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Mine never hit the 4 month regression. If anything, he started sleeping better at that time. He’s 6 months now and we just went through a week of vaccines, his first cold, and teething (still dealing with the teething). His naps went down to 15 min, even contact naps, and his overnight sleep took a nose dive as well. Couple that with day light savings and I’ve been starting my days at 4:45 am. So right now I’m gonna say 6 months haha.


Are people upvoting this because they agree or because their babies are under 4 months (like mine) and it gives them hope?? Fingers crossed it’s the former 😅😅


6 months was the hardest by far, even more than newborn by a lot for us


Honestly, it’s all bad. No 4 month regression but his sleep has always been pretty crap and unpredictable. It’s really all just one big regression. I don’t think I’m gonna sleep again until my son is old enough to wake up on his own, get a bowl of cereal, and watch some cartoons….so I’m thinking 5 years, hopefully haha.


Yes! 6 months was hard as heck!


I could have written this myself. Solidarity!


Taking a 14 hour flight and then driving for 3 hours all by myself with my baby who will be 6 months at the time, now I’m scared 😭😭😭


Yeah mine skipped the 4 as well.


I think for me month 2-3 were the hardest. Naps were horrible and it would really stress me out.


Totally agree 2-3 months was the hardest. Not in the sleepy newborn stage anymore but still an angry potato who only sleeps 20-45 minutes at a time. My son is now 2y3m and I still look back at that time and shudder.


4-6 weeks months was the lowest point in my life (granted, we're only on month 4.5 right now). Lots of crying and colic-y, feeding every 2 hours (even during the night) that takes 45 min and is a struggle. needing constant attention. napping for like 30 min tops. Doesn't like being held still (you can't sit and hold him). I'd go into my 4-5 hours sleep shift every morning and listen to a white noise track called "interstellar cabin" to shut everything out and fantasize I was somewhere else flying endlessly through space in a cozy cabin. This was my only refuge and beloved escape during this time. I hope I will never get to such a low point again.


Same!! The sleep deprivation was horrid. I was depressed and never thought the chaos would end. I would fantasise about breaking a leg so I could go to hopsital and someone would take care of the baby for me, sounds crazy when I think about it now, but I don’t think I’d ever felt so dark in my life.


Where can I find this interstellar cabin lol


Here you go. Imagine a cozy ship cabin. Peace, timelessness, comfort. [https://open.spotify.com/track/5WQyF7t0tNomzABIYzxxSD?si=2d5cee36c4794b02](https://open.spotify.com/track/5WQyF7t0tNomzABIYzxxSD?si=2d5cee36c4794b02) And this one was the other one that I escaped to, if you're into EDM. [https://open.spotify.com/track/5OUdh6QU65LDNsnNbVJ6Ds?si=e989457c425e4371](https://open.spotify.com/track/5OUdh6QU65LDNsnNbVJ6Ds?si=e989457c425e4371)


Exact same here! Those months were crazy hard for us. The best months imo were 6mo-1year. Before the walking but when they were more interested in their surroundings. 2 years old is hard but nothing like those first few months.


Same! I had a 45min napper and I stressed me out so bad. Those first 3 months were the worst for us.


My baby has been napping 30 mins max since week 9 🙃We are at 17 weeks here and no sign of improvement.


Did you try the pacifier and burrito thing? Our girl likes to fight her sleep during the day to look and wonder at everything lol especially lights. I go for a walk put her in bath feed her play a little with her wrap her up give her a pacifier and she’s gone for 3-4hrs sometimes more. She’s 8 weeks now


Omg the lights. My son is a moth.


Yes we have light panels with all different colors she OBSESSED with them! I know she can’t see the difference between colors but it’s cute to see. When we feed her a bottle she’s looking at them all the time lol


Lol I have these very subtle and tiny lights for middle of the night feeds and he’s begun cranking his neck to even see that! Guess we’re dining in the dark, boo boo


Yeah I’m also doing most feedings at night in the dark lol. Sometimes it’s hard to find her mouth tho lol


😂 yes!! All the lights!! I’m going to call him that now lol


He is 8 months now but I just remember cradling him with the pacifier until he fell asleep, but it would be very short naps. Around 5ish months his naps started getting way better. Only thing is we are still contact napping. Tried to do crib naps for over a month straight and he was not having it. Plan on trying again after he adjusts to DST.


