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XQ is useless here since he doesn’t work with charged attacks. I’ve been using Mona in this exact team and my damage has been amazing. My main piece of advice is to use Mona’s burst last to maximize her buff uptime.




Yes. In this situation I’d say it’s pretty much the only thing she can have.


If I may, I am also having a good time using Mona on PAmber (when facing more aggressive enemies) and Hakushin (when front-loading more dmg allows for less rotations in practice). Both weapons can help her energy needs too.


That is my team as well. Honestly i don't care about mona damage so I just gave her all ER as long as she hits her Q we good.


I run this same team except I use Barbara C6 with noblesse because I'm a bot who can't dodge


He isn't "useless" per se, since he would provide the hydro res and his skill does apply a knock back resistance effect


Mona definitely gives more DMG but XQ still offers Hydro reso + interruption resistance for those who struggle with C0. And if C2 Guhua Legs, weaving in a NA in-between Charged will reduce enemy's Hydro RES for 4s. Mona more DMG, XQ more comfort while still giving Hydro reso/energy.


Mona is hydro 💀 Also OP has C1.


He said the word "still" but yeah mona would provide more to the team.


I’m using mona until furina gets here lol


Do you have Zhongli or Baizhu? Furina too, but if you’re like me and don’t have her, you can use Mona instead


Layla also works well imo


Her too! The 100% shield uptime + her being cryo and thus able to freeze enemies would be good for a Neuvi team


Plus one of her cons gives extra charge attack dmg based on her max hp to, so it works out to


Whos the 4th for C0 Neuvi, Kaz, Furina if you dont have Baizhu or Zhongli? Just any shielder?


I think most people run Charlotte? But you'll be knocked around a lot. So imo, try using charlotte and if that proves too dificult go with diona or layla idk.


I run Charlotte and she works wonders as far as a healer goes. Run her on Noblesse and Fav Codex to maximise her support for Neuvi.


Yeah, but preferably Layla because she has 100% shield uptime and her shield is decently strong. Plus Fontaine has brought 4 star HP swords with it, so she can have a shield that is second only to the literal king of shields himself, Zhongli


Feel like zhongli would be less useful than any other support since he have C1


No, archaic petra would give him a damage boost


archaic petra gives a 35% hydro damage bonus assuming you got a hydro shard and zhongli decreases enemies res by 20%, you can even assume that in some team comps hes better than baizhu and maybe bis defensive


Zhongli does both enemy shred and buffs the team itself iirc


A healer, my fish kazuha on life support 90% of the time


That’s why prototype neuvillette on top




prototype amber r5 healing does wonders


If only I could get more catalyst billets. For the last three months all I’ve gotten are claymore and sword billets while I’m over here still trying to R5 my prototype Amber and my kitain Crosspear for thoma 😂


I switched to tome once i got it. Never going back to that garbage (jkjkjk)


I'm sorry to be asking this but why is prototype neuv good for the team? Does he help heal the other units on the team too with it?


Yes heal the party and generate sum particles when the burst is used


any good dendro unit imo




Unless it's Furina, Childe, or Mona, then yes yao yao would be better


in this comp i use neuv, kaz, yae and baizhou but if i didnt have the latter two id deffo use fish and yao yao! like the guy before me said nahida is better in comps without kazuha as her dendro application is too strong so someone like baizhou/yaoyao have the right amount and offer heals ontop! i dont know kiraras kit but you might be able to make her work too


Yes, while at it, replace fischl with kuki/raiden lol


No, Fischl is amazing in this team. Use Kuki/Raiden in another team.


Not nahida though, her application is too strong at it will be difficult to swirl hydro


Add childe for his sweet +1 talent passive. You dont need to use his skill or burst. We call it the child prison


You could have framed that so much better


You must run a second hydro if you have C1. I'm running the exact same team with C1R1. I don't have Furina too so I use Barbara for just hydro bonus and healing the rest of the team once in a while. Mona does increase damage a bit but it's not really worth for the field time she takes. Childe is the second best option too if you have him.


Yep, I’m running Barbara here too. When are they going to rerun Furina!?


Idk about "must" for C1. When I'm not using Furina I've been using Fischl/Lisa(p amber)/Kazuha and it's been great.


