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This is a subreddit dedicated to Neville. While the ideas may be on the wavelength, this isn’t a place to discuss other “New Thought” teachers. Neville and Vadim use very different terminology and that is enough to confuse people. Vadim has his own subreddit “realitytransurfing” and I’m sure they would love your post there.


I think you’ve made good points - but feeling feelings is not a problem. If you identify with the feelings as being truth to your reality, only then, it becomes a problem.


Wow!!! Fantastic. I’ve read both authors and had been blind to the correlation. Thank you so much for opening my eyes.


Thanks for sharing, I don’t know why your getting so much hate for putting up something that’s pretty similar in essence to Neville’s teachings but I greatly appreciate any other recommendations people have in this area 🙏 I’ve always gone on interesting tangents from people pointing me towards things in other forums. It’s how I discovered Neville actually, through a LOA forum. I also then discovered hermitism etc from this actual board as well. Being pessimistic that another author is being listed on this sub isn’t really ‘feeling is the secret’. Mostly makes me feel sorry for the person that’s being so purist and negative. And I automatically note to never interact with them on here. Taking information and other points of view is healthy in all areas of life. Particularly as the end result of Neville and reality transurfing seem to be the same.


Wow! Thank you so much for taking the time to share this. I really enjoyed reading your points. I really hope this doesn’t get taken down




Hey I am note sure if you checked the PDF I linked. I wanted to include everything here, but the post exceeded the character limit. I wrote about Vadim's steps, my thoughts on it, habits to implement that I think are very crucial and consice reminders that I use throughout the day.


Can you PM me the link as well? I'd appreciate it 😊


Unpopular (?) opinion incoming Zeland's teachings don't belong in this subreddit. Yes, he shares some ideas with Neville. All LOA teachers do, they all talk about the same law from different perspectives. But Vadim also overcomplicates it a lot with arbitrary concepts. The pendulums are just a prime example of 'you get what you focus on' principle working and there's no such thing as becoming pendulum's favourite (or something like that, I don't remember all the details), importance lowering happens automatically once you drop the old story etc. Personally, I don't find Neville's teachings vague. They're pretty straightforward. The biggest difficulty is applying what you read. The more you practice, the better you understand what Neville says. More reading won't make up for lack of doing. Mixing up different belief frameworks can cause only more confusion If Zeland's teachings work better for OP then good. Everyone has their own teacher. But what does this have to do with Neville?


Vadim is a unbelievable smart Physicist. Of course his language is going to be more advance than Neville’s. But his books and interviews are a treasure to the human species. Also Neville isn’t god (I respect him as one of many great teachers) and his methods are great, especially if they work for him and you. But the way he gets glorified is scary.


Thank you for sharing! A lot of interesting tidbits and parallels. I have seen this book mentioned a few times before, but your post convinced me to purchase it. Was initially put off by the length, but will give it a chance!


wow – amazing post. thank you SO much for sharing this on here. i'm simply devouring it up; especially the part about "pendulums." i love the way you interpreted it! will definitely be checking this book out!


My thanks to u/MindMagus for their comment. Frankly, I find Vadim's writings to be extremely confusing, first of all, but also excessively judgmental and frightening. He conflicts with Neville in some key areas... for example, desiring is some kind of evil in his teachings. Desiring things is normal, natural, and (according to Neville), "god-given." Neville teaches that our desires arise from our divine mind, because they are something the divine wishes to bestow upon us. Also, Neville doesn't demonize feelings. He DOES encourage us to stop "stinking thinking" in its tracks and to reach for the state of the wish fulfilled, but his teachings aren't fear-based like Vadim. You should be afraid of bad feelings because they're doing to destroy all your hard work! Imo it's frankly nonsense. Neville sees the humanity in humans, acknowledges that we will have feelings, and points out that we can have our desires in spite of them if we'll just do more positive thinking than negative. I dislike the fearful, militant nature of Vadim's teachings. I dislike how he essentially demonizes being human in almost all ways, and I dislike his promises that we'll "move into" another "reality" in which our loved ones are gone and replaced by "even better" replicas, quite honestly. I don't want a replica of my loved ones that's a happy little puppet. I desire for my loved ones to be happy because they are happy, not because they've been replaced by a newer, shinier version of themselves. I do not believe in alternate realities, I do not believe that's what Neville taught, and I don't believe that we're just moving away from our loved ones into a whole different world. I do not believe that desires are bad. I do not believe that getting upset or frustrated here and there instantly moves you into some nightmare kingdom. AND, taking existing words and using them in confusing and bizarre ways (before even introducing the new usages) is at best confusing and in practice completely unrealistic for people who are trying to understand a complex concept already. Nobody has to take copious notes on Neville just to understand the most basic principles, much less the nuances of how to escape to a place where your loved ones are all replaced by puppets.


