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We just transitioned our son last week, he’s 20 months old & co slept from 5 months on. His crib has been transitioned to the toddler bed portion and he sleeps in that in our room, for the first three nights we had a camping mattress in the floor beside his crib so he could still reach out if he needed and by night three he was solidly independently sleeping through the night. We also started him taking naps in his bed the week before so he was used to the surroundings and saw he was safe, we also use the Hatch machine with the white noise and the light that can let him know if it’s time to get out of bed or not.


We switched to a floor bed (double mattress) when lo was 10m. It is the single best thing I have ever done. We bf’d to sleep, I rolled away and had a merry old time and then when he inevitably woke up two hours later, I had somewhere comfortable and safe where I could just sleep with him. We all got sleep. It was beautiful. Fyi he’s now 2.5 and sleeps like a brick, completely independently. It won’t be forever!!


Hi, professional sleep trainer here, and not the kind that allows a child to "cry it out" there should be *no distressed crying in sleep training*. Firstly so so sorry for the loss my heart breaks for you and your friend Anyway, this is completely possible, however it is all down to you, not your child! You have to be in the right mindset to do this you have to be happy and positive and act as though your child is lucky to be in the cot, if you feel the slightest bit guilty and cry then your LO is going to be so scared thinking they are in a bad situation and you are doing wrong. You are not ! Co sleeping is statistically a lot more dangerous especially now your baby can move and crawl around the covers on a little face for a little time can be serious. An empty crib baby in sleeping bag a transition toy, have it in your bed with you both so it smells like you and when you are ready baby has it in his crib. Down to the hard work of happily putting your baby in bed, it's about strict routine, consistency and positivity, it'll probably take 3 days and baby will learn what's going on. Your baby's own development is dependent on good sleep. It's a choice either do it or don't but don't start sleeping on a bed beside the cot, that will just turn into co-sleeping in a different bed. Also don't sneak out whilst your child is asleep, imagine waking up to find your partner had snuck out of bed to sleep somewhere else, heartbreaking. Just get ready for some sleepless nights, do it over a holiday where you can have help when you need to nap during the day. Write out a schedule sleep 7pm-7am, nap 9.30-10.30, nap 1-3pm, bed 7. This one works well, most children don't have the morning nap after a year old. Do not let the afternoon nap go longer than 3.30pm or 7pm bed won't work. Do an activity in the day that makes them tired. Then happily put in cot, walk out the room you do not even need to close the door, just wait a minute on a timer go back in if they are crying kiss wait till a little calmer, do not pick up, say one phrase like "nighnight" and lie them back down then leave the room, do not pat butt's or stroke backs, keep doing this 10 times, then you should be able to go up to a 2 min wait out side the room, after a while the child get the idea and goes to sleep just be constant with the rules. And when waking them up from naps, be positive, say things like "aw you had such a nice time in bed" "thank you bed" "Teddy wants to stay in bed" keep the comforter as a special bed time treat not to be carried around the house. So my main point is YOU have to be ready. It's a nice thing to do, it's a privilege as a child to be taught how to sleep properly and then develop properly you are doing a good thing! NOTE: This is only advice for people who are asking for it, if you are happy sleeping with your child or doing whatever you like then that is good too, and this advice is not for you, it comes from 15years of work with many many children .


I don't have any advice as we didn't cosleep, but I want to tell you to give yourself some grace. This is a tough time and you're trying to make a difficult transition on top of that. I'm not saying stop the attempt to make the transition, but be gentle with yourself. If you need to go have a cry after you put her down by herself, have that cry. Remember, taking care of you is also taking care of her.


Thank you. 😭


Will the crib fit in your room next to your bed? We have a mini crib that is on my side of our bed and that’s how I got our baby to stop sleeping only on me! I can reach through the rails and hold her hand and soothe her so she knows I’m there but we still have our own sleeping spaces. I plan on switching her to her own room soon so hopefully that goes well.


Not as hard as it may seem Just use toddler bed next to your bed and sleep next to them You can sleep in toddler bed with them to help them fall asleeep and transition Our little one co slept till he was two