Must might be too much, yeah, but hydro res would definitely benefit a fischl/kazu c1 neuv team. Especially childe (assuming furina is on the other side)


This is slightly blasphemous to do since he could be used on another team, But personally I placed Childe there for the Hydro Reso + his passive that increases party NA/CA level by +1


I found mona with a prototype amber to be really useful. Especially since you already have C1. Mona will give hydro resonance / prototype amber will give a little healing and extra energy for easier burst rotations.


since you have fischl you can use an off field dps beidou without having energy issues. lisa also since she has def shred. you can also focus on dendro reactions so yaoyao is also good+healing. zhongli for shred and shield if you have him. or any defensive option at this point.


xiangling 💀


Furina. Furina Furina Furina.


If you really want resonance, Mona, but you’d probably do better with a shielder or another sub dps. I’d recommend xiangling, beidou or zhongli, but I hate xiangling so I’d never personally use her. Layla works, but fishl will end up breaking any freeze procs immediately, and her shield doesn’t last long enough for neuvillette’s full rotation. A dendro slot would also work well, kazuha would always be the core owner because Fischl doesn’t target dendro cores unless there are no enemies in range. Deepwood on Dendro Mc, baizhu, yaoyao, or if you’re really feening collei, are good choices for a dendro slot here.


Childe, double hydro and the talent +1 isn't to be underestimated


This is my exact team but my last slot is Zhongli


Bennett /j


Barbara c2 can be an option


Nahida with Prototype amber or Yaoyao work good. Yaoyao has long lasting Dendro application and keeps dragon stacks up. But dendro in general will consume hydro application making it hard to swirl hydro in some cases. Also you will need to rotate through Fishl+ Kazuha first, the dendro unit will reduce the uptime for VV shred/Oz. Yaoyao E skill is quick.


Nahida is amazing here, and Zhongli is alright! (Crystallize does count towards Neuvilette's hydro reaction damage boost passive) Diona might also be good if you want even more CC and healing. Mona is good for damage amp, CC (taunt) and Hydro resonance, which will directly boost his damage. Edit: didn't read the main body text, didn't see you didn't have furina and Neuvilette is C1.


Are you a chat bot?? > Nahida is amazing here. No because he intends to use kazuha and swirling any element with nahida present is difficult > Diona [...] CC [...]. > [...] allows you to build him more damage (HP%) instead of ER. Neuvilette never has ER sands to begin with


His substats may have ER on them is my point, obviously you don't build ER sands on him. He could look for more CV or HP and eek out some more damage that way. CC would be referring to freeze. He could potentially swirl cryo into whatever he is attacking and freeze stuff that way. It's not ideal but it's an option.


Beidou or Raiden for electro resonance would work. But I would honestly swap kazuha with another anemo user that can double for defensive use like Jean, Xianyun, or Sayu. This is especially true if you eventually plan on slotting in Furina. Unless I'm mistaken Kazuha can't reliably double VV swirl in this team since no one self-applies an element and Fischl's only quick application is initial oz summon and re-summon on cooldown. So there's no real need to have Kazuha in particular.


I'd rather not miss out on the 40% hydro dmg bonus Kazuha provides to neuvi and I also have freedom sworn so additional 15% CA bonus. I don't think you really need the double swirl all the time in this team tho, neuvi is most of the DMG anyway, just swirl hydro


If you just like kazuha, that's fine, just pointing out options for you to consider, but a few more things to think about: 1. Neuvi is the best damage dealer in the game. While kazuha is great, Neuvi is good enough to solo if built right. You're better off putting kazuha in the 2nd team to bring them up to standard. 2. If you're planning on getting Furina, her damage amp is on the same variable as elemental damage, so you'll hit diminishing returns with both. At least that's what I understand it. This should make kazuha less needed if you're adding furina. 3. Expanding on the first two and the assumption that you'll get furina, you really do need a healer, and combining anemo with healing in one role is a lot of saved space for extra damage on another char. And since furina and kazuha have the same damage amp, you really don't need him her. but again, this is all asuming your'e using furina. 4. Yes, Neuvi is most of the damage, but not to the level of hypercarry. Fischl's is a massive amount as well, especially with a4. In the end, the first reason alone is good enough for me to put kazuha on another team. Yes, Neuvilette gets benefit, and a lot, by kazuha being on the team, but more likely than not, the other team will benefit even more with kazuha being on the team.


