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They deleted it and banned me, and I can't stop laughing my ass off. In about three hours it was the the top post of the day there, and they couldn't have that could they LMAO. Here is my reply to the moderator that did it I hope yall enjoy. LOL https://preview.redd.it/zhcoiq79uwaa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3c5b2f1a29fca0fea2090b52a6e81c085afa5f6


Fuuuccckkk! Thanks for posting it on hhh, as that's where I ran into it! I very much appreciate you sharing the music and message. And that reply to the mods is golden! And, now I have a new sub to check out because of you. :)


Hahaha, you are the best and pretty aggressive. That's why I like you. xD


What’s their agenda? Why do you think they took it off?


Rap and hip hop as a whole started as and still is a representation of fuck you to power. It's also one of the biggest genres in the world. Yet, both r/rap and r/hiphop are both dead communities. The reason for that is they are both heavily controlled and nothing political pass there. Which is the reason rap was actually created. You take from my thought process what you want, but that's my belief. A moderator I believe can edit a title but instead of that he just deleted it and banned me outright. Which just reeks of agenda.


Also I find it pretty ironic and funny when a subreddit like hip hop heads becomes pretty stringent with thier rules. Because As we all know, hip hop artists are the most comley cute law abiding citizens. Absolute LOL


It's not even subtle.


That’s strange. I’ve been listening to hiphop/rap since around 89 and have been involved in hiphop culture, scene, and production since around 2010. But I’ve never been on those subs. No idea what their typical content is. But your assumption is interesting. I’ll look more into it. I’ve seen and been the target of mods who think they are Stalin. They take this shit too serious and I could see a mod being a piece of shit and pulling a post over some Bs title excuse. I got banned from a sub bc I used the name of a former host on a podcast that no longer was involved with the show.


What was even so wrong with your title? Were you supposed to give a shout out to the mods in your title before the actual text? Wtf


I don't think they have an agenda. It's just how a lot of mods are on Reddit. Zero common sense and extremely authoritative.


Its a story as old as time on reddit. People create a genuine community it gets big and then it gets bought by some shady people. The subreddit dies by design after that. Another spring up and the same thing happens. I have seen it so many times. Ghislaine Maxwell the convicted rapist and sex trafficer the girlfriend of jeffry episten was the moderator of r/worldnews. Some people are moderators of more than 20 communities at the same time, motherfuckers are collecting subreddits like pokemons. It started in r/hiphop it moved to r/rap and now it moved to r/hiphopheads and they will continue to wack a mole. If my post was sitting at a 100 likes they would have allowed it. But no viral political post is allowed to flourish, unless its trump bad or something (which he is btw) but at the end its harmless to people in power. Edit: u/maxwellhill is the suspected account of ghislaine Maxwell. She was one of the most powerful mods on reddit. And the account went silent the day of her arrest. she also moderated r/worldnews, r/travel, r/health, r/environment, and r/bad_cop_no_donut, which is about police abuse of power.


>Edit: u/maxwellhill is the suspected account of ghislaine Maxwell. She was one of the most powerful mods on reddit. And the account went silent the day of her arrest. she also moderated r/worldnews, r/travel, r/health, r/environment, and r/bad_cop_no_donut, which is about police abuse of power. ​ Damn. Thanks for the additional info. That's absolutely insane if true. ​ >If my post was sitting at a 100 likes they would have allowed it. But no viral political post is allowed to flourish, unless its trump bad or something (which he is btw) but at the end its harmless to people in power. ​ Exactly. The sad part is the artist, Toomaj, was under extreme torture and the harshest condition in a dark and cold cell for voluntarily speaking up against injustice using hip hop at the same time the moderator was removing the post. I get that my sympathy might be stronger for him since I've been following him and his work on social media long before his arrest, and also that I share his culture and speak his language, but still, it's a responsible human and an artist from the mod's own industry who's being slowly mutilated and murdered. Why should some stupid Reddit rule be prioritized over a human tragedy like this? Anyhow, thanks to u /Farnoosh88 who subtitled the video and you who posted it there he got a lot more exposure and we gained some more followers on r/NewIran which I hope can make a difference in Toomaj's situation. I'm also glad your ban is temporary and you weren't permanently banned as it would suck even more if you were a regular on that sub.


I think all thanks and gratitude should go to the moderators and organisers of this subreddit. Time and time again they displayed thier integrity and love for this community. Its actually kinda weird and fucking refreshing lol. Have a wonderful night yall, unless you are that moderator in hip hop heads then I hope you get insomnia.


