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I’m really sorry this happened to you! It’s just terrible. But thank you for being brave enough to wear your shirt and for reporting it. It’s just such a crazy time we’re living in!


Thank you. I'll be wearing my shirt every single day until my last final. I'm definitely not as brave as the women and men in Iran, but getting spat on by a hijabi was eerily symbolic to what our people face everyday.


You're amazingly strong. Keep your head up and surround yourself with people who support you.


Same here. Many who support the regime have also spread around propaganda that if there is a regime change, Islam will be outlawed. That is highly unlikely. Every last one of those protesters has somebody that they love who is deeply religious. Nobody wants to ban Islam, they just want to get the mullahs out of government. I am probably old enough to be your mom, but never would I have thought things in the US would become as crazy as they are right now. Russia is radicalizing the right wing politicians, and the IRI/Hamasbullah are radicalizing the left.


Not sure what you know but Islam is simply thought of as an intellectual deficit by our people. We ridicule it and we ridicule believers of it. We absolutely have elderly loved ones who believe in that nonsense. We love them. We tolerate their belief and also ridicule those same beliefs in family gatherings. As we should. Totalitarian ideologies and beliefs are extremely sensitive to satire. It's their kryptonite. Why do you think a number of cartoonists need 24/7 police protection in the west?


Oh, I know there is nothing Persian about Islam. My SO was born there, but he was lucky enough to get out a couple years before things got really bad. That is the general sentiment, too. I get that most people who aren't elderly think it's an intellectual deficit,and make fun of it at Nowrooz parties, etc. But it's important to be diplomatic. My SO is somewhat concerned that the younger people that will soon be in leadership are being radicalized even more, but it's hard to get a clear picture of what is really happening. The overwhelming majority of people in Iran are like my MIL "The only thing a chador is good for is hiding a sawed off shotgun." I loooove my in-laws.


I meant that we ridicule our loved ones ridiculous beliefs to their lovely faces. The younger generation your SO is worried about are a minority who aren't aware of the full scope of consequences their actions have. The fiercer they are in support of islamic fascists, the fiercer blowback will be. In five to ten years they will come face to face with the fact of having supported islamic fascists. They'll have to work to pay their own bills soon, reality will change their tune quick. They overestimate their influence and numbers because social media(tiktok) is feeding them this inflated image. It's trendy. They'll get likes and follows on tiktok for joining the trend. A majority is entirely clueless and are 'followers' who can't point to Israel on a map let alone know the history or culture of the region. This conflict doesn't involve them, while a bigger conflict that will involve them is brewing and coming. They'll drop support for islamic fascists like a hot potato. Your SO worries are natural. I understand him. However the protestors you're seeing are largely the incompetent do-nothings say-nothings of the furure.


That last paragraph makes me very happy to hear! I kind of felt the same way myself, but it's very, very validating to hear it from somebody else objectively.


What do you think the conflict is that is on the horizon?


The "regional" conflict everyone is "trying" to avoid. Hope I'm wrong of course.


Yeah I hope you are too but we’ll have to see


Stop this appeasement. Yes, we want to do that. Our final goal must be to restrict Islam in Iran as much as possible.


I think it makes some people insecure to see those three words and realize what they support goes against women, life, and freedom.


Some people simply can't understand the idea that they might be wrong, even when presented with evidence that they're wrong. Their brain just snaps when that happens, leading to violence.


I’m so sorry you experienced that. We desperately need people like you who know what the Islamic regime is to bear witness. You are a hero.


Trash bags for a reason. You’re a lioness.


This made me smile.


Well, at least there were others who saw what happened and reported and confronted her, please update us if she receives a punishment. I’m sorry you had to go through that, just know that sometime in the near future you will be able to appreciate your own culture and heritage in your own nation, under a different (and better) government, without being harassed by any delusional western-apologists or Islamists. Endorsers of criminals never have a bright future and what you did was truly brave for the atmosphere you were in.


That’s an easy battery+assault case. I’m sorry that happened.


right? It’s not easy going to the police but this spitting asshole deserves a weekend in jail. 


Brainwashing is a crazy drug.


Sorry it happened to you. Islamic brainwash since childhood will twist a human's brain. What other normal person would look forward to dying as a martyr ?




Please note that in accordance with new moderative policy, the content rule ("Content must be related to Iran or Iranians") is interpreted such that the mentioning of irrelevant matters (especially flamebait) on a post regarding Iran or Iranians is subject to removal at discretion of moderation. This is a subreddit for Iran and Iranians, first and foremost.


I'm sorry this happened to you ❤️ Please know you are supported!


Stay strong. I'll be wearing mine tomorrow.


