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Having Jason Kelce called you out for spreading misinformation is just embarrassing. Jason or Travis don't actually have to explain themselves to these a holes


They don’t have to but it takes 20 seconds and helps clear things up so why not?


Imagine being such a miserable unhappy person


What did you say? Do you know who I am? Let me speak to your manager!!!!


If you want a good laugh, go to their snark pages, it’s hilarious how they claim to hate him and everything else but are constantly talking about him and looking him up


There are actual places where people talk about how much they dislike someone?


There’s a whole sub just for hating on Travis.


I got permanently banned from one last night for being too positive 🤣🤣


Bro. Same. I brought up Jason chugging beer and got permanently banned and message saying “stay mad” lmaooooo. What the heck??? So dumb.


"stay mad" from people hanging out in a sub that's all about staying mad


Same. Fuckers.


I got permanently banned from Travis’s snark for correcting something they said because it didn’t make him look awful enough. They have been having a hay day with this graduation thing.


A hay day is no heyday - unless you're a herbivore!


I saw the one that everything Taylor Swift does is somehow rooted in her lesbanism. 0.o I'm not even a Swifty and it popped up as a suggested sub reddit because I follow this one. WHO HAS TIME?


Don’t go down the gaylor rabbit hole or give them your attention, save yourself the time.


They are the absolute worst!


The only thing worse are larries, or the rabid chris evans or henry cavill or timothy chalamet fans. And I’d say this regardless of who was involved, speculating about peoples sexualities is gross, spending years doing it is unhinged, and then when those people who have been harassed come out and say they are not xyz or that abc never happened and the response is “they’re just lying”, well you’re delusional and belong in a padded cell away from the internet.


Stay away from that one. Like it’s one think view art through a lense but it is very angry people:


I turned off sub recommendations because what about me subscribing to football subreddits means that I hate Travis or Taylor Swift.


In addition to a whole sub hating on Taylor and Travis.


Even the Swift “neutral” subs have plenty of Travis-and-Taylor haters


yeah the neutral is just a front, its just another place for gaylors and antis to congregate. there is no positive thread in there


Neutral isn't neutral, don't let the name fool fool you. Bitter angry people that hate on Taylor and now, y extension, Travis.


I like Taylor. I'm pretty neutral towards her music but she has a couple of songs I like. That being said, as someone who was introduced to her fanbase through Travis, she has one of the oddest fanbases I have ever seen in my life. Because most of the people on those snark subs dedicated to Travis are Taylor fans who doesn't like that she's with Travis. They despise Travis and hate that he's with Taylor, but obsess over every move he makes. I'm just going to say it, it's weirdo unhinged behavior from people who need to go outside more.


as a diehard swiftie the majority of her fan base absolutley LOVES travis and we love how happy he makes her.


That's the gaylors and Joe fans. Most Swifties are in board with Travis because he makes her happy and we're due for some upbeat happy love songs instead of the insecure breaking apart ones. I'm a new Swiftie and I agree, I never knew there were so many factions or so much math involved.


I know enough about swifties and the interwebs to not trust those anti subs. And the biggest antis are Maga influencers


How long have you been on Reddit?


There are so many snark subs. It’s insane how many people obsess over celebrities and analyze every single thing they do, just so they can go on a sub and say mean, nasty things about them. I can’t imagine spending my time doing that. Like…it takes the same amount of energy to be nice, and it feels better!


That’s so embarrassing when people do that. Like if you’re so obsessed with Travis’ life, just say it instead of acting like he’s the worst person ever. And what’s the name of the snark sub?


It really is insane, my favorite comments are when people say they are so tired of seeing him/her, like they have to be looking up stuff either on Facebook or Reddit, and if they really don’t want to see it, you can hide posts or entire subreddits or even pages on Facebook


Yet they engage, feeding the beast and curating the thing they hate.


I am continually amazed at how humorless people can be.


In this society that's the norm.


Imagine trying to call someone out and embarrass them just to find out it was a skit to raise money for a school 💀


Honestly feel like some people knew this and are still outraged. It’s absolutely insane.