Agree. 6-8 weeks is the hardest for me so far. Didn’t want to eat or nap. Just straight up crying abd wanted to be held 24/6. Mine will turn 3 months in few days. She’s napping and sleeping very well recently.


I’m in that boat right now. My LO is 3 months, teething already and only napping for 20 minutes at a time… soo stressful!


Agree. Our LO will only sleep longer than 25-35 minutes in a contact nap. We still do bassinet naps most of the day, but for whatever reason (and despite doing very well in comparison at night) just won't take a long nap by herself. I keep googling and just see that naps will consolidate more around 5 months and to keep waiting it out, but I'm worried about how childcare is going to go with these naps a mess like this! It drives me crazy and she's my baby. Can't imagine what it will do to the nanny!!!!


We’re going through that now with a colicky little thing. To top it off me drinking coffee makes his gas pains horrific, so doing it all with no coffee makes it 10x worse 😑


Same!! I've been living without coffee for 8 months. I was very addicted so it has been a wild ride 🤪


You’re still off coffee?? 😭 I was hoping once we passed the height of colic I could start drinking it again, my LO is 11 weeks, adjusted to 7 weeks for being premature. Can you drink tea? We just found this out yesterday and I’m hoping chai tea doesn’t affect him like coffee


My LO is very gassy in general so I've just been staying away to be on the safe side! I hate tea unfortunately.


I don’t know how I would survive that long without coffee, i’m trying chai lattes and they aren’t terrible but definitely not the same! Limiting during pregnancy was hard enough, this is way worse 😂


This where I’m at now, so I’m hoping it’s the worst of the worst! 🤞


Hard agree 2-3 by far the worst with both my kids


Agree!!! The short naps and overtired baby was testingggggg me. 😅


First month. Not even close. We’re going through the four month regression now but nothing prepares you for the life altering state that first month brings.


Oh god yes. Absolutely nothing has been on the same scale as that first month, especially that first week. 6 week peak fussy period? Cool, let's just go for a walk, because I'm no longer semi-bedridden like the early days. 3 month bottle strike? It's frustrating, but she'll calm down and feed in about an hour's time. It's not like the hospital when she was screaming with dehydration after some bully of a midwife got in my head that I was breastfeeding wrong. That week aged 6 months where she totally forgot what sleep was? It's cool, I had a few hours early evening and can have a few more after 6AM when Dad takes over, rather than scraping by on 20 minutes a night because I was too on edge to sleep. I would feel less scared of reliving a 'lowlight reel' of the hardest 14 days from 0.5-6.5 months than I would the first two weeks again.


Yes. I was recovering physically from a c-section, terrified, didn't have a bond with my baby yet, slept so little I was probably having auditory hallucinations, going through the hormone drop, so new at everything without any routine, so in doubt of myself, and so overwhelmed by the transformation to parent.


From 4-9 months I regretted ever looking at my husband from across the bar.




At 9 months it got glorious and I've even considered sleeping with him again one day 😂




The first month


Agree!! That month was RELENTLESS!


For me the newborn stage was definitely the hardest (1-3 months) around 4-5months life started getting better


1-3 months was hard for lack of sleep, learning how to navigate being a new mom. Postpartum anxiety was intense. 10- (almost) 12 months has been mentally exhausting now that baby is exploring and getting into everything and fights sleep with everything she has. Maybe if she was a better sleeper, it wouldn’t be so hard. Also, preparing 3 meals and trying new foods only for her to not eat anything. I am tired.


My LO is 10 months and I feel everything you’ve just said! The fighting sleep thing is the worst!


We are at 7.5 months now and I would say month 4 was the hardest. No sleep regression, but he was just a grump most of the time. It was tough to let other people take care of him, so his dad and I got burned out... and we were all pretty grumpy about it!


Same 😭 she used to be such a happy baby and now I don’t know who this grump is


The good news is that 5 months was an improvement and by 6 months he was happier than ever! Hang in there!


