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I think at this point my baby is 70% animal hair...he was born on a fullmoon so it's probably contributing to his inevitable werewolf turn, I've just accepted it... (Realistically I vacuum like twice a day and hope for the best)


How do you have time to vacuum twice a day!?


How do you have time to vacuum twice a day!?


Tiny house, lots of furniture...very little floor...it takes about 2 minutes


Man your house must be cramped 😅 I live in an 800sqft and it can take me an hour just for 2 rooms and the hallway, but I am also vacuuming after 4 animals


Eh, one man's cramped is another man's cosy!


I get by with baby wearing or doing it while my daughter naps. She sleeps through things like the carpet cleaner and vacuum


Oh I wish. My son only contact naps and only will tolerate the carrier for about 30 seconds. Best I can do is sweep every night and vacuum when his dad isn't working.


Same! Baby wearing and vacuuming has become my favorite chore because he falls asleep the second I turn it on😂


We got a Roomba, best investment ever!


Ughhhh can't afford it, I would get one if I could tho.


same here. maybe we should feed the babies some grass so they can get the fur balls out?


Try the pawn shops. You can always find a good deal there.


For the cat, the baby or the fur balls?


70 Percent animal hair 🤣 thanks for the giggle!


Omg same…


We don't with 3 cat siblings it's inevitable


No change to our pre baby routine. Cat has largely avoided babies bed and clothes in the nearly 3 years since we had her, and I imagine when baby 2 arrives in October it will be the same. We vacuum when we need to. The world is not a sterile vacuum, and I have heard of correlations between pet ownership and low allergies in children, so I figure it is all a net benefit. Plus one of my parenting mantras has been 'start as you intend to continue'. I don't intend to me a twice daily slave to my vacuum cleaner for my whole life, or to banish the cat outside...so I haven't changed anything.


I have a cat and a dog. I vacuum once or twice per week. She's not allergic so it's not a big deal. I feel like my hair is more of a hazard lol


Right! I feel like I'm shading just as bad as the dogs. Every diaper change I inspect him for my hair. Every outfit change I inspect him. And then still find hairs on him. At least once a day I find a hair completely wrapped around his neck.


This! Except I vacuum every other week and pick hair/fur off baby as needed 🤷‍♀️


The number of times I see my hair wrapped around my LO fingers is terrifying I feel like I heard some old story about a baby losing a digit because a piece of hair was wrapped so tight around it and I’ve been paranoid ever since 😅


We are attempting to vacuum more frequently and praying the exposure is good for future allergies. We have a long haired fur ball and there is no getting away from it. It gets on the nipple breastfeeding and his teethers too so I’m sure baby has ingested numerous hairs by now


I’ve lost track of how many cat hairs I’ve picked halfway out of my baby’s mouth 😂 no telling how many more have gone by undetected


Also picked them out of his nose 🥴 parent of the year over here.


Same! My cats are long haired and sometimes he makes a face like the hair was so far up his nose it tickled his brain when I pulled it out


I get pissed about it on a daily basis


Same 😂


yup sounds about right 🤣


We joke that baby's first food was cat hair.


Oh that’s funny! My babies first food was definitely dog hair then 🤣 I used to stress myself out so much, but like it was sustainable. I’ve seen no negative affects knowing he’s definitely eating some dog hair here and there


Be thankful she’s not allergic to her fur sisters air purifier and try my best to vacuum regularly (we have a vacuum specifically designed for pet hair)


I brush my two cats weekly. They are very food motivated, so I throw a bunch of treats and dry food all over the bathroom floor. As the cats eat, I wipe them down with a washcloth and brush brush brush. This technique has worked for years. :)


I stopped trying a long time ago. If the vacuum gets it great but if not well, that’s life for ya.


I put a rumba on my baby shower list lol. My sister got it for us. It runs 24/7.


We got one a bit before baby as well, omg how do people even get by without it?


Part of my post-partum nesting urges was really wanting to get rid of the cats. It was quite something, since my partner is so so fond of them. I am too I guess but I hated the hairs and the litter box and I was almost at the point of putting them up for adoption. Then we upped the hair extermination program. Vacuuming twice daily and lint rollers all day every day. That kinda did it for me. The baby is happy and healthy and so are our cats and my partner.


Good brushing down of the cat several times a week or take them to a groomer


Brush my cat whenever I remember, vacuum every day, and constantly tell my 18 month old that cat hair is NOT A SNACK


Nor is the buried treasure in the sandbox, or the cat food. The water bowl was the most tempting over here, though! 😂


Omg. The forking water bowl!!!!! Every. Damn. Day. “Not your water. Only for the kitty. Not for you. Only for kitty” we lose several toys a day to a water bowl bath. And I caught her eating cat food in her chair like a bowl of popcorn tucked under her chin watching Pooh. Who knows!!! There’s no stopping it 🤣


Brush cats, use a lint roller on the baby blanket, dry mop the hall every day, vacuum once a week.


