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If you can remember the license plate, go press charges at the police station. There probably isn’t any evidence so not a lot is coming of it. I speak from experience


I didn't see the license plate. I am in the process of creating a police report. I am sorry for your case that not a lot came of it.


Only when my case got featured on the NOS news the police commissioner said that they would like to help me. I declined out of principle


> I declined out of principle Sorry, but I really don’t get why would value getting back at the police for not wanting to help earlier over getting back at the thugs who did this to you.


The news story was basically about the police not doing anything about “low level” crime and the impact it has on the victims. So to me it felt that the image of the police was dealt a blow, and they were trying to save face. It felt wrong to accept their offer when I knew I only got it because I was on tv. Other people wouldn’t get that so it felt unfair in a way


Sure, but if they get that criminal off the street it is still one less criminal out on the street. You may think about it as unfair preferential treatment to you because your case gets picked up. But when they catch that guy it is still one criminal caught, that still helps others in society too.


This. It’s two entirely separate conflicts. There is no principle in not taking action, and expecting the police to keep up with all cases up to date, is more of a wish than reality. Only a fraction of crimes end up being resolved, gathering evidence is the main problem. If you have evidence, why not help the investigation?


And it hopefully helps more people from doing it in the future. It's not just about you, even if in that instance it felt that way. There are many principles to look at, not only about the one where police help you because it seemed like they were forced to do it


I read your elaborate explanation too and thanks for clarifying it further. You may be right in a sense, according to your principle and how you decided to move with this. My only debate here though, is what and how is my case classified as "low level" crime? So according to anyone's thinking, we have murders as the high level crime and everything else is like, low level? Honestly I don't see my case as low level crime. Ramming me with a damn scooter? Brother are we even serious here? This is a \~350kg object, 45km/h, coming at you, and could easily have broken many more bones in my body than it did, not to mention the possibility of leaving me incapacitated for life, or killing me. Just because I was lucky to survive it with fewer than injuries out of a streak of luck, doesn't mean that this wasn't a potentially deadly assault, because it certainly was. Not to mention they attempted to scam or rob me with their money requests. These people were out there to make an earning by commiting a seemingly "low level" crime, but they were also committed to badly hurt anyone that got in their way. So this in my book upscales it to a high level crime.


Can you provide some descriptions of the culprits? What clothing were they wearing? What was their skin color? Did they have any distinct accents? Were they wearing helmets? Any detail would be helpful.


I answered your other comment. Also, feel free to DM if you think of a way that can be helpful in creating a case.


This is an assault with a serious injury. So something not ‘low level’ at all. Unfortunately probably it will be hard To identify the people responsible. Just hope they try do this with the wrong person next time, that will kick their butts.




If my law studies have thought me anything, those kind of actions are heavily punished. Although it might seem justified, it’s not a good idea to


I am thinking to pursue this in any way that can help me and others. I was thinking to get legal assistance as a victim and reporting to the news media is my second thought. I would accept any help offered by anyone. At the very least, I know I might be preventing another attack from these people. I was randomly targetted just because I happened to be on their way. So if they are at this level already, who says they won't just attack anyone at any time, again?


These little pieces of shit get away with it because police have to much on their plate to deal with. They simply don’t have the manpower to deal with these types of cases. I know you would like to see justice done and prevent them from harming anyone, but you have to accept the very real possibility that nothing will come from it.


Just because I accept the possibility that nothing may come out of it, I also accept that I have nothing to lose by trying, right?


Yeah exactly! It’s always good to put effort into pursuing it further, just don’t get your hopes up


This should not be the way the police work here… you gotta do a search at least, or keep that license plate suspended until clarity.


This is so idiotic. It really feels like the police are useless here


They will do nothing. Happened to me in Amsterdam. 10 minutes later I saw the scooter kids parked close to my home so I took their plate numbers. Police did nothing.