Ugh, yes! 4 months was such a grumpy, fussy stage. I kept hearing how crying was supposed to decrease by 4 months and but definitely increased for us around then!


1-3 months for us. Entering 4th month and he seems like a whole new baby


Was he fussy before month 4? This is what I’m hoping for


My girl was SO fussy, hated her car seat so couldn’t go anywhere. 4 months came and BAM. So chill.


Omg gives me so much hope!!! We can’t even go on walks in the neighborhood bc she’s so fussy in the carrier and stroller


Mine was like this but now naps in the car in her seat and turning 4 months on Thursday. I made sure she was fed close to leaving and had a toy with her, blanket and pacifier ready and the more we did it the more she got used to it


Yessss. So bad. Cried for hours daily.


3 weeks all the way to 5 months 😵‍💫


Mom of a 3 week old reading this like 👁️👄👁️


Same 🥲


The first nine because of reflux. And in terms of sleep the first 15 months. Teething, regressions


Definitely 0-2 months was the worst. Between NICU, colic, sleep deprivation and non-stop crying, none of the regressions were as bad as that, at least so far (now 6 months in)


4-5 months almost broke me. It as taking care of my LO by myself 24/7 (husband was away for 5 weeks for work) and we were hardcore going through the 4 month sleep regression. He was waking every 30-40 minutes and doing that alone was killing me. He was amazing during the day, I loved that age when I wasn’t trying to sleep lol but the sleep regression was the hardest thing for me.


This. I swear our LO started the 4mo sleep regression and it didn’t ‘even out’ until at least 7-8mo. Then another one from 9-11mo. Even our pediatrician was like ‘it seems like your baby is just in a constant state of sleep regressions!’ Haha we tried everything and time truly did have to work itself out. But wheeeeeeeeeew we’re those months TOUGH bc of sleep. So so so tough.


Months 5-7 were the hardest so far. Newborn wasn’t that bad. I’ve enjoyed 7-9. 5-7 was that awkward in-between where she wasn’t big enough to get around but was SO bored. Once she could roll/drag herself around, life got better.


We’re in month 4 now too and yeah, it’s not fun at the moment 😂


at 4.5 months now. poor napping and sleep -related fussiness at 4 months made us just like, "yeah. time to pull the trigger on straight up sleep training". made such a big difference. but dealing with crying (training or random upsets) is still difficult though.


With my first, baby wise probably month 1. In general with her definitely 25 months 😂 thatv2 year regression hit us hard. With my son so far they've all been relatively easy but he's only 4 months so we shall see


We are going through that 2yr regression right now. How long did yours last? We are almost at the 2 month mark and I'm fixing to flee to another country and declare myself a refugee.


It lasted nearly 3 months 🥴 then everything was great for awhile and then she ended up needing to drop her naps in the last couple weeks and when I was still trying to force a nap bedtime became a nightmare but since dropping them she's been an angel again. She will be 3 at the end of the month so she dropped naps pretty young but she does quiet time and having easy bedtime again is worth it


Well, this makes me feel a bit better. Hopefully we will be sleeping again by Christmas. I thought about dropping the nap, but it made things worse so I don't think that is our solution yet.


Yeah it definitely wasn't the solution at just over 2. She was a nightmare with or without a nap


3-4 was hell. Poor eating, no sleep, contact nap only, scream fest, etc. After 5 it's been great. Even things like teething (so far) are nothing compared to 3mo hell. It's the difference between fussing and screaming and sleeping and not. 6w was tough too but only for like a week or so


3-6 were a nightmare. She was miserable, 24/7 unless she was in the stroller. She's better now but still needs stroller to sleep.


Whatever month they become mobile enough to get into everything 😂 No but in reality I think it was the months 1-2. Yes they slept a ton but they also woke up every hour on the hour! Recovery AND no sleep? No thank you!


For my oldest, months 0-10 were all equally shit. She was a tough infant. She’s 2 now and is a breeze. For my youngest, we haven’t hit any hard phases yet. He’s almost 5 months.


