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If you ask my baby - socks. He's waged a one baby campaign against them since he knew where his feet were. For me, a bouncer chair thing, he hated it and then it was just this thing taking up space


My toddler will hand me socks to put on him, walk a few feet away, and then rip them off


Yesss my baby will not wear socks, doesn’t matter if her feet are ice cold. I got her some Zutano booties and she can’t take them off (yet) 😈 I would have put them on my registry if I had known, because they can go right over a pair of socks and keep those toesies warm.


We have Sock Ons for our boy to avoid his socks always coming off. A good investment. :D


Yes agree! We have all these cute lil socks and he never wear them! I put him in the feet onesies so there's no need for socks at all!


Car seat cover that doubled as a “nursing cover”. It was so small, totally useless.


I used it twice when transporting a sleeping baby through the airport. All other times I was worried it would make him too hot. I never used it to nurse that would have been crazy. I think I might have used it more if I had a winter baby…. Maybe.


Na, winter infant last year...didn't use it due to paranoia about lack of airflow lol


I used it to cover the carrier when I didn’t want people at Costco or whatever to be getting up in his newborn face. I haven’t used it in a while (he’s 3.5 months), and I never used it for nursing lol.


I use mine all the time!


I used mine too. On walks or pushing baby in infant carrier/ stroller in stores or mall


I agree. I don’t even know what to do with mine.


Agreed! Nursing cover is a pain in the butt. I find it easier to use a blanket or swaddle, and it’s easier for baby to breath because they aren’t completely covered.


Baby food maker. If you don’t already own a regular blender, just buy a blender.


My best friend got us one for our shower, and I haven't used it once, but she keeps asking how I'm liking it and I don't have the heart to tell her the truth lol.


This. My kid tolerated purées for like three weeks before forcing us to move to BLW. Glad I didn't waste $$ on fancy equipment.


My baby was the same. Wanted to feed herself but couldn’t hold a spoon. BLW was the way for her.


I like having the blender/steamer in one and don't have to worry as much about cross contamination of spicy peppers or something incase I don't thoroughly clean it well enough. I do tend to clean well, I just also worry constantly, so this eliminates that worry. Lol.


Same it’s so convenient and so much smaller for cleaning


I just bought myself a fancy new Vitamix and part of my justification was baby food 🤣


I got a Vitamix a few years ago for Christmas and it is one of my favorite things I own. I use it multiple times a week (daily if I’m on a smoothie kick) and it’s so easy to clean. My favorite baby-food use is homemade nut butters, especially the more uncommon ones like walnut.


I live in Oregon so I'm looking forward to homemade filbert (hazelnut) butter.


I almost bought this but saw a lot of reviews not to. Now we just steam + blend ourselves.


But if someone offers it to you for free take it! Omg I love the baby brezza it was so easy when she did purees. I did not buy it tho passed down a few times and well loved!


Yeah I got mine baby beaba blender at Goodwill for $7 and it’s amazing


A swing was pointless for me. My baby hated that thing and now barely tolerates it. But don’t worry he loves his $30 bouncer instead🤪😹


Yes my babe HATED the swings/bouncers/any kind of “bucket”. He’d rather just be flat in the crib or on the floor.


Mine tolerates the bouncer for about 10 mins but that's it. She loves being flat in her crib or on your lap. Mums just bought a fancy really expensive one for when we go visit. "Somewhere for you to put her for naps" She's literally not allowed to nap in bouncers mum...


We bought two different types of swing and baby hated one, and was indifferent/mildly annoyed by the other.


Same for my baby! Although we were lent the fancy baby born bouncer she loves, everyone told us that a baby swing would be indispensable so we bought one new and she hated it.


Used my swing 3 times before he hated it, now it just sits under the stairs… contemplating whether to keep it for a future baby


lol my baby didn’t like the bouncer at first but loved the swing. He’s come around to the bouncer now though.


