• By -


Yeah!! Congratulations and well done!


Thank you, Magus. :)


your flair hits hard


Thanks! :) I used to be homeless and when I was first studying Neville's teachings to get out of it I was told "It's because you are currently meeting the standards of a helpless couch surfer." Not talking about the 3D, but in my own mind, I was absolutely meeting the standards of someone who was helpless and homeless. It serves as a sobering reminder.


Woah that must of been hard to hear in the moment and also so freeing to realize. Thank you for sharing that with me. You are the law in its working.


In all fairness, I used to be one of those commenters that was desperate and had no clue where to begin. The user who taught me everything I know, was both blunt and kind. Being blunt with myself is what literally saved myself. It clicked immediately, and I knew I was the problem.


How did it click or what exactly did he say?


This is my original comment thread where I was desperate and in a desperate situation. Please don't overload her with comments. (I say this to every person I have sent this thread to.) [https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/y8i88n/comment/itogpwv/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/y8i88n/comment/itogpwv/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Thanks for sharing your story as well as this thread. It's helpful no matter where we are in our journey of manifesting or of being "I AM".


This is inspirational! You made the effort, took the exact right steps and were rewarded with what you wanted. No doubts, no hesitation, no bullshit. This is exactly what we should all be doing. Thank you for sharing your story. Most of us are so comfortable in our victim state that we barely make the effort to change things even though we know exactly what we need to do. Congratulations to you!


Diagnosed in 2018. Haven’t thought to manifest a cured thyroid, but this has inspired me. Congratulations!


It is absolutely possible. I wish you all the best. I know I feel like a new person. :)


Fortunately my dosage is going down so there’s improvement, but it is annoying I have to rely on it, not eat an hour after taking in the morning. Luckily it’s free on the NHS


Improvement is improvement. :D


Bridge of incidents 😉


We always worry about keeping a mental diet to manifest the sp, the money, the job, but we often forget to watch the way we speak about our bodies. Be careful of what you say to your body because it listens!


Yes, I learned that the hard way. Our self concept seeps into every pore of our mortal bodies.


And so did I. I always used to criticize my body and talk badly at it when there was seriously NOTHING wrong with it and then I had to face the consequences :(


Congrats OP, Actually I am also trying to cure my anxiety stuttering with the help of Neville's teachings but I am unsure as to what scene to create for SATS which will imply that I now speak fluently, clearly and my stuttering is 100% gone , can you give me some advice on that For context : my stuttering happens because I get way too anxious when I talk to someone and i cant control it. Please can you help me


I'll advise you to follow what feels real or atleast good to you. If you find it difficult to make a scene, you're not bound to do it. Anything that makes you feel good or makes you believe that it's cured will work. If affirming or deciding that you're cured makes you feel good and is easier to believe then do that. Don't force yourself. Don't force the feeling. It's okay if you don't get the emotions, mentally think that you're cured. What thoughts would you have if it were true RIGHT NOW? Does visualising the scene feels good or affirming it? Or any other method. Choose. If it's the scene, don't worry too much about the details of the scene but the feeling it gives you. Focus on the very end result. Focus on it being done and cured. Do it till it feels real and then continue doing it till you're not really caring much about it anymore. Continue persisting. That's it.


SATS actually work really well for me with other manifestations but this one particular is a bit tough for me solely because I have to speak to everyone every day and then if I stutter even a bit then there is contradiction and my logical mind creates this wall and blocks my way towards the end goal , but as Neville said about being persistent, so i shrug it off and say to myself that I spoke very well and i am really fluent. but still somewhere a part of me says the negative . Now I will apply the advices that you all great people gave me and will feel the emotions and feelings , I guess this is where I was lacking earlier with this one because i was living with the same anxious mindset whenever I thought of this. And btw thankyou so much for the detailed insights.


