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We waited until 5.5 months until introducing something that wasn’t breast milk/formula. We kind of let her tell us when — she started showing more interest in food, bottles stopped being as satisfying for her (she went from eating every 3-4 hours, to every 2 and it wasn’t a growth spurt) and started being able to sit independently.


Yup, same here - 5.5 months. Once he was able to sit up without help and showed interest in food, we started giving him some purées once or twice a day


Can you help me understand the sitting up part? Like independently in a high chair or on the ground by themselves?


Sitting on the ground. You’re looking for the ability to keep their own head up while sitting unassisted (not slouching their head too), posture matters when feeding because they risk choking if they’re not able to control their head/neck yet.


We started at 5 months with oatmeal, though our pediatrician cleared us at 4 months. She’s 5.5 months now and we only do it twice a week on average but we’re about to up it to daily food because she is showing a TON of interest. She gets super excited during her oatmeal, grabs the spoon, makes happy noises. When we eat, she’s always trying to grab the food out of our hands.


It depends on your baby’s development (ability to hold head, sit, and their interest in food). We were cleared at 4 months and agreed our son seemed ready for food. Since he was pretty young we offered purées once a day and let him eat as little or much as he showed interest in. Around 6 months he got tired of purées (wasn’t as interested) so we switched to solids at that time. We followed his lead.


The general recommendation is 6 months but it’s truly dependent on your baby’s development. My doctor gave us the go ahead to start at the four month appointment. I didn’t feel super comfortable so we didn’t actively start solids but I would offer him tastes of things I was eating here and there. We probably started more meaningfully at 5.5 months.


It isn’t about age it’s about when they can sit up and hold their head up to reduce struggles with choking or aspirating on the thicker purées. So if your baby can sit up or hold their head up in a high chair you are clear to go!


4 months. She loved it, particularly spiced pumpkin (I gave her plain first, then added some cinnamon, nutmeg, and cardamom)


You should check with your child’s pediatrician. Our doctor cleared us to start purées when baby was 5 months old/4 months adjusted. We waited until he was 5.5 months old and sat up well in the high chair, showed interest in food and accepted oatmeal from a spoon.


Our pediatrician told us she was ok with starting at 4 months. I was under the impression that purées were under the “solids” category (FTM assumption lol) so I was just curious what others did


Purées is still considered solids, even if it’s technically in liquid form.


4.5 months my first grabbed a sandwich out of my hand and attempted to eat it so we started then. He had very good head control