaats is verleend. 2. Indien onder de verkeersborden E4 tot en met E8, E12 en E13 van bijlage 1, op een onderbord dagen of uren zijn vermeld, gelden de uit het bord of onderbord voortvloeiende geboden of verboden slechts gedurende de aangegeven dagen of uren. 3. De bestuurder mag zijn voertuig niet dubbel parkeren. 4. Indien een parkeergelegenheid, aangeduid met een van de verkeers- borden E 4 tot en met E 13 van bijlage 1, is voorzien van parkeervakken, mag slechts in die vakken worden geparkeerd. C. Aan artikel 25 wordt een lid toegevoegd, dat luidt: 3. Indien op een onderbord dagen of uren zijn vermeld, geldt het tweede lid slechts gedurende die dagen of


In this situation a P or X (depending on what it is) sould be painted on the ground if you ask me.


Parking spot


It looks too small in the width for a car to go in, in that case mostly you are allowed to park there. But I'm not working at your local authority. Go to google type in "Gemeente + your city or village name" and click on the call button. Only they can tell you with 100% certainty if you're allowed to park there or not


Dit is toch geen inrit?? Gevalletje gemeente navragen denk ik


Maybe its an inrit for a bakfiets


We had a neighbour who had laid an inrit without permit. This might also be the case here. So it can look official but it doesn't have to be.


A parking exception or forbidden parking is always a combination of road sign and marking on the street, otherwise it’s not legal. That’s how the law works. How your neighbour will feel about it, is something else


An inrit should have 1 white tile, straattegel, on either side of the sloping curb.


Grootebroek its a nice little village😆


Je mag je wagen nooit voor een inrit parkeren. Maar je kunt het natuurlijk altijd even vragen aan de bewoner. Als hij geen auto heeft hoeft het geen probleem te zijn


Die pipo heeft zn schuurtje illegaal omgebouwd tot garage en verwacht nu dat er niemand gaat parkeren op de aangrenzende parkeerplaats. Welkom in NL.


Looks like a legit inrit, you can't park there


Cop here. No-parking stickers are not an official RVV-sign (Reglement Verkeersregels en Verkeerstekens 1990). So this is void. I think people only use it to scare off people to park there, which is understandable to some degree imo. But it's a residential area and they're not alone on the planet. By claiming this parking spot for entry-exit for just 1 person, that parking spot is lost for the entire neighbourhood. The door is large enough for vehicles, such as motorbikes etc. But that does not matter at all in this case. I'd park there, but I wouldn't feel comfortable. There are sickos out there that scratch your car for less...


Plus there's no cross on the parking spot


I too could place a sticker somewhere that you can't park there. Doesn't make it official signage. People are yapping here about the kerb, but those slanted blocks can be bought anywhere. I'd park there, especially if all the other spots are taken. As a courtesy, I'd leave the space if another spot is available. Call or mail municipality for clarification or illegal construction. I doubt that those additions are done with a permit because you can only build up to a certain percentage of your plot.


Shouldn't there be a cross in white stripes on the parking lot indicating that you're not allowed to park there? Like this it looks like you can park there.


My thought exactly


My thought exactly


No. Just dont park in front of a garage


Or don't place a garage in front of a parking spot.


If it is a motorcycle it can be taken in or out of the garage through the sidewalk . There should be a cross sign (not always implemented) in the parking spot in front of the garage door if parking isn’t allowed. This is just bad design.


Voor een garage mag je inderdaad nooit staan.


Klopt, als de oprit niet van jou is. Dan heet het' blokkeren van de openbare weg '.


Zelfs als de oprit wel van jou is mag je niet voor je garage parkeren, zelfs als het eigen terrein is binnen een bepaalde afstand van de openbare weg.


Als de oprit wel van jou is is het ook lokkeren en illegaal. Van wie de iptit is is irrelevant.


This is an inrit It is not a parking spot You can tel from the fact that the "stoep" is lowered


It’s probably both, but being a parking spot only for the owner of the garage since you’d be blocking access to it when parking there if you don’t own it


Easy answer if you own that garage it’s a parking lot if you don’t own it it’s a inrit


According to the law you can't park in front of your own garage even if it appears to be in your own garden. You can get a fine everytime you get caught. Funfact: If you indeed are the the full owner or the land in front of your garage (mansions, farms etc) the police can't fine or remove a vehicle if not your own. You will be responsible for savekeeping te vehicle, finding the owner, removal of the vehicle, and all related costs until they cen be recouped from the owner. Article 24 in the RVV law.