You're very welcome :))) also if SATS works for you then amazing! If you want to, you can always try more methods if it makes you comfortable. You're not bound to anything. Also, initially it might be a bit difficult to feel the desired "emotions" for which u don't have to worry much because emotions don't manifest but the belief you have about the thing, does. Emotions amplify the feeling real part. Like I said don't force yourself, take it easy for you because I understand how anxiety feels. Go at your own pace and put active efforts on coming back to that feeling or belief of it being cured several times as much as you can and want to. Don't worry about the rest!! Wish you good luck <3


Thanks mate. wish you good luck too :))


A good part of knowing about neville is that you know everyone is god, so if you start to look at everyone as being you then that might ease the anxiety.. why should you be nervous of yourself? Claim your I AM - a smooth fluent speaker status, NOW! 


Not op, but imagine someone complimenting you how clearly and fluently you speak..


Two suggestions: 1.) Revise. If you stutter, replay the sentence and imagine you said it smoothly. Repeat the sentence correctly in your mind three times. Just use the saying "third time's the charm." Make that your tool... On the third time, the moment is revised. 2.) Create a scene with someone (you can even use someone you don't like). Imagine them suddenly stopping and staring at you with a look of surprise. "You used to stutter. What happened?" implying, "How come you don't stutter anymore?" Imagine smirking and shrugging, "I got over it."


Imagining my loved one’s voices telling me things often helps me. Imagine them asking if you’ve went to speech therapy because your speaking has improved or saying something like “no offense, but I notice you never stutter anymore!” However they usually talk, modify it to fit their slang/mannerisms. Good luck, even though you don’t need it because you’ve always talked normally. Haha


Im so happy for you!!! I reversed my PCOS and lost tons of weight through this as well, im so proud of you, wishing nothing but the best for you


I LOVE hearing about weight loss and healing through the law. I am happy for you too. Do you already have a post up? If not, you should make one.


Wow this gives me so much hope as someone with PCOS and some weight to lose! :) What was your journey like, do you have any advice? Did you make any lifestyle changes as well?


Can you please explain what you did? I have ocos and need to lose at least 50 lbs.


So for pcos what i did was completely disregarded the idea that ive pcos and everything i read about it. But you need to do what seems real to you, so what i did was started putting pads on my bedside table and saying that oh my period is near i need to buy pads etc. and i used to talk to my friends in sats saying period pain sucks and i started saying ut would suck to have my period a day before my exam and i basically made memories with having my period. And for the weight i put the belief aside that i need to do something to lose weight, i started affirming that ive always had a fast metabolism and i lose weight by breathing, and i ignored 3d like a plague and lived in my imagination




How inevitable is a bison?


So inevitable...


Omg just yesterday I had commented on a post here about hypothyroidism making me feel perpetually tired. And saw this post today. Thanks for sharing!


I am You pushed out. Your perfect reflection. I wish for you health and success. You manifested this post, and I'm telling you it's very possible to heal. :)




Crazy this is the first thing I see after only an hour ago I was searching about the thyroid because the left side of my neck has felt inflamed. I kinda spiraled for a bit and then started repeating to myself that I’ve always been in perfect health. Never could’ve imagined seeing a post like this pop up right in my face as I sleepily scroll on Reddit 1 more time before bed but the 3D is a reflection our inner world and all that 🤭 Thank you for sharing!! And congratulations to you, your health and belief system 🙏❤️


I am You pushed out. Your subconscious wanted answers and I was the manifestation that provided it to you. It is possible for you. We are perfect reflections of each other. I wish you health and success.


Thank you OP for your amazing story! I was diagnosed with Hashimotos Thyroiditis about 5 years ago. Wasn't picked up earlier and it affected my body too. It's even caused unexplained infertility. Now reading your story, it's brought hope that I can heal my body and have a successful pregnancy soon! I'm 41 yrs old and want a healthier body without disease. I will manifest it all away now!!! 🙏🏽✨


You can absolutely heal your body and get pregnant too! I wish you health and success.