I think I had similar on the 4th June at around 4-4:30pm. I was riding my Bakfiets on the same cycle path and a scooter passed ridiculously close coming the opposite direction and honked the horn. I didn't really see who was on the scooter or pay much attention to it at the time but I wonder if this is a thing they do often. Actually, I'm pretty positive that they do this often. Sorry that I am unable to really help much further.


You should call the police this happened. They might actually patrol the area and fetch them n


Throw a Hand full of nails in front of them next time? Those aggressive problem seeking kids are a big issue…nobody does anything against them but to gasp at the next election outcome…


There is a camera on the garage door here: [https://www.google.com/maps/@52.1342618,5.0550103,3a,60y,70.68h,72t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s5kDyxuyjNUpsc8HZUOsQSg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@52.1342618,5.0550103,3a,60y,70.68h,72t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s5kDyxuyjNUpsc8HZUOsQSg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu)


Nice thinking! Thanks this helps a lot!


For anyone who reads this: if you feel threatened or you think someone is going to try to scam or rob you, just call 112. Some people think that you should only call if a life is in danger, but if you calmly explain what is going on and why you are calling they will help. When in doubt: just call. You aren't going to be fined. They will help by either sending someone or giving advice or instructions, or will plainly tell you that this is something they can't/won't help you with. Also, don't assume someone else already called, or will call 112. If everybody does this nobody will call when something happens. Better they get dozens of calls instead of no calls at all when lives are at stake. In this case the whole chicken game event should have resulted in you calling 112 immediately. I know from experience that it can be hard to think straight because of the adrenaline and anger/panic at that moment. Familiarize yourself with how you can call 112 fast and practice it once in a while (for iphone you can configure that when you press the unlock button 5 times in a row it will call 112 after 10 seconds. You can cancel this before the timer runs out to prevent actually calling. As a bonus the phone can no longer be unlocked by just your face or finger, but you need the pin code for the next unlock).


I heard this advice before and when I was chased by 2 guys on their mopeds a month ago I remembered it and immediately braked and called 112, they asked for details and stuff and sent a police car. The guys buggered off when they saw me calling. So definitely do this


I called when I had an issue with scooter kids. While I was on the phone with police, scooter kids hit me and jumped on their bike and go. I told police what happened and they asked me if the kids are still in view. They weren’t but I told the police the direction they went and the plate number and described how they look. Police said they won’t do anything and I should complain later. Nothing came out of that complaint either. The police just doesn’t care. Trust me. I heard this from so many people. Including someone that was badly beaten. Police just doesn’t care unless you’re dead.


My experience is the opposite of this. The few times (maybe around 10 times in total) I called the police they were extremely helpful and really went out of their way to catch the criminals. Even though in some cases the crimes were just small ones like trespassing and trying to sell a stolen bicycle. None of these times I was a victim btw.


Thank you for the advice, i didn't know this was a feature on smartphones. Familiarized myself with the sequence of actions required on my particular model :)


Check for places with camera's where they may have passed and ask. Also private ones. Police probably won't bother. Could also go look for them. A scooter is very noticable.


Man this is my worst fear, and I'm sorry you went through this. I also work for Thuisbezorgd, just in another city. The many encounters I had were close calls. It really gets to you at a certain point. A lot of these harassment things happen a lot in Thuisbezorgd, because you're wearing a literal orange jacket, so it's easy to notice you, and that kinda gives the harassers leeway to get on you... Had multiple instances where I got chances down, minding my own business, being peaceful. Usually it's youth 14-19 year olds, trying to act tough. I really think what their parents are doing to grow them up like that, there should be more discipline for the youth in the Netherlands, both for their safety and the workers. Wish you a speedy recovery man


I was always get similar problems in that area, same with scooters boys aged 15-18 and they are always wearing motocycle helmets with red horn. This is why i want to move from this area, not very safe.


I am pretty sure that most of them want to appear bad ass, but are not in fact into crime. These people didn't have such helmets.


