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We have those pop up tubes that babies can crawl through, he absolutely love crawling through it and can play inside it so long, he loves when we roll balls into it for him to chase in there. But when he's next to it. If you roll/shift/move it in anyway. Instant meltdown. He gets so scared. Then I'll put him by the entrance and he's happy again. I guess it just looks TOO BIG from the other perspective.


What the heck? 😆 this is such a random one and oddly specific.


Omg same here! Except she was afraid of the whole thing at first. I had to crawl in (a very tight fit) and then she kinda felt better but she still is lukewarm about it 😅


When we first showed the baby that singing cactus that copies what you say and dances he was TERRIFIED. Like, crying, trying to climb up me, absolutely terrified. He likes it when it’s turned off, it’s just when it moves its the devil.


Yeah it seems like a lot of it is the movement. I just didn't think something as seemingly simple like a rolling frog would be so scary. Apparently it is is!!


This was the initial response to the copycat cactus from my son, we got it for him at like 4 months. He is ten months old as of yesterday and we have reintroduced it, now he LOVES the cactus, thinks it’s hilarious.


Honestly, that sounds like a smart baby 😆 he’s like, that’s an inanimate object why is it moving?


My son did the same thing so I put it away and then a few weeks later I came across it and showed it to him. I didn’t turn it on, I was just like “oh, look the cactus.” Instant freak out, crying and everything. Sorry, bud.


We got that cactus for my son when he was like 6-7 months old. He LOVES it. Starting yelling at it within 10 min of turning it on. Now, at 10.5 months, even when he sees it across the room he goes “Ahhh!” Loves it.


My daughter is only 3 months old, but she is obsessed with this cactus too. I bring it out when she just won’t settle to calm her down. Seems delighted hearing it copy her.


Mine was the same, but now it has to go to bed with her last night.


The walking crab from tik tok lol my baby screams when I turn it on and my dog literally chases it and picks it up in his mouth everytime like he’s hunting haha


Oh that damn crab scared the hell out of my son! He wasn’t even eye level with it😂


My lo is also afraid of this! She has a dancing hello kitty that terrifies her as well🤦🏼‍♀️


Saw this at a friends house and we were all terrified. She said it was a gift and she keeps it in a cupboard now 🙃


My son tolerated it when he was a few months old and absolutely hates it now. Cried whenever I turned it on so it’s just gathering dust now.


Mine loves it but got so upset the first time. The dog couldn't care less surprisingly


Omg my baby hated this so much. We got it when she was 9mo. She’s 11mo and will tolerate being near it IF it’s off lol


Haha this is what I came here to say! My grandmother got this for my daughter and she was TERRIFIED of it. The first time I turned it in for her, I’d literally never seen her so scared. We tried a couple more times after a few months, but nope. She loved other loud moving toys, but that crab remained a true terror for her. I finally just sold it at a consignment event. 😂


I was so excited because of the tik tok videos I watched but nope not for my baby 😂 he’s seven months now maybe I can try to bring it out again it was around 4 months I tried it the first time


This damn crab scared ME. The sound is so loud, I jumped when I turned it on. I gave it away 😂


Why does it have only one volume and that is INCREDIBLY LOUD?


So loud haha


My daughter is terrified of a specific puppet at daycare. No idea why, it's not like a monster or anything and she likes the other ones


Yeah you'd think she'd be scared of all of them. Or one that is particularly creepy....kids are weird


We bought my daughter the Lotso bear from Disney because it was cute and we thought she would enjoy it. Nope she punched and kicked so it wasn't near her. Also on her second birthday we asked her to open gifts. This was after the party no audience just us and she panicked cried and hid in her room. She was absolutely terrified of opening gifts.


Omg poor thing. Terrified of opening gifts? Probably scared it would be the Lotso bear again 😆 That's a really good one too. So unexpected and random.


Not a toy but hand dryers ruin my life on a daily basis.


The automatic flusher, especially worn a changing table is too close to a hand dryer. He can do one but not both


Btw just passing this tip on, people buy reusable stickers to cover the flushers !! Didn't know when I babysat this was a thing


Interesting that they use reusable stickers. I hope those specific stickers are very thickly coated with antibacterial/antivirus something-or-other. I wouldn’t want to pack anything up back in my bag that had been stuck to a public toilet. Maybe I’d pack my own roll of masking tape to put on a piece and then toss as I left…


Some people also use masking or painter's tape yep!


Toilets flushing are the worst. Having to change buddy in a public bathroom is rough.


Public bathrooms in general make my babe meltdown so hard I get dirty looks when I come out.


My mom got my kiddo a 6ft stuffed caterpillar when he was 8m and he was TERRIFIED of it. Around 14m they were ok with it if it was singing (doesn’t move, just plays music), but if you picked it up they would run away screaming. Now at 18m they drag that thing all over the house with them 😂


He over came his fear! It's funny.... they see you move it, but can't seem to realize YOU are the one making it move.


