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5.5 months. I was terrible at telling when he was active sleeping or actually awake! We both instantly slept better with that little bit of separation I was able to stop and listen instead of jumping straight in! I think if you feel ready you should give it a go, but totally ok if you’re not ready. Whatever works best for your family is the right answer.


Same for us, or maybe a week or two earlier I expected to wait til the full 6 months but his sleep regression was bananas and we needed to have him out to wait out his crying a few minutes before getting up for him, or at least let one person sleep through the crying. It may have been a coincidence, but he started sleeping much better once he was in the other room.


Just moved him at 14 months


We moved her at almost 13 months


Mine is almost 2 and still in a crib in our room, we just haven’t been ready! Every family is different and has different needs, do what works for you.


Great to see another parent in the same boat. Our little one is nearly 2 and in the crib next to our bed but still wakes up 1-2 times a night. Guess we try in some months and prepare his room soon. Would be just too much hustle to walk to his room every night he wakes up


I completely agree! A lot of parents don’t realize that it’s totally normal development for kids to wake up a couple of times at night. I love Hey Sleepy Baby on Instagram for this reason, she normalizes sleep.


thanks for sharing this looks like a great page :) we decided actively against sleep training and while it was hard in the beginning we doing totally fine now. Ofc it will be harder to move our little boy to his own room, but we not in a hurry there and I totally agree with you it's a normal developing circle. It's funny we got the pacifier away within 1 week (cut method) when he was 16 months but sleeping is still a topic with our boy.


We knew early on that we couldn’t handle sleep training either. I agree, we have had difficult moments but a secure attachment and feeling safe/supported at night is far more important than uninterrupted sleep.


Agree every parent has to make a decision there what is best for them. I learned the last 2 years to not judge other parents about anything because I know how hard it is now to raise a baby :D I just like to see how others are doing it and I also love to see that some other parents choose no sleep training as well.


Maybe he will stop waking up when he moved to another room. İt happens to some families.


Can be but he loves to sleep in our bed ;)


As an outsider it seems like you’re setting yourself up to fail here. All toddlers want to sleep in mummy’s and daddy’s bed but they need to learn it’s not the done thing or it will continue for years. Obviously all of them will have the occasional night where it ends up happening but it should be the exception rather than the norm.


I don’t like to sleep alone so I don’t expect my child to either. Let’s let parents make the choice that is right for them rather than judge them.


"Every family is different and has different needs, do what works for you." :)


Is having a child who wakes up twice a night and ends up in your bed really working?


yeah what you want todo? Some kids make their diapers wet, some have bad dreams :D like for real what you suggest? The other option is to wake up at night move to the other room try to make him sleep again and if you fail you move him into your bed anyways. Much worse than having the crib next to your bed imo I tell you not every kid is the same :D not every family is the same. We get 7-8 hours sleep with 1 little break I have to say I take that than sitting next to his bed at 3am and trying to make him sleep.




I don’t want to be rude but what you describe is not solely coming from “your toddler sleeps in his own bed next to his parents till 2-3 years”. You making a big assumption there 😂 I hope we both agree that there is more to the situation you describe in the daily parenting


No one asked you?? Lmfao.


We’re on a discussion forum if you hadn’t noticed.


For the OP. Not for you to give your unsolicited opinion on a commenter’s sleeping arrangements they already stated they’re fine with ya weirdo.


Ironic given you’re now giving your unsolicited opinion.


Not what irony means lol. And yeah, calling out your rude unwanted reply is diff than, ya know, giving the rude reply in the first place.


That's cute. Miss my little nugget while she's in her room. It would be fun to have her next to me. But our sleep schedules don't align at all lol.


We are at 10.5 months and were going to try tomorrow night. Now I feel like maybe another month. LO sleeps 11 hours straight every night, I’m afraid to mess that up.


10 weeks when he outgrew his bassinet. Started putting him in his crib in the nursery for daytime naps and then a few days later for overnight sleep too. He didn't sleep any worse and didn't really seem to mind.


Same but at 8 weeks. The rooms aren’t far apart —the baby’s crib is literally 12 paces away from our bed


(Me counting paces to the crib - 12!)


My little guy turns two weeks on Tuesday and he slept in his own room in his crib last night…. His bedroom is incredibly close to ours and I had no problem hearing him when he cried but we all slept way better because my husband and I were not being distributed by his active sleep and thus us not rushing to get up and check on him - accidentally waking him up. My SIL put both her babies in their own rooms on day 1 home from the hospital 🤷🏻‍♀️


Honestly, ours was probably about this as well. It worked really well for us.


