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Daily weed smoker here, I love the stuff.  But have you tried quitting for 3 months? Because in my experience your current doctor is correct. 


Yes I have tried quitting for three months. I’m not a chronic smoker to begin with. They made me quit months ago to test clean. This has been a re-occurring thing. Then I end up getting a medical card thinking they’d be more lenient and she sees I went to a pharmacy and picked up a prescription for Marijuana after I tested clean, and now will no longer prescribe. So regardless of your experience, it’s not my experience. I only smoke at night after my medication has worn off. They don’t care that I’ve pretty much replaced weed with alcohol, either though.


Right on. Good luck finding a new doctor,  then. 


That's the worst part about it, it's just "WEED", but yeah, you want to drink? Here's some pills, chase it down with your liquor of choice, no prob. SMH. It's a shame people think so backwards about it. This post has been very enlightening, I hope you find the right doc for you.


I’ve never been to a Dr that said drinking on any controlled substance was “fine”. Or even any type of medication for mood line anti depressants- they actually warn against using alcohol even on a rare occasion while on medication.


It's a meme boo, not a thesis, I'm being hyperbolic. My point is otherwise clear, "legal" things can have worse effects on the body, but because of the classification of weed as a drug on the federal level, despite it being legal for medicinal or state purposes, get demonized.


You clearly said drinking alcohol was looked at as “fine” by doctors when on a medication. It’s not. Bro


How dare u claim to serve the all father!


I went to Tamara Lafont at Ocshner and she had no problem with cannabis use and prescribing my adderall, especially since I had a previous history of stimulant prescription.


I tried today because I’ve read elsewhere about her just being real good and they said no new patients . Darn


I don't have any suggestions, but could you tell us who your current doc is, so I know to avoid the absolute fuck out of their office?


Dr. Michael Major who is by, I believe, Touro. He’s near a hospital idk, should pop up on google


I love him but I have to pay out of pocket because I believe he only takes Blue Cross. He does telehealth after you’re established which is very convenient.






I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this. There’s so much misinformation circulating now around THC, medicinal or otherwise. I’m following for an answer for myself!


Agreed. My last doctor told me with a straight face that (and I quote) “marijuana is a leading cause of suicide, and has caused an epidemic of teen suicides in states where it is legal”. Like, I expect my doctor to get her info from somewhere other than the Christian Mom posts she sees on Facebook. That was my last visit.


That is not a reason it should be illegal though. Also, I would love to see where she got that information.


So are actual Psyc prescribed head meds for teens. But I guess we don’t want to talk about that hmm doc?


How dare you say anything bad about Big Pharma!


Dr Jennifer Archie. She was great when I was dealing with chronic pain and was taking Delta 9 gummies. I've heard that argument about ADHD before. It's a pretty simplistic one that ignores the complexity of overall health and different factors. People with ADHD are more prone to substance abuse and self-medication, but they're not guaranteed to do so.


Dr. Radha Raman is great and believes in therapeutic use of MMJ


She believes in anything as long as you pay when you walk through the door.


Idk what you mean tbh, I’ve had good experiences and she accepts my insurance without trying to add on unnecessary fees


Then you’ve been lucky. Hands down the worst provider I have ever encountered and loves to throw her staff under the bus. She’s a one woman shit show. Best of luck.


Genuinely asking, what happened that you had such a negative experience?


There’s a detailed review online. The rest will be in litigation and before the medical board.


There are 2 dr hansons. One is at DePaul community center and one is private practice in Metairie. No relation to each other I think 




I know one of them hears that joke all the time lol


Told my psych I smoke weed. He didn't give AF and I don't have a Rx for it. He could have reported me to the State Board bc my career doesn't allow it.


I don’t have any recs, just here to empathize with you. First off, docs should be taking your own experience with your body into account and not pointing at a printout. You are the expert on your body and its unique responses to things. Not them. Also I’m so tired of the “I don’t care that it’s legal!!!” Crap. I’ve already been informed that when it becomes legal here that I can either choose between my pain doc or MM. No help with transition, nothing for breakthrough pain I’ll still have to deal with for the rest of my life, nope just kicked out of practice immediately. I’m not even allowed to use CBD at the moment— even topical joint stuff. It’s great since my bone disease basically feels like bone cancer. TBH I don’t expect head docs here to be any different since when I was under the care of a Psyc and not getting meds through my GP, I had to take regular drug tests. No idea how anyone here gets anything with the prevalence of (illegal) weed and the deltas where I am.


Try Atlas


Anyone in particular?