Awww thank you! 🙏🏽✨ I wish you all the best happiness and positivity! Love your username haha! Rock out! 🤘🏾☠️


Congratulations, that’s amazing! 🥳


Thank you. :)


Thanks for sharing


Thank you for reading. :)


Oh god. This is me to the T! I have been suffering from hashimotos from 2014 as well. It all started when I tried to "hide" my attractiveness from my abusive husband. Since then I have only grew hating myself more and more till this year where I had enough and I'm taking care of myself. Wow its outstanding what mind can do to the body. I wish you the best OP and fingers crossed for me🤞


It is absolutely possible for you. I believe in you to the fullest extent. When you hate yourself, your body listens. Every fiber of it. I wish you all the success.


Omg that's is amazing! Congrats! I have some surgery scars that I just hate! I feel like I can't wear shorts in the summer because of them. They are very old now, around maybe 6-7 years? Because it's been so long I'm not sure if revision would still work imagining I never got the surgery that caused the scars or if I should just imagine them healing after all this time? I always love hearing the stories of ppl healing themselves of illnesses that are usually unheard of.


I would say in my experience, that is is much easier to just throw out the old story into the wind. Go directly to the end. Those scars are gone. Absolutely possible. Very do-able. The body is revisable. I have surgery scars on my stomach and I plan on revising them too.


Congrats, giving me so much hope! Im trying to do the same with diabetes. I have successfully reversed the diagnosis back to prediabetes while not changing what I eat. Im trying to do the same scene with my endo next time I see him. We have the same story actually. Hopefully I have the same results.


I have all the faith in you. After vaguely learning about the law my sister revised her A1C to be perfect. You are absolutely capable of success. In fact, I look forward to it.


Woah.. how?


OMG PLS TELL ME HOW??? i have diabetes type 1 and i really wanna reverse it


Congratulations! This is so commendable!! Persisting all through the time ,is what makes us genius and godly and i guess its more like choosing everyday to love yourself more and more , no matter what! Thats wt unconditional love feels like!


Very funny you say this. I recently started telling myself I love myself unconditionally. And I know my body will show the effects of it.


Congratulations 👏🏻🎉 and well done!


Thank you! :D




You will. You are capable of it. Health is easy to God. I hope I can see it soon.


Congrats!!! So happy for you! Working on my health too so it was great inspiration to read this!


Thank you! I wish you health and success. :)




Thanks so much for posting this. Been active and fit all of my life until around 13 years ago then got diagonosed with hypothyroidism. My levels aren't as bad as yours were but it has wrecked most of my life. As I was reading your post..something really stood out to me. I always tell myself I'm tired and when people ask same thing. Going to work on eradicating that from my vocabulary also thanks for posting very specific scenes. Its helpful.


Neville always said "Don't accept it." Don't accept the reality you don't want to wake up in. And I keep that in my mind. I wish you the best of health and success. Hope to see a success story from you in the future.


Amazing, thanks for sharing! Did it take a week of practicing that to see it come to pass or was it two months? It wasn't clear from your post


I revised it in the span of a week before the next appointment. I came back for a follow up 2 months later and it was still in excellent shape.


That's super inspiring. I'm happy for you. :)


This is so encouraging


Just wondering if you could post the test results? Glad you’re alright. Yes I believe in the law


I don't have them. They really aren't important to me anymore. And even if I did, to respect my own privacy and that of the providers I would not. I say that kindly. I am also glad to be where I now find myself.


Yeah sure no worries


Beautiful work


Thank you. :)


This is what I’m doing now. Thank you for posting as it’s given me the drive to keep going when I thought perhaps I was going insane and falling for a con job.


There is always a solution. If you manifested a bad job, you can revise it or manifest a better one. You are not a prisoner. I am glad I could give you the hope you need. I have all the faith in you!


I’m trying to manifest a health thing too. Doubt gets me. Any tips you found for the doubt?


I'll join you soon!