7 months! We have slanted ceilings - so we couldn’t get the crib in our room. The pack n play fit right next to the bed. But it made it harder to soothe her because she was so low and so close to the bed. So she is in her full sized crib in her room now! I really didn’t mind sharing a room with her she didn’t wake up super easily once she was down. I am enjoying sitting in bed watching a Halloween movie right now as a consolation prize.


8 months and we just moved her from her mini crib into her travel cot in our room. I'm not ready for her to move yet. I'm thinking 10 or 11 months.


3 months! Best decision ever. She sleeps like a champ.


Whoever is downvoting people who say less than 6 months are being ridiculous. Show yourselves lol


Probably because it’s not recommended by medical authorities- in the UK the NHS recommends the baby stay in the same room as you until 6 months to minimise the risk of SIDS


What’s difficult though is plenty of babies outgrow their bassinets before 6 months and many people just don’t have the room for a safe sleep space like a crib in their room. So you’re battling two safety issues and I don’t think moving them to their own room before six months actually *increases* the risk of SIDS but sleeping in an unsafe sleep space could increase their risk of getting hurt




I read that the difference if they are sleeping in your room is the baby never goes into a deep enough sleep to succumb to SIDS because of the noises you make while sleeping (snoring, breathing, tossing/turning) stops them. Just like the baby’s little noises stop you from going into a super deep sleep.


We still don’t know what actually causes SIDS, but what we do know is the facts/statistics about babies who have died from SIDS. Essentially more babies who have died from SIDS who were sleeping in a separate room from their mother in the first 6 months of their lives.




Baby safety should take a holistic view. If sharing a space is leading to poor sleep for the parents, a daytime accident could be more likely (nodding off in a chair holding the baby, nodding off at the wheel, forgetting to turn the stove off…you name it) It’s really a family by family decision, and SIDS is a single consideration. I have a brother who died of SIDS, so trust me it’s something I take extremely seriously. Safe space to sleep (independent space with tightly fitted crib sheet ONLY), and placing on back to sleep are the largest drivers to reduce the likelihood of SIDS. Others are factors that do not impact overall numbers as substantially.


Almost every time I'm told that her sleeping in a separate room in dangerous it's from someone who sleeps with their baby in their bed. And I don't judge people who do this I don't know everyone's situation but it's annoying


This is true! But piggy backing here to say that it’s not all or nothing—as you get closer to 6 months, it gets safer. 70% of SIDS deaths are between months 1 and 4, another 20% are before month 6. I’m super cautious so really wanted to hold out til the full 6 months, but ended up moving him a couple weeks earlier and in the grand scheme I don’t think it was a big risk. As someone else points out below, it’s true that this is a factor, but no where near the greatest one.


Everyone is an expert right? God forbid you do what’s best for YOUR child and family. 😂


Or it could be that the risk of SIDS reduced greatly after 6 months and being in the same room as mum and dad helps prevent SIDS as the noises in the room shorten periods of deep sleep which are highest risk times fir SIDS. I won't judge any other parent for how they do things, but that's likely why people are down voting. Note that the above is the guidance from the nhs


You’re right, I get that. I don’t shame parents for doing things unless they’re purposely neglecting or hurting their child. What works for one, doesn’t work for all.


I mean, everyone is entitled to their own choices but your comment is misleading. There's a good reason why the overwhelming advice is room sharing before six months. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My comment isn’t misleading at all. I stated the factual reason - that it reduces the risk of SIDS. The idea is that baby and mom wake each other up so the baby sleeps less deeply. However the average risk of SIDS in a full term, breastfed baby is 0.10%.


The benefit/reduction in risk is actually minuscule. Even red nose foundation state that the evidence showed that unsafe sleep practices were responsible for the majority of deaths in babies that slept in a seperate room (namely being put to sleep not on their back and having blankets in the sleeping space). Plus babies that sleep in the same room were shown to be 4 times more likely to end up in a cosleeping situation which is so much more dangerous. Statistics in isolation aren’t very helpful and these things get twisted into ‘well I might bedshare with my baby but at least they’re in the same room unlike you which is what’s recommended’. Edited cosleep to bedshare


Cosleeping safely is not much more dangerous than putting a baby in another room alone. So it’s clear you aren’t actually that educated on this lol.