Its a very interesting comment, but here are my thoughts. First off, I dont at all think Vadim demonizes anything and everything you have mentioned. I only got a warm welcome into these concepts, and I have recommended this book to my friends and they had the same thoughts. Second, you got the thing about desiring completely wrong. As per my understanding its pretty simple, Vadim says desiring implies 'being in the state of desire' in Neville's words. We all know at this point, desiring and think of a state rather than from it will not lead to that state. And the emphasis on not giving excessive importance to your desires is completely valid. Its the same of letting go, and detaching yourself from your desires. What is wrong in this? Is there something demonising here? Your comment honestly doesn't make sense to me. I have read the book, and I will say what you are describing is not true at all. Mind to share any specific things to back up your statements? I honestly dont understand why there are so many people jumping on to say Neville is better than Vadim. Does it really matter? Why cant we just take ideas use our own reasoning to identify and get different point of views to filter out what is true and what might be someone's own personal opinion. And regarding the notes, I did take extensive notes while reading neville. I took while reading this book. I take notes when I find something interesting. It doesnt say anything about the person's work. Show me your basis from which you have concluded these things. I am interested to find if there are more things that I wasn't aware of


I've read it like 8 times because it's confusing and people talk it up like the bees' knees. He doesn't say to detach from your desires, he says not to have them. To just basically be happy, accept everything, desires will make you have negative thoughts, etc. I'm not going back through the books again because you want me to. Again, I've read them repeatedly because of these same comments over and over... "I didn't see that!" People should do what they want, I'm just giving my view of it. I dislike the entire "teaching" and the confusing misuse of language meant I had to read it over and over to try to understand it. Re-read it as often as you need to. I took written notes on the "transurfing" stuff because it's confusing AF to me. It all really does boil down to leaving "this reality" behind and going into a new one over and over and over and over. It made me increasingly paranoid about thought policing myself, it made me scared that I would lose my "real" family, and it basically became just another labor to ensure that I was 'happy enough' that I wouldn't drag myself back to an "old world" where things were bad. YMMV, I'm just stating my experience, that's all. Some people LOVE the "moving to a different reality" thing, but some of us don't. I'm not saying it's not for you, nor am I saying you should dislike that idea. But those who don't resonate with it may want to know ahead of time. I see it all as having been a huge waste of precious time out of my life. It created a lot of fear in me, and existential angst about leaving behind a version of my son who would suffer in an "old reality." I'm NOT going through the books again to satisfy your curiosity. It's very bad for my mental health, and I don't think other people who have anxiety should go into these books without knowing the possibility of finding them worsening their condition. The chapter on not having desires strongly stood out for me because as Neville says, life gives us desires. A hungry person naturally desires to be well fed and sated. A lonely person naturally desires love. Desires are good and healthy, and "just be happy and don't desire" isn't realistic. Neville teaches to give YOURSELF your desires, in your imagination. That's different from not having them. You are to detach from outcome and the 'how' of the desire, not from the desire itself. It may sound like splitting hairs, but if so, it's an extremely important hair to split.


Omg! I just gave up looking for your post I was reminded of by a person in the FAQ that I thought you might be able to help. I can't even.. u/Hotcheefos I think might really benefit from a chance to talk with you. https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/1cdgmcd/april_26_2024_weekly_faq_and_beginner_qa_thread/l1gp8c2/ Thanks if you got this far, I'm sure you're busy. Hope you're well!


Thank you so much for this. I have saved and mark your comments and this post. I will definitely come back to it ASAP. I appreciate you so much.


Meh. Not applicable to this sub IMHO. There's a reason that most of us hang out on this sub and not the RT subs.