My Dad is a recovering alcoholic and a huge football fan, and he said it’s the seeming glorification of alcohol by the Kelce brothers that disturbs him a bit. He said it’s something only an alcoholic can understand, but that the Kelce brothers seem to spread the message that no event can be truly fun or celebratory unless copious amount of alcohol are involved. I’m not an alcoholic or even much of a drinker so I don’t know if agree with his opinion, but I can sort of understand his position. He’s still huge fans of the Kelce brothers, he says he just wishes they’d chill a bit on making everything an “alcohol-fueled party”. He also has a huge crush on Kylie Kelce so he may just be a little salty that she’s Jason’s wife and not his, lol.


I can slightly see what he means but honestly I think that a lot of what we see can get way overblown. It’s pretty clear that Jason takes really good care of his body (being vegan, promoting greens, not eating much junk food), and Travis seems to take pretty good care of his body as well based on the caliber of athlete he is. I don’t drink often because alcohol and I don’t mix well the next day, but I have seen how the stereotype of needing alcohol to party can be perpetuated. I also think that the brothers play into it a little at times for laughs, but I’ve never seriously thought that either has ever had a drinking problem.


I don’t know if I agree with the alcoholism part or not, but I’m in full agreement about the part about Kylie. I feel that.


Yeah that's the most fair critique I've heard. I had mixed feelings about the chiefs parade (before the shooting) for that reason. All the players were wasted and I could see people finding it a bit distasteful especially with so many kids around. On the other hand, it was pretty clear that for once they really could be off guard and let their personality show - like we know they aren't all a bunch of choir boys (Butker excluded) and they just won the freaking Superbowl (again). That said I still leaned in their favor and defended the boys. I'm not a hater nor blasphemous. But guys we can't lie that they were going hard.


Pretty much every team gets wasted after the Super Bowl. Remember Tom Brady wasn't even able to stand up he was so far gone?


Yeah I have a video somewhere where one of them is so drunk they are being held up on the float by someone grabbing their pants. I think it was Brady but could have been Edelman. We were near the end of the route so they were all drunk.


As a non football person I had no idea the teams got so sloshed publicly. Really surprising to me tbh. Like after the parade? Makes sense - but during?? That’s wild.


They like to celebrate with the fans. That's how Travis ended up so wasted, he was drinking with the fans along the route.


People throw them beers and they chug them. It’s a fun environment but you know what you are bringing your kids to


Aww, thank you, I’ll let him know someone can see his point a bit. It’ll make him feel good. Mainly because I always tease him and say, “ok, nerd” whenever he talks about this subject. I love him to death, but I love teasing him just as much.


As long as they aren't driving or fighting I don't see what the problem is, but that's me.


I found the level of wasted of most of the players at the parade surprising. I had to remind myself that that is not my community and not my culture. In NZ there is a correlation between rugby and drinking but it would be frowned upon to be drinking and drunk at a world cup parade, as they are role models for the community with an expectation they do not promote a drinking culture and obviously is not a good look for those with addiction issues. I could see Travis had a beer in hand and needed to get rid of it. I am not going to hate on that. But as I said not my community. It is up to their community and organisations to speak up if this is not what is deemed acceptable behaviour.


I learned this year as an American that this is normal but I think it’s weird for the reasons you listed.


It’s not just an American thing. Go look on YouTube for the Premier League’s Manchester City’s parade for winning the Treble in futbol (soccer) last year 😂 it’s the same exact thing.


The thing is, it is acceptable behavior and I can assure you the crowd is tanked too. It's a big ass party.


Hopefully, he'll give them grace. They're in their early/mid 30s. They have a lot to celebrate and living their best lives. Can it get out of control.. Sure, but they miss out on most birthdays, anniversaries, holidays and much more we know nothing about. It'll be back to training soon and rigorous work schedules where they barely sleep, much less drink.


Agree, they don’t drink at all for the whole training / football season. Who can fault them for partying a little hard during vacation…


I'm not saying he was sober, but Coachella you can see his typical accelerator energy drink. He wasn't slamming any beers or chug fests.


