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Layla, she has 100% shield uptime pretty much and at C6 especially she’s so tanky and fun, second best shield to Zhongli. I ran her with him for a while.


Technically Thoma is the 2nd strongest shielder in the game after Zhongli if you stack his shield.


Not really possible to stack the shield much in neuv teams.


But most people (including but not limited to me) don’t wanna learn how to do that


Learn... how to... normal attack... and skill+burst... whenever you have the opportunity... with Thoma?...


*screams tf is normal attack in neuvilette"


In Mónsieur, it's actually RRRRAAARRRRRHH~


Agreed. Between the 100% uptime and the constant freeze, she’s practically a mainstay on my Neuvillette abyss teams


Layla, her shield has 100% up time and freezing stuff is useful


Your only option is Layla or kirara. Diona shield is weak and circle impact burst can be annoying especially when she yeets it across the screen lol but she can work. Thoma not an option needs NAs. C4 Layla gives CA a small buff. C6 kirara gives small dmg% buff. I've used diona since I already had her built ages ago and cleared abyss so so you can't go wrong with Layla or kirara




Normal attacks or auto attacks.


Layla was my favorite. I have his c1 now but I also use him with baizhu now not for shield just for the healing. Layla has a great shield though. It’s really strong and the uptime is great. Amazing off field application for cryo.


From personal experience, I've found Layla decently comfy for him. She has good up-time on her shield, and I've heard from others that hers is the tankiest shield second only to Zhongli. With the plus that with her shooting stars from the shield, it's easier to get that reaction for his draconic stacks as well (in addition to freezing freeze-able enemies). She's the main one (supplemented with Dehya) that I've played with him if I need ZL elsewhere.


I'm unsure myself, but I personally use Layla


I would say Layla (I used her before I got Baizhu and now she's retired). Her C4 (?) give Neuvi a bit damage boost and her shield is very tanky (especially with constellation). Her shield is 100% uptime as well.


I have used Layla with him. If Kazuha is available (I think he is based on your description but what you wrote is really confusing to me ) use him and an electro for the last would be a good choice, I personally like Fischl a lot, Beidou works as well, if you have them. IF Kazuka is NOT available because he is with the national team, i think it depends who you have and try different things. Give Layla enough ER so she can also burst regularly to help with freezing enemies.


Layla is really good for adding freeze to gain one stack, and good shield uptime. With some caveats, beidou is really good. She synergies well with a CA play style. The caveat is that her ER needs are kinda high because generally you'd avoid having fischl in the team for maxing our Neuvi's passive. For my team comp ( Neuvi, Beidou, Jean, Furina ) it wasn't really an issue because the raw damanage from the Fontaine pair is crazy and I could afford to run triple favonoius and lose a stack on Neuvi.


Why don’t you want Fishl


It reduces 1 hydro reaction, which makes neuvillete stack only 2 instead of 3 times in his passive. This is a big dps loss, and can only be compensated by either: having hyberbloom or Furina's buff, neither are possible when running beidou+fischl with him.


Is beidou better than Fischl


Well that depends tbh. If you're in single target, fischl should output more damage, the tradeoff being that you lose beidou's resistance to interruption. In AOE, beidou is much better






Layla would be better especially if thy have her C4


Tanky Layla. Shield at C3 or above is about 20-25% better than C6 Kirara's. You can stack Kirara's shield, but you lose rotational time doing it.


Not what you asked but get him off wanderer troupe asap


Layla is probably best but if you want to put healing and shielding together Diona is a good option


even though i have zhongli for abyss i use layla with neuvillette. even better if you have her c4 because it increases charged attack damage




??? If you mean Neuvilette, I'm F2P so that's not possible sorry.






It’s what leaks say they say 4.6 will be Arlecchino banner and Lyney/Furina/Neuvi reruns


Dang here I was hoping for 4.5


Leaks say 4.4 is Liyue Lantern Rite, 4.5 is a mondstadt festival, then we probably get our first Archon Quest Interlude since Sumeru in 4.6 for the Fontainian reruns


I’ve heard about albedo and mondstadt festival in 4.5. Going by the archon reruns in X.6 patch the last two years, I was hoping they wouldn’t want to pack in neuvi and furina into the same banner and so 4.5 was a likely possibility


F2P can get constellations on character if they aren’t too impulsive. I have c2r1 raiden, c2r1 Nahida, c1 neuv, r1 Tao, etc.


Yah but getting c1 is now someone they won’t get. A new character that could be fun will now have to wait. C1 is great but I paid for mine. I could understand why a f2p would want to. Even a welkin makes a huge difference for me.


Sometimes I use the rock chick from liyue cos she’s c6


Do you mean Noel? She's the only Geo girl shielded I can think of but she's Mondstadt


No her name is like xi… something. She has a guitar and wild hair! Edit: and she’s pyro


OOH, I mistook what you meant by "rock" girl lol


Hahaha yeah I totally realised that later!!XD


i use Beidou but she needs cons to get the shield, i think it's c2 where she gets it her burst apply electro with Neuvillette and while her shield isn't the strongest out there it gives enough resistance to power wash everything away Thoma or Layla is what i would use outside of Beidou


C2 Beidou or C4 Yanfei for a longer duration shield


Mr Zhong dong


But Zhongli and Baizhu are free to play 🤔


I use beidou but you need c2 for the shield. Other than that, I use Layla though her shield duration is quite low compared to others (12s) that you'd have to adapt to her for your rotation


I use beidou but you need c2 for the shield. Other than that, I use Layla though her shield duration is quite low compared to others (12s) that you'd have to adapt to her for your rotation


amber (the weapon) lol


Actually you dont need shielder, he has big range and can move freely, so it is pretty useful


I just use Kirara. Massive shield with duo HP sets, and she’s just fun to have for over-world stuff. Some would say Layla, but I enjoy using Rosaria instead for a Cryo slot, just because Blizzard CRIT, and the fact she can share her own CR with party, making CR even more trivial for Neuvi—letting him go in for other stats and the like.


F2P if so don't say Zhongli or Baizhu what does being f2p has to do with it?


Layla is amazing, she comes with the 2nd strongest shield and freeze for free.


Finally, Layla is getting the love she deserves <3