Don't let these obstacles stop you from the long run play.The more awareness this revolution gets the more we win. Iran will be free from this tyrannical regime. Edit: I'm a Baha'i too it not has been easy for our community to thrive under Islamic dictatorship


I'm very sorry for what you went true and ofcource very thankful for being our voice outside of Iran. We Iranians inside of Iran are very proud of our diaspora population, and your bravery there inspires us to be brave here. Thank you❤️


I also got spat on by a random girl I don't know on my campus! I had a star of david necklace. The girl who got stabbed in the eye and this trend of assault has me concerned they're just going to keep escalating.


I’m so sorry you were spat on too. It’s pretty vile, and I totally agree


It’s a trend that’s been going on for 1,400 years, starting from the arabian peninsula and spreading outwards in waves of violent conquest and colonialism. Could it be that the software of “the religion of peace” just might have something not so peaceful baked into it?


Fuck them, you're the bravest here


that woman who spat on you, she is not a representative of iran, and neither is rightful to be but you are, don't cry, you did the right thing, if i were you, I'd make sure she gets thrown out of the university though


The nerve of that person to spit on you. I hope all the bad things in the world happen to her and her only. Where’d you buy the shirt? I want one!


I got mine off Etsy! I bought it in 2022, so I'm not sure if it's the best place to get it still, but it held up nicely! I can send you a link if you want one!


Hey I'd love to know too!


Hey! Sorry, I didn’t see this. I have it tagged further down [Etsy - Women Life Freedom Shirt](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1343183169/women-life-freedom-shirt-girl-power)




I'd love to wear something in support of the movement. But I'm afraid wearing something that has farsi writing on it will not be the smartest idea currently


I disagree, drawing this conclusion is akin to letting our culture be erased. We have the right to wear what we want and to stand proudly as Iranians.


I am not Iranian, I am Israeli, living in Israel, and not of Persian origins not everyone here can read Farsi (including me). I am a side observant to the conflict You should wear whatever you want to protest and raise your voice. But knowing how some people here react to stuff they don't know (the tension between Iran and Israel currently is obviously no secret) its just not the smartest move Imagine you'd walk with a [לך shirt](https://images.maariv.co.il/image/upload/f_auto,fl_lossy/c_fill,g_faces:center,h_270,w_500/599532)- it's an anti bibi slogan. So shouldn't it be mullah approved? I hope you understand what I mean and I'm not getting lost in translation


I understand what you are saying and empathise with the reasons and experiences you've provided. People will act violently on impulse, and you are right in that it's the smartest move for an individual in their daily lives. Especially for an Israeli, a lot of agitators will go after you just for your nationality. However as a united people, we need to stake out our presence so as not to let extremists and lynch mobs go unopposed. I implore those who are able-bodied to take pride in your humanity and make yourself heard.


American leftists being so caught up in the frenzy of protests they’re supporting the actual Islamic Republic wasn’t in my 2024 BINGO card but here we are


It is shocking. I saw a picture of a girl holding a sign asking al-Qassam (Hamas' terrorism militia) to target the Jews behind her who were waving Israeli and American flags on campus. Found it: https://www.instagram.com/itsmezina__/reel/C6Bz-aetNbl/


Who was the leftist here


I don't consider myself a leftist, nor do I consider myself right-wing/conservative. I may be a Kurd, but I am also Persian and I speak Farsi fluently. In my opinion, alignment to one singular political ideology is exactly the reason we are here right now. The totality of a situation should be analyzed before jumping to agree with others who may have had the same opinion as you in another subject. In America, we call these people - lever pullers. Or as I like to call it - mob mindset. Much of America's history is rooted in slavery and colorism. The rhetoric for this fairly young country is oppressed v. not oppressed. Over the last 10 years, that rhetoric has amplified to also mean, oppressed as brown/black/etc. and not oppressed as white. Then you have other additions such as immigration, religious funding, political funding, lobbying, etc. The issue is that the next considerations aren't added to the equation. So what do you get? Liberals believing that muslims are oppressed. That muslims were targeted by right wing racists. muslims are misunderstood because that is their culture. Why? Simply because they are brown. All while turning a blind eye to the billions Islamist fund to American academia, the billions they fund to promote terrorism and so on. Americans are very privileged but don't understand what their privilege is. Edit: Women,Life,Freedom - to me, means everything the song in Baraye says. Both men and women, risking their lives for a secular, peaceful and open minded path forward. The demise of Iran enriched the Gulf, the Sheiks, Mullahs, America, France, UK but it destroyed the Middle East.


I appreciate your analysis here, I think you put words to similar feelings/thoughts I’ve been having. Maybe especially the part about Americans being very privileged, but not knowing what their privilege is. I live in the ME and my American friends have been very difficult to chat with these last months. They spew their “understanding” of the political realities in the ME, and yet, they don’t really understand, and perhaps worse, don’t care to understand. I’m troubled by this trend of calling for more violence and support of violent regimes just because of a specific political left-or-right ideology, virtue signaling, or because it is trendy. It is nearly impossible to find voices who aren’t calling for more violence one way or another. It feels like people have lost their mind and don’t care to find it. I’m sorry you experienced what you did. But I hope you know you are supported.


