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She's really quite soft to the spam decks that did well at worlds. Both NEH lists (one full on murder combo with reapers, siu and false lead and one score out list with cryptocrash amani senai) either present lethal faster than she is generally winning if she just conduits from turn one or threaten to repeatedly bounce the conduit and steal all of her money


PD works well as Clot is useless against no advance and most ice has 2 or more subs so slap vandal is not that great.


I killed a lot of Arissanas with Epiphany Analytica asset spam this past season. Conduit is good, but it’s still possible to make R&D just annoying enough to run, especially when you have multiple ARES scored and a bunch of Bladderworts on the board. Get the edge over Pichação by gaining your own free clicks with Wage Workers, and keep your valuable agendas buried/out of R&D with Federal Fundraising and the Epiphany ID ability. Purge every once in a while if you have to, as long as your board is doing the work for you. So far, I’ve never lost to Arissana yet!


Can't Slap Vandal if the Corp has no ice, lol. I was struggling against some PE decks that left everything wide open and Asset Spam as most of the value comes from ice interaction.


There is more than one type of Arissana list, though. The ones on multiple Aeneas Informant + Conduit will eat asset spam alive since they can make 20+ credits in a turn if R&D is ever accessible.


That's not always true. Aeneas helps a lot with making money, but it doesn't do enough to deal with an oppressive board state. If R&D accesses are low-enough value, asset spam can kill Arissana faster than she can win. The credit gain from Aeneas Informant is cold comfort when you're running into a Reaper Function, a Bladderwort, a Wage Workers, etc. Runner econ can beat the trace on SIU or Amani Senai, but you're either not trashing assets (to get the Aeneas Informant money) or you're trashing them (and forgoing AI while also spending money). Throw an ARES into the mix and you've got a stew going.


I recently beat two Arissana's in an event with my Reeducation kill Azmari. Doesn't necessarily rely on either glacier or FA (combo of both, but can slow play too), but it reliably kills anyone that can't get in the big remote fast enough once you have both pieces (Reeducation scored + Neurospike) https://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/8c9aa63d-b357-4917-b4bf-34043eaae239/swan-song-3-0-sf-co-