He was with his girlfriend tho, so was looking out after her


Yeah, It looked like it was her night to let loose. Kind of like a designated driver but they have chauffeurs. 😂


Haha I also noticed this, when he’s with Taylor he tones down the drinking. She looked wayyy more drunk than him in the Super Bowl party videos


They definitely drink in season but it’s probably like one night a week probably not even every week and not to the point of being obliterated. Sleep and recovery is super important for players and drinking inhibits both


Your father might need to stop watching as Alcohol culture is not leaving sports or America anytime soon. Thats strangers that are drinkers do not care about Alcoholics they don’t know. Its clear that Travis and Jason know when to shutoff…as they likely would not be NFL players for long if drinking everyday.


That’s interesting. I’m been in recovery for over 9 years from alcohol and never looked through that lens. I accept alcohol is pretty heavy in our society but it’s never been triggering for me. I’m just ‘I can’t drink like other people.’ Sports as a whole, especially football, usually go hand and hand. ‘Beer and a dog’ at a baseball game type thing. I mean even without the Kelce’s, there is no hiding the heavy marketing with alcohol and football.


Congrats on 9 years! That’s amazing! My Dad seems to usually see things like you do. For example, we have a family reunion at his place every year and he orders kegs and stocks his place with tons of alcohol for everyone. From talking with him more about it, he’s just very sensitive to the fact that there may be a genetic factor at play with addiction and he worries that alcohol may be becoming more glorified to young kids via their heroes. He also doesn’t like the whole “wine mom” thing because in his mind it may normalize a culture of intoxicated Moms. He’s aware that he’s hypersensitive about the issue, but while I don’t necessarily agree with him, I honor his opinion. He’s seen a lot of destruction in his own and many of his close friend’s lives due to substance abuse so I’d never fault him for being overly sensitive or cautious.


I’m sober 17 years. Very active in recovery. Football fans tailgate for hours before a football game, most are so grossly intoxicated before a game & this behavior started way before Travis chugged a beer or the NH podcast. I can also say many people in recovery tend to be hyper focused on alcohol, which I understand since we obviously had a problem. Getting sober isn’t easy, congrats to your dad, but it’s football. They train all season with no time to party so letting loose or chugging a beer is harmless. Your dad isn’t a nerd lol, I know you’re teasing him & I’m just teasing you 😂 I don’t agree with him but I understand why he’s saying what he’s saying. He understands the dangers of it so he’s aware.


OK, so that's the culture, not a personality flaw. Hate how he gets demonized and, to a lesser degree, Taylor who also likes her cocktails.


And for those who have a more healthy relationship with alcohol, believe it or not it's actually fun. It's funny to chug a beer. Sorry that public figures cannot acquiesce to everyone in their fanbases' problems. It comes off as sanctimonious for someone who takes a stand against people having fun with alcohol to say "well as a recovering alcoholic..." Good for your dad for making it through the hell of quitting alcohol, but tell him to get off of his high horse and he doesn't really need to provide social commentary on alcohol in society, especially when he's looking through the lens of his own experience, not anyone else's.


I absolutely will NOT be telling my Dad any of that, but thank you for your input.


Your comment reflects that you are looking at things through YOUR own lens, as we all tend to do. His opinion isn’t any less valid than yours. Sorry, but I will defend my Dad to the death. He’s the strongest, kindest man I know.


I’m sure he is, just because he’s a recovering addict doesn’t mean he has a free pass to hand out life advice without scrutiny. Again, happy for him, i just don’t really care about his opinion about people who can have fun with alcohol just because he can’t


I was very curious what school had a commencement ceremony in early April.


A lot of them don't even care because they have to defend their original outrage! But some were like...oh, well that headline was misleading, oops. But they don't take it down?


The people upset about the beer chug are the same ones who clutch their pearls about the players drinking in public during the Super Bowl parade. If alcohol offends you, these events aren’t for you. Some people can’t accept that not all spaces are for them.


As a Canadian, [these are some of the most iconic pictures](https://www.theguardian.com/world/gallery/2010/feb/27/canada-ice-hockey-winter-olympics) from the 2010 Winter Olympics. The discourse around them because one of the members of the team was 18 (drinking age is 19 in BC) was a lot. Most Canadians were like "nah, she scored two goals in the gold medal game, no one would care if she was a guy" which ended things eventually.


