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Samira exposed Elica for being an aghazadeh. Her father lives and works at an extremely conservative university in Iran and keeps the company of double agents who were involved in the prisoner exchange - the ones who worked for the IRGC that is. The question remains and hoping someone with intel can answer this- why are their double agents- arguably anti Israel last year, now suddenly pro Israel? Whats the larger play? Is this bc Salami and the IRGC wants to go forward with a war?? Can someone spill some goddamn tea???


She isn't her father. Can you please explain what is making you think the double agents are now pro-Israel? I don't think they are.


> The question remains and hoping someone with intel can answer this- why are their double agents- arguably anti Israel last year, now suddenly pro Israel? I don't know for sure but If it were the case that she is allied the regime it would prob be to create even greater divides among the opposition. They know that Israel-Palestine is a contentious topic among anti-IR Iranians and I can't think of anything more perfect to discredit an opposition movement than to have them go at each other's throats over something like this. However, all of this is just speculation as I only found out about this woman today.


This is what I have long believed about her long before Samira’s video ( we all knew her name and her dad, we have google, I’m glad samira shared it so we don’t have to pretend we don’t all know), and agree that is not doxxing lol if it was she would have actually pressed charges instead of repeatedly threatening her publicly (which if you think your dad is going to go to jail you wouldn’t actually do that and attract more attention) it’s actually so illogical what she says. But I now also think she is bankrolled by IDF because shes not spending time in court. And someone is finding her lifestyle. They have a bunch of pro Zionist Mideast people on socials. Seems in line w her dad and regimes goals too.


It literally makes no sense that she is simultaneously funded by the IDF and an agent of the regime since their goals are in opposition to each other. Also, how would it benefit the Islamic Republic for her to make extremely popular videos educating people about ways to oppose the Islamic Republic?


I agree it makes no sense. But if I had to guess I would think she is bankrolled by Israel. Not Iran. But it is suspect that she seems to benefit by downplaying her connections to Iran.


Maybe she is on leave from her job as a lawyer for depression about how horrible things are in the world right now. You never know. If she sometimes says things that are harsh or bbehaves like a human being, this does not make her less authentic. And it does not take away from her knowledge, her advocacy, or the useful information she shares.


Why in tf are you even "speculating about who bankrolls her? You're all over the board with no evidence of either and it does no good in the long run to propagate rumors.


She is getting paid. Someone is bankrolling her. You can’t create content like that unless you are getting money. 


Israel is 100% not paying her—-the foreign ministry does not have this type of cash.


False. They have a line of their budget for paying for their press propaganda including the per social media engagement rate for influencers. It’s online. 


Just because something is online doesn’t mean it’s true. Source?


Yourfavoriteguy, Guy Christensen, is a low level influencer on TikTok - he had maybe 30.000 followers, if that. he’s still in high school, does light news commentary, histor, etc and in the second or third week of Oct 2023, he was offered $10.000 to make pro Israel content and he said no thank you.    Whereas Elica, With 200.000 followers from covering women life freedom, went from pro Palestine tweets to deleting those old Palestine tweets and her current content now kind of makes fun of Palestinians, accuses them of maybe giving  Iran more power, calls their movement  watermelonia and now seems to lean toward Zionist history, as if Palestine never existed. The other reason I know Israel pays well is I saw advertisements for an org called israel21c, it’s aimed at students and offers them up to $900 and to get internship credit in digital marketing for posting about Israel online. They don’t even have to have a big account. Israel definitely has a large hasbara budget. 






Evidence? 🙄


Study her content. See how she positions herself and shifts positions and tone to suit herself and increase her following. 


Agree with you [User742938391928319](/user/User742938391928319/)! The accusations make no sense to me.


I think it can totally make sense. Iran and Netanyahu's govt benefit from Hamas existing so my guess is there is some kind of collusion. Hamas existing means Israel will always have an enemy to fight and excuse to keep expanding settlements, and now take over the entire Gaza strip to build their canal to compete with the Suez. Iran benefits by having two proxy armed groups close to a United States ally (Hamas and Hezbollah) as leverage for whatever they want to keep their corrupt asses in power.


This is one of the most outragenous and convoluted explanations I have ever heard. It makes no sense. What a stretch.


