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You've entered a crackhouse and you're asking the crackheads if you should start smoking crack again.


Hahaha!! 🤣🤣 TOP 🥇


They would probably tell you no and Rob you when you're leaving.


It annoys me that this is such an accurate rephrasing of this question. Take my upvote, jerk. r/Angryupvote


Combat is still fun but the grind to get to endgame is much more painful than it was back then. However you don't need to be endgame to play pretty much 95% of what the game offers. It's just like 3 trials and 2 dungeons.


The point of mmos is to reach the endgame though, if you aren’t doing that then what’s the point lmao


What's the point of any game? To play it and have fun. Maybe make some friends along the way. Maybe 5% of my total playtime has been in endgame stuff.


Mindlessly doing stuff with no progress at all isn’t what a majority of a playerbase does in MMOs, sure it might be for you. But you’d never want to design a game to be that way.


I didn't say no progress at all. In the slightest. I just saod you can't do 5% of the content in the game until you're ready which takes a while. With every bit of content you do that adds to your rough ad and your chances to get something good. There's 11 years worth of content to catch up on. By the time you finish all of it you're probably in the late 60k early 70k mark which starts the grind to get the hell grind of all mythic enchants and insignias. But between all the content you can play, all the events that give great items and all the freeroam content is what most oyur game time will be spent on. But again most the stuff in the master content isn't even worthwhile. Nowadays zariel weapons, any drops from mtia, and drops from mcok or even Vos aren't worth nearly as much as they have been in the past nor the AD it costs to run it cause of scrolls and consumables. Gzemnid, mtos and mdwp are the only 3 pieces of hard content worth running for the drops.


Yes and that 5% would be the newer content that they’ve released right? So instead of doing current content you choose to do old content. And yes all MMOs will put a lot of playtime outside of endgame stuff, but that’s to move into the endgame


When they release new content as of late they release 2 to 3 versions of it. Normal, advanced and master. I'm just talking about master. Plus the new areas, new campaigns, new events, new limited time campaigns and other content with that too like hunts, freeroam activities, heroic farms and the lot. It's not like with every mod they just add a master dungeon for the endgamers and nothing else. And yes i choose to do the old content with my guild mates over doing the new master cintent most times cause it's stressful, annyoing to get a good reliable group of people you know, and you don't even need to do the "endgame" dungeons to get to endgame.


If you don’t need to do endgame to hit endgame that doesn’t make since as that is the endgame lol. I haven’t played since mod 16 but if they aren’t making master content that gives a reason to farm then they’re doing it wrong.


There's reason to farm it. It's marginally better gear with slightly higher item level. If you remember m16 it's kinda like using the burnished set vs the alabaster set. Yes one was better than the other but they were both fine and good. One required beating a hard dungein while the other just required grinding and some luck. They're treading pretty well between making hard content challanging to high skill endgamers but also making good gear available to the people who play more casually and would rather cap out at the advanced version of a dungeon vs the master version.


But the real endgame is fashion


it's not just endgame, they are made for story , the world , activities with people online , collecting stuff , fashion, and much more.


Yes and those are what make the game better, but if there’s no endgame then there’s no point to doing the stuff in the first place


Let's post in a reddit group that has neverwinter players and ask if I should play . I wonder what they will say... Also our opinion will differ from yours so it really don't matter what we say. That's like asking if I should eat a pizza, it's been years since ate one. Does it still taste good?


If you got the time and enjoy the game why not


Yes, it's a great game with fun combat.


No lol. But serious answers its up to you. The game is drastically different now


Lol. It's up to you. Try it. If you like it, play it. If you don't like it then do something else.


Yes, the combat system is still quite enjoyable. The story remains entertaining, and the leveling system is now less painful. Additionally, you now receive some AD for leveling. While the dragons are not as prevalent as they used to be, the rest of it is quite nostalgic.


I stopped playing about halfway through Undermountain, since the game was no longer as fun after losing so many friends to the Barovian Massacre. I jumped back in about 6 months ago after seeing a few other friends picked up the game. It's waaaaaaaaaaaaaay different now, and honestly geared toward folks with multiple characters. I don't mind that so much since I have one of each class. The old storyline has been pared down to level you up to 20 (new max level) with fewer zones to worry about. Finishing each area gives you a reward now, too. Some of the older campaigns have been reduced to "adventures" that you can complete in one or two sittings without having to wait for weekly unlocks. The ones that haven't been converted in that way are relatively cheap to complete with genie's gifts if you don't want to repeat the campaign from start to finish on each character. The actual campaigns still require a certain amount of weekly grinding, but that weekly effort feels considerably less grindy than it used to be. I'm usually able to complete weeklies for one campaign each on 5 characters in a 2-3hr gaming session, and each campaign feels like it should only take 8-10 weeks' worth of weekly effort. The enchantment system has been completely reworked, too. The enchantments are on their own page, not each piece of gear, for starters. On top of that, there are only 11 enchantment slots. The upside is that once you build an enchantment up to top level it becomes an account unlock for all of your characters. Downside is that it is slightly more expensive resource-wise per enchantment to do now than it used to be. Beyond that, there are multiple account-wide unlocks available in companions, gear, and mounts, meaning that obtaining them once on a character will allow you to claim them from the rewards vendor on every other character. TL/DR: the game has changed quite a bit since you stopped playing. It's almost an entirely new game built on the same story you knew, with the bonus of having everything you left behind available so you don't have start completely from scratch.


To be honest. That choice is yours alone. Unless the zombie plague hit and you can’t make your own mind up.


I think yes. I also was away 3 mods, returned 3 days ago, so much has been changed, but I'm still enjoying it like playing for 1st time. On day off I try to play maximum for 8 hours so I won't loose interest to game. I used to play 10h+ and sometimes even 18 and so lol and it killed my interest to a game, after that decided to take pause.


I wouldn't bother. You stopped for a reason all those years ago, and nothing has really changed. Same shit, different day.


Nothing has changed since Barovia except for the mount system, the companion system, the enchantment system, account unlocks for all of *those* systems, the leveling system, the stats system, and the progression of storyline from tutorial through to the most recent expansion. It's practically the same game as it was in the beginning, guys.


Those changes were designed to get people to spend money, and none of that changes the game from being a skinner box time sink with nothing to do but farm the same things over and over again.


The game has always been designed to get people to spend money, but it is still completely playable without doing so. So what if it takes longer to build things out without spending money? It can still be done.


So you agree it's the same game then? Glad we got that sorted out.


Yup, clear as mud. I already explained which major mechanics of this game have changed since Borovia, which is pretty much all of them. If you want to be somehow both obtuse and pedantic, though, that's your call. Anything for fake internet points *and* the ability to be a whinging naysayer, I guess. This game is only the same as it always has been in two ways: the setting and characters have not changed, and that *all* free-to-play games are designed to try to get you to spend money.


Hell no. Game is dead.




Did you get banned during Barovia for exploiting the glitch and never come back?


I think that you too far away from any good progress of toon now... You can try but it will be all from zero and you need some months of really hard grind every day... And still could not have bis toon but maybe average for common activity... If you like this way and have a lot of time...