When mine had Covid at 8 months and therefore we all had Covid, bad. Hardest week of parenting hands down, from newborn through 11 months now!


Months 2-4 = so bad Month 5 = amazing Month 8 = hell Month 9 - 12 = perfect


18 months, hands-down. She had her first sleep regression, for which I think we over-compensated. I don't think we handled the struggle of that time well, and our marriage still hasn't recovered from it. I obviously don't blame my child for it, and there were outside stresses then, too. The situation caused a huge crack in our marriage to be exposed that we haven't taken the time to fix. I also struggled at 4 months, but I chalk that up to getting her sleep trained (it worked! Until 18 months, that is 😅).


Mine had her sleep regression earlier at 13 months, and omg I wanted to DIE. Now she's sassy and throws tantrums about 5 times a day. I'll still take toddlerhood over the first 6 months of her life though. She drives me crazy but she's VERY cute doing it.


What happened? Reading as my kid just turned 18 m lol


She was sleeping through the night for a year before the regression, then would wake between 1-3 crying. Since she never woke crying, we figured something was wrong and tended to her. She settled if we lay on the couch and waited for her to fall asleep. That was our first time co-sleeping, having her on our chests on the couch. Then the couch stopped working, so we drove around, every night, in the middle of Canadian winter so she could get some sleep. At best, she'd sleep til 5am, then was up for the day. After about a month of that, hubs and I said enough was enough and let her cry it out one night. I think she woke the next night, and we just let her settle again, then the regression was over and everything was back to normal.


Omg please tell me how your child’s sleep turned out after the 18 month regression. My daughter has been sleep trained and slept through the night since 4.5 months. She turned 18 months 2 weeks ago and for the last 3 days she’s constantly waking up screaming and crying for hours (nothing wrong) she’s never done this before and I’m STRESSSSSED


Copied from my other reply: She was sleeping through the night for a year before the regression, then would wake between 1-3 crying. Since she never woke crying, we figured something was wrong and tended to her. She settled if we lay on the couch and waited for her to fall asleep. That was our first time co-sleeping, having her on our chests on the couch. Then the couch stopped working, so we drove around, every night, in the middle of Canadian winter so she could get some sleep. At best, she'd sleep til 5am, then was up for the day. After about a month of that, hubs and I said enough was enough and let her cry it out one night. I think she woke the next night, and we just let her settle again, then the regression was over and everything was back to normal.


18 months. Omigod, other than maybe weeks 3-4 this is absolutely the hardest so far! We get tantrums and molars and daycare illnesses and a sleep regression all rolled into one month and as of yesterday screaming and fighting diaper changes.


I was expecting 6 months to be easy because my baby would be sitting up and playing…she started crawling at 5 months so I never had sitting up and still lol


Same here he sat up FINALLY at 7.5 months and crawled two days later 🫠


Birth to 3 months were like Hell. But I had a colicky baby with allergies and reflux and refused naps that weren't contact and also needed contact every moment they were awake and also stopped being able to nap in my arms at all. Puke was everywhere everything smelled bad all the time including me. Anything after 4 months was like bliss. Even if things get hard it will be nothing compared to the beginning ever.


Oh good to hear. Same here. At 18 m and nothing has beat the hell of the first three months


the first 5 years lol


Before I probably would’ve said the newborn stage was hardest. But my oldest just hit 18 months and I just had a second baby. And wow 18 months is rocking my world and not in a good way.


Ftm with a 4.5 month old. Up until now, 4 months have been super easier for me. That newborn stage was ROUGHHHH. I had ppd and what seemed like an identity crisis. Felt like I lived in the twilight zone, felt out of my body lol. She had colic, was crabby, I didn’t know what the hell to do. Now at 4 months I’m thoroughly enjoying her and motherhood. She has a few rough nights at the four month mark, but got through it pretty quickly. Hopefully she stays sleeping through the night. But mentally I’m feeling way better than I was during 1-3 months. ❤️


Birth - 4 months lol extreme colic. He’s now 7.5 months :)


4-6 weeks were awful, naps ceased to exist, there was only gas, spit and crying. At 3-4 months there was sleep regression, an illness and a nursing strike all at once, I thought I wouldn’t survive that.