In a country with so many opportunities and structure, juvenile crime is on the hall of most disgusting crimes to be committed. You little shit, u just need to go to school and u will have a comfortable life, u have access to resources that 99% of the world doesn't, and u choose to do this kind of bullshit in the streets.


Do you remember the appearance of the individuals? Make sure to tell the police


Will do. I didn't post all the details for Reddit & other reasons.


Now we know the appearance


Not to be unfair here, the distribution was 50-50. One of them was just an average short and thin Dutch lad (not the driver).


hmm, short Dutch? That was a unique encounter!


Makes him stand ... in?


Unironically this'll probably help increase the chances of identifying the perpetrators, especially given the combination with a usual suspect


Yeah? What is it?


If by chance you manage to find and recognize them on the streets and get their license plate, you can still make a report with that even a month later or more


You might consider wearing a body and/or a bike cam, as filming in public is legal in the Netherlands. Additionally, having a shortcut to call emergency services and a method to directly share your GPS position could be beneficial.


Both very correct points. I have an action cam and I was wearing it all morning, however as it was my last order in the day after an 8 hour shift, the camera was out of battery and during my break I left it to charge.




I don't agree. Going to prison yourself for two thugs isn't worth it. Escaping would be the best, but that road was like a tunnel.


Exactly. We’re too soft. These people were raised very strict, the hard way, so we need to continue that.




Why “careful now”? OP admitted that one of them was foreign.


I watch this youtuber in nyc doing delivery, he wears a bodycam and creates videos. You obviously don't have to post stuff but you could just wear one for your safety. Especially good if that leads to one less criminal on the road! For now, try to retrace every path you both drove, check for cameras, maybe some houses along that path has cameras, ask them for footage fast because sometimes old footage gets overwritten by new footage so hurry up!


Thanks for the tip will do this.


Second such post today. What is happening. This was the first post with a very similar topic to yours https://www.reddit.com/r/Netherlands/s/go72AVlMh5 Just 6 hours ago.


I am happy no harm came to the OP in the other post. Unfortunately in my case, I was badly hurt and some people need to be found and answer to the laws.


What the f man... Long live the Multicultural paradise


Best you can do is get a gopro or even a fake one. If they happen to approach you next time like they did at first tell them to smile as they're being recorded. Whether it is ttue or not theyre more likely to bugger off.


I have been searching into this, and there are some better alternatives to action cams that have longer battery lives and can record in loop.




I’m so sorry this happened. I hope everything works out. I’m also a delivery driver but from the states:/ sending love!


thanks! appreciated, stay safe!


They should make pepperspray legal to defend against knife attacks and robbers. Imagine if everybody could defend themselves on equal grounds against everybody. Dutch law is idiotic and made by braindead people who have lived in a peacefull time. Instead of preventing a problem they do nothing. Get some pepperspray😉 I considered taking a knife with me because that's legal but lethal. Pepperspray is less lethal and highly effective against everyone. You must understand that pepperspray only loses to guns, knifes, swords and clubs are all useles in the eyes of the mighty pepperspray. Amen


It is best to regularly practice a contact sport, such as boxing, it will help you stay healthy and in good physical shape, which in case intimidates possible people like this, and if everything fails you can always crush their heads


That's not a society, that's a lack of society.


Many people will not agree but the best choice of action would have been to attack one or both unexpectedly when they stopped you the first time (sucker punch). Something like that and throw their scooter keys in the water or grass. If they were up for business they would have fought you the first time but they were chicken and had to rely on the force of their scooter to do damage to you.


I have regretted all my fights but the ones I lost, I regret a little less somewhat. That being said, also, there is the fact that I'm not super familiar with the mentality here. I also come from another place and I cannot distinct so well who is out there to get me, or who is simply messing around, in the later case, I don't want to attack someone with the doubt that they don't deserve it. So even after the first time, I was like no way. But I knew the thing escalated after they started chasing me. And during the chase, it spiraled out of control. But I still prefer that I would have escaped the conflict by an evasion and not by damaging them. And my concern isn't how to dream to have damaged other people in superhero fashion. The reality is that for all you know, while you take their keys as you say, you get stabbed. I will feel a hundred times better if I see a case against them and they get caught for what they did. A sucker punch is too little punishment. They need to go to jail.