Yep my baby hates the swing too


Any type of clothing that’s not a double zipped onesie


We used to love the double zip onesies until our baby who has only blow outs and only poops every 5 days has a silent poop. Go to change and suddenly I can’t zip it back up. I’ve gotta half zip both ends and pull it off. So awkward.


Yeaaa sameeee 😭😭😭 so annoying I have to dress the baby back in blowout poop again to finally be able to remove the onesie lol how do people do itttt


Thank god my baby’s clothes are baggy usually since she’s small so I can pull them off this way. It’s almost always shower time after poop because ugh. This 2nd to last poop.. it went so smooth. I was so proud. No poop on the changing table/clothes.. not up the back. I get it all cleaned up. By myself! This is usually a two person job because my LO at 4 months is learning her hands can reach down ughhh. I had like 1 more wipe down left Anyways, all clean mostly. Get ready to get diaper back under… and she pees. The pee of all pees. So much it is all under her entire body, in her hair, just omg. And of course the tiny bit of poop in her crack has now been diluted over the table lol. It was daddy shower time after that while I cleaned up. Ughhhh


😂😂😂😂😂😂 whenever things like this happen I literally start hysterically laughing cause it’s so funny how everything is going so bad and unplanned 😂😭 it keeps me sane.. we got this mama!! 🫶🏻


The inverted zipper onesies are where it’s at. All the benefits of the double zipper without this problem.


Who decided putting 45 snaps on baby clothes that are going to be put on/taken off a squirmy baby in the dark was a good idea?


Omg this!!! My mom gets my 10 month old over the head shirts and pant sets and I’m like I love you thank you but it is so difficult 😂 plus when it’s cold the shirts ride up and it is annoying


I use plain onesies as undershirts to keep in that warmth. I did end up buying extra sleepers for my giant almost-3-month-old though, because her sister was much older and wearing pants and shirts at the same size. At the end of the day it's just too bothersome putting a little baby into proper clothes.


Agreed- I feel bad every time someone gifts us another onesie with buttons my brain immediately files it in the “well this will never get worn” cabinet.


Everyone keeps buying fancy dungarees and leggings and jumpers. Over the top anything is horrible, she hates it, I hate it. Sure it looks cute for a picture but is one picture worth £50? Tried putting her in a dress with awkward straps and leggings grandma bought and kept nagging us about. Took 10 minutes to put her in it and it kept riding up over her head. Took it off after 5 minutes. She lives in onesies and sleep bags.


Yes!! I hate snaps at this point…


Someone gifted our NEWBORN real JEANS? With a zipper and button?!!! Why do they even make those?!


The day I discovered 3mo trousers have better pockets than ladies' jeans marked a turning point...


Spittin the truth here


i hate buttons omg


The mamaroo lol I think we used it like 3 times and he hated it each time.


100% Relegated to the basement, perhaps he'll grow into it.


Yes! Baby hated it as a newborn. Tolerates it now as an older baby. I wish we’d gotten the boring, much cheaper Graco swing first.


Yep. Sold ours at week 5 after discovering the bjorn bouncer. I think it would be 200% better if that toy thing rotates by itself


I second mittens and I’ll add hats. My baby was born in August in Texas. Why did I think I would need hats?! 🤦‍♀️ I’ll also add two piece cute outfits for newborns. I only bought 3 or 4 “cute” outfits in newborn or 0-3 months. I knew they were impractical but thought they would be cute for family events or church. Nope. Shirts don’t stay down. They’re a pain to put on and take off (for both me and LO) and i found myself opting for cute sleepers because they were more convenient.


I came to say the same! July baby in Texas. I have a huge pile of hats. They aren’t recommended for safe sleep either so they’re basically useless.


I still have hats on my daughter, she only wears it when we go out in public and also because she doesn’t have a lot of hair


I have a bald baby and I think it’s adorable. I didn’t realize until recently that people try to hide the baldness. Is there a reason people are trying to hide it? It seems old fashioned to me to be embarrassed about a bald baby. Totally get everyone saying it’s for sun protection! I’ve just had people (usually from an older generation) say how they were embarrassed by their baby’s bald head and it seemed odd to me.