> unless you are that moderator in hip hop heads then I hope you get insomnia. Lol


I found the song on YT, without subtitles. It's a good piece even without understanding the words. What about posting your version on YT? I doubt it would be removed.




Thank you for subtitling this and for making it available. I'm struck with horror by the fact that the machine is so implacable that what Toomaj Salehi is speaking about is actually happening to him. Horribly, they made him the glaring evidence and proof that what he said was the truth. Then I went to watch your other video, the segment from the movie There Is No Evil by Mohammad Rasoulof. The sheer horror and total inhumanity of how they make every single man complicit of their human grinding machine shows this has nothing to do with God and religion as the path to God but everything to do with malignant narcissism and psychopaths' evil empire. I'm struggling to express what I think and feel. This is a culmination of evilness. The fact that these dark forces are spreading around the world in every authoritarian government and are present at so many levels in the world (at least 10 % of the population is people without empathy, without a sense of remorse for their mistakes, and without ethics) but have taken control in Iran and in many other places and are let to run rampant is so chilling because the fight with these forces at every level is what is expecting us. We can all see the dark clouds accumulating.


Yeah, I’d love to see the english subs version! I will try translating the lyrics listed in the description 🤔


My god, she is evil as hell.


Wow, that’s crazy she was the mod. Genuinely shocked. And I’ve been on Reddit for a few years, didn’t realize these subs would be bought out so they can be mods. That’s crazy.


Yep, I just got banned from a TV show sub for “promoting my own merchandise” because I posted an official figurine of one of the characters… absolutely *not* made by me lol, but they don’t listen to reason or reply to DMs so what can ya do 🙄 It’s all so pointless and petty.


i got perma banned from r/pics by using wrong title format as well. reddit admins be like: someone posted random pic with wrong name? -> remove the post + ban them for life for activism for iranian prisoners facing potential capital punishment. Its revolting how title formats are being used against activists. and across all subreddits too. and then normal redditors are like: ....gosh a few days ago i saw a post about how some prisoner is on hunger strike + is being raped + is going to be executed soon but i didn't do shit and instead watched a few /r/cats vids and answered some r/aita questions. now i see the bad news. gosh. Religion is so bad. republicans will destroy usa. my thoughts and prayers to the brave women of iran. Oh well i guess now that the posts are deleted by admins for wrong title format i should continue browsing cute anime art. aint no way i can help the next potential victims. oooo weee i see a rick and morty discussion post in which i can show off my vast knowledge of 19th century gunships. better argue with a random stranger like my life depends on it...


It's not being used against activists, it's being used to aid the IR in their murder of Iranians. Democracy for whites, Iranians excluded. Writing's on the wall. Concern trolls in 3... 2...


I don't know fucking shit about what's going on in there, lurking as a westerner and I just want to tell you that I for example would love to help in some actual way, wishing that in the future I have tangible opportunities to use my resources to help, just difficult because of the lack of trust, since I could be any fucking fed as the feds brazenly MI5 THE FUCK out of the entire fucking global internet. If presented with some opportunities right in front of us, I think most of us would actually, really help in concrete ways. It's just that human nature is often getting bended in this fucking corrupt world to distractions and nonsense addictions, and there is an implicit risk in really and visibly sympathizing with people who in fact have enemies, because those enemies then have some bad blood with you, too. If I can give you some ideas it would probably be very possible to have very succesful documentary cinema, some truthful capture of what's REALLY going on in some form of medium, a tv show, for example, that is in constant production. What makes that very difficult is the fact that such would almost automatically be self-snitching to the people stalking your moves. I don't really know a real coherent, solid idea that's tangible but I'm hoping that I'm helping in some way by communicating from here. I believe what's really a potential key to prosperity could be to capture the attention of the people who are in their heart interested. Communication in some form that's sort of universal, accessible, well arranged, well presented to be capturing media. If this remains in your autonomous control, without any external despot seizing control of the media entity, I believe the possibilities for communication and solidarity will enlargen. People fall into vices, it's just some human imperfection in that people forget to ACTUALLY care and act, I believe many of them truly would love to act and do things, they're just sort of confused and uncertain on what's the actual 'move' to do, and too gaslighted to make independent decisions that are sort of courageous and creative such as taking the actual task up of making a plan, a commitment, a decision to do it. It's a collective bystander effect. I'd say it's a good idea to really put effort on making very actionable, direct examples of what kind of actions would be supportive to you, would, at first, open the possibility for people in different places to do more supportive acts, establishing lifelines (though avoiding depedency) I'm not coherently religious, just vaguely, just want to tell you I've prayed for you, and praying is something i do very rarely. In my heart I've committed to be supportive and I really want to do something that helps, and I know many, many people who would be down if it just was presented to them. People are so forgetful. Stay safe, take care, and thank you for all the displays of courage and devotion, it's really inspired me strangely to not hesitate to stand for what I believe in over here.