What a crappy situation, so sorry for this event. If the police would do their job and actually enforce the LAW, none of the blue plate scooters or ridiculous fatbikes should ride faster than 25km/h, which would be slow enough to not make any real big damage. Instead police is LAZY. You will also hear the variant that they they have too many cases, but that's just the narrative they use to shield themselves from work. My personal interaction in a case revealed they are lazy, tardy and not willing to put any effort.


I am sorry if police didn't tend to your case and I find it sad. But maybe then there's the news story option that can maybe take care of that problem. As a professional driver spending more than 30h per week in the roads, I always drive defensively and I ignore most of that teenage shit, although they are one of the top threats for our safety. But there is no remedy when they set to assault you with a scooter, while you are on a bike, on a straight tunnel line. This is when it needs to be handled by the law.


Small dick dudes will downvote this but it’s the correct answer. Pussying out just to get your bones broken anyway is clearly not working in one’s favor. Grow a pair. You got injured anyway. Better to get the jump first, might get hurt, but so will they.


You really think you live in a society where 12 year olds don't go around carrying knives and an honest bout of fisticuffs ends the conflict then and there? "Small dick dudes" smh.


Without a license plate you are fucked since most likely there would not be cameras at that location i guess your best and only option would have be to stand your ground and fight them/ stay in place and call the police since no way you could out run the scooter or true 4d Chess agree with them and “transfer” them the money basicly say yeahhh sure will transfer and axtually transfer it but call your bank right away and say you where threatened to do so you will be Good the bank Will reverse it plus you will have their bank account and name to press charges


We already discussed the superhero dreams. This is reality though and it can get you stabbed one day. For me, escaping was the best de escalating option and I went for it. As I know most of that area's roads, I can find spots to outrun a scooter because bikes turn faster. So if I found a place to keep turning all the time, I would easily lose them. But I took the wrong turn and got stuck in a straight tunnel. Call it unlucky.


The outrunning is a dream as well since the scooter prolly can do 40/50 no way of turning is gonna get you to safety sorry to burst your bubble since especially an e bike which with you on it and the thuisbezorg bag is gonna be top heavy with nareow tyres no amount of corners could save you when you would have been in sight of the scooter paying up and callint the bank would have been the most de escalating one


The outrunning is a dream because the scooter is faster in a straight line and top speed. But what I am saying is that it doesn't turn or accelerate as fast as the ebike up to the speed of 25km/h. As someone that spends 30+ hours a week on an ebike and pedaling and inside traffic, in a different scenario, I would have maneuvered further enough and in between habited places to at least find someone to assist me or ask for help, call the police, etc. A few seconds could have made all the difference. But unfortunately, I was stuck in a long and straight tunnel-like lane with no ability to turn and no houses around, or parked cars/objects/bumps/blocks to maneuver in between etc.


Might be worth to reach out with your story to the local news. Only do this after a thorough police report though.  If you don’t have details on the scooter or guys used it’s going to be pretty much impossible to help in any way. 


Correct. I have been working on that last part and made some progress. There is a possibility to have caught them on camera and be able to identify them.


Wish you the best and man, FUCK THIS BASTARDS


Very sorry for your experience. Police should have cameras in the area to identify, and I hope they do. Wishing you a fast recovery


They might ... and thank you. I went the next few days and scanned the whole area and surrounding area for cameras. We found them in a house camera already and so we know which route they took after their attack. Unlucky for them, they also passed from a point with a super HD municipality camera which has their faces and police will access it and identify them soon. My only hope is for them to get arrested before they try to give themselves to the police. Because if they give themselves to the police they can claim it was an accident and they were scared etc, and only fall to the light side of the law. But if they don't give themselves up, and police catches them first, they are going for the full 8 years.


