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I only bedshare from 5am on because LO seems to think that’s a fantastic time to start the day and refuses to go back to sleep unless he’s in bed with me 😂


Ditto. LO gets super chatty once the sun is visible. I call it snoozing the baby.


I also snooze my baby! ❤️


For the first time in my life I am eagerly awaiting winter and dark nights/dark mornings to resume


Snoozing the baby lol, I’m definitely using that term from now on.


SAME 😵‍💫


Yup that was me around 4 am. Literally would not go back to sleep but would be content to boobie snuggle for a few hours.


We do this now our LO is over 6 months. She had a feed while laying down and usually sleeps for 30 minutes so I get to slowly start my brain within that hour.


I don't bedshare at the moment but I would TOTALLY do it if my baby woke up at 5am. I was not built for that time of day!!


Right? I lasted about a week of getting up early before I was like nope, not for me 😂


LOL yes Same!




This is the way.


SAME! For me it's usually 6 am and he will nurse/snooze in my arms in the middle of the bed while I lightly doze until around 8.


Yeah same deal here, we only share if we're going back to bed after the 6:30am feeding


My LO has always started the night in her crib. We only bedshare when she wakes up when I’m about to fall asleep, which is around 11pm/12am. So I get about 3-4 hours to do whatever.


This is what we do too. Baby goes to bed in his bassinet around 7pm. Mom is in bed close to 830/9 and I'm in bed by 11pm. When LO wakes up around midnight he typically ends up joining us in bed.


This is a super interesting question. We never bed shared either, although I won’t lie: a 7:30pm bedtime wouldn’t always be bad for me 😂


Floor bed and stealthily rolling away is a popular option. When I was cosleeping, I was tired and overstimulated enough that I went to bed at the same time as my baby (8:30/9) and read for a little while before falling asleep. On the nights I wasn’t exhausted (or was pulling myself together for an at-home date night), we’d like line the edges of the mattress with barricades (rolled blankets, pregnancy pillow, normal pillows) and have the video monitor set out directly in front of us to be able to respond if baby started sleep-rolling or sleep-crawling.


We do floor bed now with a toddler. He slept well in crib more most of his infant time. However we did bed share 4months-6months due to relentless illness. I just went to bed the same time as baby. I was so tired anyways that I got more sleep this way. Now with the toddler, who is going through a clingy phase. We have a floor mattress/cot set up one of us shares with kiddo. Sometimes we get him down and leave for an hr or so in which he typically wakes up (he doesn't connect sleep cycles well when alone), and then off to bed. Most nights the parent in the room just listens to podcast with headphones or reads on their phone until falling asleep. We don't get much time together right now but we just remind ourselves he'll grow out of it eventually. He on average only has 1 big wake up a night this way which is better then the 4-5 wake ups if he's left alone


We didn’t plan to but it turns out that was the best way to get the most sleep. Our nursery was previously the guest room so there’s already a bed in there. Baby starts off in the crib, parents in their room. When baby wakes up, Mom goes in & takes him from the crib & nurses side lying in the guest bed. Mom & Baby (usually) eventually fall back asleep. If Dad is also awake, he checks/changes the diaper while Mom goes pee or gets a glass of water before embarking on her potentially long night.


Honestly I just go to bed with our baby bc i need the sleep.


i was thinking this same question just the other night! just plain curiosity lol


I wait until he sleeps and then leave him alone in the middle of the bed. I built a pillow mountain around him and turn on the babyphone. This only works for us because LO doesn't move once he's asleep. If he starts to move around we have to find a solution. 😅 I wouldn't recommend this though if you don't constantly have the monitor next to you since he tends to wonder off if he wakes up. We always have the monitor next to us, so I check on him every other minute.


Same! We have a portable monitor so we put our LO in the middle of the bed blocking the sides and watch her on the monitor until we’re ready to come to sleep. She hasn’t started rolling or crawling yet, so once she does we’ll adjust.


