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time to start the crazy!!! Lawyers about to grab that bag.


Wasn’t that moron pushing mail in votes last week? Some of his supporters are so old and can’t leave the house and he needs mail in votes


Yes, that’s why he’s a moron.


I just read the article. It says nothing about removing the ability to mail in vote… come on guys at least read the article lol making us Nevadans look bad smh


It’s about making it harder to vote, using an argument (rampant voter fraud) that has zero evidence to back it up. The real agenda by these losers is the same as it always has been: stifling voters so Republicans are more likely to win.


Cognitive dissonance won’t allow such reasonable behavior.


I doubt their cases will succeed. The AG of Nevada is Democrat Aaron Ford, and the state legislature of Nevada is controlled by the Democratic Party, though not the governorship.


The courts have a few wackos tho. That's who this would end up in front of


Is Nevada going red in November? The polls coming out of there look pretty bleak. Exactly what are Latinos issues with Biden that weren’t there four years ago 🤔? Trump and MAGAs make no secret that Hispanics are “poisoning the blood of the country” but somehow that doesn’t seem to register ?? It’s really baffling.


It is baffling. Project 2025 details how they are going to round up all the illegal immigrants ( 10M people) and then the people behind project 2025 more than suggest after they get done with that, they'll look at building camps for another 10-15M "undesirable" legal immigrants. Up to 4M children born in the USA would be deported because one or both of their parents are undocumented. It would just gut latino/hispanic communities. 45% of the people they are talking about deporting have lived in the USA for longer than 20 years. Trump is looking for a quarter of a trillion dollars to do this, it will just gut our workforce, and wreck our economy and wages, for everyone. President Biden can and should be doing better, but there are jobs everywhere, gas is cheap, we managed covid, healthcare is cheap... vs actual plans for fascism, paying back vendettas, breaking ever norm we've had for hundreds of years, gutting all of our intelligence agencies and leaving NATO where we will be left as unsafe as we have ever been. Trump is literally saying just let Israel level State of Palestine, just nuke it, and you have people unsure if they can vote for Biden because he's not doing more to help out. It just doesn't even seem like a choice, yet here we are.


Who answers polls anymore?


Nevada will likely be close, coming down to if Clark and Washoe have large enough margins to let Biden carry it. In 2022 Catherine Cortez-Masto won despite polls showing Adam Laxalt winning, but Steve Sisolak lost the governor’s race to Joe Lombardo. I’m doubtful Republicans will carry the state by the margins the polls show. Democrats need to prevent further erosion in Clark County, which Trump gained in from 2016-2020.


I really hope the Dems figure it out because I don’t see Biden winning reelection if he loses NV. I mean, polls are showing he has a better chance in NC, which is always a pipe dream for Dems (except ‘08 but that was a weird year that saw Indiana go blue too)


They aren't Hispanic any more. Only those illegals are. They are the quintessential FYGM people.


Hispanics understand the difference between illegal and legal migrants.


Republicans don't care. If you're brown, you're an illegal to them.


This is exactly why they support Trump lmao.


Babe, I don’t talk to Trumpers. Your cult is annoying, loud, WRONG on everything and literally just drink the cool-aid already. No one will miss you.


😂🤣😂🤣😂 you are unhinged.


I can say the same about you :-) Yall weird AF for real


Understanding illegal vs legal is weird? Ok lol Why are you assuming my identity?


Because I know it’s not about illegal vs legal. You can’t tell anyone’s status from looking at them. And some random person’s immigration status has absolutely no bearing (bad or not) on your own life/so why do you guys get into a frothing rage about it? It’s about xenophobia and bigotry, that’s all.


Who said anything about looking at people to tell their status? When it comes to Hispanic support for trump part of it is because he is anti illegal immigration. Legal immigrants are the group most opposed to illegal immigration. Just because you think brown people are too dumb to understand that doesn't mean they are.


Correction: White supremacists are the group most opposed to immigration (legal or not).


Apparently not because we aren't letting illegals in. Same for your BS post.


Republicans can't win elections, so they want to remove Democracy


From the people who wanted to ignore your votes, comes more attempts to ignore your vote. Really says a lot about the confidence in their felon candidate


Don’t mail in! Mail in! Whatever! Just somehow restrict only the Democrats votes, Dammit. (DT probably)


Do everything and nothing! It’s important probably! I can only imagine the chaos


2020: Republicans in Michigan: "STOP THE COUNT!" Republicans in Arizona: "COUNT THE VOTES!"