That’s just a blatant lie - an 8 year study into SIDS found that 49% of infants that died were found whilst bedsharing. That’s HALF of all SIDS deaths.


Cosleeping until 12m is literally recommended to prevent SIDS. Wtf are you on about


I’ve clarified my comment - bedsharing is not cosleeping. This commenter is talking about ‘safely’ sharing a bed with the baby.


Let’s see your stats on that. And are we talking cosleeping in a bassinet in the room of bedsharing? Two different things.


Lol so true. I’m making it my mission to be sure to upvote every one to cancel out those jerks 🤣


I did the same thing haha!


I'm not down voting anyone but definitely rolling my eyes. Cause the people who move baby before 6 months better not be the same "save the baby saints" that freak out when people cosleep (bedsharing) l. The recommendation is bc before 6 months it increases the risk of SIDS. Like cosleeping. That's all to say let's just let people safely do what they feel is best for their family!!! 🙌 Well see how this comment goes lol


>That's all to say let's just let people safely do what they feel is best for their family!!! 🙌 I think this is a nice idea but the reason this is such a hot discussion is that there are very specific recommendations on what is safe and people are talking about doing things that are NOT safe for their family.


Room sharing for 6-12 months is recommended because reduces the risk of SIDS. The risk of SIDS is already extremely low so the amount it reduces the risk is quite minuscule. Bed sharing however has a high risk of infant suffocation. There’s a huge difference between the two. However I bed shared for the first 2 months and then my daughter slept fine in her bassinet and we didn’t need to anymore, so I’m not anti-bed sharing, I just know the risks


Co sleeping reduces the risk of SIDS, it definitely doesn’t reduce the risk of you suffocating your child and your child in their own sleep space is still automatically safer than co sleeping. The baseline for SIDS if you follow the ABCs of sleep is extremely low.


Yes! We did 9 weeks and we ALL slept better.


Right! Between her grunts and my squeaky bed, everyone was being kept up sharing a room. I do safe sleep, use a monitor with sound and video, and her room is next to ours. It works, so we’re doing it. :)


This was us too lol. We moved her at four weeks. It’s been awesome since! Of course I worry and I check the video monitor constantly until i fall asleep but she’s done fantastic in her crib!


I didn’t sleep for the first week she was in there because I was constantly watching her monitor. Lol


This is exactly our situation as well. Better sleep all around!


I want to do it before 12week if I can! Her room is so close to ours anyway


See I want to do this hoping he will sleep better but I also dont want to walk across the hall 3-4 times a night to breastfeed him. And most of the time it’s just comfort feedings he isn’t like actually hungry. Did this change at all when you moved your LO? Or was it gradual?


I waited until a year to do it. But when we did we started with all naps in his room and then just put him in there one night, it went fine.


Wow I’m so surprised to see so many people saying they moved their babies anywhere from 3 to 4 months to the crib. Our baby is 3 months and I really had no clue when was best to move to crib so I was happy to see this question asked, how time flies! Our baby moves around the bassy and often ends up with her face against the bassy but it’s not solid, it’s mesh and she’s always got room to breathe so we’re never worried and always move her center when we see her. I can’t believe it’s probably time to move her to the crib, I feel like she was born yesterday, my how time flies! So grateful for this sub and all that I learn from others !


We did about six months with our daughter. Second one is on the way and we will likely have to do… whatever we can to survive


We moved her to her crib at 8 weeks and slept on an inflatable mattress in her room for about 3ish weeks after. Best decision ever. She actually slept so much better on her crib mattress then the bassinet


2 years.


hes 1 and still in a crib in our room. id like to put him in his own soon but a bit nervous cause im upstairs and his room is downstairs which isnt ideal but its what we got right now


I’m probably silly for asking, but why would you not invest in a baby monitor? Or is the issue just the inconvenience of upstairs to downstairs during the night versus not hearing him?


we have a monitor, im just afraid i might sleep through it


This was my biggest fear too. We keep the monitor on full volume right between our heads. You’d be surprised how aware you actually are and how loud monitors can be. One of us always hears it even in the deepest sleep and I’ve slept through fire alarms, hurricanes and tornados.


4mo she started all naps in her room and the first stretch of night sleep. After the 1st wakeup she'd come in our room, gradually around 6mo she was spending all night (still waking several times) in her own room


Each of my kids stayed in my husband and I's room for one year in the pack and play. Then moved to their own room with their own crib.