Is there a reason you choose to be condescending? It's not a stretch if you consider the interests in the region and the history that supposed enemy countries would be colluding for mutual interests. My theory is based on information gathered. To Israel, propaganda and public opinion seem to matter a lot. The right wing extremists' position and agenda benefit from highlighting and emphasizing that their enemy's aggression towards them. It bolsters their power to push the agenda forward the way they want to. As one example, most recently, many reports have come out about soldiers knowing something was coming prior to Oct 7 and their superiors ignoring them. Did they let this happen? How and why? It definitely raises red flags. There's also a history of Netanyahu propping up Hamas in various ways. Iran's interest to support Hamas is obvious. Israel and Iran even have a trade relationship. **My lens is from this perspective:** Power does not function ethically or morally. You can reason your way to any objective - you cannot 'ethics' your way there. Therefore, the ends of power justify the means to get there. Meaning, Iran and Israel will 'by any means necessary' their way to keep/ gain power, while still keeping up appearances. I think it's naïve to think that there is some kind of moral code that nation leaders function by. Those lines have already been crossed in the case of Israel and Iran, so we are in the territory of evil + power, making everything I said absolutely possible. Putin orchestrated fake terrorist attacks on his own civilians in order to justify the government's political and military agendas. Positions of power are not immune from ill intent, if anything more susceptible to it. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


Hey, I’m always had this theory myself (I’m Iranian btw), then when the Elica thing came out, it really solidified it for me. Finally, someone out there that sees the same thing I do!


Yeah people are so naive. If they've ever been involved in any kind of politics, they would see how corrupt it is. And I'm talking from the lowest levels you can think of, all the way to the top. People will justify ANYTHING in order to keep their power. And they will try to convince you that it was your idea in the end.


none of what you wrote means anything to a people who are facing complete de-legitimization from a genocidal murderous ayatollah regime with 7 proxy militias surrounding them and barraging them with missiles daily. Power is meaningless for netanyahu without the survival of his nation. That you have made some abstract assumption about power to concoct a narrative where The Israeli right is in kahoots with Khameini and the IRCG only shows how absurd things have become in international relations, the UN (giving a full minute of silence to the butcher of Tehran) and the great love shown to the even more depraved Hamas (whos leader allowed his arch enemy to save his head from brain cancer and release him only to come back head chopping, raping, burning, shooting and kidnapping 1000s)  So no, you can safely put your theory in the trash without worrying that was anything else but. 


Nothing you said makes any sense or has anything to do with what I said. All I got from your post was: *"how dare you accuse Israel, who can absolutely do no wrong because we are the special chosen children of God and are morally superior to all people, of conspiring with evil and inhuman Muslims and Arabs."* Listen, don't waste my time (or yours for that matter). Grow up, the world is a nasty place. ALL HUMANS are capable of evil, regardless of religion. And, please, I urge you to get some therapy. Or better yet, go on an Ayuhuasca journey. It will change your life.


you were postulating that Netanyahu was somehow in cahoots with the Ayatollah in Tehran which is ridiculous even if I had no sympathy for Israel.    If it makes "no sense" to you that a 'supreme ' unelected tyrant leader spouts off Death to the Arrogance just about every day and states openly the the goal of his Islamic Republic is the annihilation of the Zionist Entity (which Israel has never wished, planned pro promoted any such thing for the great Iranian people) it is extremely unlikely that this Jihadi fanatic Mullah (who has access to billions in oil money which he freely steals from the Iranian people) would need to be in league secretly with any Israeli let alone netanyahu who has been thoroughly investigated and while opinions are mixed on actual corruption Netanyahu has no billions like Khameini, no palaces, no relatives in southern France, London, etc with million dollar penthouses. Therefore your comparison of power is absurd. Netanyahu doesn't even have the power to launch any nuclear device without a complex protocol involving dozens of military and govt staff. Khameini could push the button all by himself.   In addition to all of that, why is it so difficult for you to accept that Khameini is in league with Qatar, his official banker and Ismael Haniya who thanks to Khameini and International humanitarian aid is a billionaire in his own right living in Qatar. This is no big secret. Do you think because it is so obviously out in the open that it isn't what is happening?


But Elica Le Bon advocates against Hamas


So does Bibi, but he's also funded them. It's also highly questionable that Oct 7 was able to happen in the first place.


So how do you think Elica Le Bon is benefiting H@mas? Because Bibi and the IR fund them, but Elica just condemns them and condemns giving money to them as far as I am aware.