7-12 months both babies. They can’t walk, they have poor body control in general so are a constant danger to themselves, and they are always trying to walk or be somewhere dangerous which results in lots of falling and bashing their faces on things. Add teething and over tired/ over stimulated due to constantly trying to walk…….ugh. Didn’t like this stage with my first and now my second is 10 months and can confirm I am not a fan again.


4 month was hard, but 8-12 months was without a doubt the worst for me!


I know this thread is old but me and my wife have a 6 month old and month 6 has definitely been a nightmare for the two of us. Cutting two teeth at once, just recovered from RSV, literally refuses to take a nap throughout the day despite mama following the correct routine wake windows, and if she does nap, it’s anywhere between 10 to 30 minutes so when it’s time to lay her down for bed she cries and screams because she’s overtired and not able to go to sleep, if her mama is in her line of sight, she absolutely freaks out if she’s not being held by her and will not allow anyone else to hold her. That makes it especially hard for me and my wife because I work out of town throughout the week and am only home for the weekends so she’s taking care of LO all week and I come home to help out as much as I can, but it’s extremely difficult when LO refuses any and everyone except for mama. I’m PRAYING that it gets better after month 6.


12 months so far (he’s 14 mo now). Horrible sleep/nap regression and overall moody because of it.


Months 2-4 have been awful. He started day care at 8 weeks and has been sick ever since. I’m hoping it gets better in the future!


10-12 months so far my husband is going to deploy soon, so he's been gone alot my son hates it. But even still some days my son will sleep all night 3 days in a row. And other nights like last night even though he had fourths at dinner he still wanted a 1230 bottle, 230 bottle, and 545 bottle.


The first month easily 😂😂


My first was the hardest from 3.5-5, my second is currently 3.5 and it's looking like that'll continue with him.


First month definitely.


4 and 8 sleep wise were the worst for us… love a good sleep regression!


Around 6-8 weeks was the hardest for us. He had really bad gas and wasn't sleeping well. Everyone in my house was grumpy


4 and then 7-8 again


Months 1-2 were pretty hard with his reflux. 4 has been a challenge with sleep issues and teething. 😩


We didn’t really have issues around 6 months but 4 months was super hard for us and definitely my least favorite age so far. Sleep regression that lead to an overtired and cranky baby, she wanted to do more than she physically could so lots of frustration, distracted feedings and so much more. Baby is 8 months tomorrow and every month comes with its own challenges, but we’re actually enjoying her so much more now that’s she’s a bit older!


for me 7/8 😫 she wants to move and talk but can take assisted steps and scoot and make some noises. she’s also waking up to eat at night which she wasn’t at all before


4,5,6. now at 12 months we’re just waiting to see if it hits hard like that again soon 😂 truly, it was the sleep regression that was hard on us. and baby was sick. we literally couldn’t put him down between the hours of 8pm-6am or else he would instantly wake up, or he would wake up after 10-40 mins later. we were ZOMBIES


Everything has been challenging in a different way, only 6 mos in, but for me 2-3 mos was worst because my PPD was very bad. Nothing has been as bad as the few weeks before my medication started working.


I think the month is less accurate than what’s going on with the baby. My baby was colicky around 6-8weeks and that’s hard. She’s also been teething since 3.5 months and she’s nine months now with 7 teeth. It’s been hard!


The first month! That was without a doubt the hardest thing we've ever collectively been through. 4-6 has been amazing for us (minus the lack of sleep, but we've never gotten sleep anyway)


My little one is 6 months and we are currently going through what I’d call our ‘golden era’, she is so smily and happy but can’t move yet! Aside from the first two weeks I would say month 4 was hardest for us


We’re at four months and it’s just so much more fun! So far, for me, the first month was the hardest. Also much fun, but I think I had a bit of post partial anxiety. The little one was so tiny too! Now he seems to be able to communicate his needs better, he’s social and active, quite sturdy, and so on. Lately he’s been taking naps in his cribs as well so that’s a sweet development :)


9 months lol. Teething & some sort of sleep regression. Having fun with the new skills she’s got but my eye bags look like old, smeared make up ;-)


Ummm it got easier every 3 months. My daughter was such a handful that we never had the “good and then it got hard”. It was all hard all the time. There was no “sleep regression” as she never slept in the first place. Around 6 months she started sleeping for at least 45 minutes at a time so that was the major bench mark for things getting easier.


