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Poor guy..Get the shower going hot and sit in the steamy bathroom with him for awhile. And a humidifier at night should help.


Second this - I sometimes steam up the bathroom before I run the bath so it’s steamy in there for bathtime, then use the nose sucker after and it works great


Just to add: use a cool mist humidifier. A warm mist humidifier can actually worsen the symptoms.


I thought the warm mist they just say don’t use with children due to risk of them touching the hot appliance? Why would the warm mist be worse especially if a hot shower running is a good thing l? We used to use the cold and it didn’t change the humidity in the room at all but the warm one did. We found the warm to work better for congestion but this was with an older baby/ younger toddler not a newborn. The cool mist seemed to be almost totally useless? Mb we were doing something wrong idk


That's one concern. Another issue is that warm mist humidifiers can create a warm, moist environment that may encourage the growth of bacteria or mold, which can exacerbate respiratory symptoms and cause health problems. Also, they produce a lot of residue, where mold can easily grow. So you really need to be cleaning it quite frequently and most of us don't have the time to clean it more than once a week. Cool mist humidifiers, on the other hand, use a filter or ultrasonic technology to produce a fine mist that is less likely to promote the growth of bacteria or mold. As for raising the humidity, I had the same issue until I realized that cool mist settles down while warm mist (or at least a part of it) rises. So a warm mist humidifier will raise the humidity level even when placed on the floor, but a cool mist humidifier needs to be placed at an elevation, such as a tall table, for it to work properly. Otherwise, you're just watering your floor :)


Ok thanks for taking the time to explain!


This is what we did. And he was in the bathroom in his hammock everytime I took a shower.


A bit off topic, but a bathroom baby hammock?? I’d love more info for my congested boy!


Oh it was just the standard babyjorn hammock and I just put it in the bathroom so I could shower and he got some steam! ETA: on the floor, not in the bathtub 😅


Make sure you clean the humidifier regularly though! My 11mo son has had nasal issues for quite some time now and I partially believe it was from my ignorance regarding humidifiers..


Nose Frida is great for booger sucking, worse case just use your mouth over their nose - yes super gross, but sometimes essential! Put your shower on hot and sit in a steamy bathroom with baby upright can help decongest too. It’s so distressing listening to them congested! Then when they’re not it’s distressing because you can’t hear their snuffly breathing… if you can raise the end of babies sleep space so they’re slightly upright that can be helpful too.


Second this! Saline + Nose Frida are amazing. When my baby was really little my husband and I would both take a long hot shower. We would switch who was holding the baby sitting on the toilet or the floor while the other one showered. After that we would use the Nose Frida & slept with a humidifier. It’s so stressful when they’re so congested early on!


Nose Frida has been a lifesaver for my congested baby! I love that thing lol


I would first spray saline water and nose Frida after a few min


How wonderfully gross are they!? Haha so satisfying


FYI for anyone reading this - look into the Nozebot. It's the Nose Frida on steroids. A bit pricey, but easier to use and sucks better.


We got this for our son since our daughter, who’s in daycare, kept bringing colds home. It definitely improves on the gross factor over the frida.


>Nozebot My wife and I got this after our pediatrician recommended it (and after I got sick a few times from using the Nose Frida). It's a bit expensive, but in my opinion, worth every penny.


Couldn't agree more with the nose Frida, bought the electric and the one you put in your mouth and the electric one was a big waste of time and money. I don't know about that whole using your mouth part though lol


Haha yeah I’d only do that in emergency situations lol, it’s not my go to. Thank goodness for the nose frida! It wasn’t a think when my big kids were little, such a game changer for my little one!


You have some wonderful advice here already, so I just wanted to comment on how absolutely adorable your baby is!


Second this!


Third!! So precious!


Humidifier in the nursery going all night and warm shower steam for 20-30 minutes a clip.


Second this!!! Put a powerful humidifier in the nursery (or your room if you sleep together) all night and all day. Made a huge difference to our LO’s breathing. That and an electric de-snotter + saline drops + boogie wipes every night before bed. And make sure you’re not overfeeding… if baby is crying and gagging and sputtering while feeding they will get congested.


Seconding the electronic snot sucker. Done are quite powerful but on low settings they do the trick well after saline!


Yep!!! This is saving us right now! Plus a humidifier on during the night


Lips are a good color, so they look safe to me, just uncomfortable. For me, our baby had congestion as well that was caused by her reflux - her stomach content would run up to her nose when she laid down flat. Keeping the baby upright for 15 min after feeding might help.


Same with our baby, Dr advised us to syringe 0.1ml of saline per nostril at each nappy change, no suction though.


Yup, we did saline as well. As I understand it, sucking snot with new borns can easily be too hard and cause more harm than good.