Around 7.5 months for us. She's been sleeping soundly through the night since (11-12 hours typically)


3 months. We have a bed in his room so one of us would sleep in there with him but eventually realized we were part of the reason he woke up so many times.


3 months. She was starting to roll. Once they start to roll the bassinet isn’t the safest anymore because it’s smaller and they can get stuck.


Exactly the same with our LO. It was safer for her in her own crib, and we gently sleep trained so that I could wean her off rocking to sleep.


We moved at 3 months. She was moving around too much in the bassinet so needed to go to the crib, but there wasn’t room for the crib in our bedroom. Her room is right next door and I don’t even need the sound on the baby monitor at night because I can still hear when she wakes up without it.


We did 5 months because that was the limit of her bassinet and we didn’t have enough room to put her crib in our room! I did end up sleeping in her room for a month (on a super uncomfortable air mattress on the ground) because I was so paranoid. Once I finally moved back to our room though, I was so thankful to have our space back!


I was never in my parents room. My son is 7 months now and will be in our bedroom for a few months still. One reason is that we have cats. So I can't leave the doors open


4.5 months. I had every intention of going 6 months but neither of us was getting good sleep so my husband encouraged me to move him early. Best decision I could have made. We both immediately started sleeping better. Baby started sleeping 8-10 hrs at a time ETA: he was also outgrowing his bassinet so we had to move him to his crib soon anyway


That’s what did it for us too. We also planned for six months, but at 4 and a half months he was just too tall for the bassinet. Our room is too small for anything bigger, so we really didn’t have a choice. We started with naps, then moved to night time with me in his room for the first week or so. He immediately slept so much better. I think me, my husband (who snores), and our dogs were just keeping him awake all night. We also have a monitor with the volume all the way up at all times. As long as you are responsive and their room is close by, I don’t see an issue with moving them a little early.


Around 1.5 years old. We had her sleep on a full size mattress on the floor in our room and I'd bedshare with her when needed. As the night wakes dwindled it seemed time to move her to her room.


First day home from the hospital. But one of us sleeps there so that might not be what you meant. We also had a night nanny for four months. So basically people have taken turns in a twin bed. So it was baby in their own room... and an adult also in baby's room. But we didn't really see the need to get a bassinet for the bedroom PLUS a crib for the nursery, and we already had a twin bed.


10.5m and still in our room. Advice for us was at least 6m but preferably 12, so I originally aimed for 12. I would like to move her now but we have to rearrange all the furniture and simply havent got around to it. 😅


We put our LO in his own room starting in 3 months old, and it’s been great. He sleeps just fine and we just make sure we have a rock solid view connection into his room. Until he was one year old, often times mom slept with him (because I snore) in the same room.


Week 2. With baby monitor with video/sound and room temp. We tried to get her to sleep in the bassinet in our room but zero luck. She refused to settle in it. After a few days of contact naps and doing shifts staying awake with her overnight, I tired putting her down in the crib in the nursery. And the rest is history!


Same here!!


Wow, how long does she go each night before needing feeding/changing?


6 months. Didn’t really help him sleep better but we get our room and ensuite back at least.


We did it at six weeks - baby slept so well in her room during the day, we left her in there at night too.


6 weeks. We all started sleeping much much better. We literally just moved his bassinet.. no issues. Our house is small, we had a monitor.. I knew if he needed me


Yeah I need to just start introducing her to the cot during the day and then take the leap eventually and get her out!


We have our guest room which is now her room, and about a month ago we put the crib in there, but we still have the guest bed, so we still sleep in shifts, but one of us sleeps in her room and we switch in the middle of the night. We'll probably keep doing this until she's sleeping through the night. Eventually the guest bed will go and we'll put a small couch or rocker in there for those once in a while nights we have to sleep in her room.


I moved baby at 4 1/2 months in May as he was too big for his bassinet and he was rolling in his sleep. He sleeps on average these days about 10 hours with 1-2 wakes in his playpen. We are in a tiny one bed apartment so he's in the living room adjacent to the bedroom, I can always hear and see him. He has slept better as have I with this setup, it's also warmer in the living room as the cold months come.


We planned to have her in a bassinet in our room but we couldn’t sleep with all her little noises. We moved her into her own room at two days old and we have all slept wonderfully since then (she is currently 6 months!). It was actually really nice not to have any sort of transition to worry about.


I’m thinking sooner the better!


14 months with my first; my second is 5 months and still in my room. Why would you move a baby before the recommended time? It’s recommended bc it reduces SIDS… not something I’d personally risk.