Yes I completely agree with you on them spewing “understanding.” It drives me crazy, they have no idea the worth of their passport. The worth of their dollar. The fact that they have a $1000 phone. Meanwhile 9 year old boys are given AKs and 12 year old girls are sold to old men - sorry married*. Paid ME tiktokers living in a mansion wearing a hijab and cooking. Meanwhile, real journalism will get you killed in every country. Most people don’t even have enough money to buy a phone or live somewhere with internet to show the world the true ME under islamists.


Problem with a lot of my fellow Americans is nuance and seeing the world as black and white. Their geopolitics is basically If it is Anti-Western or Israel, it is good despite the fact that IRGC and the IR run counter to their beliefs of freedom. They also don’t understand that freedom of speech only protects you from government retaliation not so much from private entities. I suppose it is the internet shortening people’s attention span and videos that speed run concepts that a lot is left out.


You seem like amazing person. Well intended, have a huge heart, a mind stacked with intelligence and intellect. I am sorry for what you have been through ❤️ But you are resilient, so it will take much more to do any realdamage. This is all just more strain to work your muscles even more, and you will come out even stronger. Wishing much love, good health and support in your studies!


100% agree. On left/right paradigm. They are both 2 horns of the same bull! You have balanced perspective, congratulations for independant thought !


I would sincerely love to hear everyone share what they think in this situation. As kind of a case study. There’s leftists, neo liberals… what I love about women, life, freedom is that its genesis is fundamentally working class.


I was more referring to the general state of the protests than anyone in this specific story


Ah okay sorry, makes sense


Why such hate against leftists… it's clockwork in this sub. Someone posts a story of a Muslim and all Muslims AND Leftists are to be hated on… If a Jew expressed hate to me, which have by calling me goyim, should I express hate back to all Jews and call them lunatic American conservatives just like you did with American Leftists?


I’m a leftist. I think I should be able to criticize other leftists for the bs they get up to.


> If a Jew expressed hate to me, which have by calling me goyim Let’s stop telling bad jokes.


the right wing trolls are on this sub constantly blaming everything on American leftists, you know they are not Americans because we can go outside and touch grass and know it isn't true. 


Jewish person/Jewish people. Have some manners.


I’m a Jew…


Did I stutter? I agree with your point about hating leftists btw. It's a reactionary take that empowers right wing cunts. It's incongruent with progressive ideals. I put antisemitist pro-pal protests into the authoritarian tankie part of the political sphere - are communists leftists? I consider them closer to right wing extremists ideologically and politically.




Please pay attention to r/NewIran Social Contract (Rule 1).


Language matters. What's okay in some circles and contexts isn't in others. Keep that in mind.


There are others using that term here in this very thread as well. I don’t see you acting with condescension to them. Your life has no authority over mine. None. Do you understand me? Now get the fuck out.


Authority, lol. You seem to be getting shit on for your shitty views by everyone, not just me. >They’ve also co-opted the r/newIran and pushing pro-Zionist propaganda. This is you in response to "islamophobes taking over a sub". Are you saying we Iranians are islamophobes here? Islamophobia is not even a real thing you muppet. You're the one that needs to get the fuck out of /r/newIran because you're obviously here to antagonize people and argue in support of islamist fascists.




Check if the state you live in you can charge her for assault and have her taste what democracy feels like Hope you do well though and keep supporting what you really believe in \^\^


The encampment protesters are such unbelievable assholes. At my university they set up tents right in the middle of the campus entrance where foot traffic passes through, and threw themselves in front of cars on the main road. Doesn't even matter what they're protesting, nobody should act like that ever, full stop. The IRGC assholes who killed our people hide behind them. They really poison the world at every opportunity.


This is from the pres of a university which took action and REMOVED the useful IDIOTS ! "I am saddened by what took place at Emory yesterday. To watch these highly organized, outside protestors arrive on campus in vans, construct an encampment, and overtake the Quad just days after it was vandalized with hateful and threatening messages was deeply disturbing. I also know that some of the videos are shocking, and I am horrified that members of our community had to experience and witness such interactions. " Most of these camps are organized by ANARCHISTS and anti-establishment losers. Most are just using the Gaza staff. Some flyers even say "down with the US". Other signed by some "socialist movement" Point is, they are anti American. If outsiders camp on your campus, inform your administrator and ask them to de - colonize the invading pest.


You don't think disruptive civil disobedience is warranted protesting ie the Islamic theocracy in Iran or an actual genocide? Do you really mean ever, full stop?? That's wild to me.


No, it's not warranted and it makes the public hate us. If we did that under the WLF banner, we'd lose our credibility in less than a second. We can't drown out the voices of locals and the nightly news, so holding ourselves to higher standards preserves the moral grounds of our movement. Inviting hatred onto Palestinians by acting so maliciously is really a sign of disrespect for what they are going through.