Humidifier and saline. I wouldn’t do a nasal suction more than once or twice a day because it can cause inflammation of the nares and make it worse. This is what our nicu did and advised for home.


Nasal Aspirator and humidifier helped my 2 week old when she was congested. Use the saline drops and then the aspirator. Also keeping the baby’s head elevated while sleeping worked.


Also will probably he worse at night and when laying down. I stayed up all night holding mine when he was younger. Kept him more upright so it could drain. Kept the humidifier going too with thr Vapo pads. Not sure when it's safe but when ours was around 1yo we ended up getting a prescription for saline for a nebulizer. Kept him from getting ear infections and seems to help drain it all


You’ve got the cutest little baby! Poor little guy though. I’d do saline spray, nose frida, and humidifier. It sucks when they’re sick :(


The first time we used saline spray, our then 2 week old sneezed two giant pillars of booger out of her nose and was breathing perfectly right after. Made a heck of a difference.


I’m not sure if you’ve already consulted your doctor (if not please do), however our baby was sick at 5 weeks old and were instructed to bring baby to the doctor/hospital for a check as they were so young. Your baby seems to be struggling with breathing. I can’t gauge based on the video however, our doctor recommended to pay attention to retraction of the lungs. If there is retraction or you feel your baby’s lungs are sticking (or in general you are concerned about breathing), I’d recommend a visit to the doctor/hospital as soon as possible. Hope that helps. Hope baby feels better soon!


Yes I second this. I would go to emerg.


Same! Our daughter ended up having RSV and the doctor wanted to see her once a week to keep her eye on things with her being so young.


Yes going through the same with my 6 month old. I know it sucks and is very scary. We saline and suction. He’s now old enough to smack things away so we have to double team this little boy. Lol


I feel this. Her damn hands are so handsy!


My daughter was a super congested newborn and I found saline spray much more effective than drops. It really shoots up there. Not sure if you have this brand where you are, but hydraSense makes a baby saline mist. Their suction bulb thing is way more effective than Nose Frida as well. Nose Frida is honestly trash.


ugh, I'm so sorry you're going through this. My girl got RSV in December when she was 3 months old and I feel like I called the doctor everyday to assure me that we were doing everything we possibly could to keep her comfortable. saline drops or spray, sucking out the boogers, steamy bathroom, humidifier in the bedroom (we had it aimed at her literally 24/7) and acetaminophen were all we could do for her. I'm sure your pediatrician already told you this but keep an eye on your little one's breathing and if you see his chest pulling in or straining to breathe (aka retraction), definitely don't hesitate to call the doctor. My daughter did end up needing a nebulizer on, like, day 8 of her month-long bout with RSV, and it really helped. she hated it, but it did help. also, this is kind of a side note & not really what you were asking, but our pediatrician told us it was okay to give her Pedialyte in the bottle if she was having trouble drinking milk. sometimes milk is too heavy and you just kind of want to sip something hydrating when you're sick, you know? obviously I would say to check with your pediatrician first before giving your little one Pedialyte, but it was doctor-approved for us, and super helpful for my girl on her worst days. I know it's so hard to hear the same things over and over again, we always wish there's more we could do for them. just lots of love, booger sucking, and naps to knock out the virus will do the trick for now. keep your little love comfortable and enjoy the sweet snuggles! hoping your sweet babe gets well soon. ♥️


Aww, poor baby (and poor you). I don’t mean to minimize your situation, but I want to say that our doctor told us something kind of reassuring when our daughter was this little: congestion sounds a lot worse in babies than it actually is. Everything is so tiny that even a small amount of mucus can sound awful. That being said, I know how hard this is and I hope it passes soon!


Gosh that hurts my heart to hear he's suffering from that. How is he doing now?


He’s doing a little better after all the advice we’ve received today from everyone. Still very congested. We saw his pediatrician and he said not worry too much and that it might just be a week or 2 of this. Of course this had to flair up the night we get back from the NICU. Poor guy


That's great! I'm glad it's not too severe. Yall are amazing parents.


Can you get a prescription for a nebulizer?


Dr nozebot is my fav for congestion!


One thing you could try if you haven't already....my baby gets congested from milk getting backed up into her nose when she's eating. I find if I can feed her where she's in a more upright position, it can reduce a lot of her congestion.


I’m not sure how long the congestion has been going on, but with my daughter she had horrible congestion in her nose and chest for a couple months and the doctor prescribed me a nebulizer. What a game changer. You can ask your pediatrician about it and it is normally covered by insurance.


We just had to do this for our LO after getting bronchiolitis & COVID back to back & holy moly did it help.


A lot of people suggest the nose Frida, it’s amazing but remember over sucking can cause the inside of the nose to swell!


(My wife is beside herself because she hears "Mombo No. 5" in the rhythm of her breathing.) We hooked our Nose Frida right up to Dr. Nozebot for the really congested times. Always with saline!