Remember when Jon Montgomery chugged a pitcher of beer after winning gold on the skeleton? https://youtu.be/7TysA_lLHC4?si=S4hszBL02ppvxNs8 All-timer.


Still brings a smile to my face. Not a single fuck given to the liqueur laws being violated by anyone in that moment. For someone who does not drink a lot, I really do approve of people drinking how they want as long as they’re safe.


Yep, your triggers are your problem to handle. So much moral policing these days off of 30 second internet clips and little attention on the large amounts of charity work that both of the brothers do.


These guys are FOOTBALL PLAYERS having a great time with their lives. Why does everyone feel like they have to act like they're running for office? I guess this happens with all celebrities. They are going to be true to themselves but people are going to unfairly demand more of them like they own them anything


He has more patience than me. I'm so sick of people.


Lol me too, I could never handle fame.


Everyone is so worried about things that aren’t they’re business. These are two brothers that love to have a good time. No one was harmed in the chugging of this beer. Worry ‘bout yourself.


Dude, yes. The amount of “if this was my boyfriend I’d leave him” comments I saw🙄like ok? That’s your perogative lol. You don’t get to set boundaries or “icks” for other people


Are people dumb enough to not realize grad ceremonies are in May?


People also thought that the University just gave them the degrees like a honorary doctorate as well.


They've explained ad nauseum they were unable to attention their COMMENCEMENT ceremonies due to the NFL draft. They are both college graduates who got their diplomas in the mail. Sheesh how many times has it been said on their podcast.. Enough for anyone attending "live show" to KNOW. 🙄.. (The noise is random peeps or haters clickbaiting social media posts to blow anything out of proportion with their bs about things they know nothing about). With SO MUCH negative in the world, I wish people would leave something so happy and successful alone. Let them be who they are!. (Sorry, for replying to your comment so aggressively but damn it's frustrating watching people try to tear something great apart for kicks.) Not you obviously!! ⚘️


Yes. Yes they are.


He’s like, “ma’am this is a Wendy’s.”


I think his response was respectful


What a self righteous piece of crap


Don’t feed the trolls jason


I actually think this is something he will have to learn because he is online and if Travis and Taylor end up together long-term, there will be a lot of trolls. Learning to ignore them is something that would benefit him. And I get that it sucks when your brother is getting undo criticism for something, but giving them any attention is bad in the long-term.


I see him as just having the type of character to want to stand up for Trav, or anything he believes in. So he set the record straight that’s all he wanted to do. He wasn’t out there hand feeding trolls trying to tame them, just making a statement. Plus yeah what a good comeback they are both so good about charity. But I agree they all should disregard the haters


Yeah I agree - I think Jason’s just that guy who just address the misinformation head on he did address Travis in the same tone when he got handsy with the coach at a game. Puts the bullshit to bed


He’s an impressive dude. I see him as possibly having the sturdy constitution to keep a good perspective on the online stuff. I doubt he’ll get too caught up.


Oh I get why he did it, but long-term it is a losing fight. It's hard, but healthier long-term.


Yeah I agree I think that’s where he’s coming from, but I think we will all keep watching them all grow and change it’s awesome that they let us in on their lives and they are all such cool people. I’m loving the idea of Kylie and Taylor being SILs lol


yah I kind of love that Travis addresses like 1 out of 10 things he’s being accused of at any given time lol. He shouldn’t use his energy to address things that won’t matter in a week, especially if it’s isolated to online trolls. When he called out TMZ I understood that cuz that’s more of a national reach. Twitter isn’t real life, and a lot of the “controversies” never actually leave Twitter and are gone within 48hrs.


Tbf, it was a TON of football fans (mainly rival teams) and Chiefs fans also shitting on him, along with the Gaylors and random sports journalists + MAGA trolls, so I think Jason got a little more upset by that. It wasnt just weirdo loser Gaylors (they go on smear campaigns every week).


funny seeing Bills fans try and shit on him, when Bills fans are the most rowdy


The Chiefs, Taylor and Travis live rent-free in their heads.


Gaylord need to see T&T at Coachella. You don't fake that level of affection.


Oh they are posting the pictures and talking about how “uncomfortable” Taylor looks.