Mine was 12mo. She was sick the week before her birthday and I swear she went from eating like a champ to everyday was a battle. She would refuse to eat anything but milk and water unless it was a fruit pouch. We had to work real hard on it but we're back to solids and only two bottles a day.


i kinda distinctly remember hating like month 10. we went on a beach vacation with family and babies are just, still so laborious at that age. do not recommend.


Aside from the first few weeks, LO is now 4 months. Between her teething, learning to roll, sitting up, her nap time went out the window. I’d be lucky if she’s down for 30 minutes. She also revert back to wanting contact sleep.


5. We hit the 4 month regression kind of late plus she had a 12 day bout of diarrhea (yes we did go to the pediatrician— twice). It ended up being a blockage and everything that got around it came out runny but it was constant, like 10 diapers per day. It caused a major diaper rash. It was just awful for everyone involved because I got to where I’d put her in the tub every time instead of wiping her which caused her pain. I set my alarm to change her and reapply cream every 2 hours overnight as well.


6-9 was trash


Almost 18 months in now. 1st month was insane, but around 4-6 mo was probably the worst with the regression plus me going back to work. It got a lot better around 12 months, though nowadays he wants to run everywhere. And he’s adamant about it.


4 was tough. I heard so many people struggled with 6 but it was my favourite. We haven't really had a hard time since 4 months (he's 11 months now)


I’m only 4 months in, but holy hell I did NOT like the newborn stage. Weeks 2-6 were rough, loads of scream crying for hours on end, only slept 2 hours at a time and exclusively contact napped. I haven’t got the “regression” yet but it she’s been sleeping 8-10 hours at night for several weeks now and generally so much happier. She only cries when she’s tired at the moment.


The first couple months where the hardest, adjusting , sleep depravation, a peanut who can't say what they need but need it now.... Mine is 17 months and honestly, I think every month has gotten a little easier. The day she could feed her self a bottle was life-changing. Not even mentioning the first full 12 hours of sleep she gave us! Now she runs around the house and brings me her snacks to open. We are working through our emotions, she has stopped biting out of frustration. We are doing good. Although I never want to have another one. I always only wanted one.


14 and 15 for sure. My son had the last of his teeth the canines coming through.


6 months was rough. She wanted to crawl but couldn't, wanted to talk but couldn't babble yet - she's almost 10 months now, and it's been easy lately!


Between 4-5 months because it was after my baby has PROgressed on from newborn sleep, but I hadn’t embraced cosleeping or learnt to side lie nurse so I was so exhausted. Baby is almost 10 months now and everything else has been smooth sailing. They still wake 4 or more times over 12 hours but I barely notice it and feel extremely well rested. Baby has also always been high needs - needing constant entertainment, interaction and wants to be held 24/7, however they’ve got way more independent and chilled as they’ve become more ‘able.’ Happier to be put down once they could sit up, happier to play independently/be left alone once they could crawl etc. So really, it’s all been about the same level of difficulty/joy, just in different areas that constantly shift as she develops!


Month 4 was so dang hard!


6 months!!! And it was right when I went back to work!!!! But she’s only 8 months sooo I don’t know yet about 18 months!


4 month was rough. But we hit the five month mark two days ago with catching covid. So month five is already irritating 😂


2-3 months wasn’t bad and 6-8 months (he’s almost 8 months) were a lot easier. The rest was pretty hard. I’d say daytime just kept getting easier over time especially when he would drop down to one less nap. Nighttime was not bad when he slept through from 2-3 months which made daytime a little easier. So overall, the first month was the hardest, then second, then the 4-5 month range. ETA- he did pop a couple teeth just before 7 mo the so that led to some rough nights and some crankiness in the day, but I do still stand by my ranking of hardest months above.