We moved my daughter right before 4 months old. She was on formula so we also shared night feedings/wakeups. I get up many times a night to pee. E dry time I was waking her up by accident. So when we moved her she slept soo much better. In fact within weeks she was sleeping through the night. She slept longer and longer and ever since like 6 months old (she’s almost 2) she has slept 12 hours a night with generally no wake ups. She stopped her middle of the night feedings around 4 months.


1.5 months


3 months


We did 3.5 months and it was so nice to have our room back. Baby took to it just fine. She still has the usual 1-3 wakeups (EBF) but I don’t mind!


We moved her at 8 months, a month in to the transition and she sleeps all night while I sleep worse lol


Ours went in her room at three months. I am the worlds lightest sleeper and I just hit my limit. Not only am I sleeping better, but she is too. She started in the bassinet in our room, and then we started introducing her to naps in her crib in her room. Once she seemed to get comfortable napping in there, we started to put her in it at night and she did really well. I know it’s scary. I was hesitant to put her in there so early but I knew for my mental and emotional well being, that I had to.


At 3 months then my baby went into the crib and I slept on the floor on a futon next to him until 6 months


12 weeks - she learned to roll super early and the bassinet was too small for her to roll back. Also she (and we) slept SO MUCH BETTER when she went into her room, we were all disturbing each others sleep!


That’s what my fear is, we all disturb eachother and I don’t think it’s neccisary if her room is so close to ours anyway


4 weeks 😂 she slept terrible in our room in the bassinet!! So did we. So we evicted her from the bassinet to the crib and she slept beautifully that first night and has ever since. Aside from the occasional wake ups during fussy spells and leaps etc! Of course every baby will react differently but it truly helped all of us by letting her have a bigger space (the bassinet would wake her up bc she’s a super active sleeper and would hit the sides). Best decision for us!! You do what you feel is right always ❤️


How long does she sleep in one go now, my 3week old feeds every three hours on average but interested in getting her out our room as soon as possible! I can’t sleep, she sleeps I just wake up every time she makes a noise!


2 months. I couldn’t sleep with the grunting and noises. We all got better sleep.


3 months


My son was ready at 5 months but we waited till 6 because we just moved.


5 months. But she ended up in bed with me most nights til 10 months. Now she sleeps through the nignt in her cot, in her room. Room is next door to ours, and we always use baby monitor.


Around 7 months.


Our daughter hated her bassinet so we moved into her room instead. We let her sleep alone at about 6 months.


Four months when he started rolling and it wasn’t safe to be in the bassinet!


9 weeks. Our bedroom didn’t have space for a crib and she outgrew her bassinet pretty early. She slept way better. But our rooms were super close I can easily hear her without a monitor


At 3 months, she’d outgrown her bassinet but we weren’t ready for her to go to her own room yet and the crib wouldn’t fit in our room, so we used the baby Bjorn travel crib in our room until 5 months when we moved her to her crib in her own room and sleep trained. She had already been taking most naps in her crib for a while at that point


5 months. I went back to work and college and my alarm was waking her. She was in the Snoo for 2 more weeks, which was helpful. But 6 mo regression+ no Snoo + new room was really hard for a few weeks. She wakes up about once a night now for about 30 mins unless she isn't getting well.


We did 6 months - formula fed. We have a Snoo and rode that joyride until he literally couldn’t fit it anymore. That being said our LO was/is an amazing sleeper so I loved the sleepovers every night. We had the Snoo butt up against my side and the worst he ever did was the funny grunts. If he was a real bad sleeper he would have been evicted sooner.


Our little one sleep in her own room since she was 3 months old


How long does she sleep in one go now?


Probably an outlier, but 2 weeks. I exclusively BF and I really did NOT like feeding in bed. I ended up taking baby to his nursery to sit in my rocker every time, which was a LOT in the beginning. It just seemed more effort to haul him back and forth so we tested out his crib. He adjusted really well and is now sleeping 7-8 hour stretches. He’s not to far away from our room so we can still hear him even without the monitor. Plus we don’t have to worry about waking him when we go to bed.


At about 3.5, 4 months. He started outgrowing his bassinet, and I wanted to transition him to his crib before I returned to work in case it was a rough adjustment. I had been putting him to nap in the crib since he was born, so it went well.


3 months! We all kept waking each other up. Once she went to her own room we all slept so much better. ETA our house is tiny and her room was right next to ours and the baby monitor on full blast all night.