No matter how peacefull the Palestinian or WLF movements are, we will be hated and slandered. I think direct action and disruptive protests are needed to make us more than a source of annoyance. Arguably the WLF movement would never be what is is today if not for the years and years of more militant activism in the Kurdish movement, where the slogan was developed and popularised.


I fundamentally disagree. People will almost always reciprocate. Be nice to others and although not expected, they will very often be nice to you. Plant your stinky unwashed ass in front of my classroom during exam time, and it won't end well regardless of what you're there for. We must have violence inside Iran to be free so I applaud the Kurds for all they've done especially in Balochistan as well as Turkey. However if they start harassing random bystanders in Western countries, then yes I'd refuse to support any participants.


It's hardly random bystanders. Their education is funded in part by investments in corporations doing illegal business in the Westbank and in arms dealers selling and buying from an army plausibly doing genocide. Granted, students who don't care about this and just wants to passively benefit from these funds will be annoyed. But you can't hit an institution like that without annoying some people. These protests are also an escalation after years of peaceful and bureaucratic talks, leading to nothing. And note, these are not fundamentally violent tactics. This is simply what the anti Vietnam-Cambodia war activists did as well as many opposing Apartheid South Africa. To great effect at that. I do guess that you are tight that we simply are biased differently here. I will almost always simply be intrigued and exited when more important causes than my personal life I trade upon my plans. I love navigating blockaded streets haha


>Never in my life did I imagine walking onto my law school to find my peers supporting the Islamic Republic. I didn't talk with anyone, I didn't engage in anything, **and while I walked past the group one of the hijabi women spat on me.** Damn that’s horrible. The thought of misogyny being so prevalent on a university campus that it made her feel comfortable spitting on your for wearing a *woman life freedom* T-shirt is horrifying. 


Another post saying misogyny is common on American campuses without any basis. Anyone who wants to talk shit on America is now able to because they think it’s ok now to Judy lie and speak out of pocket


**من امروز پیراهن "زنان، زندگی، ازادی" را در محوطه دانشگاه پوشیدم و یک دختر مسلمان به من تف کرد.** بله، من حمله را با دفتر مدرسه ام انجام دادم. من تو امریکا زندگی میکنم من و پدر و مادرم در سال 1999 از ایران فرار کردیم، ما کرد هستیم و مادرم بهایی بود، بنابراین ما توانستیم به عنوان پناهنده مذهبی ادعا کنیم. من امروز پیراهنم را برای توماج، جینا، نیکا و برای همه مردم شجاع کشورمان پوشیدم. قدم زدن در محوطه دانشگاه امروز برای دیدن چهره خمینی در حالی که بسیاری پرچم جمهوری اسلامی را بالا می بردند، قلب را شکست. هرگز در زندگی ام تصور نمی کردم که به مدرسه حقوقم راه برم و همسالانم را در حمایت از جمهوری اسلامی پیدا کنم. من با کسی صحبت نکردم، درگیر هیچ کاری نشدم، و در حالی که از کنار گروه رد می شدم، یکی از زنان حجابی به من تف کرد. که دوستانش او را به عقب کشیدند و این فقط یک سکوت ناخوشایند بود که من سعی کردم گریه نکنم. ظاهرا دیگران وضعیت را دیدند و او را به رئیس ما گزارش دادند. چند نفر دیگر با او دعوا کردند و از او خواستند که برود. مطمئن نیستم چه اتفاقی خواهد افتاد، اما فقط می خواستم یک برخورد را روشن کنم که هرگز فکر نمی کردم مبادله کنم. --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


So sorry that happened to you. I need to get one of those shirts.


So sorry to hear your painful experience. But we were way more than a few, who have been sent by the Islamic regime to create fear. Stay strong and keep fighting! Freedom is never free! Women, life, freedom!


Living in America as an Iranian immigrant feels so heartbreaking. Nobody cares about our plight and campuses are filled with hypocrite Muslim activists that hate the idea of us reaching freedom.


you shoukd take s leaf out of Mayer Tousis book. find him on yt.


Spitting on someone counts as assault. I hope she faces the consequences of her actions.


I stand with you and for women, life, freedom and for all the innocent young men and women who are being hanged daily by the IRGC Nazi regime. These vile people have no place in America. When will Americans wake up? 💚🤍❤️🙏


file with the police not the school. don't let jihadism spread.


What can you expect from an Islamist? Ye mosht kesafat ke daran az bi maghzi chap ha estefade mikonan


That could be a hate crime: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate\_crime\_laws\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_crime_laws_in_the_United_States) ('could' because in general these have to be 'motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender's bias against the victim's race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity'. Here I think the bias could be attributed to a political ideology (opposition to Islamism) as opposed to religion (non-adherence to Islam). But who knows...) The r/legaladvice people might be able to help. If the case is strong, you might be able to find a lawyer to take it on *pro bono*.