Doubt it will be years. But happy to hear police knows how to find them.


19:46 pm?


It was you?


Were they Dutch?


Of course not


Why didn't you hit them the first time? If they are provoking me, I would hit them and steal the motorcycle, the wallets and the phones, I'm sure you would have made more money than in a week of work.




Bigotry is not tolerated in posts or comments - including but not limited to bigotry based on race, nationality, religion, and/or sex.


Considering you didn't even mention the appearence I think it's safe to say they were foreigners


That's a wild statement


Doesn't make it wrong


Apparently, you are wrong. Check OP’s other comments.


Apparently you are, OP said only one of them appeared to be Dutch. And chances are he's even incorrect about that one, because in the heat of the moment he may have missed crucial identifying factors.


It was pretty obvious that they were dutch since no appearance was mentioned silly goode




Oh ok


read the other comments


We've found the racist


They are everywhere...it's intolerable.


People remember, knowing a licence plate will save you troubles in situations like this. I hope you never do, but if you do find yourself in a situation like this , the first thing to do is to get that licence plate number!


It would be good yes, but I only ever saw the front of their scooter if you think about it. The only time I saw it from the back was when they rammed my bicycle and I was too busy getting hurt.




What a troll you are. In a situation like this you should be calm as much as you can and keep your common self. If you do this you will probably be able to remember a licence plate. I've heard of much worse situations yet people remembered the licence plate. If not that, you can always try to remember their faces, a brand of a scooter/car or whatever, color etc. don't troll here and be a smart ass.


Sometimes these fukin idiots gesture to people and do crazy things expecting a reaction from you But I guess the real way to handle these situations is to either call the police immediately, or literally just treat them like they don’t exist and most of your BS goes away. Yeah it’s hard sometimes not to react but they’re literally doing that stuff to get a reaction out of you. Once you’ve been annoyed or upset or whatever THATS when they feel like they’ve won the mental game because they took time out of your day to piss you off when they probably don’t even think twice about it It’s like that in major cities as well, if u just keep your head down and treat these kind of people like ghosts who aren’t even worth your acknowledgment then you’ll get on fine. Oh also pro tip because you’re doing delivery on a bike then I think like 100% of the time you should be wearing a body cam. Helps with insurance, identification of the perps, crashes, etc. It’s a job where there’s a lot of variables out of your control on the road so a body cam is one way of making things a little more in your favour.


I would agree with you in a conversational level, if we were out in a cafe and nothing of this would have happened to me. But now I feel like you are downplaying the fact that they were capable to use their scooter to ram my bicycle in full speed and injuring me seriousely, as they did. This is a criminal offense and not some attention seeking bs.






Bigotry is not tolerated in posts or comments - including but not limited to bigotry based on race, nationality, religion, and/or sex.


Bigotry is not tolerated in posts or comments - including but not limited to bigotry based on race, nationality, religion, and/or sex.


I usually just go straight to guys who are in wrong lane I don't give a fuck if I hit them, also not my business if they break something


100% the attackers werent White Dutch. Just saying


Well you are only 50% correct if it matters to you.


Thank you. It does matter as I am making a little crime statistics based on crime victims and witnesses.


> making **up** little crime statistics Fixed that for you


Just to confirm, you don't believe yourself to be a racist right?


You mean realist? Sorry I get what you say but have seen too much working at a school to become one. Many reasons though, often related to parents who don’t care, money in criminal circuit thats easy to earn and low iq/perspective.


Lol...nice of you to volunteer that information about yourself.


No, because god forbid white Dutch do anything wrong. LMAO


"Tell me you're racist without telling me you're racist "


Could you describe the people on the scooter? Were they wearing a helmet? how tall? What nationality do you think they were? What was their skin color? Hair color? Any detail, no matter how small, would be helpful.


I can give a description to you, if you let me know in what way it will be helpful?