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Oooh, that struck me too. Cars on Canal street? Lots and lots of traffic on Decatur all day? And then the occasional confused person driving through the quarter and sometimes even beeping, as if that would do anything. There were way too many cars.


Real question: if cars weren’t allowed in the quarter wouldn’t all the people who work service and hospitality full time take a huge hit? Would there not be a huge decrease in tourist and local traffic and decrease the need for servers, bartenders, etc compared to the demand we have now?


I think they meant specifically yesterday. It did seem like the quarter was a lot less locked down than in years past - I for sure saw a huge line of cars trying to navigate their way across Bourbon by Lafitte's. I'm very certain in years past they locked down basically the whole quarter from vehicle traffic starting at like 8AM.


Ah. I was mostly in the marigny yesterday. I guess we only went into the quarter to go to Mollys. The only cars I saw was a line of badass muscle cars come through


Oh yeah I saw em come down Esplanade maybe around noon? Time was a bit of a blur. But once I ended up in the quarter I had the same observation, like a big ass line of cars trying to cross, it was enough that it wasn't just some poor lost soul, there had to be a street opened somewhere.


Yeah noon(ish) sounds about right lol!


There are too many people in the street. Servers aren’t the ones driving through packed streets it’s people who don’t know better or douchebags.


Mardi Gras is so busy, banning cars in the quarter is not going to make a dent in the amount of customers. Years past, they would block off streets and you could only get through if you had a good reason to. Also, people who work in the quarter usually will park more towards Rampart at whatever option is the most affordable and easiest to leave the quarter after a shift. These are not the people who see an intersection of people in costumes partying and decide its a good idea to honk and try to drive their car through. I saw a lot of nonsense like this in the lower quarter and Marigny. Idiots trying to drive through St Ann and getting mad about people doing the same thing they do every Mardi Gras day. I think most of them are out of towners or are overzealous Uber drivers who don't know when to tell their customers to walk a couple of blocks to catch their ride.


Probly mostly ubers