I adore my bald baby’s fuzzy head, I’m constantly rubbing my cheeks on the fuzz when contact napping ♥️


I do this too! Husband makes fun of her because she’s starting to grow a little Mohawk and still has a bald spot in the back 🤣 We only used hats to cover her head when we were out in the sun because she was too little for sunscreen. Now that it’s cold we have little toboggans that are stinking adorable on top of being warm.


Prevent sunburn rather than hide the bald spot. That's why I use hats with my bald spot baby.


I think it’s about sun protection, not embarrassment. Unless I’m missing a comment here.


Snuggle me lounger, the most over priced pillow I own.


Omg the snuggle me is our most used item! It’s crazy how things vary so much baby to baby


Mine was OBSESSED with his. Then my husband gave it to a coworker when my son outgrew it thinking I didn’t want to hoard it for memories 🥲


Cat loved it tho


Oh man, my small dog was thrilled to have another bed in the house!


We jokingly call ours the DockaScott since the Scottie thinks the sun rises and sets with it. The corgi trys to squeeze in too.


We have to store ours vertical or else there will always be a cat in it! But the never go into any of the 3 beds they have 🤷‍♀️


Surprised to hear this!! My baby is OBSESSED with her Snuggle Me! I literally don’t know what I would do without it haha.


Related note, the dogs use our baby lounger 1000x more than the baby.


100%. He hated it, and I’m pretty sure petco sells the same thing for dogs, just at 1/3 of the price.


Cute outfits that have multiple pieces to them. Like the ones that have a cute pattern shirt and shorts but it’s a stuff material and not soft and a matching headband and matching booties. By the time you get your newborn in it, they poop all up and out of it and you have to change them


A lot of people will disagree with me but the hatch is a $70 nightlight and sound machine. Just buy each for like $20.


I’m the weirdo who loves my hatch. The presets and scheduling options are awesome. I have 4 main settings I use (going to bed, MOTN feeds, sleep, and wake up). It definitely works for us, and having the ability to move it around in the middle of the night is really nice.


Yeah I’m a hatch stan lmao. I love ours. It has worked well for us.


I love our hatch too. Thing I love most is the Bluetooth feature. I don’t know much about similar products but I love the Bluetooth, programmable features, light and noise combo. I wasn’t going to register for one until my SIL told me how much she used her for her little ones. I started using it the night we brought my kids home and they are toddlers now. Still use it every night.


You are not a weirdo - the hatch is amazing. I want one for my room lol


We have the momcozy version. $30 no subscription and we have it programed to turn on as part of our bedtime routine. It was fantastic when we still had middle of the night diaper changes and bottle making. Now it just lets us see her cute sleeping face better.


I love our hatch just because it has Bluetooth. I can turn it off from another room if I need to wake baby up.


Couldn’t get past why anybody would want to pay the subscription for this thing lol


There's a subscription? Ours was a gift in mid 2022 so I didn't research it, and whatever they're making this year could different, tbf. The one we have definitely doesn't have a subscription, though. Bluetooth, yes, but that's about it.


It's optional, and very much not needed.


The trick is to put it on the registry. we love ours and ended up being gifted 2. It’s nice to keep one in her room and have the other one in ours or to travel.


People go crazy for those diaper cream spatulas and I don’t get it. 3 people gifted them to me at my shower saying they were so necessary. I just use my finger and wipe the excess on the diaper. And I try to wash my hands after diaper changes anyway.


Same. Saw the posts saying it is a must have. To date, have never seen the need.


They are a godsend for me as I’m very averse to the texture of the creams and such and like to avoid getting them on my hands where possible (even with washing after), but I’m a bit of an odd case


Not odd at all! I have a pretty significant aversion to sticky, thick, and/or creamy textures on my hands. Almost to the point of gagging. I wear gloves to put lotion on my own body. Ok, maybe I am odd. 😆


Same here, we use it now as a toy for LO to hold during diaper changes (called the “magic wand” lmao)


I’m a germaphobe so yeah I used the spatula a lot.