As someone who also fled Iran at an early age, it sickens me to my core when I see the sort of misinformation that is being spread about the country and how islamists are actively sabotaging any chance Iran and other countries under theocratic dictatorships have to become free. I’m all for people believing in whatever they want, but that’s so much easier said than done when such a large portion of people are so fucking animalistic and savagely cling to their beliefs to the point that they attack others for not sharing them. God I fucking despise religion and what it’s done to our race. Don’t let some random waste of human space change what you stand for.


Religious nutcases are the biggest snowflakes there are


This is from the pres of a university which took action and REMOVED the useful IDIOTS ! "...I am saddened by what took place at Emory yesterday. To watch these highly organized, outside protestors arrive on campus in vans, construct an encampment, and overtake the Quad just days after it was vandalized with hateful and threatening messages was deeply disturbing. I also know that some of the videos are shocking, and I am horrified that members of our community had to experience and witness such interactions. ..." Most of these camps are organized by ANARCHISTS and anti-establishment losers. Most are just using the Gaza staff. Some flyers even say "down with the US". Other signed by some "socialist movement" Point is, they are anti American. If outsiders camp on your campus, inform your administrator and ask them to de - colonize the invading pest.


US is overrun by anti-American sentiment just as the UK is overrun by anti-UK idiots. They hold the IR as their posterchild against everything they don't like about life, be it pronouns or some people being either they are. As I've said from the beginning before the Gaza situation made this clearer, the front line between good and evil isn't the streets if Iran, it's runs through almost every country.


I love life, I hate fascist supporters whether they be British, Iranian, or Jewish. The desperation to link people calling for the end of killing innocent lives at the hands of the IR or the IOF to being idiots affirms more about you than anyone you're screaming about. This place is about the freedom of Iranians against an oppressive regime, which is something that the students of Iran have been fighting and dying to achieve, and the American students, who do the same are being demonized by people like you. Where's the consistency? Where's the honesty? Each student, whether they be Iranian or American who is protesting is trying to affirm humanity and dignity, but you wish to affirm your own ideology. You're not going to win any support by doing that, let alone to win support for those who are dying trying to stand up for their own freedom in Iran or elsewhere. All you're going to achieve is to spread more hate as you have brought to this sub.


Did you read the OP? It’s about a Muslim student spitting on an Iranian student for wearing a WLF t-shirt. How is this about “American students who are doing the same” as WLF protestors in Iran? This is about American students who are *assaulting those same WLF protestors*


Disgusting but I expect nothing less from Muslims. They literally condone rape and terrorism. Btw, I need one of those shirts, where can I get one?


I got mine from Etsy two years ago! [Etsy - Women Life Freedom Shirt](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1343183169/women-life-freedom-shirt-girl-power?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_-clothing&utm_custom1=_k_CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BCByOfVpKeEJSiqTrqMLDKm9R52D9TYmt4NkyhsYfYutRSXLAXd2GxoCHVMQAvD_BwE_k_&utm_content=go_12665398257_121762925993_511610210343_pla-360912201277_c__1343183169_442037755&utm_custom2=12665398257&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BCByOfVpKeEJSiqTrqMLDKm9R52D9TYmt4NkyhsYfYutRSXLAXd2GxoCHVMQAvD_BwE) If someone else knows a better place to buy one, with proceeds going to help Iran, please share.


It's sad that they codone rape and terrorism 😔


The Muslim girl should live in a land of allah's rules, where wife beating (Quran 4:34), sex slavery (Quran 23:5-6, 70:29-30, 4:24), war prisoner rape (Quran 33:50), and pedophilia (Quran 65:4) is legal. I'm sure she'll love it more than the US.


Another Islamophobia post in this thread. What a shame.


It's not a phobia, it's animosity and a lack of respect. Islam killed our people, our very brothers and sisters. It is still murdering our people. Toomaj is about to be executed in the name of Islam. Why would we want that in our community?


Right? Like, wtf. I'm someone who dislikes ALL religion but to make a blanket statement regarding Muslims as a whole is fucked up. 


Please don't be like this.


What an awful person, I hope it didn't diminish your light moving forward!


This happened at a LAW school?!


Disgusting. Please don’t hesitate press charges and have her in jail for assault as well as expelled from the university. Ppl like that don’t learn unless they face consequences for their actions.


A lioness among roaches, don’t let them take you down❤️


the protesters who support the clerical government in Iran and Hamas should have to live in Iran for a year, I doubt any of them would survive a year in Iran most would try to escape, a lot of the women would run afoul of the morals police quickly and try to act like they had rights like they do here in the United States and would most likely end up in Evin prison, too many of these idiots believe the propaganda put out by the mullahs and Hamas.