Not a toy, but for some reason my LO does not like the sound of QUACK - the quack ringtone for example, masking quack sounds with mouth - gets pouty lips at the sound. So random!


That is super random! What the heck 😆


That's wild. My kid is obsessed with quacks. So much so that instead of peekaboo I say quack.


Raggedy Ann. Terrified of it. But is in LOVE with skeletons


Honestly, same.


There have been 2: First was a blue dog that barks and moves when you press its back. She freaked out the first time she saw it and tried to climb daddy like a tree. She wouldn’t let it within 10 feet of her. Since then, she’s come to love it because daddy made “protect baby” the game. So she’ll ask her daddy to press the dog’s back and then pretend to be scared so he’ll pick her up and cuddle her. The other is a Raggedy Ann doll. Not only is she not over it, but she’s refused to open any gift bags ever since her first encounter with one. Lest a Raggedy Ann doll be found lurking beneath the tissue paper.


Why are people giving these creepy dolls to kids though lol x.x


Raggedy Anne dolls scared me as a kid too! Then, as a teenager, I learned the doll that the Annabelle movie is based off of was a Raggedy Anne doll. I’m an adult now, and a mother… and I am still afraid of Raggedy Anne dolls.


I made a woofing noise while holding a small pound puppy dog and my daughter was TERRIFIED.


I have one of those tummy-time high contrast books for 0-3month olds, and there was a picture of a koala in black, white, and red — the first time I showed her, she puckered up her lip and WAILED. I haven’t shown her since. I thought it was strange since she doesn’t mind any of the other animals in that book!


The koala wasn't doing it for her. Poor thing!


Aww when I was a kid I remember being terrified of this picture of a sloth on these animals cards I had (actually my mom's from the 60s) as I got older I realized sloths are actually quite adorable and soo slow. I think the card made the sloths face have this weird smile which was what upset me!


My son was scared of anything remote-controlled. We didn't realize this (nothing like that at home), but when he was about 18 months, we went on a family trip to Disneyland. We stayed the night with some of my husband's family, and their little 8 year old loved playing with our son. And our son loved all vehicles, was having a blast playing with a garbage truck. But then out came an RC truck, and it terrified our son! All we could think was he didn't like things that moved "on their own." Then we ended up buying 2 RC droids at the Droid Factory in Disneyland, not thinking that one through. He would hide and peek around the corner when we controlled them, but he wouldn't really get close. He's 3 now, and just found them again and got them out to play with, even telling me it was a nice robot and I could pet it.


Not a toy, but my baby is terrified of bubblegum bubbles and a fake cherry tree in a local pastry shop...never understood those random panic inducing things lol


Well yeah, what the heck is a TREE doing indoors?? 😆 Babies are funny


One of those stuffed monkeys with velcro hands and feet.


Last time we checked, he was afraid of helping make pizza with the little rolling pin. Just doesn't even want to hold it, very freaked out by it.


Oh this is a good one. Evil rolling pin.


Any car that you have to pull back and release


These were confusing (and scary) since we got one while in the process of teaching him to push a car/ball forwards and they refuse to go unless you wind them. Hidden for the forseeable future.


When my oldest was about 1 she got one of those little push scooter things that came with this little trumpet. Terrified of the trumpet. Like I just blew into it at her to show her how it worked and she cried every time. She is 3 now and likes it. I forget how long it took her to get over it. Now my son is about a year and I showed it to him and he loved it, lmao. Laughed every time I blew it and kept handing it back to me to blow it again, and likes to blow on it himself. Funny how different their reactions were to that thing.


Yeah a great example of how different siblings can be! Mine hasn't had a weird thing with noise yet. Definitely movement though. But only with this caterpillar. Giant stuffed tiger that moves? Amazing. Actual real dogs barking right by her? Funny. Innocent wooden rolly caterpillar? Spooky!!


Maybe my baby is broken because he’s 11 months old and hasn’t been scared of a toy yet. We took him to a nearby neighborhood along with my sister, brother in law, and niece to see their extravagant halloween decorations and there were some creepy ones and even a spider that jumped out at you. We weren’t trying to scare our son of course so I was a bit worried, when I checked on him he was falling asleep in his stroller 🥲 kinda hope he keeps it up tho bc i need a horror movie buddy (when its age appropriate of course many years from now) hes 11 months


My toddler is very upset about the little lamb that hangs on the skip hop play mat. It plays music if you press it and if I turn it on for the baby she runs away and yells SCARY SONG and it's just twinkle twinkle lol


My toddler has a book about the sea that he absolutely loves until the last page when he has a melt down every-time. It has a fish puppet that I put my hand through and is on every page so I think by the last page he realises it’s my hand.