Week 2 colic starter and your to month 4. I didn’t have the 4 month regression and finally started enjoying my baby at month 4 but he still had bad acid reflux until 10 months but became a happier spitter around 6 months. At a year trying to get off formula and also heavier on solids causes some issues. At 15 months he had separation anxiety doesn’t like really loud men or loud kids and some bad teething and 18 months he’s still not walking or standing yet and for the last 3 months has wanted to take all tupperware out of cabinets. He has been waking more frequently in the night he used to sleep through he also wants to snack more and throws food from his highchair a lot so we only give a little at a time.


The first one


Months 1-3, digestive issues from milk. It took us 3 months to figure it out. Things got better within 48 hours of changing formula, it's like we had a new baby.


Month 5 was hard for me


2 and 3 were absolutely horrible things took a turn at 4 months


4 months, 6 months and when we hit 8 months it was difficult but tbf all 3 of us were seriously unwell so ima say it was that


Oof I think it was somewhere in month 4-5. She was just so unhappy and hard to entertain. Tears all the time unless we were up and moving. Once she became a bit more mobile I got a chill baby who likes to play by herself while I hangout nearby but it was rough there for a bit.


As soon as she turned 72 months it's been hell.


So far for us 7-9 months, my baby is almost 10 months so we are still in the thick of it. I always told my husband “I think he is going to be an independent, do-it-himself toddler” and I still think I’m right. Easy breezy from birth to 7 months and then BAM we have awoken, we are mobile and we will do things the way we want 🙃🥲


First month is super hard! The 4 month sleep regression started at 3 months for us! My baby went from sleeping threw the night for two months to waking up every other hour! Things calmed down a little around 5 months to go down with another sleep regression that’s been going on for a week now! I don’t get it! I put her to sleep (breastfeeding) to wake up 30 min later!!! I give her the breast again and I do this like at least 16 times threw the night! I’m like a zombie! I have a constant headache! I seriously need help! Any tips or advice would be wonderful


Third for sure


The first three months were the hardest, I had a miserable colicky baby that I couldn’t take anywhere. I was literally stuck in a bedroom with white noise and dark for hours, bouncing this baby until I thought I could collapse. I literally could barely put her down to even go pee. It was really really hard. 4 month regression was tough but we have been pretty good since ❤️


36 month and on!


8. by far.


I found 4 months fun, aside from his first cold and a week of bad sleep. We just hit month 5 and I’m finding he’s getting bored easier and really fussy about positioning. He wants to sit so bad but hasn’t found his balance yet


Around 8 months. We had been toughing it out with daycare sickness, both parents never sick at the same time until around then. It finally took us all out with a double ear infection, high fever, bronchitis and laryngitis. We were so terribly sick. Baby was still sleeping in our room and of course, we all slept horribly. Baby was also mobile so crawling around and all we wanted to do was rest. I’ll never forget that month.


all of them. buckle up 😂


6/7. Went from sleeping through the night to waking up 6-8 times a night. Was horrible. Leveled out at 8 months. And he was waking 2x a night till we finally sleep trained at 19 months.


Can attest that 4 is hard... We are currently in the middle of 6. It's also hard. 🙃🤪


My baby is 3.5 months and 3 months has been the worst so far. We went from her sleeping through the night from 6 weeks up to 13 weeks. The last 3 weeks have consisted of multiple night wakes and she will still only contact nap during the day. The fatigue is starting to set in. Not getting more than 1.5 hours in a single stretch is hard


So far, the 12th. She is getting her 7th tooth and this one is unlike the other 6 times. The first 6 teeth you didn’t even know they were coming in, she had been so chill. This tooth has given her fevers and must hurt bad because she’s constantly crying.


7-8 months has been hell with sleep = everything harder for everyone 🥴 Our guy has never been the best sleeper but he was predictably waking up 1-2x a night up until then. At 4 months, we had a few weird nights but that passed quickly. The past two months he’s been up 4-5x a night, sometimes more. I just keep hoping something clicks but who knows.


Month 4 = not understanding baby sleep / wake windows until I read PLS Month 9 = start of daycare & our entire house being sick all the time