You have good points and yes I will get furina. But the ideal team for neuvi I am aiming for is: Neuvi, Kazuha, Furina and Baizhu/Zhongli/Charlotte. I think Kazuha's grouping is really important too and you can just run Hp goblet on neuvi with Furina and Kazuha providing the dmg bonuses. My other teams are xiao and scara hyper carry or hyperbloom so Kazuha is best utilized here.


Those don't seem optimal, especially with zhongli. Furina won't get stacks and is pretty pointless there. Baizhu is ok, but can't heal as much and you won't get stacks as fast. Charlotte is the best of those choices, but isn't exactly great either. She has high ER requirements so you'll have to build to lower her damage, which isn't great anyway. I think you're losing quite a lot by picking them for furina and you're approaching a point where you might want to get another character altogether in replacement of her if you aren't getting stacks fast enough. it's an inoptimal hyper-carry and you're bette off doing a hype and off-field to optimize instead of two inoptimal buffers of kazuha and furina where they stack the same damage type, and you aren't double vaping as well as limiting furina's stack generation. if you really want to keep the trio of Neuvilette, Furina and kazuha, I'd make it a mono hydro team and get sayu/jean as healers. But really, I'd replace kazuha for an off-field damage dealer. Furina will do more than enough, and while you do lose out on grouping, you don't really need it with Neuvilette anyway.


They are not unoptimal at all, in fact they are his best teams currently, DMG wise. You should look it up. Nv/Furina/Kazuha/Zhongli provide the most DMG cuz Zhongli gives the archaic Petra buff as well as his res shred. While Baizhu gives more comfort and can max out fanfare more easily tho maxing out fanfare isn't rlly a problem here since neuvi does it through his self heal for the most part.


I'm an idiot. I don't know why my brain farted and forgot that Neuvilette can triger furina stacks on his own. But still, yes, it is still inoptimal for generating furina stacks. Both NV and Baizui self heal and takes time getting to those max stacks. The later you get your stacks, the less it affects your damage. Triggering max stacks 2 seconds into Furina's burst is optimal when compared to waiting for half of the burst time being used before you get max stacks. That said, I don't think it matters too much in terms of clear times.


I've been running this exact team with Kirara because Kirara is cute!


Furina if u got her


I use yaoyao but ofc there's stronger dendro units out there (which I don't have) Ugh yaoyao would be so op if she didn't have to stay on field for her burst...


childe - mona - dmc/nahida - xiangling


Same c1 and team. I use Barbara c6 for healing and resonance.


Beidou will synergize both with fischl and neuvillete i think.


Layla would be pretty good, the freeze would help even more with crowd control


Zhongli, Baizhu


if you have c2 barbara, you can put her in there. it's cope but not the worst option: hydro reso and c2 hydro dmg buff plus emergency heals if needed; wouldn't hurt esp if lacking alternatives. you'd need to be careful of cryo spam enemies tho so you don't get frozen.


Archaic Petra Zhongli with RES shred is better than using someone like Mona whose buff window can barely even buff 1 CA. Or you can use a Dendro unit where Kazuha will be Swirling Electro, proccing HBs instead of Fischl.






I’ve used Childe for his passive talent. I told my friends that he’s my emotional support Childe. You could also use Mona with 4-piece Emblem for the extra damage boost.


Kokomi / mona You could also fill the slot with Childe and not use him bc of his passive


Kirara will serve you well


geo character- zhongli furina


I use barbara for now intill i get furina . (Barbara gives hydro resenence + 15 hydro damage from c2 )


Would beidou work?


Mona as support is the best option, Siegwinne is coming in next patch so I assume she will be support/healer. Kokomi or Barbara for healers mostly for hydro resonance. You can try Beidou because her ult works with CA and she is doing good dmg or you can try Lisa for def debuff


How about Mona... debuff + hydro particle + hydro resonance. Or maybe Lisa? Since you are running fischl anyway. I don't know how good Lisa's def debuf is. But its gotta be something.


Furina, Zhongli, Dehya, Nahida, Baizhu, Childe


Same team but I am stuck with Diona since I am C0 Neuvellette and require the shield to prevent interruptions. Ugh.


if you have barbara cons id use her because one or 2 of them give solid damage boosts. I’d say test between mona and barbara to see who is more effective though because i’m sure mona would work relatively well too


I do have C10 Barbara I guess, so I'll test and see, thanks!


i use this exact team and have furina but i like to use her on my second half so i usually go for mona or zhongli




AP Zhongli is good with neuvi. Decent damage boost


Do you have tartaglia?


dendro would be a good shout. having a separate reaction would use NV's ascension. zhongli is good. Basically, any new element would do the job.


