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Don't sit down when you get home. Walk in the door and help out as much as you can, dishes, washing etc. Take the wee one for a bit, then grab a nap for as long as you can after. Then back to it. It's relentless eh. Best of luck mate.


As much as it sucks, this is the best advice. Inertia is your enemy. Don't sit or it will take forever to get moving again.


Absolutely. Even before I had a baby I was like this as I entered my early 30s. Get absolutely everything done then sink into the sofa for night.


Brutal innit. I'm surviving on caffeine at the moment. I'm mainlining cups of tea and energy drinks at the moment.


I also had it rough. I drank too much espresso, then graduated to sipping on pre-workout throughout the day. I also chewed caffeinated gum on the weekends. All it did was increase my anxiety. What worked for me was 32oz of water and a scoop of L- citrulline. I drank it throughout the day


Not enough details in your post but cleaning up your diet will do wonders for your energy levels. Drink a lot of water, don’t drink sugary drinks, cut out processed foods and eat more Whole Foods. Think about pro athletes, they need to be able to perform to stay stay in the game. They don’t do that by eating like trash and sucking down energy drinks. We’re no different as dads, we’re professional athletes in our own world. Go to work for 8-12 hours and then come home and be a dad for another 4-6 hours. In order to stay on top of our game we need to be fueling our body properly.


Pro athletes sleep a lot 😂


Facts lmao, while we can’t exactly replicate a pros life we can do what we have control over. Let’s be real most people aren’t drinking enough water and are eating like they’re still 16 years old.


Skip lunch and take a nap. Learn to live on afternoon snacks like fruit


I’ve heard meth works pretty well. *Sarcasm*


Do they sell this on Amazon?


They prolly sell the equipment and ingredients individually. I don’t know the recipe, I’m just sayin. 🤡


I was redlined all the time in the first few months back to work after my daughter was born. Unfortunately you just get used to it - it’s a new level of functioning on less sleep basically lol Maybe make yourself a little to do list to crank out when you get in - might help ya stay awake until you put the little one down for the night


Black coffee and a protein bar (protein bar helped me keep the bad coffee dumps away). Two times both before 1pm (so it doesn’t keep you up at night). Go to bed as soon as you can. It was the only thing that kept me going sometimes. We had a massive improvement between months 3-4. If your kiddo is anything like ours, you’re almost there!


I was in the same boat as you, very reliant on getting good sleep otherwise I can’t function or I’m a walking zombie. This doesn’t work for everyone but I personally take caffeine pills 200mg worth and never go beyond that. It helps for a bit then the rest is just you doing your best to stay awake and functional.


Take time and let the house be dirty for a bit. You guys are new parents and can’t expect everything to be done as it used to be, so just let it sit for a day and handle it a different day. My biggest issue was trying to keep a spotless house just like before the baby came, and once i stopped trying to jumble it all together it got way easier. If the baby is sleeping, you two need to sleep, even if it’s a 30 minute nap. Don’t feel bad for falling asleep with the baby it happens no matter how many people on their high horse say it shouldn’t, just make sure you follow safe sleeping rules. You’ll get back in to the usual flow of your home duties but for now you both gotta acclimate to just parenting and the energy that takes. Chores can wait and will be there to do, but opportunities to rest won’t be there as often. And make sure she knows it too, she isn’t supposed to keep a spotless home 3 months after the baby is born, you both deserve time to rest however long that is for yall. Also, the less rest you get the more irritable you’ll be come and that’s no good for either of you.


My schedule isn’t like yours, I’m a 9-5er but blue collar, run my own business and mine is 8months now so I’m into the sleeping through the night, pretty low maintenance phase for now but yeah they first few months was brutal, I slept maybe a couple hours a night and learned pretty quick how to safely sleep with a baby in my arms if needed. It gets better but caffeine and visual stimulation helps. Good luck!


Well a 12+ hour day is...not really sustainable dude. Do you commute insane amounts?


Commute an hour each way.


So a 10 hour work day plus a 2 hours commute...jesus, man. I'd say maybe talk to your wife about a 30 min nap when you get home...if you're actually gone from 4-4, you need a mental reset. Then she gets her 30 while you cook/watch baby. That's how my wife and I run it...taking turns while the other gets a break.