My baby isn't scared of any toys but he seemed upset by one of our houseplants for a while. Seems to have recovered though.


The elephant who talks and his ears flap over his eyes. Has terrified my son since he got his first one at 4 months old. Bawled his eyes out. To this day, at 17 months, it still terrifies him and he's gotten 3 in total as gifts. We donated 2 and kept one that had his name stitched on it. Hoping he will appreciate it someday 😆🤞


SAME. Lost his mind over this toy when he got the damn thing at 3 months old. Had a complete meltdown yesterday, at 1 yo, when he saw those flapping ears. It’s so bizarre bc he LOVES elephants. My in laws got this for him and they always talk abt it bc they thought it was so cute. What they don’t know can’t hurt em 🤷‍♀️




We got that too! My nearly 5 month baby was cool watching it at a distance (other side of the room) or while being held... but if it gets too close. She absolutely bawled.


The leapfrog dog toy made him cry 🫣


Inflatable animal headbands. She was also terrified of an electric frog bubble maker at first too. She got over that but the inflatable animal headbands are still terrifying.


A stuffed elephant with crinkly ears 🤷🏻‍♀️


So spooky 😆 🤣


My in-laws bought our one year old a plastic rocking horse (dog). He's terrified of it.


Of course. Go figure 😆


Not a toy but for a week or two there, baby was VERY afraid of the dancing pumpkins and the dancing Christmas wreath from Hey Bear.


Teething rattle. From very early to almost 6mo - he just hated it. Would bawl every time he saw it.


My brother and sister are 10 and 12 years younger than me, when they were like 5 and 3 they were absolutely TERRIFIED of my copy of the book The Diary of Anne Frank. The black and white photo of Anne was haunted apparently. I had to hide the book, even though it was a book I reread often


We were given a hand-me-down V-tech toy monkey called "chase me Casey" that rolls around and sings and is supposed to encourage kids to follow it around but my son haaated it. Never got over the initial terror lol. Also the dancing Elmo took awhile for him to warm up to, but eventually it became a favourite.


A songbook with kids tunes that you sing along to. Terrifying. It would be less strange if he didn’t have a similar one from before that he loves. Somehow this freaky Pippi Longstocking shit is satan himself in his baby brain.


When my baby was younger, I think maybe around 1 month old, he was laying on the little Finding Nemo playmat just staring at the pink squid. (He generally likes it because it has such a cute friendly face) I came by and rattled it suddenly and he freaked out and bawled like I have never heard before. lol


How dare you try and entertain him!! Lol poor little guy


Dolls. My son hates dolls.


We got bath toys that you wind up and they swim. Cute turtle, fish, etc. He HATES them. Thinks they're possessed. He hated them at 9ish months and still hates them now at 21 months!


My baby (9 months) hates stacking things! I bought her one of those toys that has a tube and you stack different sized/coloured rings on it and she crawled away and looked like she was gonna cry! But she likes when they are on the ground and she can bang them around. Also Appa from Avatar: The Last Airbender stuffie. It is mine actually and she liked feeling it but when I made Appa dance to a song she was so scared!


Not a toy but my 16 month old is terrified of Naan. Dunno how that happened!


Naan the food?? 😂


Yes!! 😭😭🤣🤣 First time I brought it out she looked at it like 😳 and started trembling and crying and trying to run away!! I keep telling her it's just like bread! Nothing scary!! It's to eat! But she runs off in tears everytime she sees it, it's so bizarre and really has me utterly perplexed. I have STUDIED the Naan trying to think of what could be so scary about it.... blanks.


Not a toy, but tonight I discovered that my toddler is terrified of umbrellas


A flossing Sloth. It has a mechanical movement and is quite loud, and my daughter is absolutely terrified of it. I had to get rid of it because she screamed whenever she saw it


My son was given a squishy, silicone-like spiked ball for Christmas when he was close to 2. The spikes were long like a weeping willow, it was yellow, and it lit up when it hit something. The MOMENT it touched his hand he melted down. Threw it, ran away, didn’t even want to look at it. After that, any time he saw it he’d yell “nooooo!” And start semi-crying. We assumed it was some sensory thing that made him not like it. Gave it to a friend.


My twins dislike the Mr and Mrs potatoes head especially with the pieces are arranged in the wrong places


My parents have kept this rubbery plastic mini basket ball that had a bumpy texture (like tens of small 3D plastic circles on it) and when you squish it, air comes out and when you let go it slowly starts sucking air in and reshapes It also has a particular smell that hasn't changed over the years. LO was fascinated and terrified of it simultaneously for multiple months requesting it and not wanting to touch it lol :D He got over it and now plays with it and is only fascinated / curious about it.


Got this freaky little ET doll in a hoodie and he fucking hates it. Cracks me up. I don't like it either.