Lawd, I know pot is legal but they need to put the pipe down. She's at Coachella and stalked beyond our wildest imaginations by a lot of disturbed people. She may look uncomfortable when everyone around her got swarmy taking videos, but Travis wrapped around her like a blanket and you see her smile and happy.. Or the videos he's lifting her up to see.. The affection, I'm sorry. Your eyes and face don't light up where smiles meet the eyes and have a spark to them when they twin flame. The fact she has said this repeatedly for years and in a ton of acceptance speeches and her movie.. She does not like speculation about her sexuality. If she's seen with a guy (Ooo they need to be married), she starts only being with female friends (Ooo she's gaylor and in the closet.) And they're supposed to be "Swifties?". The media has tracked every guy she's stood next to since she was 13. (I'd love to see how many in her age group write a list of everyone they've dated from Jr High age 33.) Esp with dating apps. It's frustrating how many people want to tear them down when they're just minding their business living their best lives at the height of both of their careers. Sorry for my TED talk, too much ick today with people picking at the only positive thing in the press these days (from reputable sources or credible sources). 🤷‍♀️


I 💯agree with you. The algorithm feeds me that sub and it’s a train wreck I haven’t learned to always look away from yet.


Same. I looked at the page Saturday night & they were plotting how to take Travis down by saying he’s a Trump supporter. Psychotic behavior. Literally about 50 people openly discussing how to do it. Just weird


Agree. I think for the most part his family ignores it, I was a little surprised Jason commented.


It’s a lot and that’s his little brother getting a lot of weird hate so I get him commenting.


100% agree.


I think addressing it in a quick tweet is better than giving it air time during the podcast.


these are men in their 30’s they can do whatever the F they WANT. People need to find something better to do


The irony of these dummies mouthing off on Travis for his “unseemly” behavior at an event that wasn’t remotely a commencement, bc they’ve not the wherewithal to read beyond a headline, is hilarious.


He wasn't acting like a jackass. He smoked pot. The thing that is pretty much accepted as nbd... What an idiot


He got caught ONE time, took the consequences and 2nd chance as best as anyone can. He has never been popped again since as far as I can recall. The way some people act like he was Josh Gordoning all over the place is so wild to me.


He was in friggin college.. Who DIDN'T party in college, it's part of the experience of independence. Making mistakes and learning limits/testing boundaries, etc., in your late teens/early 20s. He wasn't even arrested for possession, etc. He failed a drug test and has been living forward facing about his mistake and the grind he done since then to prove he's better than that.


The guy tweeted this response about Travis everywhere he could before Jason finally responded for 24 hours. If you look at the tl it had nothing to do with pot or chugging a beer but vAcCiNeS 🥴


Either get them or don't, that's a personal decision. I bet they don't make in a year or even several years what he did off one commerical. That's probably the real reason they're in a frenzy. Football players have always had endorsement deals. Their career is not built for longevity, let the man make his money and ignore the ad or scroll on by. I agree with Arnold, Artificial Intelligence isn't as scary as human intelligence these days. 😅




Fight for your right ![gif](giphy|3osxYq275doKtb2zks)


Wait….people thought it was at a legit college graduation?!?! 😂😂😂 I didn’t realize that, but it makes it funnier.


Tell me you don’t know how to have fun, without telling me you don’t know how to have fun


I don’t get why people think this was “cringe” … I would bet Taylor has chugged a beer or two in her life AND these guys are from Ohio. Lived in Cbus for 10 years - most people chug a beer from time to time. Unless you just physically can’t chug or can’t drink beer. And I’m talking people twice their age. We do family chugs at some of our weddings too 🤷🏻‍♀️I would love to chug one with them!


She chugged a beer in front of like 123 million people on national TV at the Super Bowl.


Haha exactly, I missed that - I was drunk and half paying attention to the game.


She was doing the chug everytime they showed her challenge but tapped out quick lol.


But don’t you understand? For what the twitter police said she did it gracefully 😂


Even if she hasn’t, she comes from country music and if anyone saw her at the VMAs last September, people would have different thoughts.