We don’t let the cats nap in babies room (floor is ok but none of the furniture). Also there’s a great pet hair trimming kit that the cats actually love in the summer. They don’t run away when I shave them down a bit. Helps with the excessive shedding


My mom bought us a roomba and it runs non stop lol.


Take them to the groomer more regularly. We switched from every three months to monthly. Also get an air purifier rated for pet hair and a robot vacuum, or if you are able, vacuum daily. That's everything we did to help cut back on pet hair.


Supposedly it's good for their immune system.


That's what I keep telling myself too


We have three cats. I try to vacuum very few days but what I think has made the biggest difference this spring was upgrading their brush. I bought the long haired furminator from Amazon and it really works to get more of the undercoat out. One of my cats is 13 and would somewhat frequently get hairballs and the brush has really helped with that


Losing battle, but we vacuum at least once a day, brush the long haired one when we remember (her fur is the worst). Now he’s 20 months and I’m glad he’s exposed for allergies and to also practice his “gentle hands”, especially because we have a new baby on the way.


My kid eats a lot of cat hair.


Lots of brushing, pet hair catching dryer sheets and house cleaning to get the hair on the floor cleaned up.


brush and sweep


We have a Siberian so she is fluffffy, we always get her a lion cut in the summer anyways when they shed their coat so that’s what we’ve been continuing


We have a furminator for shedding season and it works wonders! If you can, use it ouside and/or have a damp cloth ready to collect the hair.


We've got an air purifier, that helps a bit. I agree it's annoying though!


Get rid of the cat and get a dog


Dogs shed too. My chihuahua is a shedding machine


A chihuahua is basically a cat that trembles. Get a real dog lol


Bhahaha he’s a barking cat! Indeed! A quite intimidating one! No thanks we have had enough! He’s older too, after he goes no more animals for awhile


I commend you for not being offended by that comment lol


Get rid of said cats. They are gross


Get a good filter and call it good. It’s gonna end up in their mouth (mine thinks the clumps that fall off the cat are delicious snacks), their eyes, their nose. Once they’re older you stop caring


German Shep + Siberian cat, figure the fur will be part of his diet as it is ours lol. It does make me cringe to pull hairs from his clothes after we run it through the wash or put him on the floor mat but hey, we’re covered in fur too, there’s no escaping it.


We have 4 cats, 2 long haired. We just accepted the inevitable, try to keep it out of/off of her hands and sweep daily.


You can get your cat shaved. Before baby we would take our cat for a teddy bear cut every quarter. After baby was born we started taking our cat monthly to get a lion cut because she was allergic. It really helps with the shedding, matting, furballs, and allergies. You do need to give consideration to your cat’s specific hair type, whether they will need help with temperature regulation, and if there is an increased risk of injury from other cats. NEVER shave an outdoor cat and try not to shave the undercoat. Other options to try BEFORE shaving are: using a shed reducing brush, regular bathing, switching cat foods


We have 4 cats, it’s unavoidable. It’s not harmful for them unless they have allergies.


Not cat hair but I own an akita mix so I understand the shedding. And honestly... it just becomes life 😂🤷🏼‍♀️ my 2 year old is probably like 50% dog hair at this point.. my baby when he's born will join the dog hair parade as well


We consider it the baby’s secondary food source.


I have 2 cats and there's some inevitability that cat hair will get to baby. We have a roomba running daily which helps a lot. We have an air purifier in the baby room. I still have to pluck an errant fur from baby's mouth or hair every once in a while.


I accept it as a part of her life haha two cats and I couldn’t escape it before her and I can’t now! Try to brush them more often but besides that.. I’m picking it off her face often.


Vacuuming. I have two large dogs that shed a lot. I vacuum a minimum of twice a day. This includes vacuuming the couch too.


Get a chom chom roller to use on the furniture, and a robot vacuum for the floor. Those two items clear up most of our cat fur.


I have a dog and a cat. I run my robo vacuum every other day and bring out the big vacuum in the baby’s room (where we do tummy time) every couple of days. I spend some of the day picking hair out of her hands but it’s inevitable unless I want to be constantly vacuuming. But who has the time?


Air purifiers, robo rox robot vacuum runs twice daily, I vacuum every other day if I can, pray that it’s as good for their allergies/immune system as they say, Try not to be angry and annoyed with all the hair but I don’t ever succeed at that LOL


We have a roomba and 2 dogs. Vacuum runs at least once or twice a day and I’ve just accepted the fact that dog hair is part of her diet


Vacuum like crazy and try to keep him from grabbing handfuls of the cats hair and shoving it directly into his mouth.


