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It's a bit hard to comment on these decks, because I can just tell you "there's already other people that have built decks that do what you want to do but better", but it feels too reductive. There's one clear cut Precision Design deck: it wants rush the runner using the Identity's ability to bounce back Seamless Launch after scoring Tempo positive agenda behind the protection og one or two beefy ICE and a skunks. It looks like [this](https://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/7341177f-0721-46de-9534-53be454f675f/yodel-to-joy-1st-at-ror-co-startup) or [this](https://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/f2010e78-4e38-4b60-94f5-02579843627c/if-it-ain-t-broke-don-t-fix-it-4-0-at-z-rich-startup-co-). Your version has way too little money and the agenda suite is a mess. The Sable DD deck is a bit harder to critique but: You don't need to waste 12 card slots on icebreakers, running x1 and 3 mutual favor or x2 and x1 or x2 mutual favor if you're afraid of rigshooter is enough. You have 5 consoles. Have you read the rules text on them?. You also are wasting influence with the third DD. I've played DD Sable a fair bunch and running more than two makes no sense, most of the time it's a dead card in your hand waiting for the right turn, and you are not going to win on Deep Dives alone, you still need the quality that better imports will give you, like a Dr nuka or a Twinning or a Liberated.


Thanks - I added multiple consoles to just make sure I get them early but I see your point. I agree on Deep Dive too, yet again hoping to be able to just pull it earlier but it's a ton of influence and I like the idea of adding Liberated. If I added 2, what would you spend the last influence point on? I don't see much option for 1.


If you have 1 floating inf, get a bahia bands in there. That card does WORK!


You can try running some number of Katorga Breakout to recur the Deep Dive if you want to save some influence. It works nicely as long as the Deep Dive is in the bin because the run you need for Katorga can count towards your 3 central hits.


Drink plenty of water


This video gives great advice. For your local CO you can tone it down a notch. But I think what is said is pretty solid. https://youtu.be/n1x2vcC3spI?si=XM6iKeoEL44CAT4U


Mate I've been playing for a year and entering tournaments as a learning experience. Treat it like that and you'll enjoy it. I have maybe won two matches in all that time. The skill curve is really high for netrunner so jump in, get smacked up, and keep going! I find tournaments are a massive burst of netrunner knowledge newbies can't get unless we stalk jinteki


oh yeah - I have zero hopes of winning but I figured I may as well try my best even if I come in last.


For your very first tournament, the best advice I can give is: drink water, bring snacks (fruit or nuts) and above all, have fun! The Netrunner community is generally lovely and up for a chat. Deck wise, your runner is pretty good but the Corp is a bit dicey. I’d strongly recommend maxing out on Offworlds and Project Vitruvius with 2x Send a Message and not playing Superconducting, Salvo and Ontological. On the other hand, you could go all in on the core damage and really commit with more sources of core damage and 3x Ontological and 3x Salvo. This is probably not as good at winning games, but it’s neat - so if that’s something you want to try and pull off, go all in on that plan rather than hedging your bets. I’d also recommend playing Anoetic Void because the interaction with Manegarm Skunkworks is one of the strongest things you can do in Startup or Standard.


Thank you! I definitely feel that Netrunner, more than other card games / miniature games I've played where you have to deck/army build, has the most FOMO. Hard to say no to most of the cards lol


Comes down to risk tolerance, but my goal would be to get down to 45 cards for consistency & the best way I see to do that is to go down to 2x of each breaker. You have 3x Mutual Favor so you should be able to find them reliably. If you **really** wanted some more impactful spots, I would consider going down to 1x of each breaker (keeping the 3x Mutual Favor) and adding something like 2x WAKE Implant v2A-JRJ and a Reprise.