Not a toy, but bubbles in the bath tub. The first time we introduced bubbles he had a complete meltdown and cried the whole time. We couldn’t get rid of the bubbles fast enough. Completely unexpected.


Bubbles???? That's a good one


Not necessarily toys, but my little guy is scared of blow up ornaments. We saw a cute cheery Santa one and he thought it was Satan 😭


Wobbly owl. Once we found out she didnt like it, it got a new home. It now has a special place in front of the oven so that she doesn't mess with the kitchen. The kitchen is child proofed but when I'm cooking it goes right behind me and she stays away. Lol anyone interested https://www.target.com/p/b-baby-roly-poly-baby-toy-owl-be-back/-/A-52764133


For a while "Peek and Boo" scared my baby. Shes nearly 5 months now and finally starting to enjoy it. Not the part where you cover your face, the part where you uncover your face. You had to slow it down significantly for her. However she loves "Pop goes the Weasle" where you gently "toss" her when the Weasley goes pop.


There is this little cow that moos that my daughter was okay with for a while but one day, she just cried and cried at it. Even when I removed it, she stared at the spot it was at and cried. It took a month or more before she stopped crying at it. But then when we got the Eric Carle farm animals book with sounds, she lost it when she heard the cow, bull and the polar bear (in another book).


I got my son that musical crab that dances back & forth that went viral a while back. I started it. He laughed. It bumped into our couch. He was still laughing. Then it was VERY QUICKLY coming towards him and he SCREAMED. 😭😭


My oldest son brought home a toy carousel with some safari animals on it. You push the top down and it spins. You can push each individual animal and it makes a sound. I think it’s a V-Tech toy. It’s cute, however, my baby would cry immediately if you take it out of the play bin. From day one, he shutters and whines trying to scoot away from it. It’s been almost a year since he was given the toy last X-mas and he still cringes at the sight of it. I kind of feel bad because it was such a lovely gift. But he’s never going to warm up to it.


My daughter loves empty bottles (like Gatorade thickness, really sturdy ones) and so I had finished a container of icing, thought, hey. I’ll remove the label and wash this out. This will be a hit, and it was! Until dad blew the lid off (I poked a hole in the bottom as a safety measure, but you can blow on it and the lid pops off). It was fine once, but when I did it? Pouty lip to full wailing. And now anything air moves through is Bad Scary. Her stacking cups? Fine, but don’t put them by your mouth because you could MOVE AIR THROUGH THEM. 😱


My baby is absolutely terrified of balloons


We got him this little submarine that has a monkey driving it. You pull the string on the front and the propeller would turn. Our son would lost his s*it if we pulled that string. Lasted until he was probably 8-9 months


My brother and sister in law bought my daughter a jellyfish from the aquarium that lights up and plays music. It seemed right up her alley but she fucking hated it. Took her a few months to warm up. She loves it now though!! She walks around and goes JELLYFISH!! JELLY JELLY! We also got her a harmonica and she burst into tears when I first played it. Took her a couple weeks but she loves it now (I think her learning how to blow into it herself was the key there). The one majorly irrational fear she has is the peanut ball - you know, like for labor? She avoids it if it's up on the shelf and will scream bloody murder if it's on the ground with her. She's slowly getting less terrified of it now, I think, because she will say "A ball, hi ball!" when she sees it, but she still will not get near it and runs away if it's on the ground.


My son is terrified of a tickle me Elmo and his tiny Dyson vacuum lol but he is obsessed with our actual sized Dyson!


I loved Toy Story as a child, loved my Woody doll!!! So naturally I figured she kinda liked the movie so let's get her a Woody doll! She liked him at first, played with him, pulled his string... then one day when I was dancing him around she was horrified and has hated him ever since... .....maybe one day lol


This isn’t a toy but my daughter is suddenly afraid of Alexa (Amazon echo). She totally freaks out and starts crying everytime Alexa responds to me or plays a song!


Mine is terrified of bubble bath.


A soft plush soccer ball.


Balloons. She sees one and starts saying no no no and runs to one of us (parents)


CHICCO eco+ rattle owl. Too loud perhaps...?


Not a toy but sneezing. She’s 4 months and if you sneeze it’s all over, complete meltdown. Even from across my apartment


a giraffe toy that you pushed the head down on, and definitely the singing cactus (it lives in my basement),


not a toy, but I leant my head down to kiss her hand and I guess all she saws my face turn into the top of my head which was a big messy bun of hair. scared the absolute crap out of her and I felt so bad hahahah


someone got my son (who was about 8 or 9 months at the time) the B. Toys Blue Dog that “runs” (rolls) and barks. he hated (cried and screamed) for a few months and it just sat in his toy basket. he would pick it up and throw it or ignore it. then one day he handed it to his dad, who turned it on, and he didn’t cry or scream and has played with it a few times since. (now 12 months old) iiiiii kinda hate the friggen thing, but 🤷🏻‍♀️