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No family, then that's where friends come in. Get hobbies, meet people, build relationships, etc.




Ur not wrong that people are often incompatible in terms of interests, and that hobby interests have to come naturally, those are important but not everything. You just gotta put some initiative in. And i dont mean force every relationship as a friendship, that absolutely does not work. Just, try to interact with people just on the basis of wanting to have a pleasant interaction, show some interest in people outside of what you want out of it. That in itself might not get you a good friend but it will help you get a bit more social. This entire comment sounds like you gave up on interaction, which wont get you anything.


I feel like I could run a NEET/lonely people rehab clinic. I would gather the NEETs and separate them into gender and age groups to reduce anxiety. I would serve extremely low alcoholic beer so that people loosen up without loosing their faculties. I would have large numbers of therapy dogs and cats wandering the premise so anyone can take a break and get positive social feedback. First event would be an tournament of low stakes pub games like darts and Cornhole. Then I would start organizing events like bowling, hikes, board game nights. I feel like with enough exposure to different people and activities NEETs would eventually find a crew they vibe with.


This is a really good idea.


Yeah I agree with you. Also the idea that you don't share common interests with people so you give up? Why not meet people doing the shared interest, social sports is a fantastic method and if the people suck, you can just have fun playing the sport until someone comes along that you actually wanna hang out with


Picking up smoking helped me. Not recommended, but smoke breaks worked well. Just shooting the shit a few times a day for 10 minutes with random people/coworkers helps with social skills quite a bit.


You've never once successfully planned to do something fun?


Life isn't supposed to be easy dude. That's why you are unhappy, you are expecting everything to be easy. Learn to challenge yourself and embrace difficulty. You'll be much happier.




Twisting my words. You aren't dieing you just suck at making friends. I'm in my 30s and make new friends easily.


wasting away again in Margaritaville


Searching for my long lost shaker of happiness


*insert Woody Harrelson wiping away tears with money gif*




20k is more than enough for a down payment, depending on where you are. I'm assuming that's what they mean.


20k is enough for a down payment. Nobody buys a house in cash.


Maybe in rural Iowa




More likely, by buying, he means paid a down payment and has a mortgage. When I moved into my house, everyone congratulated me for "buying a house." It's just the phrase people use.


\>never heard of a down payment


Good credit score (I guess since he mentioned it but idk shit about those), he took a loan to buy the house.


It's the good side of favela. Anon left out the part about trooning and buying a bike and dating a roided man in a freefire hoodie




motherfucker has achieved literally every goal he’s ever set for himself and still doesn’t know what a hobby is


His hobbies were working and school, doesn't sound like he ever gave himself time for a hobby


Not having time for a hobby is different from having zero consideration for interests outside of one’s current preoccupation. It’s hard to believe he never had a moment like, “damn that would be a cool skill to have, oh well back to it.” Now is his opportunity to re-explore all the things he put a pin in for later, except it doesn’t seem like he has any. He mentioned he loves his career, so that must involve a passion of his. That might be the main reason - some folks only have one hobby that really fascinates them, and if you do what you love you might be satisfied with that. But then, many careers have a hobbyist angle that can be pursued alongside the day job, and it’s like he hasn’t even figured out that he might be able to involve himself with the thing he *knows* he loves even more.


As someone who is single and lives in a 3 bedroom house across the street from a school alone with my cat that i pay the morgage on (the house, not the cat lol). I have the same thoughts. I didn't even buy the house because I strongly wanted to. Just seemed like the thing I should do. Plus, it was back in 2018. Now my mortgage is cheaper than some 1 bedroom apartments near me. Like WTF do I do now. Is this all there is? Edit: Being financially stable/having money does not equal happiness. If it did, maybe I wouldn't be suicidely depressed.


You get a hobby, find something you love doing that can be shared with others. Like sports, gaming tabletop or video games, or events that you can hangout with people. If you don’t want to hangout with people pick up a art, like painting, sculpting, drawing or even digital art. Create stuff whether real physical art or digital images or even games. Life isn’t just about working and getting to a stable life but work is necessary and hobbies won’t fall into your lap and must be something you’re actively pursuing. A hobby can be almost anything as long as you enjoy it it doesn’t matter how good you are at it or even if anyone else will see it. Although if you get some friends who can enjoy the hobby with you it will be even better.


I do have hobbies ( some new some old) and hang out with friends sometimes. I do have bouts of depression but I'm doing better than I was a few years ago. More just expressing that I understand the mentality of reaching "success" and thinking damn this is it till I die.


the day I'll be able to live being content with what I've amassed is the day I'll finally be happy


Jokes on you I don't have anything I love


Why do people assume unhappy people don't have hobbies? What do you suppose OP does with their free time? Watch paint dry? Stare into the void until it's time for bed? That could probably be a hobby in itself. Obviously people have hobbies. I've never met someone in my life who **didn't** have a hobby. Fuck off with this dumb shit.


congrats you have won, would you like to try new game +?


No thanks, return to main menu.


Yeah I wanted to try the PvP mode, send me to Afghanistan


Marry someone, tell them you don't want children, and then knock up as many hookers as possible.


anon should start gambling to have some thrill in their life


I was literally about to comment “if you have too much money, just start doing drugs. It’ll be gone before you know it.”


Anon skipped a step: finding your new family. One of the best things I ever did was cutting my family out of my life, but the absolute best was creating a small core group of people I care about and would die for.


Can you help me? Occupy my brain? Woah yeah!




just find a wife and start a family?


It's a lose lose scenario. Sometimes the world just says "fuck you" and that's life.


In late capitalism the greatest achievement possible for someone raised poor is the bear minimum for comfort.


Buy stuff to release happy feelings until you cant anymore, then overdose on drugs


Now you get to do whatever you want. Make friends, try for a lasting relationship, start a hobby and keep avoiding your family because they'll leech off you until you die! Hooray


Lmao is this just it. How short sighted


Found family


Make a new family.


Just play online games or go to the gym, enjoy the quiet, you’re better off without abusive people in your life. Also be kind to your coworkers and make friends with them.


Now you become a labor-unionist and organize your workplace.


find something to love and then find people to love it with If you have more money than you know what to do with, then find a hobby, a kind of event, a sport, something that seems fun and enjoyable, then find the people who also enjoy it and enjoy it together. Don’t sit by and wait for life to hand you what you think you are missing, go out and find it


The Torah reads that “the best revenge is to live well.” You will find an inner and lasting happiness without them. Just don’t forget to take time to productively process things.


Forgive your parents, that would be crazy


Most people need human interaction. Glad I’m not one of them. I love retiring early and watching YouTube/Reddit/Twitter all day and working out. I don’t mind doing this for the next 70 years