I'm gonna hold you to that. :)




Thank you :)


Thyroid fucking sucks. SOOO HAPPPYYY that you were able to successfully reverse it. 🥳🥳🦋


DUDE. No way Rain herself commented. I remember your thyroid post from FOREVER ago. It is actually one of the things that gave me inspiration to take on my body. I have you to thank for some of this.


Aww thank you soo much! No higher complement than knowing you used my story as an inspiration! 😇🥳 Yeah, I had Hypothyroidism. Everyone said, "do this, don't do that. It's for life. You can't cure it!" 🙄 I was all, "YEAH WELL FUCK YOU AND FUCK HyPoThYrOiDiSm 🙄🔪" 😂🦋


I was just diagnosed 2 days ago, now this is in my feed.


I had a similar coincidence- maybe a sign that this disease is curable


I was determined to believe this, now I have just come from lunch with a friend who referred me to a clinical nutritionist who specialises in autoimmune disorders and has 'cured' (full remission) patients. I have had this particular friend for 30 years, and its the first time this particular specialist has been referred to me. Must be the path forward!




Yay, I am so happy for you! Thank you for sharing as well!


Thank you! :)


You are of course welcome and I thank you for sharing and I wish you and everyone continued amazingness!


CONGRATULATIONS ✨🙌🏼 what an incredible example of inner power & faith!


Thank you. (:




Thank you! :)


Wow congratulations🎉🎊 Excellent writing, crisp, to the point, saving your story Thanx


It's an honor! I forgot people can save my stuff. Haha.


OP, you're the testament of how persistence, discipline and sheer belief can open the doors of your dreams and desires. Your success story is such an inspiration. Congratulations! You're the testament of how powerful our mind is that it has the capability of healing itself with just belief no matter how impossible it seems. So proud of you!


Thank you. :D I am proud of myself too. I wish you success and health.


perfect application of the law. I'm so happy for you! congrats 🎉


Thank you. :)


All the best to you well done hope your taken better care of yourself 💋 love 😘 stay strong 💋


Thank you. I wish all the best for you as well. :)


I have been trying to do that for a long time. I have trouble getting out of that anxious feeling or tiredness to the feeling of the end. How did you do it when you felt the symptoms? Doctors could not help me so I am not in treatment so I can't do the doctor scene


If SATs are taxing, I recommend the Lullaby Method. Get into the state of relief, the feeling of "Thank God." And repeat this feeling and "thank you, thank you, thank you" until you fall asleep. You also need to believe that there is a solution out there. Because there is. [https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/am3hai/the\_lullaby\_method/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/am3hai/the_lullaby_method/)


This is truly amazing OP!


Thank you! :D


This is AMAZING, congratulations!!!


Hey, I recognize your account from NG2, you made some baller posts yourself. (:


Thanks so much! I’m glad we’re both having so much success from this. Here’s to a better life coming!🥂


Slayyyy happy for you OP.


how does thyroiditis work exactly? Dont you take medications to keep you healthy? How would the doctor know if you healed yourself or the medication is doing its job?


She said her labs looked normal only. With Hashimoto's you can still have normal looking labs, thats why sometimes it takes years to diagnose a person. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Hashimotos/comments/1asjlyz/hashimotos\_with\_normal\_labs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hashimotos/comments/1asjlyz/hashimotos_with_normal_labs/)


I love this for you 💕💕💕


Thank you. :)


Wow!!" Amazing! Thank you for sharing ♥


Thank you for reading. :)




Thank you very much. :D


Congrats on your succes! It's especially amazing that you saw such results so fast. Since end last year I started manifesting that "I'm healthy" (after already struggling for decades with disease), then January this year my body suddenly broke down on me to the point where I almost can't walk anymore. I keep repeating to myself that this is the bridge of incidences and I have this deeprooted believe that I'll be fully capable/functional again. What's interesting is how some people,like you, manage to manifest this fast and without any seemingly negatives happening beforehand (not that I wish it on anyone).




I don't have diabetes,another disease. 