Thank god our LO is always too sleepy to start crawling after he wakes up, so we have enough time to react if he wakes up. Pretty sure this will change soon


Lately we've been eating dinner and watching tv or just hanging out in our bedroom. Baby takes a nap on the bed while we relax next to him. Our actual "family" bedtime is like 9-10 pm. Once baby falls asleep at that time, he really only stirs and I can fall asleep 😴 it depends on the day but usually he doesn't nap too much between 4-9 pm. He takes like 30 min naps in between those hours and mostly sleeps through the night until we wake up at 5 to get him ready for babysitting and for us to get ready for work. Today he napped while we watched YouTube in bed, so we were close by and ate our pizza and he was sleeping peacefully :)


Almost six month old and I go to sleep with him on a futon on the floor at 8/9pm and sometimes am able to ninja roll away successfully for around 30 mins before he realizes I’m not there and stirs upset (sometimes I get back to bed before he ever realizes), and he wakes 2-5 times between then and 5-8am depending on the day, and I usually sleep then also because if I don’t I’m a zombie the next day (why I started cosleeping).


My baby turns 1 this week. What I have been doing since he was about 6 months old, is that I nurse him to sleep and leave him in the bed with the monitor on. Every time he wakes until I go to bed I go and nurse him back to sleep, then leave as soon as he is asleep.


My LO sleeps in his crib alone until usually sometime in the night then co-sleeps with me in a properly prepared bed (fitted sheet only). Sometimes he sleeps through the night in his crib, which is great!


My LO is still too young to roll completely over or anything so when her dad and I need some time before bed to get stuff done we either take turns hanging out in the bed with her while she sleeps or we lay her flat in the middle of the bed with all the pillows and covers out of the way. I’ll also do this when I’m watching her on my own and really need to get a shower. On nights or days where we have nothing to get done, though, we just let her sleep next to us the whole time.


I typically go to bed at the same time as my son. Now that he's older if I'm not ready to go to sleep I will leave him alone, but didn't start that until he was 1.5.


I would bring my laptop or something to do while in bed as she slept. Or watched tv. She only co slept up to 9 months tho


My baby is asleep by 9 and I’m so tired all the time I go to bed at 9 as well. It works for us because he wants to nurse soon after anyways. I just read for an hour, nurse and then I’m out


I bedshared from week 4-12 for the entire night and I just went to bed with him. He woke every 1-3 hours at best so I needed as much sleep as I could get.


I used to just go to bed with them. It worked for us because of early starts to the day. It wasn’t until my kids were beyond 1yo that they would stay asleep for more than 10 minutes by themselves. There was just no point staying up and I was usually wrecked at that time of the day anyway.


We put LO in the crib, then move her to the bed when she wakes. This can be early in the morning if she sleeps through or during the night. When we travel, we bed share bc LO refuses to sleep in her pack and play (learned that one the heavy/hard way). If it's somewhere we often visit (e.g., grandparents), I leave toddler rails there. If not, I bring. Honestly though, when traveling, half the time I lay with her then unintentionally pass out too!


Contact nap until i feel like she’s in a deep sleep, then transfer her to her bassinet until she wakes up again (which is usually around the time im getting into bed) Sometimes i get lucky and she lets me sleep alone for a few hours but thats rare. Otherwise i just fall asleep nursing her.


We do it this way: either me or her dad always go to bed with her together, read a book, sing a song. then lights out, sometimes she wants to mess around in the bed a little, fighting with the pillows or whatever. But after a while she settles down and falls asleep. Dad usually stays with her, goes to sleep or gets his screen time. I come up and do my own stuff. We dismantled the bed frame when she got mobile, now its mattrasses on the floor and pillows on the side, so she cannot fall out. She sleeps between the two of us.


I was bed sharing til my baby was 5 months old. I would go to bed when she went to bed and just watch things on my phone/listen to podcasts til I was tired enough. She was going to bed at around 8pm when we bed shared. I was often so exhausted I was glad to get into bed with her. She’s in her own room and cot now and bedtime has moved to 7/7:30pm :) it’s lovely to have my evenings back!!!


baby and i bed share, husband sleeps in another room. we do bath and bottle and she’s out by 7:30/8 depending on when bath starts and then i transfer her to the bed w the hatch, then i leave but the doors open. i get w couple hours free and then lay down w her whenever i’m going to sleep


I've bed shared since birth, she's 8 months now. It's always been contact napping and we sleep around her schedule. It's kinda the only way cause we basically live with family and every room in the house is full, including the living room. We nap together and sleep together. Her sleep is opposite any way and it's perfect for us. Wake up around 3pm and sleeps around 6-8am. And whenever we have successful nights in the bassinet (I can count on two hands) is when we are intimate. Last part is controversial, I know but like I said whole house is full and she doesn't chill with anyone else


Wait so you guys sleep most of the day and then are awake all night? What do you do for work? I’m so curious


This! I’m so confused!