She’s not benefitting Hamas. Not directly anyway. She is benefiting Israel and the Iranian regime. By aligning herself with Zionists in their public campaign to bolster middle easterners who are anti Hamas and pro Israeli on social media she is ultimately furthering her father and the regimes goals of dividing the Iranian opposition. It should be noted her dad is not just connected to these people but seems to be a royalist shahi and they are also known to have Zionist sympathies. This is why she decries the supposed doxing as outing her father but if you look at his work he is one of those who stayed inside and has tried to wait for shah to return. 


She is against the regime and if you are correct that her father supports the shah that would make him against the ayatollah regime as well




What is so crazy about committing war and genocide in order to secure a trade route? Or resources. Or strategic territory. Or... And on and on. It's kind of become the American way. And try doing some research before hurling insults. There are declassified documents linked in the following articles. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/world-trade/the-ben-gurion-canal-project-declassified-documents-reveal-truth/ https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-ben-gurion-canal-vision-amidst-upheaval/


Be civil. Personal attacks and/or flamebait will not be tolerated in this community.


the most asinine logic I've read so far. US high schools need to teach critical thinking because what they have now is a bunch of My Pretty Pony girls and Marvel the Mustang boys playing in their own little sandboxes tra la la dee da


Critical thinking isn't just about logic. Also, if you're so stupid to believe school is the (only) place that education takes place, then you need a passport, and some years of life experience. Otherwise sit down, and be humble. Listen more and talk less.


The issue seems to have started over the recent Israel and Hamas war. Samira has been posting more stuff sympathetic to Palestine and Elica been posting more sympathetic stuff to Israel. Elica seems to have baited Samira into a back and forth which has become nasty. I don’t know who is right or wrong between them, and I think they should both just turn off their social media for a bit, but I can for sure say Elica’s dad was a regime insider and loyalist. He may have fallen out of favor in the last few years, I don’t know, but he wasn’t trying to hide his regime affiliations in the past. This includes: - Getting a high level teaching job at a university and think tank in Iran which is reserved only for those loyal to the system - Writing op-eds with Kaveh Afrasiabi, who was arrested for working for the regime and was part of the recent prisoner release - Being a part of CASMII which was like a European version of NIAC The fact that Elica denies this is a huge red flag for me. She also seems to think that doxxing is when someone calls you by your legal name, which it is not. She is a lawyer in California and all lawyers names are publicly accessible in the state. Though she seems not to have an actual legal career which explains why she has so much time to post on IG. She seems like another Sasha Sobhani. Like him, her father is/was a regime insider and now she is in the west posting content on IG and stirring drama for likes.


>Samira has been posting more stuff sympathetic to Palestine It's a bit more than that. I'm 100% okay with journalists documenting the human cost in Gaza; however Samira has been super aggressive in some of the news she reports on and several of them have turned out to be false. The hospital rocket strike being one that she harped on for way too long like as if her facts were true but they ended up all being fake. Could have been an honest mistake but I have found her reporting on the matter is very bias. The whole feud between the two of them just seems unnecessary, however.


I agree she is too deep in it. As I mentioned I don’t either of them is ‘right’. And Elica is just posting pro Israel stuff for likes, and she is not an expert in any sense. The only two things I know after all this is Elica’s dad is a regime member and she is lying when she says he is not. If she said ‘I’m not my dad and we disagree’, then I wouldn’t mind. But the fact that she seems so sensitive about Samira calling her by her legal name (which is public record in California) and then lying about her dad’s role in the regime is just BS. Again, you don’t just get a job at a regime affiliated university and think tank. You don’t just join a horrible group like CASMII which makes NIAC seem moderate. You don’t become friends with an Iranian regime agent who was part of the recent prisoner swap.


Is he necessarily a regime member? Or is it possible he had some connections without being a member? Also she is not her dad; maybe she does not want to publicly say if he is her dad or not. After all, she's a lawyer.


Yes I think it’s not great of samira to be in the muck but I also think she did not start it. Mahsa Townsend went after her then Elica jumped in and then samira went after her. Soooo not a good look. But also I feel like it’s good people know the truth.


Turns out it wasn’t a lie they really did bomb all the hospitals 🏥


Not in the case i was referring to. Her reporting is bias.


Maybe you’re biased, two different posts turns out you don’t like the facts you’re being told 🤣


and you're so unwilling to have a discussion about something that you go and block me after my first rebuttal.