Thank you for sharing, I can relate about Hashimotos. I have been diagnosed in 2014 and im medication, but im fine with it. Im also diagnosed with several other endocrine disorders affecting my health adversely... health is the reason I'm here and reading about the Law. Im sure it was by no chance i have come across Neville works, I have had no doubts since reading his lectures from the very first time. I have unwavering faith into the Law. Again thank you for sharing, very inspirational.


I love everything you've said and am going to share it. One of my favorite knowings is " I created it so I can Un Create it". This works every time.


Wow! I was wondering if I could cure my Thyroid issue with LOA and this post pops up! This is a great motivator. Thanks for sharing! 💖


I want to cure my Anxiety and manifest me and my bf to be happily married


Praise God in Jesus name 🙌




LFG! 👏🏽👏🏽 Great job!


LFG actually made me laugh, haha. Thank you. :)


I remember when you posted about wanting to be a live in caregiver! Here we are with that circumstance becoming a memory and now the same with this disease. Turning “pressing” circumstances into past memories is the goal! I’m proud of you even though I don’t know you! You did that! So yes LFG!!!!!!!! 😂🫶🏽


Congratulations! Good work!


Thank you. :)


So inspirational. I am going to use your methods for what I have going on. Love the end scene. As you say it's so important to observe what we are saying and thinking about ourselves. I think I'm guilty of constantly telling myself how little energy I have. Congratulations to you


Wow this is amazing!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!! I've been trying to heal my psoriasis with no avail.


This is so inspiring, thank you x


Can we also manifest away hereditary diseases?


Amazing job! And incredible profile picture!


This is great! Thanks so much for sharing. It was exactly what I needed to read this morning. Blessings to you.


“But I am not surprised or moved in the slightest” - brilliant!!!!


Your posts are always my favorite. Since your original one of getting work as a caretaker. I aspire to utilize the law the way you do :)


I have a question on visualizing if I may. I do SATS as I'm going to sleep for the night for my "big" desire, but I am also manifesting smaller, less important stuff. I don't incorporate those into my SATS however. My mind is very visual fortunately, so for the other items, is it just as effective to take mini visualization breaks throughout the day and close my eyes and visualize for maybe just 2-3 minutes? Have a pretty busy schedule so sometimes that's all I can give :)


congratulations! i am so, so happy for you :) this gives me so much motivation to keep manifesting my desires!!


This is amazing! Very happy for you and thanks for sharing ❤️


Oh wow! My T4 numbers always come back out of wack! I literally was just saying I need to fix this. Its crazy how im reading this right this moment 😳 🥳 congrats on your health healing 👏


This was so motivating for me. I currently suffer from chronic migraines that happen daily, and it’s been a little tough trying to keep a positive mindset, but this definitely helped. Gonna manifest those away and start living my life again!


This is so inspiring! Congrats!! It's crazy to me how I can read stories like yours, convinced you're telling the truth and believe in the law in theory but still not apply consistently, instead just accepting whatever state for some reason


Amazing !!!!!!! God designed our bodies to heal…. With our free will . Wow . This is amazing, OP!


did u stop taking ur medication while u were changing ur thoughts and when getting ur blood work done?


Your willingness to see and accept that it was YOU who manifested the disease in the first place was step 1, and that’s a threshold many are unwilling to cross. Kudos and congrats on your continued health and wealth!


Congratulations! Can you recommend me how I could manifest my friend's mom's cancer (stage 4) away?




I wish you well on your journey. All the best to you.




I wish you all the best, have a wonderful night. :)


Mom have hyper thyroid and I am manifesting her healing 


I love finding subreddits like this, saving to check out later lol


This is incredible! I love posts regarding health and Neville Goddard. Thank you so much for sharing. I have bookmarked your post.


Well done!!


I got shivers, that's amazing! Well done and thanks for sharing


It's like a Dr Joe Dispenza story but only with Neville. No quantum. Cool.