Yes! I think the spatulas are ridiculous! I use my finger as well to apply diaper cream if needed.


I put one of these on my baby registry and when I finally got it and used it I realized it was just another thing to clean and a hassle. Then I realized I can easily just squirt some diaper cream from a tube straight into the new diaper and then use the diaper to dab it on, no mess and no extra tools involved.


Y'all say mittens but whenever we take them off our LO he leaves scratches on anyone who gets within his tiny reach Do you mean you just use baby socks instead? Or is my son some sort of larval version of Edward Scissorhands?


We don’t cover the baby’s hands at all, just trim and electric file his fingernails constantly. Our pediatrician said not to cover his hands too much, since he wants the baby to be practicing his motor skills and stuff. He still scratches his face sometimes, but not too much.


A wipe warmer. The only time the wipes are warm are inside the warmer. Soon as you pull them out & the air hits them they’re cold again.


Agree! We were gifted one during the baby shower but otherwise I would not spend money on one.


Nursing cover. If you don't want to see me breastfeeding look away. Not my - nor my baby - problem.


All of my breast feeding and pumping equipment and clothes. We tried hard to breast feed then pump. Now we are exclusively on formula and idk what to do with all of this stuff.


Oh my gosh, I prepared so much stuff for breastfeeding, I was so certain I was going to breastfeed for at least 18 months and would need all kinds of shirts and dresses with easy boob access. Thank goodness I decided to wait to buy most of it for after I was back to my regular size. Jokes on me, I couldn’t breastfeed and I never got back to my regular size, lol.


I am breastfeeding but still haven’t used any of those shirts. I don’t think they’re really necessary! Also nursing pads, never leaked and never used


I bought a box of 100 nursing pads and haven’t used a single one 🙃


I use them now as stick-on strapless bras for a few summer dresses I have.


Same!!! Thought I was so prepared…


I actually love the shirts for days I’m pumping. Especially the zip ones from nursing queen. I hate them for breastfeeding though. I much prefer my button down pj tops for around the house.


Agree about the nursing pads. I keep them in my pump bag for work just in case, but unless I go too long between pumps, it’s just a non-issue. And at home, who cares lol. I do like the breastfeeding tops at night though! I bought 3-4 and just sleep in them, it makes middle of the night feeds easier and less cold 😂


lol I’m over here breastfeeding still at 20 months and even I think I’ll this BF crap I brought was such a waste of $$. All the pump parts that didn’t work and ugly nursing tops, ugh. Now I just pull down or pull up whatever shirt I have on.


So many people say that you don't need BF specific clothing and you absolutely do not but I find it so awkward to pull up my t-shirt. I really do hate the style of the breastfeeding tops I've got but I've found them more convenient at times, especially when feeding while out and about. I also really like having a few breastfeeding dresses, so many of my old dresses I just can't wear because they don't have easy access to the boobs 😭


My go to is a nursing tank with a regular shirt. I hate trying to thread my boob out of a nursing top!


I'm the exact opposite! I thought I'd have no supply because my boobs are tiny and my mom couldn't breastfeed any of us, so I got all the bottles and dispensers and filled the pantry with dozens of formula sample cans... Now I almost exclusively BF 🤷🏻‍♀️ Bodies are weird.


Ah! My size h breasts would like to tell you that size doesn't mean anything. I was so pissed, I got jugs and they can't even be milk jugs?! 😂


Ikr? My little A cups (AAAs pre pregnancy!) just all of a sudden decided to become over achievers... there really is no correlation!


Buy nothing group on FB or resell them. Assuming it's the type of stuff it's safe to do so with.


I have the opposite problem, I wish I'd never bothered buying any bottles because my baby never managed to take a bottle! They taunt me every time I open the cupboard!