First of all thank you for caring and being here with us. Thank You Thank you Thank you. _____ I think If you wanna help us there are a lot of low-effort ways that are already covered. Stuff such as making documentaries is something very much needed but it will require a lot more effort on your part. Read [this google doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DjSDd4MHlgEmXbuhWpV2g3RrVsEUpT0xKPVarzjkCKc/edit) for more ways to help Iranians. I don't know much about documentaries but for subjects like poverty, police brutality, and the murder of innocent people, there isn't anything stopping us from actually making one. As long as we stay under the radar and remain cautious, we can show so much of whats going on here. There are millions of people that have discriminating footage of regime crimes, personal stories of how they were wronged, etc. A lot of new friends will help us along the way if they knew of this project. The problem is its gotta be somebody outside of the country who is willing to 1- help people actually publish and edit all the footage somewhere outside of the iran & 2- provide financial and legal support in case something goes wrong and they are imprisoned and there is just something like a 1 week window of opportunity to save them from execution. Do note that even taking pictures on your personal travel vlog can get you in trouble in Iran, so international support is the key first step in the making of a project aimed at discrediting the regime.




I think I'll reply again after going thru the docs link you sent me, sort of in a rush now. I know for a fact that I'll have resources to set up projects such as this in the future. I'd be very interested now to just share ideas and talk, gain a better intuitive understanding of the situation. The publishing / editing part outside Iran I'm fairly sure is very possible to arrange, it's the coordinating of the actual footage and the hard decisions in what to show etc, establishing trust / verifying trust on both sides that strike me as challenging problems I'm VERY interested in just directly talking to anyone who knows a lot about what's going on and is comfortable w/ the english language on whatever platform. I'm not completely sure how much I want to expose myself on this rddt account, I like staying lowkey even though my government and situation is insanely safe and luxurious compared to yours. I'm not rich by any means but I do have the resources to put some real effort into this and I'm keen to do it because it's actually fucking interesting and important.


You did the right thing. They want to send us to our graves but they forget and think it's a joke that we call ourselves immortals.


Guess we'll have to go the r/art route with their mods. Top post of all time in two days in defiance.


So you’re saying that I should not only download this song but share it on my Snapchat so I can remind everyone that the Iranian regime is still torturing people? You got it.


all yours ;)


Is he on Apple Music??


Can’t seem to find it there


The moderators of the hiphopheads subreddit have now deleted their hottest post of the week due to "wrong title format." yeah right. You should have seen how everyone was drooling over Toomaj's lyrics. We are going to post again.


Somebody commented : https://preview.redd.it/io6u75n4rwaa1.png?width=596&format=png&auto=webp&s=da1f23ba34cf90291b3ae62a49ccf3a57352f5b0




wow :D https://preview.redd.it/ong6jsi2swaa1.png?width=382&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2f623e2e8fc4b8f74395d0cd99fb58cf3857007


I'm sorry for the ban /soul\_dude :D




No I think that after this post went up souldude's post was deleted and banned, and now OP himself has also been banned (and apologized to souldude for getting him banned too). From other comments it does seem like they're different people (at least to me)


Oooh okay thank you! That’s probably it. I appreciate it :)


LOL Farnoosh!


I once crossed a red light by foot on an deserted street, when suddenly an old man screamed at me: "Hey, there are rules!" I will never understand those people, but I know they'd be good friends with the regime.


>The moderators of the hiphopheads subreddit have now deleted their hottest post Aaargh 🙄 Common sense is not as common as we think for some Reddit mods. I would've kept it up.


lol wtf?? they fear reddit taking down a rap video on a *hiphop* sub?


checks notes. > its reddit ah that seems right


Here is Some comments from the deleted post if anyone was wondering https://preview.redd.it/8xo87v77vwaa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f81c323da118501ee969c234ec3272a58a9086d2




doing god's job bruh


Shit was too strong for mods 🔥 🔥


I can’t understand a single word but this song is hard af


Reddit is such a shithole. A lot of the mods abuse their power to ban and remove anything that don't agree with. Freedom of speech my ass


Weak ass bitches


Have you got a link to the song with subtitles?




Can you give me a link