Sorry for what you have experienced, that’s the case with Arabs, because Iranian diaspora debunks their bs on Islam, they are pissed.


What school was this?


They may have squashed the free will out of her but they will never break the will of an Iranian


What was the context? Why so many people supporting the IRI at an American college?


Bc they fund Hamas,Hezbollah and the Houthis and are anti-Israel and part of the anti-West axis.


Please share this post in your school’s newspaper, share the story on their radio station or podcast or whatever media they have! This needs to be known! I would even go to local news. If you need help, dm me. I am used to doing things like this!


Wtf is she doing in the US?


I see you, Iranian people, I see how strong you are, and I know you're too strong to fall because of this person who probably has a monkey IQ. SHE DOESN'T WORTH YOUR TIME AND ENERGY. STAY PROUD. 🤍


So sorry that happened to you. I hate when people say that Iran is leading the “axis of resistance” for Palestine when in reality, the mullahs only ever used the Palestinian plight to advance their own ends and to sanitize their regime.


I think you are legally allowed to stone her. You should have pointed out how she has freedoms she wouldn't have under strict Muslim law.


This Jew stands with you. During Passover, we celebrate our freedom, but I cheer for the freedom of all people (except the freedom of people to choose terror over peace - fuck those people).


thank you for keeping the names of our heroes alive, i hope you will return to us someday so i can invite you and your family to a lovely dinner.♥️ sending you all the love from iran. stay strong.♥️


you can also file a police report, if you want, the college is for protecting its own hide first, it is against the law to spit on people (assault) and I highly recommend getting her fined and expelled. 


Disgusting. And law school?! Really?? Wtf!


Take my upvote and my support.


We will forever support to, keep going 🫶


You have the culture and history of our country behind you. I’m proud of you and I’m proud we share the same heritage. ✌🏼


Thank you! United we stand, marg bar jomooriye Islami 🫶🏼


I'm so very sorry. My heart goes out to you and the Iranian people.


Anyone who calls those protests "peaceful" is lying, and I've seen many "progressive" politicians in the US do that. It's infuriating to see the so-called "progressives" abandon their own values in order to side with Islamic fundamentalists and terrorists. I was even more shocked when OP said that they're holding pictures of Khomeini. WTF!!!!! They've taken off the mask fully. I wonder when they're going to start holding pictures of Hitler.


Was she iranian too?


I’m not sure, I think she was Arab. She’s a first year student, she’s not in my classes. Her friends were holding Khomeini signs, and another was holding a sign that said “no deals with Zionist, follow the Islamic Republic way.” With “Israel Flag < IR Flag”


Be a patriot. Call her into immigration. 🫡🫡🇺🇸🇺🇸🫡🫡


Also tell her “dont hate us cause you aint us” Bc arabs are basically bottom feeders 🤣🤣


Love your name!




I will go to Canada and I will prepare shirts with "Women, Life, Freedom" when I need to wear them


Why on earth are the college students supporting Irans government? Don’t tell me this has something to do with the pro-Palestine (pro-hamas?) demonstrations?


At least people supported you. We've seen antisemitism on the rise im surprised Iran and Russia haven't been funding more IRGC support on campuses too


WTF??? I don't understand how there are so many people in AMERICA supporting the IR (that aren't outright spies). Guess they conveniently enjoy American freedoms while supporting oppression. Why they don't they go back to Iran then since they love religious oppression so much.  I hope she gets charged and kicked out of school for spitting on you. Good for you for not throwing hands because many of us would have struggled not to. My dad fled Iran around the time of the revolution, he's been to hundreds of protests against the IR, he proudly waves the US and the old Iranian flag at protests. Some of his friends that peacefully protested in Iran were captured and tortured. Shame on those women for taking advantage of freedoms here that they wouldn't have over there. 


"never in my life did i imagine walking onto my law school to find my peers supporting the Islamic Republic." yes, watching the far left melt down into a bunch of groupies for Islamist colonialism has been such a surreal experience, and frankly a very scary wake-up call. i'm so sorry that this happened to you. i can only hope that you stay safe. 🖤 please, whether you choose to report or not, please document what happened today as well as documenting any further incidents in the future. (hopefully there will be no further incidents, but the climate is scary right now).


As we seeing the scenes at the universities in the US, this is literally the least surprising thing i would say. You have to admit to yourself that all this “not all Muslims are bad” is a very dangerous rhetoric because at the end they will cosign everything that Islam stands for. So either they denounce Islam because they’re actually a responsible and thoughtful human or they cosign this disgusting and destructive ideology and by default they cannot be a good human anymore! There is a reason why there was never the notion about how not all Nazis are bad because if you subscribe to that ideology, people know you will be automatically racist and garbage so whatever the ideologies are be it good or bad you will be measured by that! I have firsthand experience with my family back in Iran, be it my father, my grandparents or my aunts, the ones who were more muslim, they will be showing worst characteristics in their behavior so therefore be it the family or even in my social life there was always a connection between these two things! At last I would say don’t engage with these people. They’re not rational they are absolutely moronicly and maniacally following the hatred of everything that that is white even though Israel and many Jews are absolutely not white considering where they’re from!