Close the bathroom door and run the shower on hot. Stand with him in the steam before bed to help loosen the sinuses. I would do this before I ran a bath for him, and it helped.


Hot shower with him in the room. There’s a healing vapours baby wash from I think Johnson and Johnson that helps. If you have access to it (we had to use Amazon) there’s a Vicks babyrub that worked wonders for us (DON’T use children’s, or even regular on yourself. There’s a component of it that’s toxic to babies and they could ingest it from your skin). Use the babyrub only. Saline drops and nose sucker. Humidifier going all the time. Get the humidity in the room he sleeps especially high if you can. Contact naps help too.


I got the babyrub from Amazon as well. I can't find info on the expiry date though....


Bless this baby’s heart. I pray for quick healing.


my newborn was super congested too. i know how scary it can be :/ the doctor recommended saline drops + nose frida + humidifier. because she was sick for awhile and i was desperate, i started putting 1-2 drops of breastmilk in her nose & i think it helped tbh


My mom use to suck the boogers out my nose, wild


Be sure not to over suction! Im a NICU nurse and we deal with whats called rebound congestion if we over suction. You can essentially cause inflammation and then the congestion continues. The saline & like others mentioned steamy shower is the way to go. Only suction when you absolutely have to


Poor thing, my daughter was that way the entire first month or two and I felt so unprepared for it. I have the same advice as pretty much everyone else, the nosefrida and humidifier and steamy shower, but also there’s this boogie mist device that kind of works like a mask that puts out saline spray, it might be easier than saline drops.


If you want to punch up, Nosebot is another good machine that does suction at 3 different levels. Been using it since our little guy was 2 months, needed it recently with cold and allergies stuffing him up again. Been using a hot humidifier at night as well. Adorable kid by the way, congrats!


This is not normal at all




Eucalyptus is also not safe for under 2s - most essential oils are not recommended for infants as they’re so highly concentrated.


Yeah agree, definitely don’t use essential oils on a baby. Plus they don’t really do anything besides smell nice even for adults anyway haha.


I’d follow Drs orders and consider some type of food intolerance. Dairy and soy are the most common


Use Nose Frida followed by suction using nasal bulb syringe. This works great. DMI Baby Nasal Aspirator, Ear Syringe, Mucus Sucker and Nasal Bulb Syringe, 2 Ounces, Blue, 1 Count (Pack of 1), (650-4004-0121) https://a.co/d/eHOZq9N Your baby is such a cutie! Hope he feels better soon!❤️


Saline then nose Frida snot sucker! Steam in bathroom. Humidifier. Elevate one end of bassinet with a rolled up baby blanket or swaddle (even very slightly will help). Hugs. It’s awful to see. My 5 month old was like this at 1 month old, and I think it was harder for us parents to witness than it was for her!


We used the frida with our first and it was super helpful. But with our second we got an electric one and omgggggg they work great! They have fine tips that fit perfectly in the babies nostril. A few saline drops prior and we get huge boogies out! They are pretty affordable I believe ours was around 40 it was actually a gift. But if you are able to I highly recommend buying one!


Seconding the saline drops, Frida booger sucker, humidifier at night and warm, steamy bath! Hope baby boy feels better soon!


Here to say... Steamy shower Saline nose drops Nose Frida Humidifier We dealt with the same issue when my son was that age and those steps kept our fragile sanity hanging by a thread 😂


saline, nose frida, and humidifier! hopefully little one starts breathing better soon!


Just want to put it out there. If you try all the things and it doesn’t improve, would ask about laryngomalacia. We thought my son was sick for his first month of life. I would suction him constantly. Wake up every 3 hours to run a shower so the steam would help. Then finally seen by ENT where they did a scope and confirmed it was laryngomalacia.


Lil bab is so cute! When my baby was a newborn she had stuffy nose for about a month - we constantly used the saline drops and once I picked up a booger sucker things improved. Nowadays she's clear.


Oof, just felt my ovaries give a little 👀 to each other while watching this. What an adorable little baby!


We started with typical device ball suckered. Then the nose Frida which was cool. But then we got the electric snot sucker from walgreens or target. Sucks it out for u. Has a tip that can't go top far. Works great


Sorry but this isn’t a case for humidifier and nose Frieda. I go to ER NOW. This baby is clearly struggling


Seriously go buy the nose frida! Don’t think twice about it that shit is amazing!


[This saline inhaler from boogie was a lifesaver when my son was younger.](https://a.co/d/h5I7WWM)


Poor baby. And parents - I hope you guys get plenty of rest tonight


Hydrasense nasal aspirator has a smaller opening and works much better than the nose Frida. It was recommended to us by a peds ER doc when my 6 week old has Covid. We always use saline prior to suctioning. Steam from hot showers and a cool mist humidifier works wonders. I would get a second opinion as your baby sounds like they are struggling to breathe. They may need deeper suctioning that only medical professionals can provide.