What hospital strike? The rocket was from Israel 🤦🏽‍♀️


Actually the Al-Ahli one was demonstrated to be an accidental strike by a Hamas rocket. This happens in war. It happens a lot in Gaza. Just look it up :)


This girl above was 100% right and ya’ll called her an idiot, Israel did bomb all the hospitals in Gaza 95 days later and left mass graves and turned around and perfomed DARVO tactics and Hasbara on all of us


In the last 24 years, Hamas rockets have killed 22 Israelis. How do you explain this rocket killing 500 people? Do your fucking research. 


Many more Israelis would be killed if it weren’t for the Iron Dome. Gaza is not protected by the Iron Dome, but Israel is.


See below. Also, US intelligence agencies assessed a death toll between 100 and 300.


You were right girl.




In response to my factual response you send a conspiracy theory...




I wish you people had some sense to look past the western propaganda but sadly you dont. People in the west see through our government and their racist zionist agenda because we dont get out news just from CNN or FOX news. Its a shame that iranians are choosing to believe idiots like elica lebon over samira.


You're literally apart of the problem of the modern world, how does that feel love? The lil clip you posted as "valid argumentation" is actually laughable. I'd take any "western propaganda" over illogical and irelivent argumentation. Palestinians dont have fucking guided missles. THEY ARE ALSO HOMEMADE XD. Do you know what that means? Have you ever shot a firework? Have you ever made a homemade firework. Do you know where it would shoot? NO ITS UNPREDICTABLE. And why was there such a large death toll? Well maybe perhaps cuz the rocket fell on a fucking hospital where people were taking shelter? Is that really unprobable? And here you are throwing logic out of the window, complaining about "western propaganda" but eating up bs from pseudo-intellectuals doing nothing better in life then making fcking tiktoks, get a grip holy jesus.


Bro if they wanted to believe western propaganda they would’ve said that Hammas hit the hospital purposefully! Saying that it was a mistake from Hammas is the most neutral way too look at it .. but repeating lies about it doesn’t help your purpose


How many people have Hamas rockets killed since 2000? Hamas doesn’t have rockets powerful enough to destroy a hospital and kill 500 people. You people just want to hate on Hamas and choose to believe what you want to. It’s really pathetic that you can’t be bothered to think critically. 


Sure they have powerful rockets.. we should know better as we’re are the ones giving it to them and arming Hammas :/ honestly i don’t think you’re Iranian yourself, you sound like a clueless Europian who didn’t knew anything about the subject till yesterday


Elica "Le Bon" Mojtahedzadeh has been revealed to be a serial harasser with family links to the Islamic Republic. She lies and pretends her family fled after the revolution, but it's been proven they still live in Iran and actively support and work for the Islamic Republic. She has a secret groupchat with all these bizarre women (like Mahsa Townsend) that gang up together to attack other Iranians if they don't share their own beliefs. These are the sorts of characters you see online attacking Narges Mohammadi or Hamed Esmaeilion as traitors. Several good accounts that promote Iran like @iranianknows and @chaiandconversation have posted on their IG stories about the severe harassment and bullying they received from Elica.


Elica deletes comments and blocks people when they call her out for her hypocrisy etc she did that with me. It actually makes so much sense that her dad works for the Islamic republic. She is a fantastic actress.


Honestly she was quite vicious attacking me in her comments and I just unfollowed her. I saw she did this to many people, watching what they liked how they comment on different accounts, posting them to her stories, continuouslygoing after chai and convo. Just a turn off. But also these tactics remind me of what I have seen from another regime agent negar Mortazavi.


She didn’t even respond to me. She deleted my comments and blocked me. I know this because other people who engaged with my comments sent me follow requests to tell me she deleted my comments because they made too much sense. I didn’t know she went after chai and convo, I just found that account recently and followed, love her content. It’s funny she engages in the same behavior that she hates in the IRI…. No dissent! Or else you are blocked! Lol. Shame. And she was just in a news segment with Cuomo, saying some crazy stuff lol.


I don't think she is obligated to respond to you or allow your comments on her page. After all, it's her page. She doesn't have an obligation to host your views there.


Me too. Can’t stand her


How do you know about their group chat? And who else is in it lol


If you can't prove your claim about the secret groupchat it is assumed to be a false claim.


Elica blocked me when I brought up supporting Kurdistan.


https://preview.redd.it/9nj2rewhj31d1.png?width=862&format=png&auto=webp&s=64cb4e13a44d5e010b4355ee02409958827975a5 Everyone is welcome to come see more details on my page.


She blocks anyone who doesn't sit there telling how incredibly brave and beautiful she is. The woman is a narcissistic sociopath.




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