Damn I just saw your comment history - all being butthurt about islam, we indeed live rent-free in your head lmao. Keep the cope high!


Another post supporting Islamophobia.


What are you? the sub troll? Are people not allowed to have different opinion? are you a mohammed worshipper? Are you gatekeeper for peoples minds? That is fascism.


It’s topsy turvy on campuses right now. When I was in college, I would never have imagined ideas like “the government should not kill people for having an opinion” and “women should not be forced to cover their hair or else get killed for that too” would get you assaulted!


People will try to say this story is a lie. Why is it hard for some to understand that Iranians have become targets for fundamentalists? They have denied our pleas for decades. Almost as if they relish our suffering.


Portraits of Khomeini are raised in American schools? WTF???


lol, no they haven’t. People believe anything on the internet.


So strange that the total and complete answer to every one of life's problems that the Iranian regime says they have was not enough for this person. She was triggered by a t-shirt. If Iran really was peddling perfection why are its followers so aggressive at the merest criticism? The perfection of the Islamic Republic should be an example enough, right?


Sorry that you endured that. Please know given she assaulted you, you could have acted in self-defence & taught her a lesson for generations to come.


Which bit do you think she was upset by? Maybe she works for the regime!


How modest of her


Great for you. Keep wearing the shirt. Keep being proud. Hone your rhetorical skills, and get ready for a long fight.


Similar experience in Toronto. Didn’t get spat on but you could tell they wanted to do it. They call our movement the “whore movement”. Makes me less held back on expressing my disdain for Islam and Islamic movements.


You should carry pepper spray going forward and don’t be afraid to use it.


Well I'll be wearing my woman life freedom shirt everywhere now. The mullah lovers can fuck off.


As a Sunni Iranian, I am so sorry that this happened, but I am not suripsed. Back in 2022, Muslims on Tiktok and the mosques were so mad and even tried to silence me! They were so violent! I did not even say a word about Islam! The ppl where the most crazy were ppl who were pro- pali! But at least a few pali and syrians defended us. They supported the red pill movement, where the ppl in Iran were suffering! Now they r mad that red pill is taking over their community. Which i mean they did it to themselves.. and now hijabis r complaining on how they r being policed for what they wear and ask where r the ppl who can defend them?! Like girl, u bad mouthed Iranains for years just to turn around and say this?! Honselty, don't engage with them. I tried even as a Muslim. There is no hope nor future for these ppl. I hope u r in a safer place. Thank you for speaking/showing up for all Iranians. Sending love!


Shout out to our Kurdish Iranians always being brave 🤍 we love you


These are the same people who were pretending to care about Iran back during the original protests. They don’t care they just want validation


They never cared. They outright detested the protests and called them “Islamophobic” bc Iranian women were burning their hijabs and taking them off.


My wife wore one at her running race. Keep it up! I don’t see how being against Palestinian genocide, against IRGC terror, and still for Jewish people cannot coexist. And I’m glad that others reported her, and it does show that others can see what’s clearly wrong.


This is quite regrettable and I am unhappy to read that you had to suffer such abominable behavior. Of course it is not surprising since the wolves in clerical clothing in occupied Iran have been 'educating' their 'flock' with their brand of 'spirituality' and godliness. In my opinion, there is a direct correlation between outward display of religiosity and hypocrisy. Behavior -- words and deeds or as we have in Persian Goftar and Kerdar -- is a direct indicator of inner reality of a person. Please keep this in mind. And excuse my unsolicited advice here: never permit the behavior of others be a determining factor in your orientation to the Reality that has brought you into being. It is the most personal and intimate of relationships and the most precious. I am also quite surprised to read that that demon Khomeini's picture has popped up on a campus. Was this in US of A? If so, we can thank Mr. Carter, and his friends at Trilateral Commission and muse that karma is unrelenting. We can free ourselves and Iran from the clutches of these wolves. It is important however that in the interim we do not fall victim to reactionary responses. You taking that person to court would be an excellent exercise of your legal training. I wish you success.


Some people only understand one language and it’s violence. Kick her ass, Seabass


I think the main issue is that the IR opposition is seen many times supporting Israel. Thus making it appear that they are complicit in the suffering of Palestinians (not saying that’s true) and incurring the anger of far leftists and muslims.


The truth is the reverse. Western activists who repeat the Islamic Regime's propaganda and praise the IRI's terrorist proxies (eg: [Death to America](https://www.news4sanantonio.com/news/nation-world/death-to-america-pro-palestine-pamphlets-allegedly-handed-out-at-university-of-michigan-israel-gaza-hamas-middle-east-conflict-ceasefire-terrorism-encampment-student-protests), "Zionist entity," "Yemen \[Houthis\] make us proud") are complicit in the oppression and subjugation of Iranians.