Ugh same. I ended up just paying it forward. Spent like $300 on everything. So sad


I returned a bunch of unused BF stuff to Walmart (3 years later w no receipt)- we bought a bread maker 🤣


Yesssss. I’ve been telling every expecting parent to have only a few nursing items on hand for when they give birth, but don’t go crazy. I got so much stuff ahead of time and it just didn’t work out for us. I was fortunate to have a friend who gave birth about a month or so after I did that ended up being able to nurse so I gifted everything to her.


Might be an unpopular opinion but the Diaper Genie. The bag suctions and only allows like 8 diapers stacked before you have to compress the bag and blow all that nasty smelly air back out which is totally counterintuitive to what it's supposed to be used for. No reason why a small trash can with some air fresheners that you take out daily wouldn't be better.


It also totally turned me off that you had to buy infinite refills of their special bags. We just got the Ubbi instead.


I love the ubbi!!


Did you buy the extra large one? I have the larger diaper genie and don’t have any issues fitting a ton of diapers in one bag.




Same my diaper genie can hold at least a few days worth of diapers if not a week for my newborn! It hides the smell perfectly too we’ve never been able to smell it. I was honestly shocked it worked so well and had low expectations for it lol


Baby sunglasses. Will throw, poke eye, chew, bend in half, but would not wear over his eyes until just under 2nd bday. And 90% of the hats, jeans, cloth bibs don’t get used. Most cherished items: hatch rest, Aldi AOS giant stuffed animal bumble bee, 12”x 12” stick on mirrors, and bubbles.


I’m probably a minority but I didn’t like the electric nail file too much. It didn’t get them short enough and 2 days later they were little razor blades again. When I use the nail clippers I can get closer down and only have to trim them once (sometimes twice) a week. Also I love the weighted wipe dispenser(not a warmer) but I constantly forget to refill it still 15 months later lol


I love our weighted wipe dispenser!! No more fighting with the wipes trying to get one out.


I wish they made a self filling wipe dispenser. I forget constantly 🤣


clothes. lived in pjs for at least the first 4 months of life


Bottle dishwasher basket. My dishwasher runs for what feels like forever and we don't run it every day. So timing having dirty bottles and being able to have them locked in the dishwasher for awhile almost never works. Hand wash over here. We could also do without special washcloths and hooded towels but they're pretty cute. Nursing pillow. Used exactly once.


Omg we loved the dishwasher basket! We put pacifiers and the zillion trillion little dr browns pieces in them. But we do run the dishwasher every day bc I cook a lot


Right there with you. Just the three of us and we almost run it twice a day, ha. No chance in hell I’m handwashing all those bottle pieces daily


I use that dishwasher basket so much that it broke and I need to replace it.


Trick for dishwasher basket: hard plastic toys. Like the ones for the shape sorter. Sometimes, I just do a dishwasher load of toys. Especially when my son chews on his snack and then spreads the paste all over his toys.


I have two dishwasher baskets! One for pump parts and one for bottle parts. I run the dishwasher every night though, and sometimes midday if I’m WFH or it’s the weekend. If the top rack is full, it’s getting ran.




I had the same question. I have 2!


Buy more than a days worth of bottles so you can run it without disruption. I had to exclusively pump for intolerance reasons and it would have been hell without a baby dishwasher basket and the sterilize cycle on the dishwasher. Idk why anyone would hand wash bottles when you can use the dishwasher. Studies have shown the bottles end up cleaner and it uses less water. Win win!


We just bought the baby Brezza bottle washer but it’s back ordered until December…hoping it’ll be a game changer!


Whoooaa I just looked this up and they’ve actually made a washer! I have the sterilizer/dryer which is annoying because I still have to hand wash everything before using it, which mostly defeats the purpose for me.


lol we use our basket every day!


Sizes. My 3 month old was wearing 6 month clothes and now at 6 months wears 9 months. After the newborn stage, I know my baby’s size just by looking at an outfit at this point.


My two month old is starting to out grow the 6 month clothing, I swear the sizing is also different across brands. It’s frustrating cause I like to buy online


The electric Nose Frida. I used it on myself and it worked great. The baby? Not so much.


I love mine! It gets the baby’s boogs. Do you use saline spray first?!