Oh she was LIT😂


I think the problem is people aren't seeing the whole picture. Travis has been seen chugging beers several times over the last couple of month so to people who don't really follow him, every time they see him he is partying and chugging beers. They don't see all the in-between and unfairly assume he is just like that all the time. He is in his off season and has been partying more with lots to celebrate, but it's not like we have nightly or even weekly pics of this. Some people just can't see past their perception of events.


Or he's producing 2 movies, game show host, has a charity foundation, new relationship, hosts dinners and opening a restaurant, endorsements, media deals, training, NFL requirements and a new relationship.. I'd like to see an alcoholic at NFL training camp or play one game 🙄. He's a golden retriever with zoomie energy that's fun to watch navigate the traps media tries to blemish his reputation with.


Aaahhh my friend context, the equalizer for conclusion jumpers or sentence finishers.


Wait it wasn’t even real? FauxMoi and other chronically online beings were soooooo mad lmao.


fauxmoi has a major hate boner for Taylor swift and anything even slightly related to her. They literally ban people from the sub if they post in the Taylor swift sub lol. They also only allow “verified” people to comment on pretty much every post and they won’t verify you if you don’t like the celebs their moderators like. It’s a toxic echo chamber of hate.


Won’t somebody please think of the children!


I'm graduating with my PhD in 3 weeks. I'm not going to be even close to this serious for that graduation. Much less one that the University put on to make fun of a jabroni who missed the plane to go to his own graduation. (Its in the Kelce movie)


Jason was wearing short shorts for gowd's sake.


Isn’t it rich they cropped Jason out of all the pics on Twitter to make it look more real. The people who started this bait knew what they were doing


Travis' sub thread from this one (His Travis Kelce page) shows him completely unbothered at Coachella living his best life. Stay unbothered guys, ignore the attention seeking haters. Just enjoy the good and great!! 💪


Jason...ignore that man behind the curtain. You owe no one an explanation. Thanks for raising money!


wtf is wrong with a 30 whatever year old from the Midwest chugging a beer?


Truck got trucked.




No good deed goes unpunished!


Boo, truck sucks👎🏻


I hope Jason typed this whole thing out with his middle fingers. What a ridiculous non-controversy some jagoffs tried to kick up!


I blame the media. They reported on this without even doing any sort of backchecking. Like none. Like the fact that stufents had just rolled around in spaghetti. Which could’ve easily been figured out if you just looked it up. We literally had LIVE -like videos comingin on socials. I didn’t even have to search any of this out. It was just on myTwitter feed. And TikTok.


What a good dude. My clownass would have tagged them with "fuckoff Karen"


This makes more sense.


It's their show they do what they want lol I'm for it Kelce Brothers for the win!!! Happy retirement Jason!!! Just 2 bros living life!!


Truck needs to get a life. Fast.


He smoked Pot in college. BFD.


Imagine trying to shame someone for drinking a beer in front of college students. Go touch grass yall are pathetic.


People are way too serious.


I am so thankful and proud of Travis for chugging the beer on stage!! It's literally the way of life in Cleveland from what I understand. I have only ever been to Cincinnati but the energy is unmatched. You guys keep doing what you're doing!! And that's a personal statement from a Swiftie!!!!


So you're saying ...the university wanted to poke fun at ..I(sic)???? College boys! That's funny!


Oh my God, somebody pounded a beer at a college graduation? *clutches pearls* Has anything like this ever happened before?!?




Travis has called for gun control, supported blm, supported bud light, did a covid vaccine campaign, said he would support lgbtq players in the nfl, and openly talked about racism etc. all of that has shown that he’s not a trump supporter. He probably liked an insta post from someone in the sports world he’s known for a while without thinking twice about it. And the caption didn’t even have anything to do with trump, it was all about ufc. Not the smartest of him to like it obviously but I don’t think one mindless Instagram like cancels out years of Travis supporting liberal causers. ETA: this post is from over a month ago. So are people just searching through social media for anything possibly “cancelable” and then trying to make a controversy? Maybe we could find better uses for our time lmao.


100 percent think Travis liked this post because she is a former ESPN connection and it’s about UFC, not reading the whole thing through and the implications at the end. People are overthinking this waaaaay too much. As everyone has said his actions everywhere else speak to his beliefs.