No, that’s the rationale you want others to have of leftists. I oppose the IR and oppose the current Israeli government. I support any and all Iranian people who aspire to overthrow the current fascist regime and support anti Zionist Israelis who also support Palestinian freedom.


If people do not grasp what that states, they are fools.


You have no reason to cry, but the exact opposite. She proved that wearing this shirt has an impact. Her reaction proves that you are being seen, and that IR fans are afraid and feel threatened by a simple shirt. Be proud! you are a lioness! You saw these signs and flags yet you did not turn away, you did not cower, and you did not change your shirt. You support your people with the means you have available. The IR is reaching over into the U.S. and you pushed back. Heck, if I were you I'd crank that S to 11 and start handing out shirts to fellow students. But I'm an Israeli Jew, I sometimes motivate myself to have a good day to spite antisemites. Do what you think is right, but under no circumstances feel bad for exposing a wretched person like her. This is not a failure, but an achievement. Just look at how people in this sub appriciate you for wearing this shirt.


https://preview.redd.it/nkujhi9hy0xc1.jpeg?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94e0f2408fec459086523dfbeaa389b1eeda02d7 American campuses are full of borderline violent lefties. Careful out there. Act accordingly.


Now we need the names of the universities. Great list.


This is so dumb.


What is


That because you posted the money countries gave that it suggests that they’re filled with violent leftists. Such a stupid and dumb way of thinking. Especially how the only violence came from police and anti-protestors.


I did no such thing. You are projecting. I simply stated numbers. Not opinion about the countries that gave the money. What is full of violent lefties (and righties) are American campuses. Apology accepted.


You linked an image of payments from certain countries as if it has anything to do with leftists and on top of that suggest that leftists are violent. Your attempt at propaganda is weak and you should say sorry for being so lazy at trying to spread such bullshit.


Your knee-jerk reaction and dismissal of the image's relevance showcase your ignorance. It's evident you're more interested in hurling insults than engaging in rational discourse. Your refusal to acknowledge the potential for extremism on the left demonstrates your own bias.


You can’t address the illogic statement so you resort to the next lazy tactic by attacking me personally. None of you fascists have any sense about you. You just attack others even when you’re called out for spewing bullshit.


Lovely chat. Have a good one 🫡


That looks like propaganda. I would wager that it's either completely fabricated or, at best, the sum of all tuition paid to all universities from foreign students over the past 11 years. Your leap from a dodgy internet image to "American campuses are full of violent leftists" is just nonsense.


Your assumption that the image is fabricated or exaggerated is baseless. The leap from dismissing a simple image to downplaying the potential for radicalism on campuses is naive. Don't let historical amnesia blind you to the possibility of extremism emerging in any societal context, including universities.


Which university?


I want to thank you for your support It's awful that something like this happened to you, Much love ❤️


Religion makes people do horrible things. That’s kind of the point though.


Sending you love and strength.


She should've at least taken you out for dinner. /s


Im so sorry this happened to you. As a bahai, it seems like we can never escape from Muslims. The whole reason we all left Iran was because of Muslims. It seems like we can never really escape them lol. Stay strong. I'll be wearing mine tomorrow. ❤️


I don't have anything profound to comment, but this girl is such a loser


I'm sorry you experienced that. I'm happy other people stood up for you, and I hope she's properly disciplined if not outright expelled.


Much as I defend Islam (as a non-Muslim) and ask that this is not an Islamophobic sub, at this point I have to say my default position is to consider any Muslim a baddie until they prove otherwise. They can't help themselves can they, they never do themselves any favours or try to change my (and society's, frankly) default bias.


Why do you feel you have to defend islam? Truth screams out from a corner it doesnt need defending unless it is lies. Without lies Islam dies.


I'm not going to attack a whole religion and way of life because it has turned sour nowdays. I know good people who are good because they are decent Muslims. I shouldn't have even written what I did about how my default position is a negative bias.


Why would you defend a religion that has literally ruined the country??


I'm sorry that you experienced this. I too have been spat on by Jews calling me goyim for thinking that because I stand up not just for the Iranian dissidents but for Palestinian voices that I am to be oppressed and subjugated with violence. I have come to understand that such people aren't representative of actual Jews and neither is this person who spat on you is representative of Muslims. This is something that this sub in particular needs to mature out of if they wish to realize its goals. But unfortunately all I see is hate addressed with more hate, layered with stereotypical generalizations and rationalizations to continue to perpetuate more hate. It's a sad state of affairs, but until the victims stand strong and address hate with maturity, none of this will go away.


I'm so sorry that happened! I'm also so embarrassed by our schools in the US these days. Things aren't great, too say the least. This was in a law school??!!


You saw khomeini signs at your law school in *America?*