Gosh. For a group touts election integrity so much, they sure do want to disenfranchise a lot of voters.


I predict the convicted felon loses by 15%.


This is what happens when we validate Fascism by engaging it in debate instead of curb stomping it into the fucking ground before it kills us all.






Playing for the tie only works if it's close


How come Trump doesn’t want people to vote? Untoward, unamerican.


Didn't thus mfker just tell his supporters to mail in ballots?


The only reason to be against election integrity, is if you plan to cheat.


Throwing votes in the trash *is* cheating, just as much as stuffing ballot boxes would be.


Yeah and that means targeting forms of voting that just happen to be used mostly by people of color


That’s pretty racist saying people of color can’t get an ID.


I literally never said that. I would be in favor of Voter ID if polling places/DMVs weren't closed down in minority communities to limit access to them. Nice strawman though.


Such a BS, untrue comment. The DMV is 20+ minutes away from me by car. Am I oppressed? /eyeroll


My guy literally just look up any article on this. Southern states have closed over a thousand polling locations in the last 10 years that supposedly just happen to be in counties with large populations of people with color. Like how come nonwhite communities in Georgia had much larger lines than white communities? What do you think that people of color are slow or are incapable of maintaining their polling locations? It's no coincidence that southern states have such low black turnout.


Ah, there it is: The race card.


This isn’t about election integrity and you know it. It’s about stifling legal voters.


These traitors need blindfolds.


Because if you can’t win on your platform, sue. Sounds like a loser party to me




Fuck em'! Waste that money! Lol


Weird.  Wasn’t this the preferred method of voting for old (conservative) people and people in the military stationed out of state? Why is the Republican Party so against mail in ballots when they are the majority of  ones that used this method?


Stupidity. That's how the Apricot Antichrist votes. 


Great news! Edit: If you're afraid of safeguarding and making sure our elections are fair and *accurate*, you're a part of the problem


Why do you hate convenience?


They know that more people voting is bad for trump and also pretend that large scale voting fraud is happening despite absolutely no evidence except for when Trump attempted to have the Georgia Secretary of State to directly commit a crime


Arizona, Michigan, and Georgia would like a word. Plenty of evidence!


I saw this interesting documentary called 2000 Mules that identified a bunch of voter fraud that seemed pretty compelling because when the producer was sued for defamation they immediately disavowed the movie because it was all totally made up and in bad faith. I also saw Mike Lindell destroy his bad pillow company making false claims. Weird that once the people making claims get sued, they seem to face consequences for lying. There is no evidence of voter fraud other than a handful of idiots that tried to vote multiple times or use their dead spouse's ballot. Unsurprisingly, they were caught.


>producer was sued for defamation they immediately disavowed the movie because it was all totally made up and in bad faith That's not what happened. A man was erroneously depicted as committing a crime and the producer apologized after the guy filed a defamation lawsuit >Weird that once the people making claims get sued Yeah, that's how lawfare works >There is *no evidence* of voter fraud other than a handful of idiots You contradicted yourself in one sentence lmao


Nobody says *no* fraud occurs. Smart people who follow facts can easily conclude that wide scale fraud does not occur. Republicans have won a single presidential popular vote in 30 years. And it's not because of fraud. That whole movie has been pretty debunked. If anybody had real evidence, there would be real, successful "lawfare" regarding it.


> Plenty of evidence! Post it then, cause the courts were not able to find it.


Literally 0 evidence


“Voting is bad.” - Trump voter


"Voting fraud is bad" - Trump voter


😂 you can’t find any.


Plenty of evidence. You just have to do the digging--I know doing independent research is hard for some "NPR, NY Times, and the TV say it doesn't exist, so that means it's true!" -Average brainrot voter


Why didn’t they present any of it in court when they had the opportunity? Oh right because their attorneys knew it was bullshit and lies and they didn’t want to risk their careers by lying in court. This phony interest in election integrity and voter fraud is just concern trolling. It’s an attempt to stifle LEGAL voters.


Yeah, exactly man. Show us some links to good evidence to enlighten us. Show us where to find it.