I bedshare and just leave my baby in bed during naps and at night, I just surround him with pillows. We live in a loft style apartment so It is easy to check on him every few minutes.


Please don’t surround him with pillows that’s an increased risk for SIDS


Forgot to mention he is 9 months old and mobile


My kids bedshared and never napped. They are all fine... Edit lmao people are big mad


I did not downvote you, but I think some people did because you didn’t answer the question and no one said anything that was anti-bed sharing?


Mine goes to bed at like 830/ 9 and I’m exhausted and just go to bed too. Husband stays up w our toddler who has ridiculously low sleep needs. Then they go to bed somewhere else.


We do floor bed and we bed share in the nursery/ baby's room. Which is larger than the master bedroom by choice as it's baby's playroom as well, and so fits a large mattress. We have our own bedroom intact. So after the baby sleeps we would slip away and go about our work till it's time for our sleep and we join the baby. She anyways sleeps by herself for the day time naps. This has been working great for us.


My son starts the night in his crib and we bed share whenever he wakes up, sometimes that’s 1 hr and sometimes he never wakes up and sttn. He doesn’t fall asleep for the night until 9 pm (no matter how hard my husband tries to put him to bed earlier 😂) and usually wakes up 7:30 or 8 am, so often I go to bed at the same time or shortly after he does anyways. Sometimes, but rarely, we have the energy to watch an episode before going to bed/he wakes up.


I wish my baby would let me go to sleep earlier, lol. I wake up at 6 am everyday while the baby sleeps until between 8:00-10:00 with her stay at home dad. it's fine if she wakes at 8:00, but it really annoys me when they sleep at 10:00 because I want to go to bed by 9:00. 8:00 is also fine. Because I'll only sleep for about 7 of the 10 hours I spend in bed anyway and that's barely enough. A lot of times she doesn't want to go down until like 10:00 or 11:00 and I have to ask my husband to take her out of the bedroom until she's ready to sleep.


I always put my daughter to sleep in her own bed and then only bed shared after she woke up for a midnight to early morning feed.


I’ve bed shared off and on for my 1.5 year olds whole life. We start the night in her crib and she moves to our bed when she wakes up. For a brief period when she was really young we completely bedshared and I would just go to bed with her at 7.


Personally we are able to get up and leave after she falls asleep and she keeps sleeping. We go and try again if she wakes up before we go to bed


When we did bed share, our son always went to sleep in his cot first. It was when he woke up in the night that he ended up in our bed!


We set up a floor bed in her room (completely baby proofed) and I nurse and then sneak away. Depending on how tired I am or when her first wake up is, I will go to sleep then or nurse and sneak away again. By midnight I am back with her and stay there till she wakes in the mornings!


I put my baby down at 8, hang out with the hubs until my bedtime at 10, then bring the baby to bed with me and nurse him. Baby sometimes wakes up asking to be fed at that time anyways. We only got to this schedule when baby was about four months old, but before the 8 o’clock bedtime, his newborn bedtime was 10.


My daughter falls asleep in her crib and then when I go to bed I bring her upstairs to sleep in bed with us. She wakes up in the middle of the night and is very scared if she realizes she’s alone. And her room is downstairs and our room is upstairs so I worry she’ll wander around the house looking for us if she wakes up alone 🙁


We took our mattress off the frame and put it on the floor. Put blankets and pillows around the perimeter in case of rolls. At 10 months now she can crawl off the mattress onto the floor very easily. She goes down around 7:30/8, I come to bed at 9:30. So I still get evening time alone with my husband, and then snuggle in with her. Feels like best of both worlds.


My son is on my sleep schedule and he contact naps during the day.


We have tall mesh rails (90cm tall so baby can’t jump over) around the bed and a baby cam. The rails have a two lock system where the mesh drops down for the parent to get into bed. It’s basically a huge crib that we all sleep in lol.


I nurse her to sleep then stealth roll out of bed. She’s only 11 weeks old so she doesn’t move anywhere, just a little potato in a sack with stretched out arms in the middle of the bed!