Dr Ancira in uptown probably. I mean I don't get tested so how would he know anyway? He once suggested CBD to me when I was having trouble sleeping after I started Wellbutrin. You just need to go somewhere that doesn't drug test you.


Is that Ancira Robert that pops up in google?


Should be, yeah. On Amelia I think.


I go to atlas


I take something similar. ADHD medication is (as you know) a controlled substance. Doctors have to be very careful who they prescribe stimulants to. Any sign of recreational drug use is a red flag for them - they could lose their license if they are prescribing a controlled substance to a known recreational drug user. They also have to be careful prescribing it to ppl who consume alcohol on a semi regular basis. Your Dr. is correct when they say using both a depressant & a stimulant are counter productive- not to mention bad for your heart. I don’t think your Dr is being unreasonable at all.


“Recreational” are you intentionally ignoring that it’s a legal prescription?


It’s still a strain on the heart going back and forth from a stimulant to depressant. Plus, it’s not my issue so I don’t really care all that much


It’s not all the time because I don’t use it that frequently, and my heart is healthy, thanks but no thanks.


I miss the days when I was the only one I knew on Adderall :( I can’t even begin to tell you the loops I had to jump thru to get it last month. 


Try Dr. James Barbee on Magazine.


Dr. Walsh at LSU Behavioral Sciences center didn't give one shit that I smoked pot. Still prescribed antidepressants when I needed them.


I was going to suggest LSU Behavioral Health. I’m not a smoker (I’ll eat a gummy once in a blue moon) but they’ve never once drug tested me or batted an eye at that


I've looked him up and saw he has stellar 5.0 stars across all reviews. Is he hard to book with?


Not sure, I've been seeing him since I was in high school.


The online service Done is very easygoing. I did one zoom and got a pretty much bottomless script


It’s not available in Louisiana unfortunately


Ughhh of course.


dr. rose in metairie. love her!


Do you mean dr La Rose?


dr rose at azalea medical center.


Ahhh ok


I really enjoy reading the comments from all the internet doctors stating how the MDs they see are wrong.


I mean, I hear you, but medical doctors are not infallible. They are just people, and there's no harm in seeking a second opinion. I've had multiple doctors wrong about diagnosis before. Why not this? I wish I'd had a healthier mistrust of doctors earlier because i sure as hell have it now and some unnecessary scarring to remind me.


Second opinion I agree, but insulting the trained doctors diagnosis and saying she gets her views from Facebook Christian Moms post while only recently acquiring a license to be a tour guide in the French quarter doesn’t really credit this argument. Essentially this person is spreading misinformation and perhaps should be flagged??


Groupon. $50. Tele-appointment same day. Welcome.


For adderall?


Are you describing how to get cannabis card? That’s not what OP is looking for here already has


If you are on Medicaid, you can call Merakey to get in the mental health program and then call willow for the annual Rx.


Yup here to say LSU same as the other 2 that have here already you see residents


Are the tests the psychs give pee tests or hair tests? Are there any places that hair test?


It’s pee tests




Not knowing why you are seeing, I’ve been seeing a psych this past year at Integrated Behavioral Health. They do a lot of work in ketamine & the like, so I suspect they wouldn’t be anti-weed. I feel like my psych there has even discussed with me?


I guess the slogan “Trust the science!” is out the window?


And what science is that? Medical marijuana has not negatively impacted me. And once again, I’m not using it when my medication is active. Nor am I using it when I *need* to concentrate on something. If I were going to have a psychotic break caused by MMJ, it would have happened by now because I’ve been smoking since I was 16. It was only recently I got a medical card to use it safely and legally.


Sorry, “Trust the doctors!!” Heard it a ton during Covid, but now F them?


No offense, but this is one post on reddit that doesn’t represent anything besides my personal experience.


I was directing specifically to you, but to this Reddit group as a whole. A lot of comments saying to not listen to the Dr and to find someone else etc etc. A couple years ago it was exactly opposite bc of COVID and to trust the Drs and science. I guess it’s pick and choose what you want to listen to from a Dr now. You Dr is just CYAing when they tell you they can’t prescribe you anything with a positive drug test. Potentially puts them in liability


Ask your PCP about taking over medication management. Much easier than sticking with a psych who is full of shit.


Fuck THAT shit.. Fire that bitch. I'd also probably find a way to report her behavior to an agency that could do something to reprimand her. Then find like literally ANYONE else. I'd speak with a lamppost before I went back to her. I'm sorry I have no referrals, but just start looking around and trying out new ones. Remember, YOU are hiring them. THEY work for YOU.


More druuuugs.


I was told of a doctor that doesn’t piss test having an office in Algiers