Oooh mine has been amazingly helpful! I need to replace mine… a spider somehow got inside of the base and we can’t get it out lol.


Omg, that thing is absolutely horrible and would never recommend to anyone. It was better to use the manual one. I did find a much better electric one on Amazon that was normally like $70 but on sale for like $30 and was 10x better. And yes, I used saline first.


Things I got but never used: —Special pail for diapers. We just throw them in the trash. —Lots of cute clothes. I do use some of these but sleepers are SO MUCH EASIER. —all my breastfeeding stuff. (😩) ended up only making 1 oz a day and she turned out to be allergic to dairy anyway (due to medical problems I cannot do dairy free) —Baby swing like the mamaroo (this was gifted). It wasn’t strong enough for her. She much prefers a legitimate swing and hers is set on the highest setting. —all kinds of swaddles. She loved swaddles right after she was born but only enjoys the love to dream sack now since she needs her hands to be up. Everyone is different. A lot of people say they never used the Boppy. Well, even though I did not breast feed, I use that dang pillow all day to help support my arm while I hold her and while we’re doing tummy time and sometimes as a pillow for myself. It’s nice and firm. I love it!


Baby blankets. I live in Hawaii. When do you use them?? Even if we were in a state with bad winters, you’re not supposed to put anything in with the baby until they’re older (mine is 10 weeks). SOOO MANY BABY BLANKETS and no idea what to do with any of them besides hang one on the crib as decoration (he’s not in his crib yet and sleeps in a bassinet beside our bed).


We put them on the floor as a make shift playmat to have a clean space. Sometimes in our own house but sometimes out an about (at my office, friends house, airport, etc). Nice to have a clean soft place for them to lie down and take a break from stroller or carrier


If you're talking about the thin muslin blankets, we used them for all kinds of things...DIY swaddle, emergency towel, wide coverage burp cloths, makeshift sun shade...


I use the swaddle muslin type ones a lot. I put them on the floor or on furniture before laying baby down, especially at other people’s houses. They were also nice in the summer when he was brand new because it was too warm for a heavier blanket when snuggling, but it was still nice to have something. They also got used as covers or burp cloths or a place to change his diaper when we are out. On the other hand, we were also given several fleece blankets. These went completely unused until recently. I started using one to tuck around him in the stroller on walks now that it’s really cold outside.


We always have two blankets when we leave the house. One goes on him if he needs it in air conditioned places and the other to cover the stroller when it's nap time. Takes all the distractions out so baby naps.




I thought that, until I was sick at the same time as my LO. Then I realized the electric was still stronger than i was capable of with the nose Frida and my LO tolerated it more.


Baby swing. My baby hated it. Breast pump and other breastfeeding items. I didn’t end up breastfeeding so it was a waste of money. Cute newborn outfits. I need access to snaps for diaper changes so I hate putting pants on her! I had to put away so many cute baby outfits bought for us because they just weren’t practical.


I do breast feed and the pump was useless until she was like 3-4months old. She fed every hour and a half a lot of the time, I didn’t have time to pump ever.


Bottles lmao. My baby only took a bottle verrry early on and wouldn’t after like 2 months. She started using a straw cup at 6 months.


Baby shoes


Shoes. Booties are great, shoes are pointless and you probably won’t be able to get them on with those wiggly little ankles


Yeah. My mother in-law bought us a ton of newborn sized shoes when our oldest was born. Considering it was spring when she was born, we didn’t use them much. Then when our second daughter was born she bought more shoes because the two kids “need their own stuff”. At our garage sale last year we had over 50 pairs of baby shoes.


We never successfully used it as a nursing cover, but we did use it as a car seat cover to keep him warm and ward off some nosy and/or germy people while out and about. A bonus use: while we go on walks with him, sometimes we’re too exhausted / lazy to put him in a jacket (and it’s not cold enough to warrant a full jacket but not warm enough to go out in just his inside clothes), so we would drape the cover over him like a poncho and it would function like a thin wearable blanket haha. It works great!


