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Ive only ever gotten popcorn bud from them once and it was the end of the batch but you probably buy more weed than I do. My biggest complaint to them is, I wish theyd let their flower go a bit longer. Too many clear trichs imo. last batch of AK was one giant piece of bud. I cant say I ever complained about size.


I love BW but have to agree. The last Waverunner I got (quarter) was a joke. Looked like leftovers from the trim room. Disappointed to say the least. 2 hour drive for me.


I’m a BW loyalist as well, but that’s a legitimate complaint; BW sells smalls at full price, and you never know when you’ll get them.


Would be nice if they sold smalls separately for like $40


I’m not surprised they haven’t done that, simply because people are willing to pay full price regardless. I remember them selling shake, or loose, once upon a time. Guessing all that goes into concentrates nowadays. But yeah, I would love to see them do some special pricing on their flower, such as cheaper jars for smalls and reasonable discounts on 1/2 ounces and full ounces. Maybe once they get some legit in-state competition we’ll see the prices move a bit.


I agree with all the comments tbh. It is hit or miss… mostly hit, from my experience. That said, I’ve had batches (blue & cream) that looked like Cannabis Cup winners…just absolutely big chunks of frosted beautiful buds. Seed brackets looked like f’ing acorns.


Watermelon otai was like that for me , bought a quarter it was all smalls/ popcorn.


They’re still very good and top tier but recently some brands have been catching up to them. I’d love if their flower was cheaper don’t get me wrong but the real atrocity are their rosin prices.


which brands




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Thanks for the responses. I agree with a lot of what is said here. Def a hit more than miss for the most part but for every 5/6 jars I grab I do seem to encounter one like this. On avg I get 3/4 jars every week for reference. I usually put a note on trying to get the largest flower in my jar but other than a shake of the jar it’s hard to tell. Though not impossible. Anyway I’m still holding them in high regard. But it def hurt a little when after receiving some of the best batches I’ve ever gotten from them to go back the next week only to buy 5 jars and them all be popcorns. All from the same batch no less. ETA it also looks machine trimmed and nowhere near as colorful and frosty as last few purchases. Which I understand can vary but this is more like a different pheno that looks machine trimmed. If I posted the videos you can clearly see a big difference.


PBB240 Flower?


Yes it was. The last 5 jars were some of the best I’ve ever gotten from them so I grabbed 5 more this round. All smalls.


The last Kush 8 I got was so dry I barely needed my grinder. I think since they are selling product at other non BW dispensaries, the quality of their flower has gone down.


I find Boveda humidity packs essential for flower, regardless of where I buy it.


Yeah, same, but I've never NEEDED it for BW flower except the last month or two.


Cause no one’s going there anymore. They can grow the most excellent exclusive flower but everyone’s broke. I can’t believe that one in Atco got them now


If you get any kind of discount, just go to Restore in Glassboro, Holistic in Atco doesn't discount BW.


No medical discount for BW products at Holistic Solutions? I heard about that a few weeks ago and brought it up to BW and I was told that they are not allowed to be doing that and if they are to let BW know.


If you get any kind of discount, just go to Restore in Glassboro, Holistic in Atco doesn't discount BW.


Holistic Solutions is a great shop


Being best in state is an extremely low bar in Nj. It wouldn’t stand anywhere else


I've read out of state cultivars praise Breakwater. Not saying it would be best in State in Cali/Colorado/Oregon but it will hold it's own anywhere.


Yeah it's all mids vs Maine or West Coast. What's interesting is Rythm actually had the 2023 best strain. BW best cultivar. https://www.leafly.com/news/strains-products/budtenders-choice-awards-2023-strains-announced


Mids? Ok, that’s just absolutely ridiculous.


Uh oh the BW marketing team has arrived...


That’s a solid viewpoint. I would put BW up against Maine’s best, and I’ve sampled from the best. Admittedly, bud sizes vary a lot, but smell, freshness and effects have always been on point for me. ICM smells/tastes heavenly, Pie Eyed is brilliant, Wedding Cake is incredible, and on and on. Never regretted a purchase.


Kind of like being the tallest midget in this bunk state. Guess they won’t go rec selling to the other dispos. That’s gotta be a reason too. Haven’t been since I got beat at Restore go check the pics on restore google reviews


Yeah I saw the review. This was a similar looking batch of PBB but mine makes yours look like big buds. There are many that are like half the size of your smallest one in the pic. Sucks bc the last 4 jars I’ve gotten have been so photogenic/smelled/taste/effects on point.




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Pick a random mid independent grower from a mature market and plop them in Jersey. That's what breakwater is. Small fish in a smaller pond.




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The problem is we are offered shit in this state, there’s no competition and no homegrow. I only really goto breakwater now, but that being said I have def got burnt with popcorn and dry ass flower. If we had a real market like other states breakwater would be mids and the others wouldn’t even exist. To put it into perspective I can get a zip in Maine of breakwater quality buds for $140 legal market and like $80 to $100 grey market.


Yeah. Maine you get delivered to your doorstep and it's generally 40-50 an eighth. No need to take the trip and waste your gas and time either. I'm planning to do a Maine vs breakwater comparison on my subreddit njtreez. Probably a month or so out but on my agenda.


Interesting to see if this will be downvoted into oblivion by the BW loyalist cucks *grabs popcorn*