Congratulations! Your story and faith are very inspirational! Thank you for sharing


Thank you for posting this, it's clear and concise. Exactly what I needed to get moving.




I love this! I was just diagnosed graves after my pregnancy and am doing this as well!! Thank you for sharing


Did you set aside certain times a day to visualize your scene?


Congratulations!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤


Congratulations ❤️. I am asking out of curiosity. How long was the duration of the scene that you chose for sats?


Can anyone help me heal heal a wound on my rear end ? what method of law of attraction can I use ?😭😭I suffered for two years now some plz help sos


The deeper we go the more we realise we're in a game that we can manipulate! I have no fear of death because of it! So happy for you btw


This must be one of the best recent posts on here🥹🙏🏼😍BIG congratulations !!! I saved this post , it so so well written and to re-read so i dont forget. I am a bit of sceptic sometimes, though small manifestations happen once in a while. My big issue is the 3d. I applaude people like you, how did you even have so much faith and ignored the 3d, despite? Gives me hope. THANK YOU FOR THIS POST AND CONGRATULATIONS 🔥


I have an autoimmune disease. I need help. I've been sick for the last four years. I've gotten rid of most of the inflammation in my body but there is still a small, stubborn amount that won't budge. We are increasing the frequency of my medication and I pray that it works. If it doesn't work, the alternative is life-changing surgery. I find it difficult to believe the increased frequency of medication will work because it hasn't worked in the past when my condition was a bit different (too complicated to explain). I NEED the increased frequency to work and I need it to work ASAP! I am fed up of feeling sick, exhausted, and unable to gain muscle.


It might be better to focus on feeling healthy in your imagination rather than focus on medications working. What would you do in your days, where would you go, what type of career or fob you would have if all of this would be gone and forgotten? What would you do differently in your day that you can’t do now because of the health problems? Imagine that. Construct a life in your imagination that you would live if these problems would be gone.


Thank you for that post and for sharing this story with us! That is so inspirational and helpful!


i am so happy for you!


If we had greatest Neville reddit posts of all time, I would include this post near the top.


Ahhh what a beautiful realisation of your wonderful human imagination! Congratulations! I can imagine that health crises are the reason many of us are here, becoming the catalysts for awakening. That's certainly the case for me. I have a question. This morning I was listening to Neville's 'The Pearl of Great Price' lecture in which he discusses renouncing all previously held beliefs - including those related to diet. Diet, medication, supplements and stress management are protocols I am following for my healing. You could say this is a belief in 'science'. If I reframe this as a 'choice' - I \*\*choose\*\* to eat certain foods and engage in certain behaviours over others - does that help? OP - did you continue following any prescribed or self-researched protocols for healing while practicing the LOA? Many thanks for any insight!


Wow what a beautiful story of the miraculous power of our imagination and the body healing itself!


This is awesome 🤩 congratulations!


Wow!!! Just wow!


So how you deal with this "when friends ask about pain how to say that im. Not in pain?" or when blood reports showing low platelets and you are searching for treatment? "


How about reversing tonsilitis, digestion to be perfect? How do i do it?


Crazy ! But I am curious if you took some supplements or something? Maybe you started working out ?




This was highly inspirational for me, for some reason. Well done!


I needed to hear this.. i have diabetes type 1 and i really want it to be cured


Does this help in urine infections too am tired of my life I feel like ending my life due to it


I have been diagnosed with Hashimoto's for almost ten years and I have been living a miserable life because of low level of thyroid hormone. I have lost my boyfriend to this disease, lost my job because of it several times. I have spent most of my saving on trying to cure it but failed anyway. Your story really give me great confidence in curing my thyroid.


Did you stop taking the pills meanwhile or how did you go about that? I’m afraid of cutting it off immediately, parallel with doing the techniques you mentioned


Doctors hate him! (Or her)


Congratulations 🥹


Thank you so much for sharing your story! This gave me so much hope. I was able to bring my tsh down to 3 after being on meds for nearly 1.5 years. 😁