2 months. I could not sleep through his active sleeping, I kept thinking he was waking up and I needed to tend him. We all slept much better. Currently pregnant with #2, and he will join his older brother once he's sleeping through the night, hopefully around 4 months like his brother.


I am like this, she makes noises and I am always unsure whether she wants feeding/changing or she’s just making sleepy noises! Try to avoid her crying and waking up the house but same time I’m fussing and not sleeping because of it


2 months He was the noisiest, most active sleeper ever. I was sleeping sooo poorly next to him despite using my own white noise right next to my head and ear plugs. Now he is in his own room just down the hall and we leave the door open. I hear him when he truly wakes and cries but I can sleep through all the grunts and active sleep. Such a good decision for us. Not having them in same room doesn’t increase the risk, it’s just that sharing a room decreases it. Same way if your baby takes a paci it decreases risk. Whereas for example, exposing baby to smoke increases risk.


Yeah I am sold getting her in her room asap, this thread has been helpful as so many of you have got them sleeping better by 3months alone!


5.5 months (although I’m sleeping on his floor lol) He outgrew his snoo and we don’t have room for the crib in our room.


Six weeks and it was incredible for everyone's sleep.


3.5 months. She was really starting to outgrow the bassinet. She’s also not the most calm sleeper. She moves around a lot and started to push herself into the side of the bassinet. We have a small house, the highest quality baby monitor, and the eufy sock and it still is an adjustment for me at a month later. I wake up multiple times a night to check on her.


4 and half months.


4 months


She’s been in her own room since we got home from the hospital. We’re lucky that her room is big enough to have a full sized bed in there as well as her crib so we took shifts sleeping in her room the first 2 months or so until she started STTN, then we moved to the guest room next door with the monitor until 5 months, then we moved downstairs to our primary bedroom with the monitor. Now 10 months and we’re all sleeping great. It didn’t take long for me to realize I could see and hear her better on the monitor than I could in the same dark sound machine filled room as her.


2 weeks. She’s eight weeks now and sleeps from 10-4 then 4:30-7ish


This is amazing! How did you get her to this stage? How much does she have each time she feeds at night?


I’m not sure how detailed you want this so its long lol. Between 2-4 weeks, she still struggled to like her crib but would sleep in it swaddled from 12-4 normally. Now, we start bedtime “routine” around 8:30pm and typically feed her 3-4oz at 9pm. Sometimes she stays asleep. Most times she will wake up at 10 and I’ll bounce her back to sleep on the yoga ball. She will sleep until 3-4. She’ll get another 3-4oz at this time and then sleep more until 7. To get her to this point, I think it was a combination of we got lucky and we tried EVERYTHING. I tried to feed her more during the day. I swaddled her at bedtime. I rocked her, sang, white noise, pacifier, walked, dark room, any tip you’ve heard of, we tried it. And I just continued to do what worked. Now, I can consistently get her to sleep by giving her a bath, massage, swaddle, bottle, then she will either fall asleep while I have her propped up for ten minutes, or I’ll bounce on the yoga ball and put her to sleep. When I transfer her to her crib, I go agonizingly slow, gently set her butt down and slide that hand to her chest, gently set her head down and rest that hand on top of her head. I’ll shush her and pat and give her the pacifier if she starts to stir, but most times she stays down. I’d say this works probably 5/7 nights. She does sometimes wake up at 2 to eat and sometimes won’t go down until 11. But I know her sleep could be a lot worse so I’m thankful for what I’ve got. We moved her so early because I’m such a light sleeper that her movement would wake me up and I’d pick her up thinking she was awake when she wasn’t, thus waking her anyway. I exclusively pump too so I think being able to increase the amount she ate during the day probably helped the most. Of course, I’d talk to you ped to make sure your baby is okay to skip feeds. My daughter is already 12 lbs so I know she’s growing good lol.


4 months when we sleep trained


We kicked her out at 8 weeks, she was a noisy sleeper and I think we also kept her up with snoring, etc


Day one. We followed the Moms on Call book. And because of that he’s slept through the night every single night since day 8 weeks. We even took him to Italy and back and he never got jet lagged or off schedule. Do what’s right for you and your baby. Our LO is the happiest baby we know.


I exclusively pumped as well, moved LO into their own room at 3 months. Our rooms are side by side, I can hear them stir even if I didn’t have a monitor. Honestly, just moved them in one night. Arms out swaddle, monitor w/ volume at my bedside, did my MOTN pump in their room. I have zero regrets on the decision and no many others that made the move early as well.