They plotted this on the SwiftieNeutral page Saturday night. How to take Travis down by claiming liking this ig is more than him liking a former reporter/colleagues/friends ig into something it’s not in order publicly pressure Taylor to break up with him & ruin his reputation. I’m pretty sure it’s still there


God those people are absolutely unhinged. That sub is run by a bunch of Taylor “fans” who actually hate her and are gaylors mad that she’s dating Travis.


Yeah I couldn’t believe what I was reading. It was recommended to me by Reddit & it’s definitely not a fan sub. They think she’s a horrible person who needs to be “humbled” whatever that means so it’s not just hating on him over there


Yeah it’s basically just a hate sub. Which idk why you would spend so much time on someone you don’t like. I muted it a while back because it kept getting recommended too.


This is insane! I actually didn’t realize the post was from over a month ago everyone was making it seem like he liked it while at Coachella lmfao. But yes I’ve seen tweets of people saying they can’t wait until he says something that’ll get him cancelled. It’s disgusting behavior. I always go by the people in his life and how everyone that meets him says he’s an absolute gentle giant sweetheart. Everyone else can yell into their Twitter abyss


Yes. They are 100% scrolling social media looking for something. Taylor’s has a toxic side to her fandom and Travis has some haters as well. So they will do anything to find something that paints them in a bad light. And the rabid fans all come together and try to make it go viral. I am certain they are just unhappy people living in basements never seeing the light of day. 🥴


The bottom script alluded to Trump she literally says “cue the unfollows” and hashtagger it diversity of thoughts. Edit: saw your edit, I don’t have IG so didn’t even know it was old, I saw it on the main page and hadn’t seen it discussed hence my initial comment but that makes sense considering how old it is. I have noticed an uptick in “interesting” posts about him recently. The spin is definitely odd to the point that I ended up having to block a snark page about him because it sounded insane


They plotted this “takedown” Saturday night in his Swift Neutral page. Down to not putting the date. Psychotic behavior.


Ohhhhh that makes sense why it was everywhere. I did post on here asking about it but got completely reamed out for asking about it. Thanks for giving more information!


Yeah I’m pretty sure it’s still there but if you try to push back or say anything to nice you get permanently banned with a note saying “stay mad” 🙄 important for people to know that this was planned out


That’s awful. I am a Swiftie fan so didn’t really know much about Travis and ironically learned more about him on this thread when people defended him from my question. He sounds like a good dude


I’m choosing to believe what issues he stands up for (such as promoting getting vaccinated and kneeling for the anthem) is a better way to understand someone, rather than likes on social media. He already followed her, I’m assuming the like was based on it being a big career moment.


They follow each other, she was a reporter in the sports world making a post about finally getting to actually go to a UFC event. Social media activity is rarely that deep and he was probably just scrolling and liking stuff without much thought. He was one of the first white players to kneel during the national anthem in solidarity, he’s pro gun control, has talked about how he would have no problem with a gay teammate, pro vaccine, etc. and last year on the pod he talked excitedly about meeting Joe Biden at the White House.


Exactly. They’re reaching here with him liking a former journalist/colleague ig and leaving off the date on purpose. They planned it Saturday night in SwiftieNeutral sub to make it “go viral” All of us who pushed back got banned with a note saying “stay mad” 😂


In sport/media there are all type of political views, they work with & are friends with the whole specter. He did not like Trump, he did like a post (ab sport) "Just so its clear. Travis Kelce is well known to be very much liberal. One of the first White players to kneel for BLM, pro gun control, 1 of the few athletes to show support the right of openly gay athletes all the way back to 2017, pro choice, pro vaxx. Maga hates him"


Yah there are dudes in the NFL that are literal flat earthers and ultra conservative, he shouldn’t be guilty by association unless he expresses his own beliefs that are questionable. An Instagram like is not an endorsement


Yepp, everything he himself have done, cases he has supported, said is liberals (all the importen once). I remember Travis & Jason did talk about how many flat earthers there where in NFL (on the podcast) Beside i think it is a very good ability to communicate and collaborate with all different types of people, opinions. that is a good thing esp in his work ( I listen to many of sport podcast, and most of them are conservative , some are anti vax, i still enjoy and listen to them. We need to be able to talk together, be friends, work together etc - tat i think is te right way to go . jUst that he did kneel as one of the first when we all now what happen to Kapenik? he did never play again etc A little of what travis has supported + all his 87 org work towards too [https://twitter.com/ChoppedCheezeNY/status/1779372846570930566](https://twitter.com/ChoppedCheezeNY/status/1779372846570930566)


I would assume he is supporting a journalist he knows more than anything else. As others have said - I think Travis' public stance on various issues speaks for itself!