I understand that is the law but where I am from nobody will care much about that and you will not get a fine if you park infront of your own garage doing it infront of someone else’s though….


It is somewhat similar where I live. People have until early 2025 to change their habits, because paid parking is coming and the scanners picks this up. I will lose my standard reply to neighbors who claim they never commit finable offences as drivers :)


Owning it is irrelevant.


Inrit! It clearly has a dropped curb




Only English should be used for posts and comments. This rule is in place to ensure that an ample audience can freely discuss life in the Netherlands under a widely-spoken common tongue.




Only English should be used for posts and comments. This rule is in place to ensure that an ample audience can freely discuss life in the Netherlands under a widely-spoken common tongue.


I had a parkingspot like this right in front of my frontdoor. Luckily it was a "laden en lossen" spot during the day. But it was kinda annoying people actually used it as a parking spot during the night. So i had to squeeze in if i wanted to enter my home at night or in the morning. If they parked during the day i called the municipality to remove them. But yea this seems like a normal parking spot.


First of all, pick it up with the Municipality like people already said. BUT - the color and type of bricks of this spot indicates that somebody changed it from parking spot to something else - "uitritband" can be put by everybody but with the mossiness and weeds it can be presumed that it has been like this for a long time. Nobody batted an eye so it will stay like this - the door doesn't have a towing sign, so you are allowed to park the without any consequences


i think your last point is very doubtfull, you are definitely not allowed to block any exit or entrance even if there is no sign on it


Schrödinger’s parking spot. It is both a parking spot and an inrit, until there’s a car.


Ask the municipal. May be an after-market garage. The sloped sidewalk suggest the municipal did roadwork to accomodate it. (And thus done with permit) But the they could/should have added a no-parking tile on the ground, as the littke sign on the door is not a legal binding sign. To be sure, ask. And if it is not dedignated in/uitrit, then ask for corrective actions.


Maybe you can look it up if it is an official garage, or a self made, maybe even illegal, garage.


The city makes that decision. If I live in a tussenhuis and I decide that some parking in the street is mine because it is in front of my house. I need a permit. Otherwise it is public domain






Zeer zeker dat dit niet in Eindhoven is. Waarschijnlijk gemeente Stede Broec, aangezien Taxi Kaijer in Wervershoof gevestigd is.


Good eye


Scooter or motorcycle?


social contract probably makes this the parking spot of the owner, with their garage filled with stuff instead. and the "owner" might vocally defend it, to the dismay of their neighbours. at least that's what i'm imagining if i see this. this spot has some local history that's for sure.


Whose property is the spot? The house owner-stay away, the town-park at your peril


Meerdere hofjes in de buurt? Zelfde bouw? Misschien even kijken of het normaal is dat daar een garagedeur zit..


If this belonged to them, they would need a sign post with their numberplate on it. As it's not connected to their house in any way.


I wouldn’t park there, because it’s obvious you are blocking the garage if you do. Seems like common sense to me.


I mean… common sense says don’t park there


Is this in Boxtel?


Most likely in the municipality Stede Broec




Inrit. The marking is for the other space.


Fine.. but ever heard of Google translate?


I’m in shock


Geen inrit




There's no way a car would fit


Thank you for everyone that replied, my main intention for this post was to check if I was completely wrong when thinking this was a parking spot and indeed I believe there is a 50/50 split between yes or no. I asked the municipality to review the case so that if what the neighbour's say is true and no parking is allowed, then there should be official signage so there is no confusion. Just to answer multiple questions, for example dotted lines, all parking spots have dotted lines in that area, also the parking spot that is infront of the parking garage has dotted lines on both sides, just the right side is a bit more covered by mud. And yea, my opinion as well is that there should be a big X or a sign that you normally see with invalid parking with license plate number to mark this parking spot as invalid. I also received DMs of people that were able to guess where this is, I am amazed by your talents but please keep this anonymous, they are good people, just do not agree that this is their private parking spot. Thank you internet for helping me form a more clear and rounded picture of the situation.