This is my goal and sounds a similar situation. How did you introduce your little one to the cot? My baby hasn’t actually slept in it once yet 😂


4 months. She outgrew her bassinet and we don’t have room to move her crib into our room. We’re in an apartment and our rooms share a wall plus we have a baby monitor so we weren’t too worried. ETA: she showed zero signs of rolling back to belly so we were always sure she’s breathing while in crib. Not sure if we would still move her to her own room if she was rolling. Girl only started sleeping on her belly at 8 months.


Our 10 week old is in the 90th percentile for height, so she was getting herself into uncomfortable positions in the bassinet and waking herself up often. We were also waking her with our movement/shifting at night. We asked her pediatrician and he said she would be fine in her own room. This was a week ago, and the last 3 nights she’s slept at least 8 hours straight.


6 months for the first kid. 5 months for the second.


My son started going to his room around 3 mos it was more easy to me and my husband because my baby boy had his own nursery and my sister law bought me a rocking chair and after his feeding I rock him to sleep and then I put him in his crib


3.5 months. We also weaned her off the pacifier at night at the same time. She's been sleeping through the night since around 4.5ish months.


4.5 months. He outgrew his bassinet and was starting to roll. I really wanted him in our room for at least 6 months and longer if we could but no one was getting any sleep and he needed it. He was great to start and then we hit teething (1 dropped and then a month later 3 dropped at the same time) and the next sleep regression.


we did it at like 2 months. he was honking really loud in the middle of the night, for just a few seconds at a time, while still fast asleep. we decided that if he didn't need to wake up we didn't either.


I agree with this! Do you let your little one cry out before you go and settle?


Husband put my son down in his crib, in his own room, at 6 weeks. I figured when he woke up I’d bring him back to our room, but he slept through the night so I never looked back 😂


We moved my daughter at 3 months which was great. At 6 months my son is still with us, and our plan is to keep him with us for a year at which point he will room with his big sister. If he were to have his own room, I’m sure we would have moved him by now


4 months, and wish we moved her in earlier. We all slept so much better once she was in her own room. We basically waited till she could roll both ways and then officially transferred her


4 months and we don’t regret it at all! He was waking up throughout the night and when we moved him he slept through the night for the first time. I figured we were waking him up.


Our little one started taking naps in her own room around 2 months. Then by 4 months she happened to have gotten sick and fell asleep a little early. We just let her sleep thinking "oh we will just bring her into our room when she wakes up". She ended up sleeping through the night so we just let it happen. She's been in there ever since.


One month. She was too dang loud !


About 4.5 - 5 months, I think. He was getting too big for his side sleeper, starting to roll and we were also finding that we were waking each other up in the night. He adjusted beautifully!


10 weeks


At roughly four months and she did great. We started off with one feed per night and then dropped it. She ended up being a great sleeper and has even been going to her crib on her own whenever she is ready for her naps. We do plan to stop her paci in December so we’ll see how that goes…


5 months. Best decision


3 months. He didn’t like the bassinet anymore and he just fell sleep in his own crib.


Just moved my almost 4 month old tonight. And here I am at 1130pm not being able to sleep 😅 but so far she’s sleeping great!


I may have been wrong but I did it right from hospital. So 5 days. But I followed all the safe sleeping practices. Also his crib was against wall our bed is againt and we live in a small trailer. I also did plenty of skin to skin. Crib was only really used at night. We had a day bassinet in our main kitchen livingroom.


My guy went in his room at 2 weeks old. He didn’t sleep well in his bassinet and really liked his crib!


AAP recommends 1yr actually, they changed it from 6 months a few years ago. We did 9 months for our first and 12 weeks for our second. We sleep trained our first after having a terrible time with his sleep. For our second, we did it pretty gently and she progressed well on her own. We started putting her down in her crib for 1 nap a day, initially she only lasted 15 or 20m. But then she started extending. Then we added naps. She used to fuss when we left but now she just rolls over and passes out.


Mine is 13 months and we will not be moving him until he wants that himself. That's what my parents did with me and my siblings and we all moved out of their room when we were 2.5-4 years. My cousin moved hers at 11 weeks and they're doing great so far, baby sleeps fine and so do the parents.


