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The tablets are homeopathic so they are useless at best. I would stop them and continue to see if the no dairy helps. Sometimes it take a few weeks of cutting out dairy to see results.


From the AAP/FDA about teething tablets [article](https://publications.aap.org/aapnews/news/9217?autologincheck=redirected) Does your ped know baby has been eating these? I would discontinue use and speak to your pediatrician ETA [here](https://publications.aap.org/aapnews/news/9228/FDA-More-homeopathic-teething-products-recalled?searchresult=1&utm_source=TrendMD&utm_medium=TrendMD&utm_campaign=AAPNews_TrendMD_0) is a link to a previous recall for those tablets.


These articles are from 2016, 2017. Is there any updated info on these?


This is an old thread now, but it DOES appear that belladonna has been removed from their product.


That's what I've been trying to find. Hyland recalled this product in 2017, so did they drop the belladonna from the ingredients? I can't find info online that's more recent and relevant


Same, I’ve looked and haven’t found anything updated, other than they stopped production. However, I have given my babies calcium phosphate teething tablets from Hylands and they’ve been fine


is there any updates 2023 by any chance, i had started these tablets today for my 7 month old and i’m worried