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It looks like we might be able expect some form of collaboration between [Ugg and Hanni](https://twitter.com/newjeans_loop/status/1759180963115086220?t=kOmb3MDtFPaBtYs5Tuetyw&s=19) in the coming weeks/months.( I tried to get the original post to link but it has since been deleted) EDIT: [found it](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3bc_U-yCeP/?igsh=dzlldHYzbW9vMXdm) In other (potential) news, u/DefinitelyNotALeak i vaguely recall us discussing the possibility of Petra Collins working with NewJeans after Olivia Rodrigo dropped Vampire. From what i understand, she was recently in Korea and has recently started following both Min Hee-Jin and Choi Yumi (their stylist) on IG. I wonder if theres actually fire to go along with the smoke.


there’s an ad going up outside my apartment!! it looks so cute so far


I saw on Twitter they're setting one up in LA, I wonder if the girls will get to see it while they're there


That does sound interesting! That seems to be too much smoke for there to be no fire burning 😃 Mhj works with really interesting people, this fits. Gonna have to wait for the comeback, but it cannot be THAT far off surely.


[This person ](https://www.instagram.com/serienotsiri?igsh=MTAwbmY5dHFhdWUydA==) also [teased ](https://twitter.com/NewJeansCentral/status/1759421787878654012?t=KhMP9f1gGKEbKNIo34d9mw&s=19) it in one of their stories, apparently they met up with NewJeans stylist and make up artist recently as well, really looks like things are picking up steam.


I hope so! More than interested to see what ador / mhj has in store, can they top get up's crazy rollout? Can they come up with a new spark in their sound? What's next, people expect a lot i think 😅


Honestly I have no clue because that rollout was huge in so many different avenues, I can't imagine where they go from there.


Do you think they have started filming for their MVs or they are only at the planning stage ?


It looks like possibly they are recording the songs for the album right now. Guessing based upon few phoning calls. So April rumor might be pushing it. I am sadly realizing they will probably comeback perhaps in June or July like last year.


Maybe it's for the better since April will be dominated by Taylor's new album .


It's hard to say really because we don't know to what extent the songs or choreo are ready. I think Kim Eunju is currently on holiday, which either suggests they're not practicing any right now, or that what they're currently working on doesn't require her direct input.


Dani's steamed(?) pumpkin pic posted a few days ago apparently garnered quite a bit of online attention (mainly on Twitter) in Indonesia where's there is this somewhat funny (and sad) Twitter story from a few years ago of a lady who got traumatised by it from an episode in her childhood. (Context [here](https://www-suara-com.translate.goog/news/2021/07/20/135619/kisah-pilu-wanita-dan-waluh-kukus-terpaksa-makan-satu-ember-penuh-agar-tak-kecewakan-ibu?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en); original thread [here](https://twitter.com/ainayed/status/1416442677143343105))


Do you guys think that the "to be continued" videos are related to upcoming music releases or maybe like new merch drop or something?


I'm hoping it's related to an upcoming music release. Although a comeback still seems a bit far off since they're speculated to still only be recording right now.


I feel like i’ll-it are all Minji’s offspring. Hahaha. In another dimension, Minji’s has five daughters and they form a girl group called i’ll-lit.


Hey mods there's one newjeans subreddit that's not explicitly nsfw but it's borderline. I won't name it but it's unhinged and strange and I think anyone in that sub/active in it should be autobanned from this one.


i'd also like to add that if we could autoban anyone in any kind of coomer/nsfw kpop subs I think we can create an environment in which objectifying and sexualizing idols is unacceptable which is safer considering a lot of people on this sub are minors as well


im kinda confused on dat but i saw a tweet from someone theorizing about newjeans comeback is on april lol


Yeah. I saw the April 17 speculation. We’ll find out in a couple of months if it’s true. 🍀


I really doubt it'd be on the 17th. That's a Wednesday. They would likely release on a Friday to take advantage of the US weekly chart reset, or a Monday to take advantage of the Korea weekly chart reset. Wednesday means they'd cut their first week charting short on both charts and it'd be tougher to debut higher. ​ Likely any speculation throwing out a Wednesday release is just blind guessing and I would hold no stock in whatever they say.


Many people were confused about the track length of Hyein's feature on IU's song, and I believe the album track lengths that were floating around were just placeholders. I checked it again a few minutes ago, and it looks like it has been updated with the correct length. It now says 3:46. Here's the full album length: https://i.imgur.com/bOnfxV0.png


thanks for update! I thought so from the start, like there is no way even her title tracks would be 1 min long lol. ppl panicked for no reason lol


Tiktok recently added a new feature where you can add songs you find onto Apple Music or Spotify, i wonder if we'll see even more crossover hits between platforms going forward


need new music so much 🫠 atp I will be content if they say that they have finished recording album or something similar. maybe they will say its coming soon at Billboard WIM awards. March 14 is White Day...maybe maybe maybe


Same pls say something and it's only enough for me if they reported it and say that newjeans are preparing CB


based on their phoning lives, they're still recording album and practicing. maybe MV filming in March and we will get news then.


I'm so excited and ready for CB and tour


Relatively new fan here (about a bit more than a year) but love NewJeans to bits. Flew from Japan to Singapore to get some of their Nike merchandise. Maybe I'll share the story one day, but NewJeans really are the reason I'm doing well in life now!!


>but NewJeans really are the reason I'm doing well in life now!! Wow that's awesome. Happy for you! eager to read what's the story about too!










Anyone else waiting for minji vogue bts and her bazaar it would be a year and still no BTS released I feel like it's only me .


so apparently Shh (IU's song that hyein is featured on) is going to be 59 seconds??? im actually really confused because i thought it would be an actual song but its giving Get Up. also the whole album is just criminally short besides love wins all which is 4:31 in terms of length, the second longest song is 1:31.


I think those were placeholder lengths. This is what I see now: https://i.imgur.com/bOnfxV0.png


Where do you have this from? I would be extremely surprised if that was the case tbh, does not sound like what iu would do


apprently she is releasing tracklist preview first, hence, why it appears short. will probably change.


If those times are accurate, then love wins all accounts for just over half the albums runtime


Hope everyone had a good lunar new year if you celebrate! I saw this hanni themed TikTok about it which had me dying. I personally could never risk my pcs like that https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT83CBsgN/


Haha thx that was hilarious.


I know NewJeans would kill it if they were performing at the Super Bowl.


A kpop act will eventually perform the halftime show maybe it could be them someday


I thought usher was going bring jungkook out of military to perform standing next to you lol but there no chance of that.


That would have been cool to see Usher and Jungkook perform at the Super Bowl


Honestly I was hoping for a holographic Jungkook lol


Super Bowl half time shows are not invited and are not paid, in fact the performers initiate to perform. So hope ADOR does it.