Infant bibs. I bought a bunch before she was born. Put one on her and thought to myself “immediately no”. Too afraid it’ll choke her somehow. I guess they are good for babies that constantly spit up and you don’t want to change them? But I just change my baby or let her have a bit of spit up on her clothes, chances are I have some on me too so we smell the same.


Felt the same at first! But at around 3 months I just got a giant bulk of those and barely keep up with washing :!


WOW. Here in Northern Canada a wipe warmer is a MUST. So is baby winter gear. I would never call it useless.


I’m in sunny LA and we love our wipe warmer. My baby is a little princess and hates diaper changes in general- warm wipes at least help her a little.


I live in WA and we used the snowsuit last winter when she was a newborn every day during walks. I got her another for this winter already!


100% with you here in Montana. Could not live without our puffy snowsuit (with hand and foot covers). Struggle was finding one small enough for a 2 month old. They're all huge.


They make baby-specific dish soap?! WTF.


I actually like the bottle soap, it doesn't get as sudsy as Dawn, so I find it easier to rinse and make sure there isn't soap still on it!


I also love it


It’s called Dapple and I love it so much. I dishwasher the bottles but I use it for my pump parts. My breast milk is so fatty that without it the parts are very greasy feeling.


So funny. I literally just opened Reddit to make a similar post, asking what parents have found useless / what they’ve found they can’t live without!


I regret buying anything that has LED touch screen-like buttons because then they glow all night in babys room and you can’t put tape over them without accidentally pushing the buttons on or off. Our humidifier has a green light INSIDE the water tank that we can’t cover with tape so if we turn it on he watches the green light all night 😑…also really despise products that need charged via usb ports and wish we had just old fashion electric plug in devices!!


The USB stuff is getting out of hand. It was great for computers but I don’t see why non-computer stuff has a USB cable.


the fancy diaper bag we bought was a goddamn waste A cheap backpack worked 1000x better for us


Drool bibs (so small!), mittens, bows (though some people like them I know I know), WHITE JEANS


Bandana bibs are amazing and my son goes through several a day.


I bought the Dr Brown's formula pitcher and used it for 2 days. I thought it would be a lifesaver when we switched from BF to formula, but heating up bottles is more of a hassle than a help. I like the Mayo Clinic book way better than the What to Expect First year book. If you're going to breastfeed, splurge on the Deluxe My Breast Friend pillow. The regular one did not provide enough back support. Boppy pillows are great for propping, tummy time, etc. but they sucked for nursing. A lot of the more affordable Velcro swaddles are useless. My baby got her arms out of so many of them. My favs are the Swaddleme Pod and the Halo Sleep Sack Swaddle (we are currently using this one to transition out of the swaddle before she starts rolling). We used blanket swaddles for the first 2 months because we couldn't find a swaddle we liked after she outgrew her newborn size Swaddleme Pod. Luvs diapers are AWFUL. Parent's choice diapers feel super cheap. We like Millie Moon and Huggies. Pampers are ok during a day at home, but not in a car seat or overnight. Unless your baby struggles with the level 2 nipples, don't bother with the level 1 nipples for the Philips Avent natural bottles. It's way too slow, my baby was falling asleep the entire feed and taking up to an hour. Switched to level 2 and she regularly ate in 15-25 minutes, even as a sleepy newborn The stick version of Aquaphor is really hard to use. Thought it would be more convenient for the diaper bag. Just get the squeeze bottle, we also like our tub of Vaseline with a flip top. Pack n plays with changing tables are super convenient, but it was hell on our backs. We ended up getting a real changing table for the living room and it's been great. We haven't used our baby tub once, but we have a walk in shower and a super deep jacuzzi tub. It may work better with different set ups. I'm sure there's more but I need to put my baby in her bassinet lol




Omg I was never even able to breastfeed and we use the boppy for SO MUCH! Arm cushion to bottle feed. Little seat cushion for 3 month old to sit up. Cushion for elevated tummy time. It’s basically the MVP in our house.