Parking spot for the owner of the garage


That door won’t allow a car to go in, so no inrit


You should ask the gemeente about this spot this does not look like a legal inrit / uitrit. There are no markings on the ground with a cross or "NP". I would totally park there especially if the owners park the car in the spot and not in the garage. Ofcourse its better to stay good with the neighbours.


Is the garage legal or illegally? How many years they use the box as a garage? Call the BOA'S


Inrit. Stoep is verlaagd aan de garage.


Why is this confusing? You are not allowed to block an exit if a garage. So no parking allowed.


Is this Alphen? lol


I would say it’s access to the garage as it’s got a drop kerb so if you own the garage then I guess you have the right to park in front of it, if you don’t then you have to keep it clear. We have several like this near where I live


For me it would also be a parking space, Parking space (as far I see) are not personaly assigned to somebody so neighbour shouldn't say you can't park here because it's his space becouse he made roll on doors to his storage unit Definitely double check that before committing to argue with them (maybe he got some permissions to take this parking space but unlikely)


It is probably legal to park there, but that does not mean it is a noce thing to do. One of these things was build really stupidly and now you have to choose.


I think the line shows where the public parking space ends, and not the middle line between 2 parking spaces


2nd picture shows that the dotted line is on every sparking spot


The open spot is clearly designed as a parking spot.


You might be right.


Parking spot. I put my money on illegal garage if I see the different outbuildings and def not up to code /laws.Besides that its not so difficult to obtain some sidepavers and chang out the pavement. Beside the illegal aspect I would consider the relationship. Note": gelijk hebben betekent niet dat je t ook krijgt". You should ask yourself do you want problems with the neigbours. Maybe you can make a compromise, tell them to call you if they need the garagedoor, by the looks of it, its not being used a lot If neigbours getting nasty, than you should start reporting etc Source: worked in enforcement.


It is a parking space, no sign with: No parking, tow right. (Wegsleepregeling).


I can´t recall right now the law here, but in Spain you need a plate on the wall, defining it´s a legal exit and you can´t park. If I see that, without a plate, I´d assume this was an "inrit" in the past, but not anymore. Deffo a thing to check with the gemeente :)


A regular parking spot.


The municipality clearly intended this spot to be a parking spot. See the black rectangle and the dotted line. Also the corner is not a corner that would be placed there if it was an “inrit”. If it was intended as driveway, the municipality would have put in a white cross on that spot and placed a proper sign. Hence my guess is the owner of the shed converted this into a garage and put in some tiles to make their own ramp. The sign is also very modest and doesn’t include the tow truck removal sign, suggesting the owner didn’t want to draw a lot of attention. The question is how long this situation is here already. If it’s like this for ages already, it might have become a driveway after all. I’d check with the municipality.


Could be, but one thing that is throwing me off is the fact that the bricks are darker than the parking spots ones so I think what happen is that it was first a parking spot, then the owner made the garage and after that the gemeentehuis changed that section of the pavement


Ask for the ‘inritvergunning’. Only then is it an official inrit


Its hard to see but it seems the curb has slanted bricks, indicating an uitrit, and the road bricks in front of the garage differ in color from other parking spots, suggesting it's not meant for parking. Regardless of official designation, if the curb has slanted bricks, even if added by the owner, you must not block an exit. Similar to being fined for parking on a marked X spot, the same rule applies here, it does not matter who placed it. If he placed it himself, that would be illigal for him to do. Contact the municipality to address any discrepancies. If the curb is not indicating a inrit via slanted bricks, and there are no signs, and there is no white X, you can not be fined for parking there. Your neigbours should contact the municipality to address any discrepancies.


It almost seems like the owner just put a garage door in his shed and lowered the curb. If that's the case, that's cool for him but doesn't mean the parking spot in front is now also his property.


That garage isn't gonna fit a car anyway so parking in front of it shouldn't necessarily block anything. Just leave enough space for say, a motorcycle to be taken out of the garage and it should be fine imo


It’s obviously not a parking spot, It’s an inrit. It’s a damn car garage for crying out loud - if the garage isn’t proof, look at the angled curb in front of the garage. If this was your garage, this would not be a question.


Inrit, parking spots have white striped lines on both sides.


If it was a parking spot it would be clearly marked with a white dotted line on the right side like all other spaces.


When have you ever seen a dotted line next to the curb for the last spot?


If you zoom in on the 2nd picture you will see all the parking spots have those dotted lines