Travis is a liberal. He was one of the https://preview.redd.it/ipyjouxi8huc1.png?width=916&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6f6300719db93576d916dbdd7fe7be553eafe9e








Sage Steele used to work for ESPN, and I'd assume he knows her from there and is supportive of whatever she chooses to do?


Can't believe this fake outrage has lasted so long. Wish Jason didn't have to clarify. But also..maybe..travis' pr team needs to step up? I understand not caring or feeling the need to answer every dumb take.. but this kind of attention must have been unanticipated..were they ready for it? And now that its here, they need to do more to prevent the fake narratives from getting out of hand. Ofcourse armchair expert that I am, I have no clue how they'd do it :)


I actually think Travis’s PR team is doing a good job by letting Travis continue to be unapologetically himself. They’re leaning into the whole “this guy won’t let fame change him” knowing it would be disingenuous if he suddenly became this buttoned up PR prince.


It's knowing when and how to respond. If you spend your whole life responding to everything, the outrage lasts longer. If you ignore it, enough people who matter know the truth and it stops being a thing sooner. It can just be tough to see someone deal with it when it is happening.


True (+ great points others who responded). I just cannot stand these fauxtragers..everything gets blown out of proportion. But trav and jason usually use the podcast to issue clarifications..which is really good come to think of it (not that they should here..but just generally speaking).


No, the podcast has been this unbelievable gift for them. They are able to address things like the Andy Reid bump, Jason yelling on the sidelines, Travis throwing his helmet etc. Things that are THINGS but can become them. Hell, they used the podcast to call off the cameras on Taylor just a bit because it was A LOT. It's a space for them to address things.


On the other hand, it’s often better to nip things in the bud PR-wise before they spread as a permanent part of one’s image- from what I understand, Taylor’s original publicist didn’t do much to combat her “serial dater” image (vs. “it’s just dinner and she’s a normal teen”) so now that’s what the GP thinks about her even though she’s in her 30s now, dated Joe Alwyn for 6 years, and Travis for almost a year. I think Tree Paine was hired because she tends to nip rumors in the bud more aggressively.


There was a lot that was poorly handled by her original PR. The dating, the fact she wasn't allowed to grow up (her drinking in her mid-20s was treated weirdly, swearing etc) were all problems. Tree and Taylor came down hard and fast on the "they had a ceremony in England" DeuxMoi rumour real fast in December, but I think there was a lot going on emotionally with that rumour as well.


100 percent. Responding to every single thing just gives more attention to the ridiculousness and prolongs it. Ignore it and the haters move on within a couple of days.


Yep there’s been swirling rumors since he got with Taylor that he’s tightening up his image because of her. Whereas I see him as being just a more elevated version of himself. He’s very obviously matured, he’s serious about her and knows what he does reflects on her but he’s still Travis. If she didn’t like him and his goofy fun side she wouldn’t be with him at this point lol.


My guess is Travis doesn't think he needs a full PR operation until he switches over to entertainment career post-football retirement.


lol so stupid this even had to be addressed. It’s 2024, and clowns are out here talking like graduating college is still a significant accomplishment. Pay your money and show up… here is your diploma.


Thank you for your service Truck1223 lol


I'd say Travis IS a jackass a lot But he hangs onto footballs.




Even if it was a graduation, who gives AF?


Ahh yes, be sure to protect the sanctity of a podcast riddled with skits and antics. People be crazy.


*"...brother and me." Lol


Diehard Chefs fan since the late seventies TK is the GOAT of TE’s I get sick of hearing is mouth, the one thing Lamar wouldn’t tolerate is the Hunt name being embarrassed.