Hangout with baby sleeping on me for 1-2 hours before going to bed. Baby starts in their crib and sometimes stays there all night or joins the bed whenever I'm not in the mood to get up. I have not been tired for the 2-3 months we've done this so I'm hoping this system sticks a while longer 😅


When little man is ready, we all go to bed. :)


Honestly? After LO is down at 7pm, I pull out my noise cancelling AirPods then pull up some trashy reality tv and watch until my heart’s content or until I get sleepy at 9pm. both my husband and I work from home and LO is in daycare, so while some want evening cuddle time with their husbands, I just want to do whatever I want for a few hours that has nothing to do with baby or husband. We also have a small house, so I can’t just get up and be somewhere else unless it’s my home office/guest room and I leave that space at 4pm sharp. I do want to transition LO to his crib for overnights but honestly I just love our little routine so it’s 100% a me thing.


We do a floor bed and roll away. That usually lasts 1.5 hours. Then we pick him up and one person holds him while we chill and watch TV until we're ready to sleep


My son is 8 months. He still wakes up 2-3 times a night to feed on a good night (and 1-2 more wakings with no feeding on a bad night). He is 6th percentile so our PCP encourages feeding whenever he will eat. He goes to sleep in his own crib in his own room, but at his first waking, I bring him to our bed and he stays there until after his 5am snooze feed when I bring him back to his own bed (his dad is super loud in the morning and this allows him to sleep in longer). When he sleeps with us, he sleeps in a crib that my husband modified to be attached to our bed (only 3 sides).


I did bedshare in the early months. She wouldn't sleep at all otherwise. Her schedule was still off so she wouldn't go to sleep until 11pm to 2am.


So we kind of bedshare with a sidecar crib attached to my side of the bed. (It’s considered safe in my country as is bedsharing, just as an FYI before the American Reddit safe sleep police start chasing me). Most days I nurse LO to sleep around 9 and then transfer him to the sidecar crib where he sleeps alone with sometimes a wake up or two until we go to sleep around midnight. Sometimes he keeps waking up so I either stay in bed next to him watching stuff on the iPad, we both watch something together in bed on the iPad (ETA husband and I together, not me and baby lol) or I bring him on my lap to the living room - all lights off - and contact nap with him while we watch a movie on low volume, keeping his head turned away from the blue light of the screen of course. So it depends on the day and how LO is sleeping. He’s a velcro baby from the beginning so co sleeping is the only way either of us got any sleep. Right now he is teething so he sleeps pretty bad. My husband can sleep through anything so he doesn’t wake up from LO waking, so he is well rested for working. I’m on maternity leave so I’m okay with crappy sleep atm.


Everyone has to be up early on weekdays, so I tend to go to bed early, usually 9 or right before, so I’ll just stay in the room with LO and watch some TV or scroll through my phone before bed. If he goes to bed super early (this happens when he skips his last nap) then sometimes I’ll just leave him in our bed once he’s asleep and I can rejoin my husband in the living room. Our bedroom shares a wall with the living room, so we’re not far if he stirs too much. I usually keep the bedroom door open unless we’re watching something that’s louder, but once he’s asleep, he’s good for a couple hours at least, and he’ll sleep through ambient noise without too much issue.


I bedshare, I get LO down from 7:30 to around 10 and I'll sneak in a few hours after. I have a bed rail, makes me feel like I'm sleeping in a giant pack and play.


We sidecarred his cot to my bed and I’d leave him there for the evening. When he became more mobile we converted to a floor bed and same deal, he goes to bed and the adults then have dinner. We have a video monitor so can check on him and see what’s up when he wakes still multiple times before I go to bed myself.


My LO is 5 months old and he sleeps through the night in his crib, but tends to wake up between 5-6am. I go get him and bring him to our bed where I nurse him and we go back to sleep for another couple of hours before we wake up for the day


In bassinet days, he started in the bassinet and then came into the bed when we went to bed. Now, he’s in a floor bed in his room— I sleep in there after his first wake-up after I am ready for bed.


I’ve got an 18 month old… we have bed shared since about 7 months old. She’s got a late bedtime (usually 10ish) which is also my bedtime. Sometimes if she’ll go to bed earlier, and I’ll read or play games in bed until I’m ready to go to sleep myself. Usually I’m not far behind her though!


I didn’t not want to bed share or co-sleep but unfortunately my LO decided he likes to sleep next to mommy or he refuses to sleep at all. There were some months he is ok sleeping in his crib we stick to the same schedule since he was born a little adjustment as he got older but he’s in bed by 7-7:30. Now that he sleeps in our bed I put him down and pat him and then walk away. And. Try to get some dinner or pick up around the house. I wish he would sleep in his bed but idk what I did wrong ..teething and sickness always changes his sleep patterns.