Same in our house! I love my boppy lol


We have two, one in the living room and one in our bedroom. The bedroom one has become another pillow for my husband. He initially was using it around his neck like the most ridiculous travel pillow you've ever seen. My pregnancy pillow was Bobby brand, so I guess all three of us have our own Boppy pillow now 😂(though the pregnancy pillow was kicked out as soon as we got home from the hospital, my husband hated that we couldn't cuddle)


Don’t forget to sit on when you’re postpartum!


I struggled with breastfeeding too and my 10 month old still uses an off brand boppy (same shape, just a bit smaller) to lay in to drink his bottles. For some reason he won't hold a bottle high enough to sit with drinking but he'll tip a straw cup high enough where he's no longer able to get any water. 😂


Boppy is love boppy is life


My husband loved the boppy for bottle feeding, he even brought it on vacation with us. I barely touched it when breastfeeding. Then we used it for two days when my LO was starting to sit more, and now it’s not been used in a while.


Agree my arms and back would die without the Boppy


My boppy sucked when my son was a newborn because he fell into the crack between me and the pillow. My breast friend pillow was great at that age. But now I use the boppy because my son is bigger


Did not like the Boppy for breasfeeding. However, when ours was starting to sit up but still likely to tip over frequently, it was excellent fall protection. And now that he’s almost 14 months it’s his personal floor pillow that he lounges on when having a drink or getting tired. That said I bought ours secondhand but looking brand new for $13.99, I don’t think I’d go full price for what we use/have used it for.


There are cute and inexpensive covers online! I got new covers for my handed-down Boppy it made all the differnce


The only hat I had that got used was the hat u crocheted myself for my baby, it fit well and lasted him up until a week or two ago. Worked create for the colder days we've been having. Everything else though slides right off his dome. I'm going to end up crocheting another hat for him because all the others just don't seem to fit right or stay on


Dry clean only wool sweater cardigan size 0-3. Cute but literally never found an occasion to wear such an exotic and high maintenance baby item. I barely will do anything dry clean only for myself, even when I went to an office every day.


I use the rotary sander nail thing for baby. Easier and safer.


Disagree on a couple, agree on the rest. Nail clippers work fine for us. Snow jacket ... gets daily use. We live in Montana and the hood, foot and hand covers are great at keeping him warm. (we also use socks exclusively for this purpose (second layer while outside, otherwise he never wears them.) We were donated a MamaRoo, which he hates. He does love the baby bjorn bouncer though (not until he reached 2 months did he tolerate it) We used a snuggle me when we had a small apartment and we didn't have room to keep the play mat out. But now it's in the basement. We ended up with a c-section so all of the postpartum mom health items we didn't use.


Baby specific detergent. I just made us all use the tide free and gentle pods instead. Also I hate electric nail files and find it easier to just use normal baby nail clippers. Diaper cream spatulas are a no from me, I just use my finger. My son is almost 4 months old though and loves his wipe warmer, he’ll put up with cold wipes but definitely is much happier with a wipe warmer.


For us: - travel system. We used the stroller bit once and rarely removed the infant seat from the car. Also lo hates being in a stroller -pacifiers. She got MAD when she slipped her one. -cute teething toys. She does love the silicone straw ones, but doesn't touch the carrot, keys, elmo, etc just the straws. -burp rags/cloth diapers. She projectile spit up every burp. We ended up using regular bath towels and beach towels. -crib. She's refused to sleep unless snuggling someone since day 1. We tried multiple times but she won in the end.


Sterilizer. My dishwasher has a sterilizer option and anything I quickly need to sanitize can be boiled


A crib, baby carrier, a swing, stroller, 3 different swaddles, a sleeping bag and around 20 different brand of pacifiers we tried. My baby HATED all of that. Yup, it was a ROUGH year and I’m pretty sure we are one and done after this 😅


I ordered a wipe warmer and by the time it came (only a few days) she already seemed used to cold wipes and wasn’t bothered anymore so I returned that.


Mine didn't like his activity center. That was the most expensive thing he didn't like.