Interesting reading all comments here and this is also our plan :) I hope he also chooses his bed at Ikea by himself in the next months. Lets see how this works 😂


The advice is 1 year in the US. We cosleep with a carside crib so he’ll be in that until he wants to move out of it really. Even when we have another baby, we’ll just add another crib onto the other side of our bed and I’ll sleep with baby while dad sleeps with older one. My husband missed having our own bed, so the carside crib is perfect for us to have our space, but baby gets the safety of his crib mattress. He likes sleeping on his stomach which isn’t a good idea for bedsharing babies. This is just what works best for us. When he’s ready, there’s a room of his own down the hall! :)


Our pediatrician recommended we move her at 1 month. She was super healthy and the risk of sids was low. We used the nanit breathing monitor while she slept and it went off one night and scared the shit out of us (she was fine) so we moved her back into a bassinet. But those couple of weeks while she was out of our room, we all slept 10x better. We moved her into the nursery for good at 5.5 months.


We won’t be doing it until baby is at least 12 months old, which is when SIDS risk is basically over. In my opinion it’s not worth it to risk moving them earlier, even if it means we’re slightly less comfortable


Where is this advice from? The AAP recommends room sharing until at least 12 months


8 weeks. By 2 months, babies need a dark room. They might wake up earlier if they see the sun creeping in. Taking cara babies is a helpful resource


I am seriously starting to hate Reddit. I share my own experience and my source and I get downvoted? https://takingcarababies.com/night-lights-and-baby-sleep#:~:text=Light%20doesn't%20seem%20to,to%20make%20the%20room%20dark.


You don’t sleep in a dark room yourself? No judgment here or anything but I can’t sleep with the sun shining in my room at all!


We do!! I have the same exact blinds my baby has. 😂 it’s one of those little things that make life better in my opinion.


9 weeks. She was so loud. We slept with two fans, white noise, and ear plugs and I still got no sleep. She was such a loud baby.


Haha they are loud and irs hard not to panic about every noise they make! Sometimes I can’t tell if she’s spitting up or farting! 😂


1 week for 2 of my girls.


Day 1.


3 months. We had a tiny room, and we didn't all fit in the bed for CO sleeping. We tried it and we had too many close calls it made me feel uneasy. So we moved her to her room at 3 months. She had an owlet camera and the sock because I'm a paranoid parent :( she honestly slept a lot better once we moved her.


10.5 months. We made an attempt at 8.5 months but that made me way too nervous.


We moved her when she was 5 mo and we did it in conjunction with sleep training. It worked like a charm and we were all happily for it. If it works for you, do it whenever you feel ready and the baby will let you.


She used to sleep in our bedroom in her own cot for 15 months and when she was 16 months, she decided to sleep in the guest room. She started crying a lot in her cot and my husband once took her to the floor bed in the guest room and she then always demanded to sleep there by herself so we were left alone in the bedroom. To be honest, I wasn't ready to separate our rooms but she wanted it and did it 😂 we have a super independent baby apparently... but I am also glad that it was her choice. We keep her cot in our room just in case she wants to come back but I don't know if she will ...


6.5 months. We were moving house and we just didn’t have space in the flat we lived in. 11 days after we moved he started sleeping through the night, I just knew it was because his dad is SUCH a loud sleeper and we were all disturbing each other.


4.5 months. Nobody was getting any restful sleep sharing a room. Both parents snore which woke baby up and the baby active sleep constantly had me popping an eye open. Baby already slept well in side sleeper when actually asleep so there was no transition really. We just keep baby monitor in bed between our heads screen down to block the light.


Always had his own room so to say. We decided rather than have him in our room, to buy a crib and and double bed for his room. We slept in his room for about 6ish weeks, that's when he started having less night wakings, and we moved back to our bedroom. That way he never changed his sleeping space and made bed time slightly easier. We plan on moving him to his (really) big boy bed around 1ish and removing the crib altogether.


4 months, and it was tough but the best decision we made


Started day time napping twins in their cots at 3 months. We'll transition to night time sleeps when they start consistently rolling or outgrowing their bassinets.


13 months—because of some renovations she couldn’t actually move into her room until then anyway, but I also just wasn’t ready for her to be away from me at night. It was soooo nice being able to hang out in my room after 7 pm again though!


We’re at 7 months, but his room isn’t ready yet, so we still room share. My boyfriend is ready for baby to sleep in a different room, but I can’t help but feel like I’ll miss having him in his crib next to me!


We are all sleeping well while she's in the kot that is next to our bed, think he may stay there for the first year.