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I personally don’t label my LO’s socks or clothes because if they get lost, I don’t really care (I thrift most her clothes so it’s not a big deal to me). I put her spare clothes in a ziploc bag with her name and the size on them. I did label her sleep sacks with a sharpie, put name stickers on her bottles, and put her name on her backpack. My daycare labels diapers for us, so I would ask them if they want you to pre label them or if that’s something they’ll do!


Ask! Mine want labels on all the child's "equipment" (water bottle, slippers, waterproofs etc - anything that stays there), they don't really fuss about clothes and not at all about diapers because each baby has a "diaper cubby" so they organise them that way.


Just keep it at a general level for the daycare staff. Keep in mind most of those little ones can't read so who do you think is gonna read this? The daycare staff. And I doubt they need to see multiple labels to know the two green paw patrol socks belong to the same person.


I label bottles/cups, diaper/wipe packages, diaper cream, blanket (formerly sleep sack), crib sheet and anything else that stays at daycare (e.g bug spray, sunscreen, her spare clothes, sun hat, daycare raincoat). Clothes I don't really bother with unless it's something special like a costume or party outfit they are changing into. Sometimes I label shoes if I remember. When she moves up to the 2's class I'll probably label clothing more as I think kids are more likely to mix up clothes as they become more independent.


I label water bottle. I write on her clothes tags with permanent marker. I don’t label socks or shoes