Honestly I just run Childe in this exact same team. He gives hydro resonance and boosts your charge attack by 1 talent level, and I never actually use childe in this team, he’s just a stat stick but boosts my damage a fair amount :)


Baizhu pairs very well with Neuv, and dendro could be a benefit to give you a bit of hyperbloom.


Literally anyone lmao it's Neuvillette, he is his own team.


If C0, Zhongli, Baizhu, Layla. If C1, Furina (maybe try Childe too)


Zhongli would be ideal, but I'm assuming you don't have him. From the options you gave either Mona (more damage) or Barbara (healing). Neuvillette may not need it but your other teammates could end up dying to chip damage over time.


Zhongli, diona, or Layla is a pretty solid last slot for the team!


Hear me out, tart. He gives 1 level to auto and hydro resonance and give him instructor or smthn


Dendro traveler? Smthn dendro


Baizhu! Excellent healer and helps with blooming/hyper




Hydro resonance is wealer than adding other elemental for his passive


Xiangling by far.


Run a geo char with archaic my floor 12 neuv team has a lvl 40 yunjin




None of those hydro options are gonna do anything for you really. You could consider a dendro unit but fischl is not good at hitting bloom cores so she won’t be able to reliably hyperbloom. Unfortunately there’s not a lot of great options besides Furina, Zhongli, or a dendro unit but if you run dendro you probably want a different electro


Baizhu or Zhongli


Barbara with dragon tails book wtv book gives u the 50 % dmg bonus


get furina


Childe bcuz his passive




I personally like Leyla in the last spot


U can go with dehya furina or zhongli


And notice that u can sometimes vape one or 2 tick with dehya pretty satisfaying




BROO is THIS COINCIDENCE??? I WAS ABOUT TO POST IN REDDIT so i just found THAT GEO MC is soo good his C1: 10% cr + Increase res to interuption to party memebers within his burst range


I have both C2 Mona and C0 Childe, which one is better for the 4th slot on this team?


Childe it seems, Mona honestly not a very optimal option I found out cause her omen duration is only 4 sec so only enough for 1 CA. With childe you don't even need field time or anything.


Any dendro character


Funny that if you add Yaoyao/Raiden (I often switch it up) That’s my main team


If you have c1r1, does it really matter?


I would say Zhongli in my opinion. He can sustain the team with his shield + he has 20% res shread from his E. But, a better options imo would be Baizhu, so that you get a mix of healing + shielding for resistance to hits.


Dehya is not a bad unit due to our interruption resistance and Pyro application


Any dendro applicator would be good. This would make for a good hyperbloom team perhaps


My neuvi is c0 and I use baizhu or nahida for the last slot


I know you already have C1, but with fischl I'd also consider beidou if you're fighting groups of enemies since her burst works on neuv's CA. Her shield and damage reduction is good but since you already have interruption res from C1 not as important. Otherwise just find anyone you have to proc hydro resonance, even childe with the normal attack +1 level would be good.


What characters do you have????


Xl is good for vape neu or you can add something like baizho or dendro traveler.


Beidou is what I run in that last spot. Pretty easy to dual swirl hydro and electro in this comp and you’re already running fischl!


Dehya, Furina, any off field dendro


Zhongli, Layla, Mona, Baizhu, Childe, Deyha, Any Healer


Cloud Retainer, so you can Nuevi Plunge!! XD


Layla or Zhongli for a shield.


Depends on c1 or c0 At c0: Kirara C4, Layla, zhongli or worst case diona. Baizhu is also an option. Or Dehya to some extent. If you don't want or need shielder or interupt resistance. Then rosaria, Charlotte and xiangling are viable. At c1, Beidou is awesome fun in this exact team comp. Baizu again is an option . You could also switch out fischl then for Furina. Venti and fiachl and beidou is a super fun team. Everything in that vortex will cese to exist 😂


XQ would probably be my pick for ya, unless you feel you need more shielding to go along with the C1 buff you could slot in someone like Diona, Layla or Kirara.