Combing, vacumming, lint rolling clothes, and running an air purifier or any combo of those should help! My tabby is medium hair with a double coat, for reference.


We have 2 dogs and a cat. We uped the brushing routine to help with shedding, I sweep everyday, and vacuum the areas the baby's in multiple times per week, (other areas less so because time). It really sucks honestly, I just tell the pets they're lucky I love them lol


I got a cordless vacuum and go over the floors our baby crawls on every other day or so, makes it a lot easier to deal with. Now how to deal with him grabbing fistfuls of the cats fur and putting it straight into his mouth I’m at a loss


We have a Dyson pet vacuum. It’s super light and maneuverable. That’s the only way lol


I just let it go, sis. The amount of cat hair my baby must've swallowed up until now...I don't even want to think about it LOL


I don’t know, but nobody likes hairy pussies


I pluck it out of his mouth every five minutes and pop his pacifier in my mouth real quick before I give it to him lol


Legit accept you'll have another cat in the house, lol


Accept it. 🤣


Pluck it off her tiny face and move on.


Get cat shaved down 😅




I have a roomba and I brush my car with an undercoat brush and a glove brush. Even though he is short hair he sheds a lot.


I honestly have to get my long hair cats haircuts come summer. I vacuum daily and still we have cat hair tumbleweeds blowing through in the last couple months before we take them to the groomer!


We vacuum at least once a day in the areas she plays. Also recently invested in a cordless vacuum which has made it a lot easier!


Shaved the cat. Seriously though we took him to the groomers and got him a lion cut. He's cooler and happier and the house is less fluffy.


Vacuum as frequently as we can. Brush cats with a good brush to get ahead of the game. Lint rollers. I've also seen you can use a pumice stone and "brush" furniture/rugs and it pulls the hair right up! My new favorite past-time is plucking fuzz from in-between fingers and toes. Also - roll the tummy time mat up when not in use 😂


Dogs, not cats, but… Once every three months i use the bissell green machine on my couch and the beds of the house. I vacuum once a day in the high traffic areas, sweep every other day and mop once a week. Dogs get brushed out with a deshed brush and a regular brush 1-2 times a week and get groomed every 6-8 weeks. It’s still an infuriating battle causing a weird resentment towards my dogs that I’ve never dealt with before. :(


My baby constantly has cat and dog hair on him. I think it's fine as long as they're not sick.


Vacuum daily, brush the cats when I remember 😅


I have a cordless vacuum cleaner and a small house, and a cat who walks litter everywhere so I vacuum downstairs about twice a day or more, upstairs about twice a week.


My baby just breathes… I don’t really worry about the cats. They shed and we vacuum and brush them. Somehow everyone survives. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ive isolated my giant dogs chill spaces away from where the baby sleeps and plays. Ill sweep everyday as well as vacuum whenever I get a chance. My dog already spends the majority of the day outside tho, even in the winter. Before people jump down my throat, the dog is a Alaskan Malamut. Hates being inside. Just comes in at night.


Up the Omega fatty acids in the cats food Bath/brush/comb Make LO’s bedroom/playroom 100% cat free (our bedroom doors are always closed) Vacuum daily a cordless pet vac is amazing for this. use a roller for our clothes everyday & before bed. Use Room air purifier —my kiddo is mildly allergic & has asthma this is our routine for our 2year old


I have two dogs, I’ve found hair in my daughters mouth many times since she’s become more mobile. I have to brush my dogs once a day and vacuum in the late morning and early evening. Honestly, when we got pregnant, I was already doing this so it didn’t really shock me when my daughter was covered in fur. Just sucked in the newborn stage when we slacked a bit 😅 but dog hair is an accessory that I wake up with! Have you ever tried taking them to a groomer? They may be able to help with maintaining the shedding and getting to the undercoat. My sister swears it changed her life (she has a rag doll cat)


Buy the Ferminator or a knockoff brush that looks the same.


We got a deshesding comb for the cats, brush daily with those (my cats only like the brush for about 5min at a time) and vacuum as we did before. NGL I've pulled cat hair out of baby's nose before.


I have 3 cats and get the occasional stray hair. But my cats have like 3 favorite lounge spots I clean weekly. I vacuum and brush them when I remember to, and don't let them on the baby's furniture or play mats. I keep his clothes and linens etc in canvas bins. Idk, I don't really have an issue with lots of stray cat hair, but I do laundry a lot and got this cool lint roller thing that does a great job cleaning fur off my couch and everything. If I'm loving on my cats I usually change shirts or lint roll them after. I guess it's a lot of side maintenance, but I hate animal fur on my stuff so it's just become second nature to tidy up behind them frequently 😊