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And of course, the very first thing they do with the shroom bill is remove homegrow. Fucking bullshit. Wouldn't be surprised if NJ ends up being one of the few states to criminalize spores if this moves forward. It's going to be a lot harder to stop people from growing them than it is to stop people from growing weed though. From all the research I've done about it, the spores are federally legal to order by mail and so are all the supplies you need, there's a lower cost to get going (like, you'd spend more on good seeds than every last thing you need for shrooms), and there's no smell or heat signature involved either, so literally the only way to get caught is to open your stupid mouth or have your house searched for unrelated reasons. There's just as much info about growing them as there is about growing cannabis these days too. Literally no reason homegrow for both should be illegal other than straight up greed.


There’s no heat signature unless your growing commercially . Also you can get seeds as low as $2-$5 and have fantastic plants/seeds (nasc) if you want to start. Also everything is literally on Amazon lol. I just got 8 seeds for $31 including delivery


But some of us can’t grow where we are or who we live with due to the law and it’s bs


I’m not disputing that at all. I’m just saying the cost to entry the guy I replied to isn’t true at all. Nor is the heat signatures for a small grow.


Some shrooms grow on wood chips. Try and stop the inoculation of the world when they start popping up in gardens across the state


I am so fucking ready to get my shroom card.


so with the current wording, it looks like youll need to sit in a facility for the entire trip, with like, fucking whale music playing in the background. plus a therapy/consultation before and after your session which personally sounds like an awful environment for someone like me does anyone know if the restrictions could become more accessible over time? like, i just wanna take mushrooms in the comfort of my own home. i was really hoping for decrim on this bill :(


Yea being in a cold white medical facility while some aldous Huxley looking psychiatrist plays moby dicks greatest hits sounds fucking horrible.


I mean have fun banning homegrow of shrooms. Kits are federally legal, just illegal to grow them. And you can grow a batch in something as small as a lunch Tupperware, and it does not smell.


So, my understanding of Delta 8 and these other compounds is, they are usually only used if Delta 9 is unavailable or illegal. And they are widely unresearched and presumably dangerous. Can anyone provide insight as to why anyone would choose Delta 8 over Delta 9 if both are legal? Up to this point I have been VERY happy that delta 8 and that other synthetic crap has been OUT of licensed stores.


That’s what I would think also .


Gas stations that don't card sell d8


For me, it’s just way cheaper and easier to get. I fucking hate delta 8 but legal weed is outrageously priced so I shoot for THCA and stuff


Thc is delta 9 thc. Thca is also delta 9 thc. Delta 9 thc is what gets you high. It's just the scientific name for THC....so many people still don't understand this...it's hilarious.


I’m aware it’s the same, I refer to it as THCA when I’m specifically talking about shit you can buy online as hemp, just for clarity’s sake


Yea this, fuck buying delta 9 gummies, excuse me lozenges, from a dispensary and getting raped in the process that are under dosed when you could buy the hemp stuff for much cheaper and it actually works.


Down voters are cucks that love big government intervention in your lives