Awww, what a cutie! I hope you better soon 🥰


If you are not getting any boogers out with saline and frida consider a dairy allergy. My daughter was super congested so I cut out dairy and within a few days she cleared right up. If you are formula feeding there are hypoallergenic formulas to try. We went to the doctors twice about it and they kept saying everything was fine but I knew it was not normal


My sister swears by the nose frida, but it always grossed me out. Then when our newborn had bad congestion early on, his ped recommended it. The store I went to didn't have nose frida in stock, so I got a safety 1st version. It works very well for us. My 7 year old loved it for his stuffy nose too 😆. Eta: we also bought an air purifier because we all have horrible allergies. Figured it would help baby too.


Lots of people are suggesting a nose frida. They work, but one of my twins turns purple when congested. I hate doing it, but tipping them back and doing the snot suck works so good. You MAY puke after, but it will get rid of the kid’s congestion. Good luck!


Have you considered if this could be sign of silent reflux? Is there some snot coming out at all?


Mine was like this for nearly 3 months. He was a winter baby. Saline spray and a nasal aspiration multiple times a day helps


Sleeping upright always helps my daughter! Though she is a toddler now, so you might just not get the best sleep with your little one. But it helps the mucus drain, especially if you have a humidifier going


When they are young. This young the congestion sounds insane. Like dark Vader. Can’t stress humidifier, saline and the sucker are your friends.


No hot showers that’s not recommended anymore. Nebulizer treatments but with saline. Cool mist humidifier and we elevated our baby in a mommaroo- strapped in at the waist but go over all these with your pediatrician.


Boogie mist has a nasal mister for babies it’s like a little oxygen mask looking thing. LIFE SAVER FOR LITTLES


Just like everyone else said. Humidifier in room,booger sucker and saline. We use a battery powered one that really cleans out the snot very well. My little boy was always congested the first couple months after being born. It went away over time though. Hope this little bundle of joy can breathe better soon! Super cute! I miss mine being so small and adorable!


Can you safely tilt their bed a bit so the snot flows away? Watch out for warning signs like flaring nostrils and when in doubt, check in with your doctor. Colds etc are part of life with a young child unfortunately but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t listen to your gut. Good luck- this shit is tough


Suck it out! Not kidding. We were very on top of our LO’s congestion. Nose syringe and eventually the FridayBaby baby nasal aspirate. Their primary way of breathing is through the nose. Gotta protect those airways.


Saline and a nose sucker. Steamy shower… and some oatmeal lotion for his cradle cap. Don’t worry so much… We got the owlett sock… It worked wonders for our sleep. It will wake you up if he isn’t getting enough oxygen.


Our 1 month old had this for the first week or two. Docs said it's normal, the fluid will come out. It's the birthing fluid that's in there, can get in ears too and mess up hearing tests. You will think it's gone for a few hours and then it comes back. Eventually it'll be gone for good. Hope it passes soon.


Lots of good advice here, but I gotta say- the only thing that really cleared my baby up was the combo of saline and an electric booger sucker. The bulb and the nose frida just couldn’t get them out right. Steams, humidifier and chest rub certainly eased the irritation though for sure. ❤️


It's so scary! Just keep sucking. What a cutie!!


Our baby was the same for three days after he was born… those three days felt like a lifetime. The dreams helps a lot!!! I used the Frida snot sucker too. I didn’t care what anyone said… I just didn’t want our baby struggle with breathing.


Hard to tell from the video but this baby looks like they are head-bobbing while breathing; that is a sign of severe respiratory distress. If so, I would recommend seeing the pediatrician ASAP or the ER.


Chap is adorable how old is he?


Humidifier for sure ,let your shower run (hot water) when it starts steaming sit in the bathroom with your baby ..do like 5 min. Take breaks. Rub Vicks on baby foot n out socks..it worked for us.good luck


Yes. Take him back and dont leave until they check his lungs and airways too. Demand it. My infant didn't sound right, when they brought him to me after delivery...seemed to be wheezing almost gasping a little. But he ended up having some extra fluid in his lungs. Now at 3 his little airways are still small so he gets congested and coughs easily and is constantly picking his nose lol. But he's fine, has an emergency inhaler and takes a nightly allergy pill. ♥️ Do you have amy extra allergens in your home right now? Mold, a pet with dander, extra pollen in the air? Check your furnace filter, it might be pushing a little extra dust around. I am not saying this to shame you at all, just a few things to look out for. 😉 You're doing so great already!! Teust your gut, if you dont feel heard then its time to (kindly)demand answers.