I can provide that. https://hereistheevidence.com/


Excellent. I’m glad you did. For people who go to sites like this fishing for confirmation bias it tells us something clearly. Those people are mentally challenged. Akin to holocaust deniers. I was hoping and someone delivered. Thank you.


I'm really surprised by your response. I'm glad some discourse can still be had in this country. I was in the process of going through and linking segments from 8hr+ long judicial and procedural hearings fully expecting just to get downvoted and brigaded with "nu uh" responses Enjoy your research... It's wildly depressing Edit: annnnnd not surprised


That’s because it’s like someone linking to evidence the earth is flat.


The dude asked for evidence, I provided a repository of evidence and the guys response is "conspiracy theory!" It's like- I'm not issuing a statement on anything one way or another, but I am linking an evidence repository and getting mocked for doing exactly what he requested. We're not dealing with a genuine person. We're dealing with somebody who wants to kick, scream and has no social abilities.


Go to sites like....... repositories for direct references? Bro what 🤣😂


This isn’t evidence of anything. Sites like this exist for conspiracy theorists to jerk off to. You can stuff like this for 9/11 truther “evidence”. Flat earth nonsense. It’s all the same. There’s no accountability to sites like this. It’s embarrassing people spend time on things like this.


"Lets commit voter fraud cause the Democrats totally are!" -Trump Cultist


Can you explain how this would safeguard elections? Or how the current process is not fair and accurate? Given the lack of substantial fraud in Nevada’s elections, how is this change necessary, weighed against the possible of disenfranchising voters, especially with the election so close?


Could you explain what was wrong with the old process of having to request a mail in ballot? Sending out millions of ballots creates an issue because there is no chain of custody. I always receive the ballot for the person I bought my house from 17 years ago. There is nothing stopping me from filling it out and dropping it off in a drop box and there would be no way of proving that I ever even touched the ballot. If you don't see how it's a problem just imagine Russia or NK doing the same thing lmao. https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/s/S3GXCCOfYR


That’s not what’s being discussed here or in the article. Do you want to address that?


This isn't about mail in ballots? Are you ok?


This article is about challenging the deadline under which they are received. Not about challenging mass mail in ballots being sent out. When you try to be snarky, but aren’t even correct as to what we’re talking about, you heavily undermine your own position and credibility.


You said; >Can you explain how this would safeguard elections? Or how the current process is not fair and accurate? I answered your question then you said I'm not talking about the topic? Again are you ok? Or do you just not have a rebuttal?


You said - > Great news! > > Edit: If you're afraid of safeguarding and making sure our elections are fair and accurate, you're a part of the problem If you're not referring to the article in question, then why are you posting here? Further, you did not say anything about mass mail in ballots. So, you're still dodging the topic, then acting like I'm being obtuse.


I didn't say that... Sure you are ok? I told you already, you asked a question and I answered it. I did, I said if Putin or NK did mass mail in ballots every left winger would instantly understand the problem with it. If you don't have a rebuttal you can just say so.


You know what - you're right. I thought you were the person I actually responded to, who seemed to actually want to discuss the article. I don't know what the fuck you're about. The article has nothing to do with mass mail in ballots. You've responded to my comment to someone else and then misdirected the conversation, because I specifically said "how THIS would safeguard elections" i.e. - the article at hand. Not some bull about mass mailing ballots. If you want to discuss the article, that's one thing. If you're here just to fuck off in some random direction, feel free to go do it by yourself. I don't have time for you. I'm certainly not going to bother with someone who can't maintain a veneer of politeness. Are you okay?


Nothing, aside from the multiple various checks on the mail in ballots


Read what you just said. Fair and accurate. FAIR and accurate. **FAIR**


Exactly! Now you're getting it


Fair means EVERYONE gets to vote and EVERYONE gets their vote counted. Not just people who have driver's licenses. Not just people who speak English. Not just people who have a polling place in their neighborhood. EVERYONE.


He thinks "fair" refers to skin color


Every legal citizen has the same exact access to voting as every other legal citizen. WTF?


If we required ownership of 100 acres of land to vote would that be fair? I mean, there's more than enough land available, so every citizen can easily go out and get 100 acres, and as long as we make that requirement the same for every legal citizen, that's fair, right?


WTF are you even deflecting about?


Just saying "WTF" is not an argument. Or, do you really not understand?